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Industrial Relations Society of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC N243
  • Deposit
  • 1943 - 1980

Minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records and transcripts of committee proceedings, published material, newspaper clippings and pamphlets.

Industrial Relations Society of Australia

Pitt, Son and Badgery Limited deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N32
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1972

Annual reports, share register, printed material 'Rising Sun', employees ledgers, minute books, financial records, wool and produce records and property accounts ledger.

Pitt, Son and Badgery Limited

Goldsbrough Mort and Company Head Office records

  • AU NBAC N109
  • Deposit
  • 1854 - 1965

Records include ledgers, board records, records of Canonbar, Corinda, Mulgawarrina and Dumble Stations and correspondence.

Goldsbrough Mort and Company

The Australian Estates Company Australian Office microfilm deposit 2

  • AU NBAC M87
  • Deposit
  • 1894 - 1912

Microfilm copy of records held by the company in Melbourne:

  1. Reports and accounts 1895: comparative results of sugar estates operations, 1894 - 1895
  2. Valuation of freehold and leasehold properties 1909: class V sugar estates, pp. 55-61
  3. Mackay Estates annual reports 1901 - 1912
  4. Kalamia Estate annual reports 1903 - 1912

The Australian Estates Company Limited

The Australian Estates Company Australian Office deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z200
  • Deposit
  • 1886 - 1977

Records of the company, and its predecessors, held in this deposit include letter books; Wool Department records; reports; Pastoral Department records including minutes, budget, reports and maps 1919-1949; station annual reports; pastoral and sugar accounts; ledger cards, journal sheets and cash books. Records of the following subsidiary companies are held in this deposit and consist of financial records, working papers, wages book, native wages books, maintenance and child endowment records 1961-1968: Estates Buildings Pty Ltd; Barkley Transport Co; Eva Downs Pastoral Co; Walhallow Pastoral Co; Meredith Menzies and Co (Milllungra station); Creswell Downs Pastoral Co; a time book of the Seaforth (sugar) Estate; and photographs of stud sheep are also included.

The Australian Estates Company Limited

The Australian Estates Company Australian Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 5
  • Deposit
  • 1885 - 1950

The deposit consists of station accounts and annual reports (for the following stations: Boolcarrol; Brookong; Cambridge Downs; Currango; Elderslie; Kilcummin; Manuka; Mount Margaret; Normanby; The Overflow; Panjee; Piangobla; Springfield;Thackaringa; Tiltagara; Tindarey; and Wambrook).
The station papers for Boolcarrol; Brookong; Kilcummin; Manuka; Normanby; Piangobla; and Thackaringa stations are a miscellaneous collection of letters, memos and notes, often including statistical comparisons between various stations, or between various years on the one station. Includes photographs and a map of "Terrick Terrick" station and extracts from "The Central Queensland Herald" re Blackall Centenary 1946. The material in this deposit was held at the Australian Head Office in Melbourne.

The Australian Estates Company Limited

The Australian Estates Company London Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 158
  • Deposit
  • 1895 - 1970

The deposit consists of financial papers and reports held at the company's Head Office in London; annual accounts, financial statements and reports from the Australian Head Office (Melbourne) and branch offices, as well as accounts and reports from stations. Additional material relating to subsidiary companies is also included. The station annual reports show the state of station accounts, shearing and lambing returns, land and stock statements, and reports from station managers and inspectors. The deposit also contains Head Office (London) ledgers, cash books and journals, as well as a cash book of the Union Mortgage & Agency Company of Australia Ltd 1900-1908.

The Australian Estates Company Limited

Builders' Labourers' Federation Queensland Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N351
  • Deposit
  • 1939 - 1971

Correspondence of Queensland branch, copies of Federal Council and Federal Management Committee minutes, and photocopy of General Labourers' Union of Australasia minute book, Brisbane (1889-1891).

Australian Building Construction Employees' and Builders' Labourers' Federation

Amalgamated Footwear and Textile Workers' Union, Tasmanian Branch

  • AU NBAC N342
  • Deposit
  • 1987 - 1991

Minutes 1988-1990, correspondence 1987-1989, correspondence from the National Council Textile Division 1987-1990, correspondence from the Tasmanian Trades Council 1987-1989, correspondence from the Tasmanian Industrial Commission 1987-1989, workers' compensation inwards correspondence 1988-1990, Australian Electoral Commission inwards correspondence 1988-1990, union returns membership lists for employers 1990-1991.

