Federated Coopers of Australia Queensland Branch deposit
- Deposit
- 1889 - 1962
Minutes of Queensland Branch (1912-1956), rules, financial records and correspondence.
Queensland Journeymen Coopers' Society
216 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Federated Coopers of Australia Queensland Branch deposit
Minutes of Queensland Branch (1912-1956), rules, financial records and correspondence.
Queensland Journeymen Coopers' Society
Food Preservers' Union deposit
Minutes of Federal Council and Federal Conferences (1912-1942) and annual reports of the Victorian Branch.
Food Preservers' Union of Australia
Queensland Teachers' Union records
This deposit contains roneoed material, conference reports, agendas, branch motions, executive reports, committee reports and circulars.
Queensland Teachers' Union
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association Federal Council deposit 1
Minutes of the Zeehan Branch of the Amalgamated Engine Drivers' Association of Tasmania (1905-1910) and of the Tasmanian Branch (1918, 1930-1931), cash book of United Certificated Engine Drivers' Association of Victoria (1886-1910), newspaper cuttings on Mount Lyell strike (1910-1912), arbitration transcripts and rule books.
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
Federated Furnishing Trade Society Ballarat Branch deposit
Minutes of meetings and contribution ledger
Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia
Federated Marine Stewards and Pantrymen’s Association of Australasia, NSW Branch deposit 1
Minute books of NSW Branch General and Special meetings, 1916-1929; minute books of Executive Council and Federal Council meetings, 1915-1952
Federated Marine Stewards and Pantrymen’s Association of Australasia
Federated Coopers of Australia Federal Office deposit
Minutes (1909-1925), rules, financial records, and subscription books (1917-1953). Includes Tasmanian Branch ledger and subscription book (1920-1952).
Federated Coopers of Australia
The Bodalla Company Limited deposit 4
Income and expenditure books (1973-1978), cash books (1934-1950), dividend books (1943-1970) and subject and working files (1887-1987).
The Bodalla Company Limited
Tom Molomby (ABC Staff Association) Papers
Files and printed material on ABC Staff Association matters. Includes case files, posters and leaflets re election campaign, printed material and videotapes.
Molomby, Tom
Hospital Employees' Federation of Australia, Canberra Branch deposit
Minutes (copies) of executive, general and finance committee meetings, correspondence, subject and arbitration files, photographs and videotapes. See also the Health Services Union of Australia.
Hospital Employees' Federation of Australia
The deposit consists of records relating to the sale of New South Wales Mills: executive memos and reports, correspondence, legal documents re Condong Mill litigation case 1981-1982, security documents, sale agreements, staff and wages records, Sugar Division subject files, Mills Group files, feasibility studies, press releases, valuation reports, financial records, schedules of growers names for Broadwater, Condong and Harwood Mills; and plans of Harwood Mill 1922, 1971.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Technical Teachers' Association of Victoria deposit 1
This deposit contains records of both the Technical Teachers' Union of Victoria and the Technical Teachers' Association of Victoria. Records include council minutes, executive minutes and conference minutes.
Technical Teachers' Union of Victoria
Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers New South Wales Branch deposit
Records of the NSW Branch including minutes (1943-1951), correspondence with government departments and other associations, surveys of employment conditions, arbitration material, subject files, copies of minutes and reports from Federal Council and other branches, and printed material.
Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers
Flight Stewards' Association deposit 1
Correspondence, financial records, membership records and Skyline journal.
Flight Stewards' Association of Australia
Australasian Airline Flight Engineers' Association deposit
Minutes of general and committee meetings, correspondence, financial records, application forms for membership and newsletters.
Australasian Airline Flight Engineers' Association
Minutes, incorporation records including memorandum and articles of association, financial records, subject files and correspondence, daily trading registers, press cuttings, photographs and printed material.
McDowells Limited
Meat Inspectors' Association Federal Office deposit
Minutes of the Executive Council and branch meetings, correspondence, some membership lists (1930s-1950s), financial records and printed material.
Meat Inspectors' Association, Australian Public Service
Files and policy documents relating to childcare issues in the New South Wales Nurses Association; notes, minutes and printed material relating to the Combined Unions Against Racism.
Ridgway, Bronwyn
Victorian Secondary Teachers' Association deposit
This deposit consists of pamphlets including The Teachers' Tribunal and Staffing Crisis in Victorian Secondary Schools.
