- AU ANUA 248
- Series
- 2004 - 2006
The email and electronic documents relate to Templeman’s role as head of Pandanus Books which published fiction, poetry, memoir and non-fiction works relating to Asia and the Pacific.
Templeman, Ian
19 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
The email and electronic documents relate to Templeman’s role as head of Pandanus Books which published fiction, poetry, memoir and non-fiction works relating to Asia and the Pacific.
Templeman, Ian
Administrative Guide master set
This series includes the first edition of the Administrative Guide, a copy of a later Volume II, and a reissue of Volume I in 1987. A copy of Volume I from the 1970s edition has not been located yet. The guide includes information about the governance of the University, procedures for appointment of staff, conditions of service for staff, information about administrative services available, filing and typing instructions, and information about University associations and facilities.
Australian National University
Registers of scholarship holders
The registers list students holding National Undergraduate Scholarships, Oriental Studies Scholarships (later Asian Studies), and Final Year Honours Scholarships and those who received payment as Undergraduate Assistants. The registers have been retained as a consolidated record of scholarship holders.
Office of the Registrar
Canberra University College annual reports and papers
This collection of reports and papers appears to have been maintained by Quentin Gibson, head of the Philosophy Department in the Faculty of Arts.
Canberra University College
Standing Committee of the Australian National University Council minutes
The original typewritten signed minutes are bound in dark blue hardback volumes. For the period 1951 to 1963 there are both originals (Box 1) and a duplicate unsigned set (Box 2).
Standing Committee
This series consists primarily of correspondence with judges and academics, but also includes copies of Sawer's satiric poetry including his 'Carmina Canberriensia' and his personal diaries which include draft poems and other personal observations.
Sawer, Geoffrey
Papers relating to the report on Lord Lindsay's complaints
This collection of papers relates to Lord Lindsay of Birker's complaints against the University contained in the manuscript 'A Study of Academic Standards: International Relations at the Australian National University' which he sent to the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Leslie Melville, on 19 June 1961. It includes copies of the confidential report written by a Committee appointed by Council and the personal files of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Keith Hancock, Professor Roy Wright and Sir John Crawford relating to the report.
Office of the Registrar
Records relating to 50th anniversary celebrations of ANU Department of History
There are two folders: one contains invitation lists, correspondence, photographs and other documentation of the celebrations held at Melville Hall on 3 December 1999, and the other contains completed ‘Graduate Survey Forms’ giving details of the careers of History graduates, some with formal curriculum vitae attached.
ANU Department of History
Material relating to 25th anniversary celebrations of ANU Women's Studies Department
This folder includes publicity material, program and annotated attendance list for the 25th anniversary celebrations of Women’s Studies at the University held on 3 May 2001.
Women's Studies Program, Faculty of Arts
Teaching and research materials for ANU Economic History courses
This collection includes material gathered by Professor Tucker including lecture notes and outlines, tutorial topics, reading guides, student essays and a bibliographic index on the history of economic thought, before and during his time as Professor of Economic History 1961–1979.
Tucker, Graham Shardalow Lee
ANU Department of Experimental Pathology publications
Off-prints and photocopies of articles and papers written by staff and students of the Department of Experimental Pathology are bound into annual volumes, dating from the Department’s establishment.
ANU Department of Experimental Pathology
This is a master set of press releases which were called ‘For the Press’, ‘Information for News Media’ and ‘Media Releases’ at various times. Most of the annual binders are indexed. The early press releases include a small amount of related correspondence, draft releases, press cuttings, the text of addresses given to special ceremonies and honour citations. Releases for 1999–2000 are not included and there are gaps for 2001–2002.
Office of the Registrar
Book of newscuttings about the Australian National University
The newscuttings are from the Canberra Times and other metropolitan newspapers and relate to the University including news and advertisements for jobs.
Office of the Registrar
Notes and extracts on international affairs and Victorian politics
This series of binders contain typescript pages which may be a manuscript for a proposed publication on international affairs between 1919 and 1948. Each binder appears to contain material for a chapter with later binders including information on dates, notes on books, and transcripts of documents. Item 9 is missing. The last item consists of annotated typescript ‘confidential notes’ about Victorian politicians, public servants and newspapers.
