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Anjeli Nathan papers

  • AU ANUA 98
  • Series
  • 1980 - 1999

This series documents the academic progress of an ANU Science student who graduated with First Class Honours and the University Medal in 1998. It includes material from her primary and secondary education, university studies and extracurricular activities, as well as personal correspondence and photographs. There is also material relating to her death and the setting up of the Anjeli Nathan Scholarship and Fund.

Nathan, Anjeli Catherine

Robert Osborne papers and photographs

  • AU ANUA 99
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1954

This small collection of letters, invitations, and a menu includes photographs of the 1948 Easter Conference, showing participants at the Institute of Anatomy building including members of the Academic Advisory Committee (Florey, Hancock, Oliphant, and Firth).

Osborne, Robert Gumley

Research papers of Margaret George

  • AU ANUA 438
  • Series
  • 1960s - 1974

This series contains research notes, seminar papers and correspondence relating to Margaret George's research into the Netherlands East Indies.

George, Margaret Lorraine

Faculty of Asian Studies minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 670
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1989

Minutes and agenda papers, 1962 - 1989; Heads of Departments minutes and agenda papers, 1966 - 1970; Faculty Education Committee minutes and agenda papers, 1969 - 1973; Committee of the Centre of Oriental Studies minutes and agenda papers, 1963 - 1970

ANU Faculty of Asian Studies

Mervyn Paterson's papers and drawings relating to HPT machines

  • AU ANUA 665
  • Series
  • 1961 - 2011

The laboratory notebooks include calculations, notes and designs relating to the High Pressure High Temperature (HPT) apparatus which Paterson developed for research into rock deformation in the Department of Geophysics in the Research School of Physical Sciences (later the Research School of Earth Sciences). There are also log books of assembly notes for thirteen machines built by Paterson Instruments Pty Ltd (later Australian Scientific Instruments Pty Ltd) for overseas research institutes including Manchester University, the University of Montpellier and the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and folders of email correspondence with clients and potential clients. The drawings are of the original design and modifications of the HPT apparatus including assembly, modules and components.

Paterson, Mervyn Silas

Forestry Log

  • AU ANUA 678
  • Series

Fenner School of Environment and Society

Posters from the Vietnam War

  • AU ANUA 669
  • Series
  • 1930s - 1990s

Vietnam War; Vietnamese Art

These posters, calendars and artworks were collected over the course of David Marr’s career. There are a mix of prints and originals from the 1930s to the mid 1990s. They largely focus on the Indochina Wars - particularlry the Vietnam War - and the politics of Vietnam during that time but the series also includes art and folk art not specifically related to these topics as well as material focusing on Laos, Cambodia and other regions. The perspectives of the material is mixed, work coming from North and South Vietnam, Europe (mostly France and Russia), Australia and The United States. The series contains examples of propaganda, fine art, children’s art, promotional material for private, not-for-profit and academic organisations and events, educational material, work related to charity and foreign-aid and material discussing war crimes.

Some material in this collection contains accounts of torture and images of injuries.

Marr, David George

Publications from Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing

  • AU ANUA 288
  • Series
  • 2002 - 2007

ANU was the lead agency in this consortium funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training which included University and other research facilities throughout Australia.

Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing

Graduate School files and publications

  • AU ANUA 259
  • Series
  • 1990 - 2006

There are records created by the Deans of the Graduate School and other staff, and master sets of publications:
Dr Ray Spear, Dean
Correspondence files, 1990–1998
Committee files, 1990–1997
Subject files, 1990–1999
Dr John Hooper, Dean
Correspondence, 1998–2002
Meeting files, 1999–2005
Committee folders, 1999–2003
Graduate School files, 1995–2005
Professor Gail Huon, Dean
Committee folder, 2006
Graduate School publications, 1991–2006

Graduate School

Correspondence between Professor Porter, Director John Curtin School of Medical Research, and Lady Florey

  • AU ANUA 69
  • Series
  • 1980 - 1988

Two files of correspondence between Professor Robert Porter as Director of the John Curtin School of Medical Research and Lady Florey about the Florey Lectures, 1984 exhibition and Memorial Fund. One additional folder of publications relating to Florey Memorial Fund and commemoration of centenary of his birth in September 1998.