Victorian Secondary Teachers' Association
Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers Victorian Branch deposit
Records of the Victorian Branch including copies of minutes and reports of Federal Council, Victorian and other branches, correspondence, circulars, membership records including lists for NSW and South Australian branches, financial records, arbitration material, and printed material. Includes copies of minutes and reports of the Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia.
Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers
Amalgamated Footwear and Textile Workers' Union, South Australian Branch
Minutes of Branch management committee meetings 1987-1988.
Amalgamated Footwear and Textile Workers' Union of Australia
Mount Wood Pastoral Company deposit
Minute book, managing director's correspondence with Mount Wood station manager, office files, Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort statements, and financial records.
Mount Wood Pastoral Company Proprietary Limited
Operative Stonemasons' Society of Australia New South Wales Branch deposit 3
Minutes of meetings (1946-1965), correspondence and financial records of the Sydney Branch, 1893 black list, Federal Council minutes (1916-1964) and financial statements and reports (1964-1981), and minutes of the Monumental Workers' Union of New South Wales (1913-1914).
Operative Stonemasons' Society of New South Wales
Minutes of general and special meetings of Federal Executive, New South Wales Branch, Divisional Councils and annual conferences, correspondence, financial records, rules, transcripts of proceedings and arbitration material.
Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, South Australian Branches deposit 4
Arbitration records, register of members out of work (1881-1887), mortality fund register, administration files re Federal Council circulars, rules and agreements, minutes, reports, correspondence, financial records, press cuttings, printed material, photograph and ephemera. Includes records of branches and districts of predecessors Amalgamated Society of Engineers, the Amalgamated Engineering Union, the Boilermakers and Blacksmiths Society of Australia, and iron ship builders, shipwrights and sheetmetal unions.
Amalgamated Engineering Union
Administrative and Clerical Officers Association, New South Wales Branch deposit
This deposit includes subject files, rules, minutes of meetings, correspondence, branch reports and financial records, arbitration and policy documents. Includes records of predecessor and records of the Australian Public Service Association.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Baking Trades Employees' Federation of Australia, New South Wales Branch deposit 2
Office files, minutes and reports, financial records, membership cards, application forms and subscription registers, ledgers, arbitration records, correspondence, newspaper cuttings and printed material. Includes records of the Picnic Committee, Newcastle Branch, New South Wales Operative Bakers Association, Newcastle & Northern District Operative Bakers Society, Northumberland & Northern NSW Operative Bakers Society, and the Baking Trades Employees Union of New South Wales.
Baking Trades Employees' Federation of Australia
Veneer and Plywood Proprietary Limited deposit
History of the sawmill "The Rise and Fall of Yarras Mill", press cuttings and photographs including aerial photograph.
Veneer and Plywood Proprietary Limited
Australian Government Workers' Association, South Australia Branch deposit
Minutes of state council and executive meetings; branch and committee minutes; attendance books, members list, membership contribution cards, subject files re ACTU, rules and elections, reports, financial records, correspondence, government hospitals and prisons departments, Marine & Harbours Department. Includes records of Adelaide Branch and Marine & Harbours Branch.
Australian Government Workers' Association
Professional Radio and Electronics Institute of Australasia deposit 3
This deposit consists minutes of the Governing Council of the Institute and its predecessor (1916-1982), correspondence, circulars, award files and subject files.
Professional Radio and Electronics Institute of Australasia
Australian Transport Officers' Federation Airlines Division deposit 2
Federal registration file (1923), subject files arranged by airline, administrative files including minutes, conference papers and arbitration material, membership lists (1985), rules, and printed material.
Australian Transport Officers' Federation
New South Wales Public Service Professional Officers' Association deposit
This deposit contains minutes of Council meetings, executive reports to Council, subject files, award files and dispute files of the New South Wales Public Service Professional Officers' Association from 1923 to 1992. Also includes minutes of Council and annual general meetings of the Department of Public Works Professional Officers' Association from 1914 to 1919.
New South Wales Public Service Professional Officers' Association
Australian Shipping and Travel Officers' Association deposit
Minutes of the Federal Executive (1941-1992), biennial conference (1945-1984) and of State divisions and Sydney, Newcastle, Port Kembla, Fremantle and Devonport branches, correspondence with branches, membership books (1942-1949), rules, financial records, industrial and subject files about shipping companies including the Australian National Line, and printed material.
Australian Shipping and Travel Officers' Association
Australians for Racial Equality deposit
Minutes of meetings, correspondence, membership lists, newsletters (including copies of nationalist and racist newsletters by other organisations) and project files.