Amalgamated Footwear and Textile Workers' Union of Australia

CSR Limited Goondi Mill deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N341
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1942

The deposit from Goondi Mill (Queensland) consists of letter books 1892-1920; engineers reports and notes 1890-1941; union claims and labour matters 1939-40; Royal Commission on Sugar questionnaire 1942.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Australian Timber Industry Stabilisation Conference deposit

  • AU NBAC N326
  • Deposit
  • 1959 - 1987

Minutes, conference papers, correspondence and subject files, membership lists, financial records, draft history of predecessor Eastern States Timber Industry Stabilisation Conference.

Australian Timber Industry Stabilisation Conference

John Dutruc-Moore collection

  • AU NBAC N298
  • Deposit
  • 1900s

A hand-written volume titled An Anthology of Radical and Working Class Poems given by Mrs Angela ('Annie') Westbrook, a founder of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in Western Australia, to John Dutruc-Moore. Volume includes poems, ballads, and songs.

Dutruc-Moore, John

Fred Farrall manuscript

  • AU NBAC N302
  • Deposit
  • 1987 - 1988

Anonymous manuscript Life of Fred Farrall submitted for the story-writing Bread and Cheese Club’s Litchfield Prize in 1988 with the introduction by Manning Clark.

Farrall, Frederick T

Radical Left Bookshops and Publishers collection

  • AU NBAC N308
  • Deposit
  • 1989 - 1990; 1993

Newsletters and papers relating to the Left Book Club Co-operative Ltd, song lyrics and video of launch of Audrey Johnson's 'Bread and Roses' and papers about closure of International Bookshop in Melbourne.

The International Bookshop

Con Zaglas and Michael Doogan papers

  • AU NBAC N309
  • Deposit
  • 1974 - 1984

Reports, press cuttings and publications relating to industrial matters and the motor vehicle building industry in Victoria; minutes, reports, leaflets, correspondence, circulars relating to Australia-Asia Workers Links, the Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union and the Transnational Information Exchange.

Doogan, Michael

Gerry Whittle collection

  • AU NBAC N310
  • Deposit
  • 1964 - 1970

Records relating to triennial elections of the Victorian Branch of the Electrical Trades Union of Australia, the Australian Labor Party, the Fabian Society, the Gippsland Trades and Labour Council and the Australian Administrative Staff College. Includes correspondence, reports, circulars, newsletters, leaflets and press cuttings.

Whittle, Gerry

Mal Sandon Collection

  • AU NBAC N312
  • Deposit
  • 1962 - 1975

Photocopy of the PhD thesis Watersiders Militancy: An Historical Case Study of the Development of Militancy in an Industrial Union by Mal Sandon, printed material on waterfront activities, Vietnam War conscription, communism and socialism.

Sandon, Malcolm John

Archie Dawson Collection

  • AU NBAC N314
  • Deposit
  • 1960 - ?

Report on ACTU delegation to China. Published history of demarcation disputes, strikes and lockouts to 1844.

Dawson, Archie H

New Parliament House Site deposit

  • AU NBAC N317
  • Deposit
  • 1982 - 1988

Union files for the New Parliament House construction site in Canberra (1982–1988), award and site packages, reports, arbitration and industrial papers, membership records, bulletins and circulars, notes, documents re election of officers and a certificate. Includes records from the Transport Workers' Union, the Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, the Electrical Trades Union and the Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union.

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union

Miriam Dixson Collection

  • AU NBAC N319
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1968

Printed material, newsletters and research notes relating to trade unionism and the Eureka Stockade.

Dixson, Miriam

W P Evans Collection

  • AU NBAC N323
  • Deposit
  • c. 1875 - 1973

Memoir and history of industrial relations in Australia, 1907–1970, and of the Federated Engine Drivers and Firemens Association in particular.

Evans, William Peter

Pete Thomas papers

  • AU NBAC N324
  • Deposit
  • 1954 - 1991

Manuscript, correspondence, research papers, his own pamphlets and other printed material; correspondence and photographs of the North Queensland representatives on the Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement, 1964; sculptures presented to Pete Thomas.
(See also his letters in the Judy Gillett Collection, N151).

