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The Safety Valve

  • AU NBAC S805
  • Serial
  • 1914 - 1952

Melbourne. Issued by the Federal Council of Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia. July 1914-February 1919; June 1947- December 1952; March 1959- December 1964. Gaps.

Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia

Guild News

  • AU NBAC S714
  • Serial
  • 1955 - 1964

Sydney. Official organ of the Merchant Service Guild of Australasia. 1955-1964 (gaps).

Merchant Service Guild of Australia

All Hands

  • AU NBAC S701
  • Serial
  • 1955 - 1973

Melbourne. The journal of the Australian National Line

Australian National Line

ILO Information

  • AU NBAC S702
  • Serial
  • 1965 - 1974

Geneva. Published by the International Labour Office of the ILO

International Labour Office

Guild Log

  • AU NBAC S703
  • Serial
  • 1972 - 1976

Sydney. Monthly news bulletin of the Merchant Service Guild of Australia

Merchant Service Guild of Australia

Marine Engineers Review

  • AU NBAC S700
  • Serial
  • 1975

Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers

Archaeology and Natural History collection

  • AU ANUA 739
  • Series
  • circa 1937-1997

This collection was held by many years by Archaeology and Natural History, and listed and given numerical designations at least twice. Materials have been received from many individuals associated with the department over the years, and within those materials there may be the work of more scholars, as it seems academics shared their work widely. The list below is not meant to be exhaustive, but based on a preliminary survey of the materials, seems to be a list of those who gave their records to the department for safekeeping which are now at the archives:
Allen, Harry
Allen, Jim
Ambrose, Wallace R.
Antcliff, Peter
Anderson, Adholl
Baker, Richard
Barnett, Gary
Beaton, Jim
Beck, Wendy
Burton, John
Christensen, Ole
Clarke, Goeffrey R. [sic]
Coates, D.
Crosby, E.
Dunnett, Gary
Fredericksen, Clayton
Gillieson, D.
Glover, I.
Golland, Klim
Golson, Jack
Gooder, D. A.
Gosden, Chris
Gorecki, P.
Green, Mike
Groube, Les
Harris, J. B.
Hope, J.
Horton, David
Hughes, Philip
Irwin, Geoff
Isaac, Glynn
Johnson, Ian
Jones, Rhys
Lilley, Ian
Luebbers, Roger
Lampert, Ron
McArthur, Norma
McEldonwney, Holly
McElroy, S.
Mulvaney, D. J.
Packard, Paul
Penhold, M.
Poulsen, Jens
O'Connell, J.
Ottino, P.
Ranson, D.
Rhoads, J.
Roe, David
Rye, Owen
Specht, Jim
Spennemann, Dirk H. R.
Stockton, Jim
Thompson, J.
Thorne, A. G.
Vanderwal, Ron
Wahome, Ephraim
Webb, Stephen
White, J. P.
Williams, E.
Witter, Dan
Wurm, Stephen A.
Yen, Doug

College of Asia and the Pacific

Elder Smith and Company photographs

  • AU NBAC N273
  • Deposit
  • 1914 - 1945

Includes photographs of staff who served in World War 1 and World War 2. Many photographs are unidentified.

Elder Smith and Company

Correspondence files, multiple number series

  • AU ANUA 53
  • Series
  • 1930 - 2000

This was the main ANU correspondence file series from 1950 to 2000, usually known as ‘Central Files’. It contains some earlier material top-numbered from the first ANU file series (ANUA 18) as well as many files of the Canberra University College (ANUA 42) from 1930 to 1960. These files were incorporated in the series by the former Registrar of the Canberra University College Thomas Owen. The files were originally controlled by a card index and file register – the information contained in these was transferred to a computerised keyword index in 1975 and in 2006 to the current Central Records System. The multiple numbers consist of a primary subject often representing a Research School, Faculty or other organisational unit, a secondary number representing a function and then the next sequential number allocated to a particular file. The primary numbers (not all have extant files) are:

