- Deposit
- 1948 - 1971
Office files, rough minutes, printed material and press cuttings of the Equal Pay Committee of which Dr K R Makinson was the convenor.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Officers' Association
216 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Office files, rough minutes, printed material and press cuttings of the Equal Pay Committee of which Dr K R Makinson was the convenor.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Officers' Association
Woolclassers' Association deposit 4
Minutes of Federal Council and Federal Conference (1959-1967) and NSW Branch (1959-1972), membership cards (1921-1972), correspondence and office files, financial records and printed material.
Woolclassers' Association of New South Wales
Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association, Federal Office and Sydney Branch deposit
Minutes, press cuttings (covering maritime disputes), rules and printed material. Includes papers of the editor RJ Morris re minutes and reports for The Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association Review, diaries and membership lists and records of predecessor the Sydney Foremen Stevedores Association.
Australian Foremen Stevedores' Association
Daily newspapers, occasional bulletins, and broadsheets published in London during the General Strike in Great Britain. Includes minute records and catalogue card.
Rimmer, Malcolm
Operative Stonemasons' Society of Australia South Australian Branch deposit
Minutes of meetings, correspondence, financial records, membership register (1914-1953), rules, Eight Hour Day posters, photographs from the New South Wales branch, and a ballot box and other items.
Operative Masons' Society of South Australia
Station records, correspondence, financial and legal records, typed transcript of JF Castle's private journal
Cavan Station
Administrative and Clerical Officers Association National Executive, Sydney deposit
This deposit contains executive minutes, national council minutes, records of conference proceedings, office files and rules. It contains records of organisations connected with the Administrative and Clerical Officers Association namely the High Council of Commonwealth Public Service Organisations, the Joint Council of Australian Government Employee Organisations (CAGEO) and predecessors, the Clerical and Professional Association and the Commonwealth Fifth Class Clerks Association.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Australian Wool and Meat Producers' Federation deposit
Minutes, office files, annual conference records, circulars and financial records. See also the Wool Council of Australia
Australian Wool and Meat Producers' Federation
Goldsbrough Mort and Company Perth Office records
Records of the Perth Office including balance books, ledgers, profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and stock and share registers.
Goldsbrough Mort and Company
Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations deposit 3
Minutes of meetings, correspondence and reports relating to the establishment and operation of the Council of Professional and Commercial Employees' Associations, later the Council of White Collar Associations and then the Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations, Federal Executive meeting files, minutes of the Salaried Employees' Consultative Council of New South Wales and the Council of White Collar Associations (1956), divisional minutes for NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania, administrative files, rules, financial records, conference files, subject files and printed material including International Labour Office, Yugoslavian, Czechoslovakian and Vietnamese labour publications. Also includes two Union Festival of the Arts banners and a White Collar Festival visitors' book (1961).
Council of Professional and Commercial Employees' Associations
Australian Workers' Union microfilm deposit 6
Microfilm copy of 'Report of the Federal Australian Labor Party Committee of Inquiry into the Alleged Faked Ballot Boxes'.
Australian Workers' Union
Association of Professional Engineers, Australia deposit 2
Committee of management papers, federal council minutes (copies), federal executive papers and minutes (copies), subject files, industrial case files, court transcripts. Includes copies of minutes of the Council of Professional Associations.
Association of Professional Engineers, Australia
Australian Dairy Products Federation deposit
Minutes of committees and constituent bodies including: Australian Butter Manufacturers Federation, Australian Cheese Manufacturers Federation, Australian Casein Manufacturers Association, Australian Skim Milk Powder Manufacturers Federation, Butter Allocation Advisory Committee, Casein Equalisation Advisory Committee, Commonwealth Dairy Produce Equalisation Committee Ltd, Export Butter and Cheese Packers Association, Market Milk Federation of Australia Ltd, Processed Milk Exports Australia Ltd, Skim Milk Powder Equalisation Advisory Committee, Victorian Butter Manufacturers Association, Victorian Cheese Manufacturers Association and Victorian Skim Milk Powder Manufacturers Association.