Eggleston, Frederic William
This series includes original poems by LH Allen, translations from Latin, Greek and German into English, translations from English into Latin, lectures on English and Classical literature, and scrapbooks.
Allen, Leslie Holdsworth
These are bound copies of theses written by students in the Departments of Experimental Pathology and Immunology. The majority are for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National University; exceptions to this are noted in the item title.
ANU Department of Experimental Pathology
Microfilm of Royal Astronomical Society minutes and signature book
The rolls of microfilm include copies of minute books of the Royal Astronomical Society in London (books 1–14) and a signature book, pages 1–114, the last signature being Francis Birch (1903–1992).
Royal Astronomical Society
This is a small collection of articles, speeches and reports written by Caiden who was a research fellow in Political Science, Research School of Social Sciences from 1961 to 1966.
Caiden, Gerald Elliot
Reviews of Research Schools at the ANU
These three binders include reports of review committees and comments by Faculty Boards on them for reviews of Research Schools and departments and centres within Research Schools.
Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies
This single folder contains copies of papers written by Webb: ‘World Trade and Employment’, September 1946, ‘The Future of International Trade’, Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, October 1951, and ‘International Commodity Problems’, statement by Chairman of the Australian delegation to the General Assembly, Dr ER Walker, December 1958.
Webb, Leicester Chisholm
ANU Press minutes, subject files and author files
The minutes are in the form of the Manager’s working files and cover the period 1980–1991 for the ANU Press Management Committee and the later Division of Publishing and Printing Management Committee and the ANU Press Editorial Committee. The subject and author files date mainly from 1984 when Permagon Press bought the ANU Press and had a representative on campus. The subject files cover submission, adoption and rejection of manuscripts, editing and graphic design, distribution, promotion and sales. Author files include biographical information, reviews, negotiations, contracts and royalty payments.
ANU Press
ANU Library accession registers
The leather-bound registers record all accessions to the ANU Library. Details include: author, title, publisher, date of publication, whether purchased or presented, and price.
University Library
Richard van der Riet Woolley's correspondence files
The correspondence files are organised into an alphanumeric subject system and cover addresses and visits by the Commonwealth Astronomer, visits to the Observatory, meetings of the Board of Visitors (Advisory Board) and annual reports. There are some staff files and photographs of observations, eg comets, on some files.
Woolley, Richard van der Riet
JJ Graneek papers and publications
There are folders of draft papers and lectures, some correspondence, photographs, a copy of Graneek’s Master of Arts thesis and a book prize presented to him in 1926.
Graneek, Jacob Jack
Research materials on John Dunmore Lang and Canadian education
These research materials were created or gathered by Trevor Wigney and reflect two of his research interests. The collection includes rare copies of the publications of John Dunmore Lang.
Wigney, Trevor John
ALG McDonald correspondence files
These folders contain correspondence, agenda and minutes of committees and reports relating to the early development of the University Library including accommodation at the University of Melbourne, building of the Menzies Library, association with the Canberra University College and relations with other University Librarians. Copies from McDonald’s diary 1948-1950 relating to the establishment of the library and his study tour to the United Kingdom and the United States of America are also included.
McDonald, Arthur Leopold Gladstone
The lists were compiled to show new acquisitions to the Library. Up to September 1966, separate monthly lists were compiled for the Institute of Advanced Studies and the School of General Studies libraries, then a joint monthly list from Oct 1966 to August 1967, and then a mostly fortnightly list.
University Library
These files contain reports and correspondence relating to the Canberra University College Library Committee. The amalgamation with the ANU Library is one subject covered.
Canberra University College
Canberra University College and ANU Library accession registers
The registers record all accessions of books to the Canberra University College Library and from 1960, to the ANU Library. Details recorded include: title, author, publisher, and when received. The D prefix in item 1 refers to books related to the course in Diplomatic Studies. The G prefix refers to Gifts – the donor’s name is also recorded. The microfiche are of a card catalogue which continued the earlier accession registers.