John Curtin School of Medical Research

Records of Harold Crouch

  • AU ANUA 664
  • Series
  • c.1965 - 2017

Collection contains research and teaching notes on political science across Crouch’s career at the University of Indonesia, the National University of Malaysia, the University of the Philippines, and at the Australian National University. Includes media clippings and interviews given by Crouch to Indonesian and Australian news outlets, as well as notes from lectures and papers presented at conferences and to government bodies. Includes material relating to significant publications as well as an unfinished monograph on Southeast Asia.

Crouch, Harold

Correspondence files, annual single number series

  • AU ANUA 292
  • Series
  • 1988 - 2000

Many of the files relate to the Library Committee, including minutes, agenda and working papers as well as other administrative matters.

University Library

Papers about the defence of Australia

  • AU ANUA 548
  • Series
  • 1973 - 2002

The plans and reports mostly relate to civil defence and transport issues in the Northern Territory, Cape York and the Kimberley and Pilbara areas of Western Australia.

ANU Strategic and Defence Studies Centre

Australian Forestry School reunion papers

  • AU ANUA 81
  • Series
  • 2000

The papers relate to a reunion of former students of the Australian Forestry School, 1927 - 1964. There are committee minutes, administrative files, biographical notes of students called 'Growing Stock' and compiled by class coordinators, photographs of the event and the publication produced for the reunion 'A Brief History of the Australian Forestry School' by LT Carron.

AFS (Australian Forestry School) Reunion 2000 Incorporated

Vietnam research publications

  • AU ANUA 557
  • Series
  • 1989 - 2008

Collected for the ANU Vietnam Studies Group 1992 - 2003. Offprints of articles, ephemera, conference papers and other material.

Marr, David George

Gehan Wijeyewardene

  • AU ANUA 683
  • Series

This series has not yet been processed.

Wijeyewardene, Gehan

Department of Zoology photograph album and notes

  • AU ANUA 532
  • Series
  • 1990

The photograph album was compiled by Tony Argyle and Tony Howkins at the time of the Department of Zoology's 'reunion and wake' in late 1990 before its amalgamation with the Department of Botany. Its contents date from 1959 and include photographs of buildings and building works, staff and students (groups and individuals), vehicles, equipment, field trips and social events, as well as documents relating to Tony Argyle's employment, accident reports, extracts from the ANU Reporter, poetry, quizzes, programs and addresses. The drawing on the cover (the word Zoology spelt out in animals) is by Richard (Dick) Barwick. Loose photographs and documents are in a separate folder. Also included is the memoir, "Smyth's Department: Memories of the Department of Zoology, 1958 to 1971".

Argyle, Anthony Arthur

Minutes and agenda of meetings of the ANU Faculty of Science

  • AU ANUA 361
  • Series
  • 1961 - 2003

These records contain minutes and agenda papers of the decision making body of the Faculty of Science. There are two committees represented in these minutes, the main committee and the standing committee. The meetings discussed such matters as the weighting of coursework, student appeals for special consideration, finances and staff issues.

ANU Faculty of Science

Canberra University College press statements

  • AU ANUA 242
  • Series
  • 1956 - 1960

There are two folders with typewritten or ronoed copies of press statements. They mainly relate to staff appointments, events and scholarship winners.

Canberra University College

Ben Selinger papers

  • AU ANUA 403
  • Series
  • 1947 - 2010

The records include correspondence; memoirs of Burton Hall and the ANU Chemistry Department; chemistry teaching material; publications; articles for the Canberra Times; presentations and lectures; journal articles; reports from his time on the Independent Panel on Intractable Waste and the Asbestos Advisory Committee; and research on the Chamberlain case and Agent Orange. The collection also includes teaching material from Melbourne Technical College, given to Selinger by Professor Arthur Hambly, as well as papers by Hambly and his obituaries.

Selinger, Benjamin Klaas

Sir Allen Brown's Council papers

  • AU ANUA 649
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1962

This small series of files relates to Sir Allen Brown's membership of the Councils of the Canberra University College and the Australian National University. The papers show his involvement in the establishment in the School of Oriental Languages and other issues and are held in Prime Minister's Department file covers. There are also a small number of papers of Sir John Bunting and Edmund Foxcroft who were later members of the ANU Council. Sir John Bunting succeeded Sir Allen Brown as Secretary of the Prime Minister's Department.