Australian Dairy Products Federation
Sheepmeat Council of Australia deposit
Subject files and office files, copies of minutes, correspondence, agenda and reports, industry material, policy documents, press releases and published material.
Sheepmeat Council of Australia
Farmers Grazcos Co-operative Limited deposit
Minutes of the board, minutes of commitee of reference, memorandums and articles of association, subject and staff files, annual reports, property reports, financial records, year books and staff newsletters, tapes of AGM, and records of company predecessors: Grazcos Co-op Ltd, Graziers Co-op Shearing Co Ltd, Farmers and Graziers Co-op Ltd, Farmers and Settler's Co-op Grain Company Ltd. Also includes share register of Ray Bladwell & Co Ltd.
Farmers Grazcos Co-operative Limited
New South Wales Teachers Federation deposit 3
This deposit includes Council Minutes (1923 - 1990), Executive Minutes (1919 - 1990) , annual conference minutes, constitution and rule book and printed material.
New South Wales Teachers' Federation
Victorian Sawmillers Association deposit
Minute books, rules and constitution, subject files, papers relating to Tariff Board inquiries (timber), reports, conference papers, financial records and publications. Includes records of predecessor the Hardwood Millers Association of Victoria.
Victorian Sawmillers Association
Australian Public Service Association (Fourth Division Officers) ACT Branch
This deposit contains general correspondence files from 1963 to 1982; minutes of APSA (FDO) ACT Branch and Federal Council meetings 1971 - 1982; minutes of Council of Australian Government Employee Organisations (CAGEO) ACT Branch and Federal Executive minutes 1973 - 1980; APSA posters and signs.
Australian Public Service Association (Fourth Division Officers)
Australian Federation of Air Pilots deposit 2
The deposit consists of industrial files re superannuation, contracts, awards and agreements 1951-1973; records re aircraft accidents and incidents 1955-1982, 1993; administration files 1950-1975. Includes 23 cartons of records re 1989 airline dispute that are yet to be processed.
Australian Federation of Air Pilots
Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia deposit
Council minutes and meeting papers, subject and correspondence files, ministerial files, project files, memos to members and printed material.
Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Limited
Association of Railway Professional Officers deposit 1
Minutes of Federal Council, Committee of Management and Triennial Conferences (1963-1972) and of New South Wales Branch (1933-1970), correspondence, and arbitration files.
Association of Railway Professional Officers of Australia
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Launceston Branch deposit 2
Rule books, minutes, financial records, membership records, printed material.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 7
Minutes of National Council (1976), rule book, arbitration material, election results (1960s-1970s), badge and wooden plaque.
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Metal Trades Federation of Unions deposit
Rule book and minute books of council and executive committee meetings
Metal Trades Federation of Unions
Federated Furnishing Trade Society Victorian Branch deposit 2
Minutes of general, special and Committee of Management meetings (1947-1964), applications for membership (1915-1972) which include name, address, factory where employed, age, branch of trade and signature. There are three runs of cards: one organised alphabetically, another by date 'taken off the records' or 'resignation' from 1964 to 1972 and the third of misplaced resignations.
Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia
Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists deposit 3
Copies of minutes of the Executive Council (1967-1974), officers register, rules, General Secretary's files (JS Baker, then W Rowling) including correspondence, reports, minutes, arbitration material and photographs of Baker's trip to USSR, five photographs of Baker and Queensland Branch, files relating to Baker's role as Publicity Officer for NSW Division of the Australian Council for Salaried and Professional Associations including Federal Executive and NSW Division minutes, minutes of High Council of Commonwealth Public Service Organisations, and printed material.
Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists
Australian Woolgrowers' and Graziers' Council deposit 1
Minutes of the Executive of the Australian Wool Council and Australian Woolgrowers' and Graziers' Council (1948-1972), minutes of committees and conventions, correspondence including with London representative W P Devereux (1930-1934) and with member organisations, subject files, circulars and printed material.
Australian Woolgrowers' Council
Australian Teachers' Federation deposit 3
This deposit contains office files (1966 - 1974), a correspondence register (1966 - 1970), tape recordings of the Second Annual ATF Convention and printed material 1958 - 1978.
