- AU NBAC S1047
- Serial
- 1995 - 1997
National Executive Meeting Report of the Communications Electrical Plumbing Union (Melbourne)
Communications Electrical Electronic Energy Information Postal Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia
216 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
National Executive Meeting Report of the Communications Electrical Plumbing Union (Melbourne)
Communications Electrical Electronic Energy Information Postal Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia
Union of Australian Women (Queensland Branch) Newsletter
Union of Australian Women
Union of Australian Women Newsletter (Victorian Branch)
Union of Australian Women
Women's International Democratic Federation Information Bulletin
Berlin, GDR. Women's International Democratic Federation
Granville. Published by the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union
Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union
Sydney. National magazine of the Union of Australian Women. Two issues held
Union of Australian Women
Sydney. National Magazine of the Union of Australian Women. At work, at home and abroad. Some gaps in holdings
Union of Australian Women
Hungary. World Federation of Democratic Youth
World Federation of Democratic Youth
Journal of the WIDF. Holdings 1951 - 1990 (incomplete)
Women's International Democratic Federation
O'Connor, ACT.
Women's Electoral Lobby
Surry Hills. Monthly newsletter of the NSW Women's Electoral Lobby. Some gaps in holdings
Women's Electoral Lobby
Employers' Review (NSW Branch)
Sydney. The Employers' Federation of NSW
Employers' Federation of New South Wales
Melbourne. Official organ of the Democratic Labor Party (Victorian Branch)
Democratic Labor Party
The Vehicle Builder (NSW Branch)
The Official organ of the Vehicle Builders Employees Federation of Australia NSW Branch. Some gaps in holdings
Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation of Australia
Melbourne. Official organ of the Federated Clerks Union of Australia, National Office, Queen Street Melbourne
Federated Clerks' Union of Australia
Incorporating Club, Hostel Hotel and Management. Becomes the Secretaries and Managers Journal of Australia
Secretaries' and Managers' Association of Australia
News and views of the Clothing Union (Victorian Branch)
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia
HEF Journal (Victorian Branch)
Hospital Employees' Federation of Australia, Victorian Branch
Hospital Employees' Federation of Australia
Victorian Branch. Gaps in holdings
Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia
Carlton. The Official Quarterly Journal of the Victorian Operative Bricklayers' Society. Three issues held: Oct 1980, Oct 1981, Apr 1983
Victorian Operative Bricklayers' Society
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations Federal Office
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations
Melbourne. Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations Federal Office
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations
Sydney. NSW Branch ALP. One issue held
Australian Labor Party
Vehicle Builder (Queensland Branch)
Brisbane. The Queensland Branch of the Vehicle Builders Employees Federation of Australia. Some gaps in holdings
Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation of Australia
Tramway Record (Victorian Branch)
Melbourne. Victorian Branch of the Australian Tramways and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association
Australian Tramways and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association
Sydney. Official newsletter of the Australian Services Union, NSW Transport and Information Technology Branch. Incorporating the Australian Transport Officers' Federation
Australian Services Union
Voice (Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees, SA Branch)
Adelaide. Published by the Australian Tramways and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association, South Australian Branch
Australian Tramways and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association
Australian Population News (APA Newsletter), then Demoz
Australian Population Assocation
Sydney. Published by the Central Committee of the Socialist Party of Australia
Socialist Party of Australia
An analysis of economic policy issues by the National Farmers Federation
National Farmers' Federation
National Farmers Federation News, then NFF Bulletin
National Farmers' Federation
Activities of Wesfarmers Rural Division. Three issues held: Mar, Jul and Sep 1994
Port Committee News (Brisbane)
Brisbane. Waterside Workers' Federation Port Committee
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Brisbane. Published bi-monthly by the Waterside Workers Federation, Brisbane Branch
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Authorised and produced by the waterfront branch of the Communist Party. Some gaps in holdings
Communist Party of Australia
Brisbane. Issued by the Waterfront Branch of the Communist Party Brisbane District. For a united left, for one industry union
Communist Party of Australia
Authorised by F. Watson, Secretary, Station Street, Wollongong
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Authorised by branch president, Adelaide Street, Brisbane
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Authorised by Executive Newcastle Branch WWF of Australia. Gaps in holdings
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Published by C. Luxton. Branch Secretary Whyalla S.A. Some gaps in holdings
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Worker and Labour News (also The Australian Worker and Labor News)
The Australian worker : incorporating labor news. Issues from 1974 to 1998 (gaps).
Australian Workers' Union
Sydney. Official organ of the Actors and Announcers' Equity Association of Australia. Earliest issue: vol. 1 no. 2 Sept 1946. Latest issue: Dec 1985 (gaps).