Brown, Allen Stanley

School of Music programs and publicity material

  • AU ANUA 263
  • Series
  • 1965 - 1997

These are printed copies of programs distributed at concerts, recitals and other performances at the Canberra School of Music from its establishment. They include performances by School of Music staff and students, visiting musicians, and concerts which were part of national tours, for instance by Musica Viva and the Australian Chamber Orchestra. Some are high quality glossy programs while others are roneoed sheets. There are also some fliers, posters and publicity files which include photographs of musicians and reviews of performances. Publications include handbooks and calendars.

Canberra School of Music

Canberra University College Gazette master set

  • AU ANUA 154
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1960

The Gazette was published as a general newsletter for students and staff of the College. Issues held in a black springback binder are:
• Vol. 1, No. 1, December 1951 to No. 12, September 1955 (with index)
• Vol. 2, No. 1, February 1956 to No. 6, November 1957
• Vol. 3, No. 1, July 1959 to No. 4, September 1960
The master set does not include issues Vol 1, No. 4 or any issues for 1958.

Canberra University College

Institute of the Arts publications

  • AU ANUA 184
  • Series
  • 1979 - 2003

The publications relate to the Institute of the Arts (ITA) and predecessors the Canberra Institute of the Arts (CITA), the Canberra School of Music and the Canberra School of Art. There are also publications relating to the Drill Hall Gallery.

Institute of the Arts

Papers of Colin Plowman

  • AU ANUA 660
  • Series
  • 1962 - 2008

Papers spanning the years Colin Plowman was involved with Canberra University College and ANU covering his involvement in the Arts, university administration and sport.

Plowman, Colin George

Ken Campbell articles

  • AU ANUA 684
  • Series

This series has not yet been described.

Campbell, Kenton Stewart Wall

Dick Barwick's drawings

  • AU ANUA 692
  • Series

This series has not yet been processed.

Barwick, Richard Essex

Fenner School Wood Index

  • AU ANUA 624
  • Series

There are 2 runs of cards in this series grouped under wood index and sorting cards.

Wood index contains seven groups of cards. Groups are:

  1. wood specimen - approximately 360 cards arranged by family and genus. Some with more than one species.
  2. conifers - approximately 15 cards arranged by genus.
  3. WA, - approximately 23 cards. All Eucalyptus arranged species.
  4. other countries - 102 cards arranged by family with several genera and species on each.
  5. permanent slides - 72 cards arranged by family some with several genera and species. Note: no Eucalyptus listed (Myrtaceae).
  6. photo - 10 cards with details o how to develop photos.
  7. not titles - 8 small cards with details of stains and steralisers (for preparing slides)

A typed list of 170 samples by genus and species is annotated CSIRO Mr Gay Oct 1954.

Sorting cards are 204 x 128mm (8x5 inches) designed in the Paragon Copy-chat system and pre-printed. They are of 2 types:

  1. Majority are white, headed Wood Identification Features and marked DFP form 77 [CSIRO Division of Forest Products]
  2. A few are buff and marked DFP form 83.

There are approximately 500 cards filed in 2 groups with sections with headers.:

  1. Hardwoods with headers for Queensland, NSW, Tas, NZ, New Guinea, Malay, India, East Indies, Asia, Europe, USA, South Africa, W. Trop Africa, Euc, Euc WA.
  2. Families with headers for Australian and NEI.
    At the front of the sorting cards are approximately a dozen plain cards detailing chemicals and processes for preparing samples.

Fenner School of Environment and Society

Annual folders of papers relating to University House

  • AU ANUA 359
  • Series
  • 1949 - 1975

This is an artificial collection of papers relating to University House, arranged into annual folders. The folders include original correspondence, copies of minutes of the Governing Board, newscuttings, and other material. They appear to be related to the compilation of a history and may have been compiled at the time of Francis West’s history University House: Portrait of an Institution, published in 1980.

University House

Ladies' Drawing Room records

  • AU ANUA 657
  • Series
  • 1956 - 2016

Minutes of annual general meetings, convener's reports and financial statements, printed rules, correspondence about furnishings and facilities, Jan Brown's bird sculpture and lunches, address lists of members, attendance sheets, and copies of addresses made by Chancellor Peter Baume in 1996 and by Dr Louise Moran in 2016.

University House Ladies' Drawing Room

Tony Reid's papers on Southeast Asian Studies

  • AU ANUA 421
  • Series
  • 1964 - 2007

The files relate to Professor Reid's research and teaching in Southeast Asian Studies principally at the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University including material about departmental reviews and publications, correspondence with fellow academics, and engagement with Southeast Asia through the Australian Development Assistance Agency, the Australian Academy of the Humanities and other organisations.