  1. Vice-Chancellor’s correspondence
  2. Legislation and policy
  3. Council and Committees
  4. Administrative matters (including staff organisation)
  5. Scholars and scholarships
  6. Research School of Pacific (and Asian) Studies
  7. John Curtin School of Medical Research
  8. Research School of Physical Sciences
  9. Research School of Social Sciences
  10. Visitors, visits, conferences and seminars
  11. Library
  12. Buildings
  13. Research School of Chemistry
  14. Other organisations (including Canberra University College 14.1.0)
  15. Staff activities
  16. University House
  17. Research students
  18. Ceremonies and historic occasions
  19. Joint ventures (Institute and School)
  20. School of General Studies (see also 30–44)
  21. Research School of Biological Sciences
  22. Research School of Earth Sciences
  23. Management Services Group
  24. Research School of Mechanical Sciences (proposed)
  25. Health research
  26. Centre for Resource and Environment Studies
  27. Humanities Research Centre
  28. Office for Research in Academic Methods
  29. Social Psychiatry Research Unit
  30. School of General Studies – scholarships
  31. School of General Studies – Faculty of Arts
  32. School of General Studies – proposed faculties
  33. School of General Studies – Faculty of Economics
  34. School of General Studies – Faculty of Asian Studies
  35. School of General Studies – Faculty of Law
  36. School of General Studies – student matters
  37. School of General Studies – business matters
  38. School of General Studies – halls of residence
  39. School of General Studies – committees and boards
  40. School of General Studies – research grants
  41. School of General Studies – curriculum
  42. School of General Studies – staffing
  43. School of General Studies – general
  44. School of General Studies – Faculty of Science
  45. Freedom of Information
  46. – 49. Not used
  47. Triennial planning
  48. Policy studies
  49. Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
  50. Institute of the Arts
  51. Faculty of Medicine (proposed)
    Many personnel files were raised in this series either under the general ‘4.2 Staff appointments’ or under the secondary ‘staff’ function of particular organisational units. These files are controlled in a separate series of staff files (ANUA 19) from several different series. This series was superseded by an annual single number series in 2000 (ANUA 239).

Office of the Registrar

Australian National University staff files

  • AU ANUA 19
  • Series
  • 1946 -

The staff files record staff appointments, promotion, travel, conditions of service and resignation/retirement. Only files of senior academic and administrative staff are retained. Files of Chancellors and Creative Arts Fellows are also included. It is an artificial series bringing together staff files from an earlier single number series, the multiple number Central Files (ANUA 53) and the annual single number Central Files (ANUA 239). An alphabetical list by surname indicates the box in which the file is located. File suffixes include A=Annex and C=Confidential.

Office of the Registrar

Harold Brookfield papers, field diaries, photographs and aerial photographs

  • AU ANUA 599
  • Series
  • 1958 - 1990

The collection includes fifty field notebooks, as well as research notes, correspondence, offprints, photographs, negatives and aerial photographs related to his research in the Pacific region, including the countries - Papua New Guinea and Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), New Caledonia, Fiji and The Philippines. The photographs in this collection have not been listed. They can be found in box 6 (1 Type 5 box) and in boxes 7 - 10 (4 grey albums).

Brookfield, Harold Chillingworth

Tom Dutton's Pacific linguistics research papers

  • AU ANUA 314
  • Series
  • 1952 - 2007

The material relates to linguistics research in Papua New Guinea and includes notebooks, articles, transcripts, and texts on Koiari, Koita, Mountain Koiari, Barai, Mangalasi, Aomie (Omie), Rigo, Police Motu (Hiri Motu) and Tok Pisin (New Guinea Pidgin English).

Dutton, Thomas Edward

Paradise – the in flight magazine of Air Niugini

  • AU NBAC S1195
  • Serial
  • Jul 1976- Oct 2019

One undated, unnumbered issue and one copy of Paradise Faces (1989). Contains issues 1 (July 1976), 7, 9-10, 13-17, 19-65, 67-96, 99-103, 105-111, 113-124, 127, 129, 132, 136-138, 142-144, 146-151, 153-156 (Mar/Apr 2003). Numbering system then changes, and continues with 2003 (vol 1 only); 2004 (vol 4-6); 2005 (vol 1-5); 2006 (vol 1-6); 2007 (1-2, 5-6); 2008 (1-3); 2009 (1-6); 2010 (vol 2-6); 2011 (vol 1-6); 2012 (vol 1-6); 2013 (vol 1-6); 2014 (vol 1-4); 2015 (vol 3-6); 2016 (vol 1-6); 2017 (vol 1-4, 6); 2018 (vol 2-6); 2019 (vol 1, 4-5)
*Issue 13 is missing the covers.

Air Niugini

Margaret Steven papers

  • AU ANUA ANUA 806
  • Series
  • 1945 - 2014

Contents consist of files arranged chronologically relating to Dr Margaret Steven's early education, employment, university administration and research work. It includes correspondence relating to publications and exhibitions that Margaret Steven worked on including entries for the Australian Dictionary of Biography, the 'Great Australians' series, and publications on Merchant Campbell. Box 1 contents date from 1945 - 1998; box 2 contents date from 1996 - 2014. Testamurs for her Honours degree and Doctorate are included in box 2.

Steven, Margaret Jean Esther

ANU Department of Linguistics records

  • AU ANUA 422
  • Series
  • 1965 - 2007

Language maps, transcripts, 16 mm film reels re Pidgin dialogue, sound reel tapes re Gugadji language, departmental report, minutes, newsletters and material relating to Prof Stephen Wurm and Tom Dutton.