Canberra University College
ANU Library Statistical records
The seven notebooks record statistical details of accessions and monograph orders.
University Library
Articles on Old Canberra House and British High Commission
There are three articles: Early British diplomatic representation in Australia, Old Canberra House and the British Connection, and Canberra House – Westminster House, 1931–1993.
Barder, Jane
This is a typescript version of Shumack’s memoirs which relate to the early days of Canberra. He lived at ‘Duntroon’ from 1856 and then at ‘Springvale’ in Weetangera from 1866 to 1940. There is additional material such as obituaries, copies of death notices and letters at the back of the volume relating to Shumack, other family members and John Gale (1831–1929), Queanbeyan journalist.
Shumack, Samuel
Draft articles about Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
The typescript articles about Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific appear to be chapters for a proposed publication, as a published compilation has not been identified. Authors include Keith Sinclair (University of Auckland), Mary Boyd (University of Wellington), Deryck Scarr (ANU), M P K Sorrenson (University of Auckland), Joseph Jones (University of Texas), L F Crisp (ANU), Geoffrey Sawer (ANU), Sir John Crawford (ANU), C G F Simkin (University of Sydney), F W L Wood (University of Wellington), Norman Harper (Melbourne University).
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Federal Court transcripts, exhibits and awards concerning the Australian National University
The binders contain copies of transcripts, exhibits and awards relating to cases in the Federal Court brought by various unions relating to the Australian National University and other universities. The binders were maintained by the Industrial Library in the Human Resources Division.
Office of the Registrar
Canberra University College Council minutes
These are leather-bound volumes of the original signed minutes of the Council. Agenda papers such as reports from committees are also included.
Canberra University College
Minutes of ANU Library Committees
These are hard-bound volumes of the original signed minutes of the Library Committee.
Canberra University College
Canberra University College annual reports and accounts
This is a bound volume of the Registrar’s copies of annual reports and accounts. Reports for 1937 and 1938 are missing from this set.
Canberra University College
Plan of Canberra City and Environs
There are two versions of this plan of Walter Burley Griffin’s design for Canberra City which shows the proposed site for the National University. There is a negative of a lithograph (570 x 500mm) identified as 70/CAN/174A and printed copy (940 x 670mm) identified as 70/CAN/176. Griffin's design is overlain on a 1910 contour map provided to participants in the Federal Capital Design Competition.
Federal Capital Office
This collection includes teaching materials, publications, material relating to the theatre and travel, as well as family photographs and objects, including items of academic dress.
Tory, Ethel Elizabeth
This suede-bound volume contains a handwritten Roll of Convocation, listing members 1 to 201 from 1951 to 1952. It is not clear why it was not maintained for later years. There are numerous corrections to the numbering, spelling of names and the order of entries. There is a typed ‘Convocation List’ in the front cover and many of the names on this list are not in the volume, so it may be that the formal list in the volume was abandoned when further errors were discovered.
Office of the Registrar
Record of former members of the Australian National University
The forms headed ‘Record of former member of University’ record name, department, file number, ‘if married to another member of ANU, husband’s/wife’s name’, degree conferred, country of birth, country from which recruited, scholarships and posts at ANU, date left ANU and posts held subsequently. Most relate to students but also to students who became staff members. It appears that the forms were to be the basis of a research project using punch cards to analyse where students were recruited from, when they left (either 1948-57 or 1958-67) and their subsequent career. This appears to be an attempt to evaluate the success of recruitment and scholarship programs for ‘early scholars’. The data seems to go to 1960 when the ANU and Canberra University College amalgamated. There are three separate runs of forms with no apparent reason for this.
Office of the Registrar
ANU Congregation for Conferring of Degrees programs master set
These are printed programs for graduation ceremonies and for the conferring of honorary degrees.