Reid, Anthony

ANU Committee on General Policy minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 221
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1997

These are copies of minutes and agenda papers in black binders of the Committee on General Policy convened by the Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies.

ANU Committee on General Policy

Indenture between Elizabeth Denn and John Burton, and John Ash

  • AU ANUA 252
  • Series
  • 1734

This original indenture dated 22 July 1734 is handwritten on a page preprinted with the words ‘This Indenture’. It is a lease for land at Childerditch in Essex owned by Elizabeth Denn and John Burton and rented to John Ash for a total of ten shillings with a year’s rent of one peppercorn. It is framed between two sheets of glass and there are windows in the backing to allow annotations on the verso of the document to be read. A transcription has been made of the text, preserving original spelling with expansion of common abbreviations. Its provenance in relation to the University is yet to be fully established, though it is likely to have been donated prior to 1960 as there is a pencil annotation on the backing ‘18/6 CUC’ which appears to refer to the Canberra University College. It hung in the Law Librarian’s office for many years prior to transfer to the Archives.

This Indenture
Made the two and twentyeth day of July in the eighth yeare of the reigne of our
Soveraigne Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Britaine France and
Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth and in the yeare of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and thirty four Between Elizabeth Denn of Brentwood in the county of Essex
Widdow Daughter and heire and alsoe Executrix of Christopher Jefferies late of Brentwood aforesaid Apothecary deceased
and John Burton late of Childerditch in the said County of Essex (and now of Great Bursted in the said County) gent
of the one part and John Ash of Great Ilford in the said County of Essex gent of the other part Witnesseth
that the said Elizabeth Denn and John Burton in consideration of Five Shillings apeice to them in hand paid
by the said John Ash at and before the Ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby
accordingly acknowledged Have bargained and sold and by these presents Doe bargaine and sell unto the said John
Ash All that Messuage or Tenement and peice of ground and lane and other houses edifices buildings erected and built
upon the same peice of ground or lane with the garden or orchard thereunto adjoyning situate in Childerditch
aforesaid And all that croft of land meadow or pasture called Bayly’s croft late devided into two fields or crofts called
by the names of the Low Meadow and Little Field in the parish of Childerditch aforesaid And all that croft of land
meadow or pasture called Bassett with all and singular houses tenements lands meadowes pastures feedings commons
common of pasture profitts commodityes hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging And the
revercon and revercons remainder and remainders rents issues and profitts thereof and of every part and parcell
thereof To have and to hold the said Messuage or Tenement land hereditaments and premisses hereby bargained and
sold or mentioned or intended to be hereby bargained and sold with their and every of their appurtenances unto
him the said John Ash his Executors and Administrators from the feast day of St John the Baptist last past before the date of
these presents for and during and unto the full end and terme of one whole yeare from thence next ensuing and
fully to be compleat and ended Yielding and paying therfore unto the said Elizabeth Denn and John Burton their
heires and assignes the rent of one peppercorn at the Feast of St Thomas the Apostle now next ensuing (if the same shall
be lawfully demanded) To the intent that by vertue of these presents and of the statute for transferring of uses into possession
the said John Ash may be in the actuall possession of the said Messuage or Tenement land hereditaments and premisses with
the appurtenances and be enabled thereby to take and accept of a grant and release of the revercon and inheritance
thereof to him and his heires In Witnesse whereof the said partyes first above named to these present Indentures
interchangeably have sett their hands and seales the day and yeare first above written

[signed] Elisabeth Denn John Burton


Sealed and delivered (being first
duty stamped) in the presence of us
[signed] Daniell Taylor
Char: White

Lease for a yeare from
Mrs Denn and Mr John Burton to
Mr John Ash
Date 22th July 1734

Canberra University College

Course materials from the ANU College of Law

  • AU ANUA 286
  • Series
  • 1988 - 2012

The course materials, commonly known as ‘bricks’, are for courses offered by the Faculty of Law and include an outline of the course, lists of lectures and tutorials, assessment plans, reading lists, and copies of articles and other readings.

ANU Faculty of Law

Oral history transcripts and interviews

  • AU ANUA 44
  • Series
  • 1982 - 1996

These are recordings and transcripts of interviews with ANU academic and general staff for the 60th anniversary and other history projects.