Actors' Equity of Australia
Carlton, Victoria. Journal of the Communications Workers' Union (Federal Office)
Communication Workers' Union of Australia
South Yarra. Annual report of the Fosters Brewing Group
South Melbourne. Journal of the Australian Colleges and University Staff Association
Australian Colleges and Universities Staff Association
Building Worker, then Construction Worker
Brisbane. A quarterly magazine of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, Queensland Branch
Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union
Association of Employers of Waterside Labour. Annual Report
Association of Employers of Waterside Labour
Canberra. Environmental Policy Unit, Institute of Public Affairs
Institute of Public Affairs
Melbourne. Education Policy Unit, Institute of Public Affairs
Institute of Public Affairs
Jolimont, Victoria. Published by the Institute of Public Affairs
Institute of Public Affairs
Rail, Tram & Bus Worker, then The Public Transport Worker
Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union
Melbourne. Published for the Australian Chamber of Manufactures
Australian Chamber of Manufactures
Melbourne. Australia's national farming newspaper. Before December 1986 was described as Australia's Agricultural Magazine
Sydney. Published by the Transnational Co-operative Limited (TNC). Most issues held
Sydney. Published by the Transnational Co-operative Limited (TNC)
Richmond. Published for the Victorian Employers' Federation
Victorian Employers' Federation
Richmond. Published by the Australian Social Welfare Union. Includes Interface Views
Australian Social Welfare Union
Published for the Master Builders Association of NSW. Occasional gaps in holdings
Master Builders' Association of New South Wales
SA Building Worker, then The SA Building Worker and Engine Driver
Adelaide. Published for Amalgamated Construction, Mining and Energy Union of Australia (SA)
Textile, Clothing and Footwear Workers Union News
Melbourne. Official journal of the National Office of the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia. 1 issue only held
Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia
Sydney. Official journal of the Building Workers' Industrial Union and Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association. Some gaps in holdings
Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia
Sydney. Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance. Incorporates The Journalist, Equity and ATAEA publications
Australian Theatrical and Amusement Employees Association
Sydney. Newspaper of the Flight Attendants' Association of Australia. 1 issue only held
Flight Attendants' Association of Australia
Sydney. Official publication of the Flight Attendants' Association of Australia. Some gaps in holdings
Flight Attendants' Association of Australia
Sydney. Published by the Australian Maritime Officers' Union (amalgamation of the Merchant Service Guild and the Australian Stevedoring Supervisors' Association on 3 September 1992). Some gaps in holdings
Australian Maritime Officers' Union
Sydney. Paper of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation. An injury to one is an injury to all. Most issues 1983-1992 held
Canberra. Published by the Confederation of Australian Industry. 1 issue only held
Confederation of Australian Industry
Adelaide. The official organ of the SA Women Teachers' Guild
South Australian Women Teachers' Guild
Journal of the Australian Institute of Metals, then Metals Forum
Melbourne. Published by the Australian Institute of Metals, later the Australasian Institute of Metals
Australian Institute of Metals
Metals Australia, then Metals Australasia
Sydney. Journal of the Australian Institute of Metals and official journal of the Australasian Institute of Metal Finishing
Australian Institute of Metals
Sydney. Published by the Metallurgical Society of the University of NSW. Issues not held for 1964 and 1968
Sydney. Burns Philp International Staff Magazine. Gaps in holdings. Includes Food & Fermentation Division editions and Hardware editions. Also includes 'Group News 1980 - 1990 A decade in review' and 'Burns Philp 1883 - 1983 Centenary Issue Burns Philp Group News'
Burns Philp and Company Limited
Sydney. Journal of the NSW Branch of the FMWU. From Spring 1993 journal of the LHMU Miscellaneous Workers. Some gaps
Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia
NSW Forest Products Association Ltd - Annual Report
New South Wales Forest Products Association Limited
Melbourne. Federal industrial news of the POA
Professional Officers' Association, Australian Public Service
Canberra. Newsletter for members of Hospital Boards issued by the Hospital Association
Australian Hospital Association
Canberra. Published by the Australian Hospital Association. Up to Feb 1987 was AHA Health Services Monograph
Australian Hospital Association
Canberra. Discussion papers issued by the Australian Hospital Association
Australian Hospital Association
Sydney. Official organ of the Minority Movement. Australian Section of the Red International of Labor Unions. Became The Trade Union Leader from July 1935
Adelaide. Issued by the Mercantile Trade Protection Association of South Australia
Mercantile Trade Protection Association of South Australia
HAREA News, then University Unionist
Canberra. Published by the ACT Branch, HAREA
Health and Research Employees' Association of Australia
Carlton South. Magazine of the Australian Services Union. Some gaps in holdings
Australian Services Union
Sydney. Produced by CSR Limited
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
ASE Western Districts News (NSW)
Lithgow. Published by the Western District Executive of the Australasian Society of Engineers. Nearly complete from May 1943 (vol 1. no. 1) to Dec 1948 (vol. 6 no. 3). Missing Sep 1948 (vol. 6 no. 2).
Australasian Society of Engineers
COSBOA Annual Report / Council for Small Business - Annual Report
Canberra. Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia
Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Limited
Canberra. Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia
Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Limited
Sydney. Published by the Australian Hotels Association, NSW Branch
Australian Hotels Association
Sydney. Bulletin of the Australian Writers Guild. Some gaps in holdings
Australian Writers' Guild
OA/TA News - CSIRO, then CSIRO AO/TA News and Bulletins, then CSIRO Division - PSU Newsletter
North Melbourne. News letter of the CSIRO Officers' Association. Also with Wavelength Staff Association newsletters and Analysis from 2000
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Officers' Association
Melbourne. Published by the Finance Sector Union, Federal Office. 2 issues only held
Finance Sector Union
Sydney. Published by Industrial Publications, for Trades Hall. Only newspaper giving Labor's viewpoint. Official organ of the Australian Labor Party. Gaps in holdings
Brisbane. Official voice of the Queensland Labor Party. Occasional gaps in holdings
Australian Labor Party
Melbourne. Official publication of the Australian Postal and Telecommunications Union, Federal Executive. 1 issue only held
Australian Postal and Telecommunications Union
Sydney. Published by Southern Hemisphere Communications, editor Mark Hearn. Some gaps in holdings