Australian National University
Research notes for the ANU 50th anniversary history
The binders contain typed research notes prepared for the writing of the 50th anniversary history of the University by Stephen Foster and Margaret Varghese. There are often copies of source material (correspondence or other documents) attached to the notes. The dates listed against each folder on the item list refer to the period of time covered by the notes rather than their date of creation – there is material dated from 1904 included.
ANU History Project
Roneoed copies of seminar and conference papers presented at the earliest academic events at the University.
Australian National University
Natuni was an annual publication for members of Convocation, primarily graduates of the University and current and former staff. Issues held: No 1, Autumn 1980 – No 7, Winter 1988. There is a long gap between issues 5 and 6 with no issues published in 1984–1986.
Australian National University
The National Graduate master set
The National Graduate was a publication produced by Public Relations and designed to inform members of convocation about current activities and research being undertaken at the University. There are many gaps in this master set but it is not clear whether particular issues were produced. One issue of The Convocation News newsletter from 1990 is also included.
Australian National University
There are a variety of publications in this series: general publications on undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses available, the annual publication ‘Studying at the ANU’, information for overseas students, directories of services for students, leaflets about scholarships and special admission schemes, leaflets about studies in each faculty, and information about accommodation.
Australian National University
ANU Publications Listing master set
There is a consolidated listing for 1949–1956 and separate annual volumes for the period 1977–1981.
Australian National University
Speeches and lectures presented at the Australian National University
These are copies of speeches given on campus on various occasions including the John Curtin Memorial Lectures.
Australian National University
Mt Stromlo Observatory Publications
There are a number of versions of booklets and brochures relating to the Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories.
ANU Department of Astronomy
ANU Endowment for Excellence Annual Report master set
These are printed copies of the annual report for the Endowment for Excellence. Annual report for 2004 is missing from the set.
Australian National University
Publications about the Edith and Joy London Foundation
These are publications about the Edith and Joy London Foundation and the University’s coastal campus at Kioloa.
Australian National University
ANU Student Research Essays in Economic History master set
There are five booklets with essays by Sue Fenwick, Diane Whiteford, Stephen Haswell, Stephen Dodds and Ryl Fardell, published by the Department of Economic History, Faculty of Economics and Commerce.
ANU Department of Economic History, Faculty of Economics and Commerce
ANU University Co-op Credit Society Limited Annual Report master set
These are printed copies of the annual report of the University Co-op Credit Society Ltd.
University Co-op Credit Society Limited
ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering publications
The publications include a report on the 1962 explosion and Fire in the Belly, a fiftieth anniversary history, by T Ophel and J Jenkin.
Research School of Physics and Engineering
ANU Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies publications
The publications include an information booklet and Working Papers of the Economics Division.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
ANU Research School of Social Sciences publications
The publications include issues of Studies in Demography, Industrial Relations Papers and publications about the Botany Bay project.
ANU Research School of Social Sciences
There are irregular sets of printed Faculty guides for each of the Faculties which are various titled as faculty guides, information guides or similar. Faculty guides for the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Asian Studies, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Science.
Australian National University
ANU Strategic plans and reviews
These are printed copies of strategic plans, and background papers, submissions and reports of reviews.
Australian National University
Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee publications
These reports and submissions were published by the Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee on which the ANU is represented.
Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee
ANU Centre for Continuing Education publications
The publications include lists of publications and proceedings of a conference.
ANU Centre for Continuing Education
Research Schools, Centres and Divisions newsletters
The main newsletters represented are the Research School of Physical Sciences newsletter Advance, Research School of Biological Sciences newsletter Biologic, Research School of Earth Sciences newsletter Earth Sciences @ ANU, MedScience, ANU College of Science newsletter Science Wise, Australian Development Studies Network (RSSS) newsletter Development Bulletin, National Centre of Development Studies issues of Development, Social Science Data Archives (RSSS) National Social Science Survey Report, Humanities Research Centre newsletter HRC Bulletin, the New Guinea Research Unit Bulletin and Pacific Research.