Thomas, Harvey Alfred Pete

CSR Limited Glanville Refinery deposit

  • AU NBAC N329
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1991

Refinery Managers' conference papers, production data sheets and reports.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

John McGuire Collection

  • AU NBAC N331
  • Deposit
  • 1991

Oral history interviews with Edgar Ross & Claude Jones (audio tapes). Edgar Ross was born on 20 November 1904; brother of union leader Lloyd Ross; Editor of Common Cause; member of the Communist Party of Australia; member of the Miners' Federation since 1929; appointed Amenities Officer, Miners' Federation and involved in the 1949 National Miners Strike; editor of the Miners Union Newspaper; thirty years on the Executive of the Labor Council of New South Wales; member of the Australian Journalists' Association; serving as a delegate to ACTU Congress. Claude Jones was Queensland president of the Communist Party of Australia and a national CPA figure. He was an unsuccessful CPA candidate for the 1953 New South Wales state elections, and Queensland candidate for the 1954 and 1955 federal elections.

McGuire, John

Australian Journalists' Association, New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N332
  • Deposit
  • 1929 - 1947

Minute books from NSW Provincial District Committee (Newcastle) 1937-1941, 1945-1947 and minute books from the Northern Sub-District 1929-1936. Also includes a Bachelor of Arts thesis, 'The Brisbane Journalist: a study of some occupational characteristics, with particular reference to journalism as a profession and the education of journalists' by Brian Hart, University of Queensland, 1970.

Australian Journalists' Association

Marj MacGregor and Les Bowling papers

  • AU NBAC N333
  • Deposit
  • 1984 - 1992

Papers mainly relating to the building industry and unions in Canberra, 1985-1992 and papers relating to White Industries Pty Ltd Canberra National Convention Centre site. Includes subject files, minutes, diary and note book, printed material, posters, cartoons, stickers and a flag.

MacGregor, Marj

Records Management Association of Australia NSW Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z360
  • Deposit
  • 1968 - 1975

Administrative records of various Branch officers: Tom Lovett's papers 1968-1975; Peter Davidson's papers 1969-1979; Robert Trowbridge's papers 1971-1980; Jenny Fosters' papers 1972-1977; Cec Partington's papers 1976-1983; and publications 1971-1983. Includes minutes of meetings, correspondence, membership records, financial records, newsletters, education matters, branch and federal council matters.

Records Management Association of Australia

Records Management Association of Australia Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC Z306
  • Deposit
  • 1969 - 1990

Minutes and reports, agenda and meeting papers, subject files, cassette tapes, and publications on microfiche. Subject files consist of publicity material, registers, correspondence, conference records, legal documents, membership records, and branch development.

Records Management Association of Australia

Elmina Station deposit

  • AU NBAC N239
  • Deposit
  • 1896 - 1971

Station records by Fletcher Brothers (1907 - 1927) and Baker Brothers (1922 - 1971) including wages books, ledgers and journals, work diaries, correspondence, financial records, station reports, stock returns, wool records, rainfall figures and maps. Includes Fletcher Brothers' Ularanda Station records and records of other Baker Brothers stations in Queensland: Ashling, Gowrie, Lulworth, and Tongy Stations.

Elmina Station

Jack and Ruth Davison deposit

  • AU NBAC P117
  • Deposit
  • 1891 - 1994

Minutes, correspondence, notes, photographs and printed material about Lidcombe Emergency Relief Workers (Sydney), 1933–1934; Amalgamated Engineering Union, Sydney 4th Branch, 1935–1944; and the AEU Retired Members Association, Sydney District, 1965–1974; printed material and press cuttings re Mrs L Cullen (suffragette); structural engineering notebooks and map.

Davison, John William

C H Campbell collection

  • AU NBAC P81
  • Deposit
  • 1944 - 1947

Correspondence and press cuttings related to Campbell's positions as an official in the Australia-India Association (1944 - 46), as Indonesian Trade Commissioner in Australia (1946 - 47), and his interests in the Indonesian independence movement. Also includes correspondence and printed material re conditions of Papuan seamen, operation of his companies, and photographs.

Campbell, Clarence Hart

Australian Nursing Federation, ACT Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z209
  • Deposit
  • 1961 - 2009

Minutes of general, sub-committee, branch and federal council meetings, correspondence, subject files re nurses education, reports, submissions, industrial records re agreements and awards, papers re a work value survey, membership registers, press cuttings and publications including Australian Nursing journals.

Australian Nursing Federation

Australian Council of Trade Unions deposit 6

  • AU NBAC Z700
  • Deposit
  • 1959 - 2009

Congress minutes (1975-2009), Executive meeting papers (1996-2005), arbitration and subject files.

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited deposit 4

  • AU NBAC 96
  • Deposit
  • 1878 - 1963

Deeds, agreements and other legal papers of the London office of Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited.

Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited

Victorian Printers Operatives' Union deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N246
  • Deposit
  • 1953 - 1992

Minute books of Managing Committee, Executive and general meetings, diaries (1978; 1985), membership book (1981-1982), agreements, subscription/collection books, union crest, newspaper cuttings and photographs.

Victorian Printers Operatives' Union

Federated Australian University Staff Association deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z239
  • Deposit
  • 1956 - 1993

Correspondence and subject files including constitution, Executive minutes (1964-1993), committee minutes, case files, and files on conditions of employment.

Federated Australian University Staff Association

Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union Construction and General Division posters

  • AU NBAC Z646
  • Deposit
  • 1995 - 2003

Printed posters produced by the Construction and General Division, National Office or New South Wales Branch or the Building Trades Group of Unions relating to occupational health and safety issues, workers' rights, the C+Bus superannuation scheme and other issues.

Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union

Resch's Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC N139
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1972

The original items N139-1 to 48 have been microfilmed and are available as deposit M88. They include brewing manuals, ledgers, cash books and other financial records. Items N139-49 to 331 include brewery office files, correspondence, plans and drawings re alterations to Waverley Brewery, Kent Brewery and Blue Bow factories, plans relating to hotel and property development, and memorabilia.

Resch's Limited

Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N133
  • Deposit
  • 1911 - 1992

Minutes of Federal Council (1911-1992) and Federal Executive (1944-1984 with gaps), correspondence, subject files including membership lists, industrial files, arbitration transcripts, Federal Court case files about dispute with New South Wales breakaway union, financial records, posters, site plans of General Motors Holden buildings in Pagewood (NSW), Fisherman's Bend and Dandenong (Victoria), photographs of initial conference, union officials, parades, demonstrations, picnics and working conditions, printed material and International Trade Union pennants.

Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union of Australia

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 75
  • Deposit
  • 1865 - 1958

Correspondence, legal and financial records, statistics relating to company properties in Australia, station reports, Melbourne and Geelong ledgers, maps and plans. Also includes records relating to Freehold Trust Company of Australia Limited consisting of minutes (1888-1899), agreements, list of shareholders (188-1898), details of debenture repayments and attendance books; records of Australian Sheep Farms Limited consisting of minutes (1925-1939), register of members, register of directors, share transfer journal (1936-1938), register of mortgages and bonds (1930-1937).

Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited

Federated Furnishing Trade Society South Australian Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N98
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1984

The records include Branch minutes, Federal Council and Federal Executive minutes, subject files, correspondence files, finanical records, printed records, a diary, meeting attendance book and miscellaneous material.

Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia

Microfilm copy of Victorian Tailoresses' Association records

  • AU NBAC M86
  • Deposit
  • 1882 - 1884

Microfilm copy of Victorian Tailoresses' Association records: membership register 1882-1883 (N84-3) and Strike Attendance Book, 1883-1884 (E138-4-1 & 2).

Victorian Tailoresses' Association

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union New South Wales Branch records

  • AU NBAC Z216
  • Deposit
  • 1944 - 1984

This deposit includes minutes of annual, general and special committee meetings, copies of Federal Council minutes (1969-1983), annual reports, rules, subject files, printed material and papers relating to various logs of claims.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union

J E Coleman Collection

  • AU NBAC P119
  • Deposit
  • 1938 - 1975

Subject files on the women’s movement, East Timor, Aborigines, anti-Vietnam War, Palestine, etc. Pamphlets, serials, minutes and printed material relating to the Socialist Workers League.

Coleman, J E

Federated Coopers of Australia New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N320
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1976

Minutes of NSW Branch (1965-1976) and federal conferences (1928-1966), certificate of registration for Journeymen Coopers' Society of NSW, awards, rules and badges.

Journeymen Coopers' Society of New South Wales

Staff Amenities and Welfare Association (ANU) deposit

  • AU NBAC N71
  • Deposit
  • 1954 - 1976

This deposit contains minutes (1954-1971), office files, financial records, membership records (1966-1976), audio recording of 1975 annual general meeting and printed material.

Staff Amenities and Welfare Association (Australian National University) Incorporated

Glenrock and Kuriong Stations deposit

  • AU NBAC N6
  • Deposit
  • 1913 - 1920; 1941 - 1946

Station records including ledger, day and wool book for Glenrock Station, ledger and cash book for Kuriong Station.

Glenrock Station

Lithgow and District Six Hours and Labor Day Committee deposit

  • AU NBAC N52
  • Deposit
  • 1938 - 1964

Correspondence and financial records, photographs, publications and miscellaneous material relating to the last Six Hours and Labor Day demonstration held in Lithgow in 1963. Includes records of predecessor the Lithgow and District Eight Hours and Labor Day Committee.