Australian Teachers' Federation
Merchant Tailors Cutters' Association of New South Wales deposit
Minute book, rule book, certificate of registration, office files and financial records.
Merchant Tailors Cutters' Association of New South Wales
Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union, New South Wales Branch deposit
This deposit contains records created by A Amos in his capacity as a union official of the Stovemakers' Union 1937-45, Sheet Metal Workers' Union 1945-72, AMWU 1972-76, AMWSU 1976-77. Correspondence, membership registers, office files, conference proceedings, research files and printed material, international publications, records of the AMWSU Women's Committee, Sydney District including minutes, financial records, scrap book of cuttings and photographs.
Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia
Australian Teachers' Federation deposit 4
This deposit contains office files.
Australian Teachers' Federation
Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union Victorian Branch deposit
Minutes of the Victorian Branch of the Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union from 1922 when it began as the Australian Telegraphists' Union then the Australian Telegraphists' and Clerical Assistants' Union, till 1967. Also includes minutes of the Victorian Branch of the Fourth Division Postmasters, Postal Clerks and Telegraphists' Union including reports (1950-1959).
Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union
This is a photocopy of Amy McGrath's manuscript on the Balmain dispute, While the Iron was Hot: a brief story of how the Communist tyranny in the Federated Ironworkers' Association was overthrown, 1944 - 1952, together with a record of the ballot forger case, 1950 - 1951.
McGrath, Amy Gladys
Seamen’s Union of Australia, South Australian Branch deposit 2
Financial records, correspondence, arbitration material, pamphlets and periodicals.
Seamen’s Union of Australia
Australian Leather and Allied Trades Employees' Federation deposit
Rules and other printed material including material relating to the United Society of Curriers of Victoria (1856-1876).
Australian Leather and Allied Trades Employees' Federation
Graziers' Association of New South Wales deposit 3
Volumes of press cuttings relating to general, industrial and financial matters, arbitration proceedings, Country Party, Pastures Protection Board, meat, rabbits, taxation, tariffs, transport and wool.
Pastoralists' Union of New South Wales
Copy of verbatim report of the proceedings of the 1930 ACTU Congress.
Merrifield, Samuel
Copy of his MA thesis on the rise of railway unionism & Australian Workers Union (AWU) election leaflets.
Docherty, James C
Amalgamated Engineering Union pamphlets and periodicals
Pamphlets and periodicals issued by the Amalgamated Engineering Union. Includes trade manual incorporating the Boilermakers' & Blacksmiths' Society and the Sheet Metal Workers' Union.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Correspondence relating to the ALP Greek Auxiliary and the NSW School for Blind Children Equipment Committee.
Andronicus, Emmanuel
Samples of share certificates, receipts and correspondence of gold, silver and copper mining companies in Australia, New Guinea and South East Asia. Most of these records are in the names of Edwin George Barker, Edwin Roy Barker or John Charles Dunn.
Barker, Edwin Roy
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History deposit
Constitution, minutes and meeting papers, correspondence, working and publication files (trade union education and editorial matters), financial papers; reports and printed material.
Australian Society for the Study of Labour History
Copies of extracts from the Minutes of the Board of Examinations, NSW (1911-1937) and the Board of Secondary School Studies, NSW (1937-1957).
Thompson, Roger
Binders of circulars compiled and published for members of the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges by the Research and Statistical Bureau at the Sydney Stock Exchange. The date range for the entire run requires further research.
Australian Associated Stock Exchanges
Association of Professional Engineers, Australia deposit 1
This deposit consists of transcripts of evidence and exhibits covering cases before the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, the High Court and the Public Service Arbitrator (Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Authority case). Includes records re change of conditions of eligibility for membership.
Association of Professional Engineers, Australia
National Union of Railwaymen of Australia, Head Office deposit 3
Minutes of State Executive, Cardiff Workshops Sub-branch, Tasmanian and NSW branches, and state social committee; office files, rules and constitutions, arbitration material, leaflets, pamphlets, press cuttings, printed material and photographs.