Australian National University
These are printed copies of annual reports of the Faculties of Science, Asian Studies, Arts, Economics and Commerce, Law, and Engineering and Information Technology. There are also some annual reports for administrative units.
Australian National University
ANU orientation handbooks and programs
The handbook is an annual publication published by the Students’ Association for new students to the University. The programs relate to events in Orientation Week, usually the last week in February or the first week in March.
ANU Students' Association
University House (ANU) publications
This collection of publications includes copies of Members’ News and Notes (1970-1986, 1996–1997), publications about the Leonard French artworks Genesis: The Seven Days, and other publications relating to University House.
University House
Publications of University Centres
This collection of publications includes an incomplete run of the Australia-Japan Research Centre’s Pacific Economic Papers and various annual reports.
Australian National University
Visitors to the Australian National University master set
This monthly publication lists expected visitors to the University for the coming month, particularly academic staff visiting from other universities. Early issues also include new members of staff. The list indicates whether the visitor is accompanied by their wife, and from 1967 ‘their wife (or husband)’.
ANU University Information
Newsletters include Owls and Fowls from 1956 produced by the General Staff Association, Apropos issued by the Secretary, Warwick Williams, in the 1980s, RSBS News from the Research School of Biological Sciences, Hexagon from the Research Schools of Social Sciences and Pacific Studies, and Staff News, published by the Public Affairs Division.
Australian National University
Index to envelope series of ANU photographs
This is an alphabetical subject index to the envelope series of photographs maintained by University Information later known as the Public Affairs Division. There are alphabetical tabs but entries are not in alphabetical on the pages. Careful handling is recommended as some pages have been ripped and have been placed in protective sleeves.
Office of the Registrar
ANU Ceremonial Naming Committee agenda and minutes
The minutes are of meetings of the Ceremonial and Naming Committee (later, the Naming Committee) which reported to the ANU Council.
ANU Ceremonial and Naming Committee
Directory of ANU Research Fields master set
This publication lists academic staff with their contact details by research field.
Australian National University
ANU Students' Association records
Subject files on the ANU Students Association, Australian Union of Students and ANU Law School Action Group, including notes, correspondence, position papers, circulars and printed material.
Redpath, William
ANU undergraduate prospectus master set
The Undergraduate Prospectus set outs in detail the courses offered in the coming year.
Australian National University
ANU Board of the School of General Studies minutes and agenda papers
These are original signed minutes and agenda papers in bound volumes. Minutes and agenda paper for the Board of the School of General Studies from 1960 - 1980, and Board of the Faculties from 1980 - 2004. The first volume of each year contains an index to the meetings.
Board of the ANU School of General Studies
ANU Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies minutes
The original typed and signed minutes are bound in dark blue hardback volumes.
Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies
ANU Finance Committee minutes and agenda papers
The original signed and bound minutes and agenda papers of the Finance Committee of Council are in boxes 1-7. Duplicates are held for 1946-1963 and 1995-1996 in boxes 8-10.
Finance Committee
ANU Audit Committee minutes and agenda papers
These are the original signed minutes and agenda papers of the Audit Committee of Council.
ANU Audit Committee
ANU Building and Grounds Committee minutes and agenda papers
These are the original signed minutes and agenda papers of the Building and Grounds Committee (known as the Advisers on Buildings and Grounds from August 1951 to October 1960). There is a gap between 7 April 1989 and 20 March 1992 when the Committee is said to be ‘re-established’. There are duplicate copies for the period 1947–1970 and copies of minutes of joint meetings between the Advisers on Building and Grounds and the Board of Graduate Studies’ Site Development Committee 1954–1957 in boxes 4–5.
Building and Grounds Committee
Minutes of ANU Joint Faculty Board and Faculty meetings
These are minutes of meetings of the Joint Faculty Board (1951-1960) and the Joint Faculty (1951-1965) of the two Research Schools.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Australian National University Council minutes
The original signed minutes of both the Interim Council (1946–1951) and the Council (from 1951) are bound in dark blue hardback volumes. For the period 1946 to 1962 there are both originals (Box 1) and an unsigned duplicate set (Boxes 2 and 3).