Australians for Racial Equality
Australian Public Service Association Victorian Branch records
Committee, monthly and annual meetings from 1947 to 1988; rough minute books from 1964 to 1976; subject files from 1985 to 1981; financial records from 1979 to 1973, Federated Public Service Assistants Association publication 1959 to 1973.
Australian Public Service Association
Australian Confederation of Operating Room Nurses
The deposit consists of correspondence files; financial records; minutes and meeting papers of the National Council and Conference Executive; conference files; reports re Standards Association of Australia; grant application files; and standing committee reports.
Australian Confederation of Operating Room Nurses Limited
Vehicle Builders Employees Federation of Australia, Federal Office deposit
Minutes and agenda papers of federal council meetings, minutes of federal executive meetings, financial records, 1993 National Conference papers of successor the Automotive Metals and Engineering Union, Vehicle Division.
Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation of Australia
Australian National University Staff Association deposit
Minutes of Executive Committee and general meetings (1960-1988), annual reports, correspondence, meeting files, subject files, membership records (1960-1965, 1986-1988), and financial records.
Australian National University Staff Association
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union Victorian Branch records
This deposit includes subject files, branch and federal minutes, all-branch circulars, rules and publications.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union
Union of Australian Women New South Wales branch deposit 2
This deposit includes subject classified office files (1965 - 1991), annual general meeting minutes and reports (1965 - 1982), branch correspondence (1971 - 1988) and printed material.
Union of Australian Women
Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation deposit 5
This deposit has not been processed.
Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation
Musicians' Union of Australia, Federal Office deposit 3
This deposit includes minutes of the Federal sub-committee meetings (1965-1969), Federal Office papers, correspondence, awards and agreements, and publications.
Musicians' Union of Australia
Australian Bank Employees' Union Federal Office deposit
Records in this deposit include subject files, Federal Executive correspondence including records of the predecessor the Bank Officials' Association, and files relating to the Bank Officers' Association of Papua New Guinea.
Australian Bank Employees' Union
Documentation including pamphlets, leaflets, ballots, circulars, articles from the 1960s and 1970s relating to Clyde Cameron, Senior Vice President of the South Australian Branch of the Australian Workers' Union.
Cameron, Clyde Robert
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, National Office (Jack Garland's papers)
The deposit consists of AEU General Secretary John Garland's papers: subject files, photographs, memorabilia, sound recordings and publications of union and other organisations. Includes records of predecessors Amalgamated Engineering Union and Amalgamated Metal Workers & Shipwrights Union.
Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union
Australian Population Association deposit
Secretary’s files, minutes of meetings, conference papers and programs, membership records, history files, photographs, publications and essays (WD Borrie Essay Prize).
Australian Population Assocation
Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union Construction and General Division deposit 3
This is a collection of material from predecessor unions to the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union particularly from New South Wales including: the United Plasterers' Society/Operative Plasterers' Federation, the United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society, the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, the Operative Stonemasons' Society, the Operative Painters and Decorators Union, the Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association, and the Building Workers' Industrial Union including files of Frank Purse, Ron Monaghan, Brian Miller (May Day), Warren Baker, newsclippings relating to amalgamations and the Builders' Labourers' Federation, stickers, posters and printed material. The posters are mainly from the CFMEU National Office and New South Wales Branch, the Builders' Labourers' Federation and the Building Trades Group of Unions and date from the 1970s to 2006.
Operative Plasterers' Federation of Australia
Australian Railways Union, New South Wales Branch deposit 1
Minutes of the NSW Branch and predecessor the Amalgamated Railway and Tramway Service Association, reports, correspondence, membership records, circulars, press cuttings, memorabilia and publications.
Australian Railways Union
Federated Coopers of Australia South Australian Branch deposit
Minutes of South Australian Branch (1939-1961), correspondence, membership register (1921-1935), financial records and printed material.
Federated Coopers of Australia
Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, South Australian Division deposit
Correspondence, arbitration and financial records, membership records, reports and publications. Includes correspondence records of predecessor the South Australian Locomotive Engine Drivers and Firemen's Association.
Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association Reform Group deposit
Minutes of the Reform Group (1981-1985) and subject files (1976-1985) including a history of the group written by Peter Ellett, one of its founders, and later material about the Public Service Union Action Group (1990-1993). The Reform Group operated at both branch and Federal level and stood rank-and-file progressive candidates in union elections against conservative incumbents, alleged to be supported by the National Civic Council. Also includes a history of the Postmaster-General's Department/Telecom sub-branch delegates' committee covering 1935-1966.
Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service
Operative Bricklayers', Tilers' and Tuckpointers' Society of South Australia deposit
Minutes of meetings (1930-1957), correspondence, contribution book (1916-1917, 1945-1949), financial records and rule book.
Operative Bricklayers', Tilers' and Tuckpointers' Society of South Australia
Federated Coopers of Australia New South Wales Branch deposit 1
Minutes (1886-1896, 1909-1957), correspondence, financial records, records relating to 1919 Tooth's strike, and membership records (1937-1950, some earlier).
Journeymen Coopers' Society of New South Wales
Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 1
Minutes of National Conference (1908-1945), National Council (1922, 1943-1947, 1952-1953), New South Wales State Council (1916-1958), the Amalgamated Ironworkers' Assistants of New South Wales (1905-1909), Sydney Branch (1912-1914, 1940-1943, 1948-1950), Balmain Branch (1936-1945), the Foundry Workers' Joint Management Committee (1936-1944), the Wire Workers' Union of NSW (1928-1938), the Boilermakers and Blacksmiths Assistants' Society of South Australia (1908-1914) and the SA Branch (1917-1919), rulebooks and other printed material.
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Shop Assistants' and Warehouse Employees' Federation, South Australian Branch deposit
Minutes, correspondence, attendance book and membership records, financial records, contribution and rule books.
Shop Assistants' and Warehouse Employees' Federation of Australia
Australian Government Workers' Association deposit
Minute books of state council, executive and branch meetings; correspondence, subject files re wage claims and awards, financial records, membership and industrial files, press cuttings and publications. Includes records of branches and predecessor the South Australian Government General Workers' Association.
Australian Government Workers' Association
Clothing and Allied Trades Union, South Australian Branch deposit 1
Minutes 1908-1913, 1916-1928, correspondence 1939-1943, arbitration material 1922-1926, logs of claims and awards material 1957-1960, and rules. Also includes minutes of the Ready-made Clothing Trade Employees' Association of South Australia which was formed at the instigation of the South Australian Branch of the Federated Clothing Trades of the Commonwealth of Australia Industrial Association of Employees in March 1912 and was dissolved in May 1913.
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia
Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union South Australian Branch deposit
Minutes of meetings of the Operative Painters and Paperhangers Society of South Australia (1890-1893), the Federated Building Trades Union (1892-1899) and the Operative Painters and Decorators Union (1909-1932) and rule books.
Operative Painters and Paperhangers' Society of South Australia
Minutes, membership records, rule books and awards. Includes records of predecessors the Port Adelaide Shipwrights' Society and rule books of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners of Australia.
Federated Shipwrights' and Ship Constructors' Association of Australia
Pharmaceutical prescription books 1951–1980, National Health Scheme prescription books, 1952–1955.
Chew, Ronald W
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Federal Office deposit 8
Membership cards – Federal Office and various Branches
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
CSR Limited photographic records
This deposit contains files, transparencies, negatives, glass plates and prints.
Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited
Australian Bank Employees' Union New South Wales Branch records
Branch office files including Branch Committee minutes (1988-1991), dispute reports and files on working conditions.
Australian Bank Employees' Union
William and Lily Bergin papers
Personal and political papers, including pamphlets of William and Lily Bergin, British immigrants active in the Australian labour movement. The deposit consists correspondence, photograph, rules of the Victorian Plasterers' Society, membership cards and printed material, most of which is related to the labour and socialist movements in Britain, USA and Australia before the depression.
Bergin, William
Seamen’s Union of Australia, South Australian Branch deposit 3
Port Adelaide Tugs (Ritch & Smith Tug Company) correspondence, roster, award and voyage agreements, 1950-1984; ships decommissioned A-Z and correspondence/subject files, 1946-1988 (includes general correspondence concerning Seamen’s Union involvement in the war in South Vietnam).
Seamen’s Union of Australia
Australian Postmasters' Association deposit
Files including minutes, constitution and rules, membership lists, branch financial statements, conference papers, arbitration material and printed material. Includes minutes of Tasmanian sub-branch (1961-1983).
Australian Postmasters' Association
Clothing and Allied Trades Union, Federal Office deposit 2
Correspondence received by the General Secretary of the Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia from P.J. Sheehan concerning the Clothing Trades (1957) Award.
Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia
Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, Tasmanian Division deposit 1
Records include minutes of Central, Southern, Wynyard and Devonport branches; minutes of the federal executive and Australian Council of AFULE; agendas and reports, correspondence, financial records, press cuttings, membership records, arbitration material, rules, and a copy of the certificate of registration. The deposit also contains reports and balance sheets relating to the Australian Locomotive Enginemen's Newspaper Co Pty Ltd, and records of predecessor the Tasmanian Division of the Federated Locomotive Engine Drivers, Firemen and Cleaners' Association of Australia.
Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen
Australian Textile Workers' Union, Tasmanian Branch deposit 1
Minutes of general meetings and meetings of the management committee (1928-1952), cashbooks (1928-1954), award and award variations made by the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration (1940s-1950s), logs of claims (1946, 1949, c. 1952), rule book (c. 1940), Launceston trade union directory (1931, 1934), and printed material include including a Short History of British Trade Unionism (1947) and Sweden's Cotton Industry (1949).
Australian Textile Workers' Union
Transport Workers' Union Tasmanian Branch deposit
Minutes of State Council (1943-1955) and Hobart Branch (1938-1956) of the Transport Workers' Union and of the Launceston Branch of the Federated Carters' and Drivers' Industrial Union (1905-1917), correspondence, rules, membership registers and financial records.
Transport Workers' Union of Australia
Federated Moulders' (Metals) Union of Australia, Tasmanian District deposit
Minute books, correspondence, financial records and a history of the union (1858 - 1958).
Federated Moulders' (Metals) Union of Australia
Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union Tasmanian Branch deposit
Minutes of Tasmanian Branch (1941-1952), financial records, rules and printed material.
Amalgamated Postal Workers' Union of Australia
Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union Hobart Branch deposit
Minutes (1950-1957), rules, papers relating to demarcation disputes, and cash book.
Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union of Australia
Australian Timber Workers' Union, Tasmanian Branch deposit 1
Minutes of meetings, alphabetical register of members, financial records, newspaper cuttings and rules.
Amalgamated Timber Workers' Union of Australia
Baking Trades Employees' Federation of Australia, Tasmanian Branch deposit
Minutes, correspondence, rules and constitution, membership cards and contributions, reports, wages determinations, financial records and publications.
Baking Trades Employees' Federation of Australia
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union Tasmanian Branch deposit
Membership records (c. 1956), correspondence, rules, financial records including Launceston Branch, arbitration files and printed material.
Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia
Australian Teachers' Federation deposit 1
Minutes of annual conferences and Council meetings and financial and other reports.
Australian Teachers' Federation
Australian Timber Workers' Union, South Australian Branch deposit 1
Minutes of general meetings and Committee of Management meetings, correspondence, reports, members contribution details (1912-1918, 1942), rule books and one framed photograph.
Australian Timber Workers' Union
Transport Workers' Union South Australian Branch deposit
Copies of minutes and other papers of Federal Council meetings (1937-1959), correspondence, rules, arbitration material and South Australian Branch Mortality Fund book (1928-1960).
Transport Workers' Union of Australia
Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation Tasmanian Branch
Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation, Tasmanian Branch was also known as the Hobart Sub-Branch of the Victorian Branch, or the Hobart Division the Hobart Branch as well as the Tasmanian Branch. Minutes (1913-1950), correspondence, financial and membership records (1909-1963), determinations of the Hobart Sub-Branch (1926-1930), claims for mortality (funeral) allowances (1917-1951, 1955-1961), and minutes of the Federal Council and Federal Executive (1927-1937)
Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation
Minutes of general and special minutes of the Federal Executive, correspondence and memoranda, arbitration material, financial records, reports, ballot papers and printed material.
Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia
Fourth Division Postmasters', Postal Clerks' and Telegraphists' Union deposit
Minutes of meetings of Executive Council and Victorian, Queensland, South Australian, New South Wales, Tasmanian and Western Australian Branches, 1957-1966, conference papers, correspondence and constitution and rules.
Fourth Division Postmasters', Postal Clerks' and Telegraphists' Union
Commonwealth Bank Officers' Association deposit
Divisional and Branch minutes, correspondence with Branches, rules, membership list (1961), arbitration material, financial records, and printed material. Includes material from predecessor the United Bank Officers' Association.
Commonwealth Bank Officers' Association
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Esperance Branch deposit
Minute book containing minutes of meetings re. formation of the Esperance Branch of the Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia, 1924, 1926 and minutes of Branch Committee, Special and General meetings, 1926-1929 (including ); Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia membership register (?members resident in Esperance), 1907-1909; Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia cash book (?members resident in Esperance), 1909-1910. The Esperance Branch of the Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia was formed on 3 March 1926.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Federated Furnishing Trade Society South Australian Branch deposit 1
Miscellaneous minutes, branch and federal correspondence, membership lists, arbitration material, circulars and leaflets.
Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia
Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union Queensland Branch deposit
Minutes of Queensland Branch (1950-1962), correspondence, annual and financial reports, membership register, rules, papers of conferences (1952-1959) and printed material.
Australian Third Division Telegraphists' and Postal Clerks' Union
Fourth Division Postmasters', Postal Clerks' and Telegraphists' Union Queensland Branch deposit
Minutes of the Queensland branch (1937-1954, 1959-1965), arbitration material, correspondence and 1959 conference papers.
Fourth Division Postmasters', Postal Clerks' and Telegraphists' Union
Australian Council of Employers' Federations deposit
Minutes and Secretary's files for annual general meetings, Executive Committee and Executive Council meetings including minutes of affiliated organisations, reports and financial statements.
Australian Council of Employers' Federations
Australian Workers' Union deposit 2
Minutes of Executive Council (1965), rules, conference reports (1958-1968), reports and financial records for AWU Head Office, Labor Papers Ltd, Westland Broadcasting Company, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria-Riverina, South Australia, Tasmanian and Westralian Branches, arbitration material and printed material.
Australian Workers' Union
Meat Inspectors' Association South Australian Branch deposit 1
South Australian Branch minutes of meetings, correspondence, financial records, newsletters and membership records (1945-1959). Also includes copies of minutes of the Executive, copies of minutes and newsletters of Queensland, New South Wales, Victorian, West Australian and Fruit Inspectors' Branches and copies of minutes of Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations and High Council of Commonwealth Public Service (1960s).
Meat Inspectors' Association, Australian Public Service
National Union of Railwaymen of Australia, Head Office deposit 2
Financial records of membership and mortality fund with an alphabetical index of names in the first volume for each calendar year.
National Union of Rail Workers of Australia
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Newcastle Coal Trimmers’ Branch deposit
Minutes of the Newcastle Coal Trimmers' Federal Union and the Waterside Workers' Federation, Newcastle Coal Trimmers' Branch, 1909-1950; financial records, 1951-1956; contribution books, 1927-1937; list of members, 1959; arbitration material, 1917, 1945.
Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia
Patrick Troy Collection deposit 1
Papers relating to the South Australia Land Commission, Western Australia and New South Wales Urban Land Councils, the Victorian Land Council and the Australian Housing Corporation, 1968–1979. Includes agenda papers, minutes, correspondence, aerial photographs, printed material and a draft manuscript of Troy’s book, A Fair Price: The Lands Commission Program 1972-1977.
Troy, Patrick (Pat) Nicol
North Australian Workers' Union deposit
Correspondence sent and received by Secretary of the North Australian Workers' Union, L J McPhillips.
North Australian Workers' Union
Woolclassers' Association deposit 3
Transcripts of applications to the Arbitration Commission.
Woolclassers' Association of Australia
Meat Inspectors' Association Queensland Branch deposit
Queensland Branch minutes, newsletters and correspondence. Also includes copies of Executive minutes and minutes and newsletters of the South Australian, Victorian, Western Australian and Fruit Inspectors' (Mildura) Branches.
Meat Inspectors' Association, Australian Public Service
Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 3
Minutes of the National Executive Council (1938-1944), the Amalgamated Ironworkers' Assistants of New South Wales (1901-1905), the Wireworkers' Union of New South Wales (1901-1906), FIA Sydney Branch (1914-1953), Newcastle Branch (1942-1960), Port Kembla Branch (1943-1953), Victorian Branch (1940-1960), and Queensland Branch (1949-1956).
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists deposit 1
Minutes (1967), correspondence and press cuttings relating to the Five Day Week campaign and the 1970 dispute, financial records, arbitration material and printed material.
Union of Postal Clerks and Telegraphists
Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 4
Correspondence between FIA and other organisations (1945-1946) and Australian Labor Party material forwarded to Laurie Short as a member of the Central Executive of the New South Wales Branch.
Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia
Australasian Society of Engineers South Australian Branch deposit 2
Minutes of Australasian Society of Engineers Adelaide No. 3 Branch (1916-1920), Walleroo Branch (1921-1952), SA Branch (1914-1929, 1939-1991), South Australian Executive Committee (1942-1991), Federation of Industrial Manufacturing and Engineering Employees SA Executive Committee (1991-1993), subject files, financial records, and photographs.
Australasian Society of Engineers