Lithgow and District Six Hours and Labor Day Committee

Frank Campbell Collection

  • AU NBAC N54
  • Deposit
  • 1923 - 1981

Annotated correspondence, reports, transcripts and printed material re the Queensland Shop Assistants’ Union.

Campbell, Frank

O J Ratford deposit

  • AU NBAC N47
  • Deposit
  • 1926 - 1976

Minutes, office files and financial records of Canberra Steam Laundry Ltd and Bel Air Dry Cleaning & Laundering Pty Ltd. Also includes financial records of Ossie Ratford's clients: R A Stewart (sheep and cattle farmer); J B Reilly (dental surgeon); Graziers Limited (pastoral company); S Frederiksen (sheep and cattle farmer); P F and T A Corkhill (farmers).

Canberra Steam Laundry Limited

Northern Territory Land Company deposit

  • AU NBAC N224
  • Deposit
  • 1882 - 1982

One folder with annual reports (1882 - 1981), balance sheets, notices of meetings, statements re take-over offers, Chairman's address at 1982 meeting, and related material. Reports for the following years are not held in the set: 1896, 1898-99 , 1901 , 1907, 1918, 1924, 1940, 1943, 1947, 1953, 1956 and 1970.

Northern Territory Land Company Limited

Trust and Agency Company of Australasia deposit 4

  • AU NBAC Z214
  • Deposit
  • 1861 - 1977

Corporate and accounting records including minutes, share register, register of mortgages, agreement and certificate of incorporation, correspondence, register of seals, printed annual reports and accounts.

Trust and Agency Company of Australasia Limited

H F Penny Collection

  • AU NBAC N80
  • Deposit
  • 1910 - 1960

This deposit consists of speeches, notes and poetry, press cuttings, leaflets and pamphlets relating to the single tax movement.

Penny, Henry Frederick

Unemployed People's Union, Sydney deposit

  • AU NBAC N283
  • Deposit
  • 1972 - 1981

Papers, reports and publications re unemployment relating to Parramatta and Inner City branches. See also Joe Owens collection (personal papers).

Unemployed People's Union, Sydney

Australian Government Senior Executive Association deposit

  • AU NBAC N217
  • Deposit
  • 1957 - 1993

Records of the Federal Council, Victorian and ACT Branches consisting of minutes, correspondence, historical papers, reports, newsletters, financial and membership records, submissions and publications. ACT Branch records include Treasurer's files. There is one set of minutes from the New South Wales Branch annual general meeting.

Australian Government Senior Executives Association

Bishop Engineering deposit

  • AU NBAC Z343
  • Deposit
  • 1941 - 1982

Correspondence and subject files, quotations and specifications, financial records, client files, press clippings, plans and printed materials.

Bishop Engineering Proprietary Limited

Ian Hudson Collection

  • AU NBAC N103
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1986

Correspondence, research files, printed material and photographs relating to Ian Hudson's research on the history of the timber industry in NSW. The research files hold information on a number of NSW timber companies and industry organisations, such as Allen Taylor & Co, Clyde Sawmilling Co Pty Ltd, Amalgamated Timbers Pty Ltd and the Associated Country Sawmillers of NSW. They also include notes on and/or transcripts of interviews with a number of people involved in the industry, including Tom and Robert Kirk, Stanley W Gentle, C A Lembke, Harry Luke and Leslie Hobbs.

Hudson, Ian George

Coal industry press cuttings

  • AU NBAC Z357
  • Deposit
  • 1980 - 1988

Binders of press cuttings and photocopies of press cuttings, arranged chronologically, relating to coal resources, industrial relations, coal production and export.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Wendy Brazil collection

  • AU NBAC N202
  • Deposit
  • 1970 - 1990

Research files from the office of Liberal Senator D J Hamer for speeches in the Australian Parliament between 1980-1990, particularly relating to industrial relations, including copies of speeches, drafts, research notes, newspaper articles and printed material.

Brazil, Wendy Marelle Harley

Australian Institute of Petroleum deposit

  • AU NBAC Z373
  • Deposit
  • 1954 - 1987

A collection of press cuttings, media releases, stock exchange notices, company information, media transcripts arranged in files by subject and on microfiche . Subjects relate to Australian and international oil and gas exploration and development, petrochemicals, coal, pollution, research, accidents, health and safety, trade practices and legislation, energy crisis, conservation, and miscellaneous oil and petroleum companies.