National Union of Rail Workers of Australia
New South Wales Farmers' Association deposit 2
Minutes of the United Farmers' and Woolgrowers' Association (1970-1977), confidential minutes of Executive Committee (1960-1977), agenda for annual conference, General Council and Committee meetings, minutes of various commodity committees, files of the President and Chief Executive of the NSW Farmers' Association, arbitration files, submissions to governments, financial records, audiovisual material, printed material and microfilm copies of minutes of Pastoralists' Union and Graziers' Association of NSW (1890-1977).
United Farmers' and Woolgrowers' Association of New South Wales
Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union Mining and Energy posters
Posters produced or used by the union as part of campaigns.
Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union
Amalgamated Engineering Union, Commonwealth Council deposit 1
Membership Proposition Forms.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Sheet Metal Working Industrial Union of Australia, Victorian Branch deposit
Register of members, contribution books, financial records, Treasurer's account book and Secretary's cash book. Includes records of predecessors the Amalgamated Tinsmiths, Sheet Metal Workers, Cannister Makers, Gas Meter Makers and Assistants Union, the United Tinsmiths, Ironworkers and Japanners Society of Victoria, and contribution book of the Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement & Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia (Queensland branch).
Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia
Federated Fodder and Fuel Trades Industrial Union of Australia, Victorian Branch deposit
Minute books, correspondence, industrial agreements, rule book, circulars, financial records, papers re State Electricity Commission of Victoria (1948-1953) and equal pay campaign (1967).
Federated Fodder and Fuel Trades Industrial Union of Australia
Building Trades Federation of Victoria deposit
Includes minutes, rules, financial records, correspondence, and membership records. Records of the Building Trades Guild of Victoria and unions which belonged to the Building Trades Federation of Victoria. Series 5 is a miscellany of members' and financial records which cannot be identified as belonging to any particular union.
Building Trades Federation of Victoria
Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union South Australian Branch deposit
Minutes of South Australian Branch.
Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union
Clothing and Allied Trades Union, South Australian Branch deposit 2
Minutes 1928-1958, minutes from Clothing Advisory Committee 1940s, correspondence 1931-1970, financial records 1936-1963, reports 1935-1960, conciliation and arbitration material 1920-1969, photographs and printed material.
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia
Minutes of Divisional council and executive meetings, correspondence with Divisions and with other organisations, arbitration material, reports, National wage case material 1969-1970 and other industry related records, circulars and printed material.
Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia
Australian Textile Workers' Union Victorian Branch
Correspondence 1955-1964, contribution lists and organisers' reports 1960-1963.
Australian Textile Workers' Union
Federated Australian University Staff Association deposit 1
Correspondence files including files on conditions of employment and case files.
Federated Australian University Staff Association
Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 5
Minutes of National Council (1951-1969), Sydney Branch (1952-1956), Adelaide Branch (1946-1961) including South Australian Branch of the Federated Artificial Fertiliser and Chemical Workers' Union of Australia, Newcastle Branch (1943-1949), Queensland Branch (1943-1944, 1962), some membership records, correspondence, financial records and printed material.
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Australian Railways Union, South Australian Branch deposit 1
Minutes, rule books, correspondence, financial and arbitration records, conference material, office files, printed and roneoed material.
Australian Railways Union
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, South Australian Branches deposit 1
Minute books. Includes records of predecessors Amalgamated Engineering Union South Australia branches and Boilermakers' Society of Australia, Port Augusta Branch. See also the Amalgamated Metal Workers Union and the Federated Ironworkers Association of Australia (Boilermakers and Blacksmiths Assistants Society of South Australia).
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Meat Inspectors' Association South Australian Branch deposit 2
South Australian Branch minutes, newsletters, correspondence, and annual reports. Includes copies of minutes of Federal Executive, New South Wales, Queensland, Victorian, West Australian and Fruit Inspectors' Branches and Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations.
Meat Inspectors' Association, Australian Public Service
Australasian Steamship Owner's Federation Sydney Branch deposit
Minutes of general and special meetings, minutes of New South Wales Inter-State Steamship Owners Association and the Sydney Shipowners Waterside Pay Office 1944-1950, registers of vessels and cargo 1958-1961, financial records and arbitration files.