ANU Department of Linguistics

National AIDS Archive Collection Commonwealth government material

  • AU NBAC H2
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 2008

Material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) produced by the Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health (and successors), its policy advisory bodies (AIDS Task Force, National Advisory Committee on AIDS, Australian National Council on AIDS, Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS) and some other Commonwealth departments, including Ministerial statements, reports, booklets, bulletins, leaflets, advertisements, posters, discussion papers, conference proceedings, press clippings, media kits, audio and video cassettes, and marketing material (t-shirts, caps, stickers, postcards, balloons, condoms, frig magnets, badges, key-rings, coasters and frisbees).

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Examiners’ reports for higher degrees at ANU

  • AU ANUA 210
  • Series
  • 1954 - continuing

The binders contain reports from examiners of PhD theses and their recommendations for awarding a degree and for prizes.

Office of the Registrar

Australian Forestry School photograph album

  • AU ANUA 800
  • Series
  • c. 1947-1949

This album contains photographs of campus and student life taken by Australian Forestry School student Brian Moore in the late 1940s.

Moore, Brian

Bill Bowtell collection

  • AU NBAC H19
  • Deposit
  • 1984 - 1994

Files relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) issues covering Bowtell's work with the National Advisory Committee on AIDS and the Australian National Council on AIDS, the National Campaign Against Drug Use, the AIDS Trust of Australia, the Working Party on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Intergovernmental Committee on AIDS, and as president of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, including correspondence, reports, minutes and agenda for meetings, local and international conference papers, speeches, press cuttings, videotape of 1993 interviews with Bowtell, Ita Buttrose and Senator Richardson and printed material.

Bowtell, William

Nigel Lendon papers and research materials

  • AU ANUA 809
  • Series
  • c. 1960 - 2021

Records of Nigel Lendon's research, teaching and art practice including diaries, research notes, photographs, slides, recordings, posters, reference works, correspondence and journal publications. The records relate to Lendon's own practice and exhibitions, curatorial work on the Wagilag Sisters and Afghan war rugs exhibitions, art theory and art history, and outsider artists including Slim Barrie. There are records of his association with the Art Workers' Union.

Lendon, Nigel

AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific deposit

  • AU NBAC H17
  • Deposit
  • 1989 - 1992

Executive Committee correspondence, subject files and papers relating to the first four International Conferences on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.

AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific

Scarlet Alliance deposit one

  • AU NBAC H15
  • Deposit
  • 1988 - 1993

Records relating to establishment, meetings, workshops and conferences, correspondence, reports, funding submissions, material from State sex worker organisations and overseas reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.

Scarlet Alliance

Scarlet Alliance deposit two

  • AU NBAC N399
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 2015

Records relating to annual meetings, workshops and conferences, reports, funding submissions. Includes advocacy and lobbying material, such as submissions to proposed legislation and letter-writing campaigns. Also includes reports, copies of articles and conference papers, newspaper clippings, and printed material.

Extensive collection of serials, including from State and Territory and overseas sex worker organisations.

Scarlet Alliance

Art Forum recordings

  • AU ANUA 431
  • Series
  • 1983 - 2005

These sound recordings cover School of Art lectures and workshops given by various artists from 1983 to 2005.

Canberra School of Art

Correspondence files

  • AU ANUA 177
  • Series
  • 1960 -2005

Many of the files relate to the Library Committee, including minutes, agenda and working papers from 1960 to 1987. There are also files about significant events, ‘Library Archives’ and ‘Library History’ files, and files about the Asian Studies Division of the library. Single numbers have been imposed because many files bear the same alphanumeric number.

University Library

Family Planning Federation of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC H4
  • Deposit
  • 1968 - 1992

Minutes of Federal Council (1972-1987) and sub-committees, annual reports, financial records, files of Executive Director Wendy McCarthy, office and research files, posters, educational videos and printed material. Includes material relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) education programs, videotapes on family planning and sexually-transmitted diseases targeted at Pacific Island cultures, and video recordings of Pacific women.

Family Planning Federation of Australia

Gowrie Scholarship minute book and index cards

  • AU ANUA 797
  • Deposit
  • 1944 - 2011

1 large volume containing copies of minutes from the foundation's annual meeting. Index cards covering recipients by surname A-O.

Gowrie Foundation

Macquarie Textiles deposit

  • AU NBAC N455
  • Deposit
  • 1923 - 2003

Minute books and an audit report for Amalgamated Textiles Australia Ltd., Macquarie Worsteds Limited, and Ascot Investments Pty. Ltd. Copies of a wire bound brochure with wool and textile samples, and newspaper clippings for Macquarie Textiles and Macquarie Worsteds. Onkaparinga items include advertising photos, transparencies, illustrations and sketches, slides, film and film negatives, draft papers, and a fabric specification handbook. Some slides and illustrations are for Laconia blankets. Other items include Downs, Coulter & Co. financial records, a John Vicars & Co Limited centenary book, and a speech on the textile industry written by an unknown author for a Sir Robert Webster lecture.

Macquarie Textiles

Results 3301 to 3340 of 3340