Australian Institute of Petroleum Limited

J L J Wilson papers

  • AU NBAC N118
  • Deposit
  • 1966 - 1976

Research papers related to the development of an independent education authority for the ACT. Includes correspondence, copies of minutes, agendas, drafts and copies of reports and papers, submissions, news clippings and other material.

Wilson, John Lascelles Jenner

Australian Association of Scientific Workers New South Wales Division deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E101A
  • Deposit
  • 1939 - 1948

Records of the NSW Division including copies of minutes (1940-1947), constitution and branch by-laws, correspondence, committee papers, membership records, financial records, conference papers, subject files, circulars and printed material.

Australian Association of Scientific Workers

Australian Association of Scientific Workers Federal Council deposit

  • AU NBAC E101B
  • Deposit
  • 1939 - 1949

Federal Council minutes (1939-1949), constitution and by-laws, correspondence with Divisions and organisations, registration papers, annual reports, records of state Divisions, financial records and printed material.

Australian Association of Scientific Workers

Ularunda and Elmina Stations deposit

  • AU NBAC 14
  • Deposit
  • 1877 - 1955

Station records for Ularunda and Elmina stations including letterbooks, wages books, ledgers and journals, correspondence, financial records, station reports and stock returns, wool books, and maps.

Ularunda Station

Fort Bourke Station deposit

  • AU NBAC 63
  • Deposit
  • 1903 - 1947

Legal documents including agreements, crown grants, contracts and endorsements of transfers, mortgage, motor vehicle policies, and correspondence. Some of the documents have been numbered in blue pencil but the significance of this is unclear.

Fort Bourke Station

Lower Coolegong Station deposit

  • AU NBAC 92
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1908

Letterbooks including copies of letters sent by John Maroney on station and personal matters.

Lower Coolegong Station

Clifton Estate deposit

  • AU NBAC 93
  • Deposit
  • 1911 - 1914

Letterbook including copies of letters sent by RR Mackellar, Manager of Clifton Estate on general and station business.

Clifton Estate

R A McKillop and Company deposit

  • AU NBAC 102
  • Deposit
  • 1904 - 1964

Financial records, correspondence, desk diaries, and miscellaneous papers.

R A McKillop and Company Limited

Bukalong Station deposit

  • AU NBAC 108
  • Deposit
  • 1869 - 1968

Letters, financial and taxation records, sales records, station papers, Garnock family records

Bukalong Station

Newcastle Coal Limited (Blair Athol) deposit

  • AU NBAC 129
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1926

Memorandum and article of association, minute book, share register, financial records, agreement and orders issued by the Commonwealth of Australia.

Newcastle Coal Limited (Blair Athol)

County of Bourke Permanent Building and Investment Society deposit

  • AU NBAC 21
  • Deposit
  • 1877 - 1924

Index cards containing information about loan applications. Applications from 1877 to 1896 are unnumbered and applications 1451 - 1600 from 1909-1910 are not included.

County of Bourke Permanent Building and Investment Society

J B Scott Collection

  • AU NBAC P3
  • Deposit
  • 1911 - 1957

Pamphlets published by the political and industrial labour movements.

Scott, James B

Ray Marginson collection

  • AU NBAC P6
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1953

Political pamphlets, books and serials, including material on banking legislation, the ALP and referenda; papers relating to the Victorian Fabian Society; catalogues and programmes.

Marginson, Raymond David

Brian Fitzpatrick collection

  • AU NBAC P7
  • Deposit
  • 1917 - 1953

Printed material, notably publications of the Australian Council for Civil Liberties, and includes a constitution, enrolment form and annual report. Also includes books by W G Burchett and T A Coghlan.

Fitzpatrick, Brian Charles

Alan Barcan papers

  • AU NBAC P11
  • Deposit
  • 1934 - 1958

Australian political pamphlets and serials, including printed material by the Communist Party of Australia and Sydney University Labor Club.

Barcan, Alan Raphael

Jock Bosher Collection

  • AU NBAC P16
  • Deposit
  • 1905 - 1922

Printed material re trade union, socialist and peace movements, including a copy of the epitaph of J P Quaine.

Bosher, Eric

Mark Feinberg Collection

  • AU NBAC P17
  • Deposit
  • 1894 - 1940

Radical pamphlets, books and serials re Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Workers' International Industrial Union (WIIU), Australian Socialist Partu, Socialist Labour Party of Australia etc.

Feinberg, Mark

Results 601 to 700 of 3340