Australasian Steamship Owners' Federation
Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation deposit 1
Minutes of the Central Council (1924-1930, 1938-1939) and Combined Unions meetings (1928-1930, 1946-1948), report of 1929 Royal Commission on the coal industry and printed material.
Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation
Amalgamated Engineering Union, state branches deposit 2
Minute books of the following branches: Arncliffe (NSW), Balmain (NSW), Canbbera (ACT), Captain's Flat (NSW), Captain's Flat No.2 (NSW), Central Branch (NSW), Cobar (NSW), Cobar 2nd Branch (NSW), Crows Nest (NSW), Darwin (NT), Dubbo (NSW), Dulwich Hill (NSW), Granville 2nd Branch (NSW), Hume-Mitta, Kiewa (VIC), Lithgow (NSW), Melbourne 11th, Newborough (VIC), North Sydney, Permanent Shift Branch (NSW), Punchbowl (NSW), Refrigeration Branch, Richmond (VIC), Roma (QLD), Rozelle (NSW), Shepparton (VIC), Sydney 11th, Sydney 12th, Sydney 13th, Tamworth (NSW), Werris Creek (NSW), Whyalla (SA) and Yarloop (WA); donation and sick benefit book; and unemployment records of Rozelle Branch members.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Brisbane Branch deposit
Minutes, correspondence, financial records, reports, arbitration material, printed matter.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Minutes of general, special and annual meetings of the Federal Executive, correspondence, arbitration files, reports, pamphlets and circulars.
Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia
Seamen’s Union of Australia, South Australian Branch deposit 1
Minutes of South Australian Branch meetings, 1950-1960; correspondence with Federal Secretary, 1950-1958; circulars, 1951-1960; arbitration material, 1950-1965; other Branch material; copies of minutes from Sydney and Melbourne, 1938-1946, 1950-1957; correspondence with South Australian Branch Secretary, 1939-1941, 1943-1945; printed material.
Seamen’s Union of Australia
Professional Radio and Electronics Institute of Australasia deposit 1
This deposit contains minute books, General Secretary's correspondence, arbitration material including photographs used as exhibits, membership records, financial records and copies of ships plans, with notes, mainly showing proposed or existing accommodation for Marine Radio Officers. There are also records, including a minute book, of the Merchant Service Radio Telegraphists' Association of Australasia (1912-1917).
Radio-Telegraphists Institute of Australasia
Amalgamated Engineering Union, Sydney District deposit
Minute books of the Sydney District Committee, correspondence, registration and membership records of the Motor Engineers Branch of the Amalgamated Engineering Union.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists deposit 2
Minutes of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victorian and Western Australian Branches (1969-1972), reports, conference papers (1943-1970), subject files, arbitration material, photographs of working conditions, and printed material. Also includes J S Baker's papers as member of Federal Executive of the Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations and of Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders and files relating to the 1971 Union Festival of Arts in Melbourne.
Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists
Australian Railways Union, Tasmanian Branch deposit 1
This deposit consists of Australian Council and State Council material, Sub-Branch material, NSW and Victorian Branch material, ACTU material, minutes, correspondence, reports, subject files, membership records, circulars, arbitration and financial records, printed material and publications.
Australian Railways Union
Australian National University General Staff Association deposit
This deposit contains minutes of Executive Council meetings (1956-1969), newsletters, membership lists, correspondence files and an audio recording of a special meeting (October 1967).
Australian National University General Staff Association
Australian Teachers' Federation deposit 2
This deposit contains correspondence files from 1952 to 1972.
Australian Teachers' Federation
Amalgamated Engineering Union, state branches deposit 3
Proposition and entrance books, registration books and contribution books of branches within each state.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Friends of the Noel Butlin Archives Centre deposit
Minutes of Committee and general meetings, constitution, membership records, correspondence, files relating to the review of positions and the archives' structure, files about events including the annual lecture and the Business Archives Symposium, and newsletters.