ANU Advisers on Legislation Committee minutes
The minutes are bound in dark blue hardback volumes. Original minutes are typed and signed and there are also duplicate copies of minutes for the period 1952 to 1963.
Advisers on Legislation
ANU Academic Advisory Committee minutes
The Academic Advisory Committee was appointed by the Interim Council to provide advice on the establishment of the ANU. The initial members were Sir Howard Florey, Professor Keith Hancock (replaced by Professor KC Weare in 1949), Professor Mark Oliphant (till 1950) and Professor Raymond Firth and they met in Oxford. The original minutes are signed. A reference set of the minutes (Box 2) will be issued in the reading room.
Academic Advisory Committee
ANU Publications Committee minutes
There are two volumes of original signed minutes of the Committee 1955–1967 (Box 1) and a one-volume duplicate set 1955–1963 (Box 2).
Publications Committee
ANU Editorial Committee minutes
There is one volume of signed minutes of the Committee.
Editorial Committee
ANU Press Editorial Board minutes
There is one volume of signed minutes of the Editorial Board.
ANU Press Editorial Board
ANU Press Management Committee minutes
There is one volume of signed minutes of the Committee.
ANU Press Management Committee
Minutes of ANU Faculty Board and Faculty meetings
There is a complete run of minutes from 1951 to 2000. Items 1–5 are signed originals. From 1961 joint minutes of Faculty and Faculty Board meetings were taken and bound together. Items 11 and 12 are duplicate bound sets and 13 and 14 are minutes of the School Committee and the Academic Matters Standing Committee not included in the bound set.
ANU Research School of Social Sciences
Minutes of the ANU Governing Board and Management Committee
The original typed minutes of meetings of the Board, signed by the Master of University House as Chairman, are pasted into binders. From 16 December 1986, the minutes of the Management Committee are also included. There is one hard-bound volume of duplicate minutes for 1953-1958.
University House
Papers relating to the development of the ANU Equal Employment Opportunity Program
The correspondence, conference papers and reports relate to the development of the University’s Equal Employment Opportunity Program and include material from other universities. Contents date from 1974.
Sawer, Marian
Canberra School of Music correspondence files, annual single number series
The earliest files in this series relate to the Canberra School of Music and the Canberra School of Art. From 1987 the files relate to the Canberra Institute of the Arts, an amalgamation of the Schools. In 1992 the Institute transferred from the ACT Government to become part of the Australian National University. The series includes minutes of meetings of the Councils or Boards for all these bodies and files about graduation ceremonies, celebrations and donations.
Canberra School of Music
Australian National University Council minutes, agenda papers and reports
This series includes Council minutes, agenda papers and reports of the School of Music before its amalgamation with the Canberra School of Art to become the Canberra Institute of the Arts.
Canberra School of Music
Cambridge Australia Trust correspondence, papers of annual general meetings and applications
This series documents the granting of scholarships to Cambridge University by the Cambridge Australia Trust, which was known as the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, Australian Committee until 1997.
Cambridge Australia Trust
Registers of ANU research protocols
The series consists of research proposals by staff and students which are considered against established protocols by the Committee. There are separate registers for Psychology, Science Communications, Medical, and Sociology for 1997–1999, and registers for Archaeology and Anthropology, Legal, and the Institute of the Arts for 1999. The registers are contolled by an annual single number with alphabetical prefix indicating the subject, eg P=Psychology, SC=Science Communications. In 1999 a new consolidated annual single number system was introduced, eg 1999/25, irrespective of subject.
ANU Ethics in Human Experimentation Committee
ANU Chancellor Peter Baume's correspondence
The Chancellor’s correspondence ranges over many subjects from administrative, political and educational issues to drop copies of documents and invitations.
Baume, Peter Erne
ANU Pro-Chancellor Annabelle Bennett's correspondence
The Pro-Chancellor’s correspondence covers educational issues, administrative arrangements and invitations and dates from November 1998 to September 1999.
Bennett, Annabelle Claire