Friends of the Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Meat Inspectors' Association South Australian Branch deposit 3
South Australian Branch minutes, correspondence, financial records and printed material. Includes copies of minutes of Federal Executive and New South Wales, Queensland, Victorian, Western Australian and Fruit Inspectors' (Melbourne and Mildura) Branches.
Meat Inspectors' Association, Australian Public Service
Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 8
Minutes of National Council (1935-1951) and National Conferences (1944-1949), rule books, correspondence files, photographs and printed material.
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited deposit
Includes general reports on cane from Australian and Fijian mills, reports on technical fieldwork in Australian mills, David North Plant Research Centre records, weather observations from Macknade and Victoria mills and Technical Field Department steering committee minutes.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Public Health Association of Australia deposit
Minutes and meeting papers, annual reports, correspondence files, project files, conference and workshop files, membership records, audio and videotape recordings of conferences, video recordings of television programs, and printed material.
Australian and New Zealand Society for Epidemiological Research in Community Health
Elder Smith and Company deposit
Cashiers Instructions, financial records from Gladstone Office, letterbooks from Port Augusta Office, information sheets on freehold properties. Minute book containing minutes of partners: Cudmore, Swan & Co, Elder Pegler & Co, Milo Wilford Downs, Pastoral Co Ltd, financial records. Also cash book for Orient Steam Navigation Co Ltd.
Elder Smith and Company
Association of Railway Professional Officers deposit 2
General Secretary's correspondence with General Treasurer and branches including minutes and membership lists, New South Wales Branch correspondence, promotion appeal files and printed material.
Association of Railway Professional Officers of Australia
TOWER Software Engineering Proprietary Limited deposit
Financial and personnel records, subject files including client and marketing files.
Tower Software Engineering Proprietary Limited
Clothing and Allied Trades Union, South Australian Branch deposit 4
Files regarding the Manufacturing Advisory Council set up by Premier Bannon as an advisory group (Collins, Branch secretary, was a member); details of overseas conferences that Collins attended, minutes, correspondence, balance sheets and information on a successful investment Collins made – they bought a building from it. Government Gazettes which include 'a complete history of the state award'. Included is an envelope of photographs from Collins.
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia
National Union of Workers, NSW Branch-ACT Office deposit
Office files including internal correspondence, reports, circulars, conference papers, industrial legislation, budget and arbitration papers. Includes records of predecessors: Federated Storemen and Packers' Union of Australia and the National Union of Storeworkers, Packers, Rubber and Allied Workers.
National Union of Workers
Administrative and Clerical Officers Association, Australian Capital Territory Branch deposit
This deposit contains branch council and committee minutes, office files, press cuttings, serials and minutes and membership lists of the ACOA ACT Branch Women's Group.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Council of Australian Government Employee Organisations deposit 3
Minutes of CAGEO/Australian Government Employment Section Federal Executive (1969-1986), meeting papers of Consultative Councils, circulars, outward correspondence, telexes, subject files and printed material.
Council of Australian Government Employee Organisations
Building Workers' Industrial Union ACT Branch deposit
Minute books of the United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society (1924-1927, 1940-1945), the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners (1926-1945) and the Building Workers' Industrial Union (1946-1973), rules, membership records (1925, 1945-1977), Secretary's files (1963-1988), office files, correspondence, industrial files, printed material, badges, and some photographs. Includes papers of Peter Christie relating to the Operative Plasterers' and Plaster Workers' Federation, the ACT Trades and Labor Council and the Australian Labor Party (1971-1978).
United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society of New South Wales
Australian Nursing Federation, NSW Branch deposit
Minutes of branch and council meetings, subject and correspondence files, industrial and electoral records, membership records, submissions, rules, press cuttings, printed material, trophies and signage, embroidered veils, photographs and audiovisual material. Formerly the Royal Australian Nursing Federation (NSW) Branch.
Australian Nursing Federation
Queensland Teachers' Union records deposit 2
This deposit includes the union's constitution and rules (1960 - 2000), reports of annual conferences (1950 - 1989), minutes of executive meetings (1916 - 1980), minutes of council minutes (1937 - 1977), verbatim reports of council meetings (1968 - 1975), transcripts and taped interviews for 'Dazzling Prospects' oral history project (1985 - 1986) and histories of the union from 1965 and 1989. Also includes records of local branches: Bowen-Proserpine, Bundaberg, East Moreton, Leichhardt, Lockyer, Lower Burdekin, Northernmost and the North Queensland Teachers' Association (Townsville).
Queensland Teachers' Union
Building Workers' Industrial Union Victorian Branch deposit
Minutes of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Melbourne District (1907-1911) and Victorian Management Committee (1914-1945), minutes of the Building Workers' Industrial Union Victorian Management Committee (1946-1985), subject files, financial records, membership records (1948-1984), membership book for tilelayers and bricklayers (1946-1949) and printed material. Also includes contribution book for Melbourne Progressive Society of Carpenters and Joiners (1870-1888) and letterbooks for Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Richmond branch (1921-1923).
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners of Australia
South Australian Institute of Teachers deposit 3
This deposit includes minutes of meetings of the SAIT executive, minutes of meetings of smaller organisations in South Australia including the Barossa Teachers' Association (1908 - 1978), the Kingston Area Teachers' Association and the Primary Teachers' Association.
South Australian Institute of Teachers
Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation New South Wales Branch deposit 2
Industrial case files 1934-1975, arbitration papers 1907-1969, boot trade awards 1909-1963, bank pass books 1942-1950, financial records 1939-1985, correspondence files 1929-1944, minutes of general meetings 1940-1981, minutes of executive meetings 1940-1987.
Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation
Robert Reid and Company Limited deposit 3
Minute book, reports, correspondence, financial and salary records, press cuttings, photographs and posters
Robert Reid and Company Limited
John McIlwraith and Company deposit
Minutes, correspondence, financial and legal records, wages books, records of shipping business McIlwraith, McEacharn & Co Ltd, metal exchange prices, lead pipe book, staff records, blueprints and factory specifications, passport of John McIlwraith (1915), newspaper cuttings, photographs and plans.
John McIlwraith and Company Proprietary Limited
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union National Office deposit 1
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union: minutes of Federal Council (1947-1990), Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union: minutes of Federal Executive Council (1982-1991), General Secretary's and Branch reports to Federal Council (from 1960), Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union: reports of Miscellaneous Workers Division and Liquor and Hospitality Division (from 1992) and arbitration files. Includes minutes of the Pyrmont Sugar Works Employees' Union (1933-1938) and the North Australian Workers' Union (1948-1974).
Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australia
Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union New South Wales Branch deposit
Minutes of general meetings (1900-1974), Management Committee meetings (1910-1981), Port Kembla Management Committee (1942-1974) and unemployed plumbers (1931-1932), some records of the Balmain branch (1916-1918), and minutes of the Cromwell Lodge of the Balmain United Friendly Society, some minutes and membership records of the Canberra sub-branch, membership records (1912-1985), financial records, compensation case files (1968-1972), subject files, arbitration material, vinyl sound recording of Eric Bogle, stickers, pennants for the Operative Plumbers' Society of NSW, the Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union NSW Branch and the Federated Society of Boilermakers Iron and Steel Shipbuilders of Australia South Australian Branch, photograph of 1969 New Zealand conference, banners and printed material. The records of the NSW Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union include subject files and a membership list.
Operative Plumbers' Society of New South Wales
Minutes of Council and Executive meetings, correspondence, submissions, conference and seminar papers, reports, newspaper cuttings, photographs of housing, staff, meetings and conferences, and printed material.
National Shelter
Financial and legal records, Chairman's speeches, copy of memorandum and articles of association, correspondence, leases and agreements re properties in Melbourne, employee records, plans, photograph of Lewis Sanders and newspaper cuttings.
The Leviathan Limited
Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited deposit 3
Memorandum and articles of association, minute books, share transfer register, branch accounts, financial records of Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited.
Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited
Goldsbrough Mort and Company Adelaide Office records
Records of the Adelaide office including minutes, correspondence and financial records. Also includes records of Bagot, Shakes & Lewis Ltd consisting of minutes, annual reports, ledgers, correspondence and financial records.
Goldsbrough Mort and Company