Foster, Stephen Glynn

Urban Research Unit papers and publications

  • AU ANUA 52
  • Series
  • 1965 – 1999

The papers include research material, seminar and conference papers, and publications including annual reports and newsletters:
Working files for collaborative publications c.1994–1999;
Hunter District Water Board interviews 1986–1990;
Federal Court of Australia, New South Wales District Registry: Between Marrickville Council (applicant) and Minister for the Environment, Sport and Territories (respondent) c. 1995–1996;
Urban Research Program working papers 1993–1999;
Administration, Compliance and Governability Program working papers 1991–1995;
Urban History Planning History conference 1995;
Seminar papers, conference papers and drafts for publication 1965–1993;
Annual Reports 1972–1984, 1996–1998;
Newsletters 1987–1999;
Published material 1971–1999

Urban Research Unit, Research School of Social Sciences

Research papers and correspondence

  • AU ANUA 369
  • Series
  • 1962 - 2002

Research papers and correspondence from Professor Caldwell’s research including India and Africa. Also contains journal articles and books written by Professor Caldwell and copies of Health Transition Review he edited.

Caldwell, John Charles

Framed documents and images

  • AU ANUA 399
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1981

The framed documents and images were displayed in public spaces and meeting rooms at the Australian National University.

Australian National University

Law School Office Files

  • AU ANUA 347
  • Series
  • 1962 - 1987

This series has not been processed.

ANU Faculty of Law

ANUTECH Publications

  • AU ANUA 164
  • Series
  • 1988 - 1999

These publications relate to ANUTECH Pty Ltd and include newsletters and annual reviews.

ANUTECH Proprietary Limited

ANU Department of Astronomy subject files and publications

  • AU ANUA 119
  • Series
  • 1940s - 1990s

These are unregistered files created by a number of staff relating to administration, activities, plans, equipment, site protection, promotion and the history of the Mt Stromlo site. There are also printed publications about both the Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring observatories.

ANU Department of Astronomy

Index cards relating to immigrants

  • AU ANUA 475
  • Series
  • 1963 - 1970

The index cards were used by Price and others in the Department of Demography in their research on immigrants: their origins and their place of settlement. They summarise information about immigrants sourced from the Department of Immigration including naturalisation files 1903-1970. There are two main groups of cards: non-Europeans (Chinese, Japanese and other Asian) in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland sorted by province and district in their home countries, and European migrants by country of origin. Cards for Jewish people, Greeks, Italians and East Europeans are sorted by Australian place of residence at the time of naturalisation (state, then city or country); there are separate runs for Germans in South Australia and Italians in Griffith, New South Wales. Cards for other Europeans are sorted by country, then district or village of origin (including Germans, Austrians, Russians, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Turks, Cypriots, Hungarians, Rumanians, Balts, Poles and immigrants from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Norway, United States, South America, Syria and Lebanon). Sampling was 1:1 for small groups and earlier years, reaching 1:4 when Germans and Greeks were numerous and 1:5 when Italians were numerous.

Price, Charles Archibald

SCUNA [ANU Choral Society] records

  • AU ANUA 231
  • Series
  • 1966 - 2014

There are audiotape and cassette tape recordings of concerts performed by SCUNA, songbooks, programs, posters, Committee minutes (1983-2003 with gaps), correspondence and financial records, and SCUNA-branded items such as t-shirts.

ANU Choral Society

ANU Instructional Resources Unit Video Recordings

  • AU ANUA 423
  • Series
  • 1967 - 1996

Video material created and collected by the Instructional Resources Unit (IRU) for teaching and other ANU uses such as 1) promotional, e.g. University Open Days, student activities and campus life, facilities and study requirements for students, etc., 2) official visits and events, e.g. conferring of degrees ceremonies, the 14th Dalai Lama’s visit, etc., 3) interviews - Professor AD Hope; Professor Manning Clark; Dr HC Coombs; Emeritus Professor Oscar Spate; Sir John Eccles; British social anthropologist, Sir Edmund Leach, etc., 4) lectures and public addresses - Research School of Physical Sciences, Department of Zoology and a series of Twilight Lectures presented by the ANU and the National Aquarium, 5) commissions and contracts e.g. Questacon, Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1990 Floriade Festival, NSW Chamber of Mines Metals and Extractive Industries, Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency, etc., 6) commissions by ANU Departments, often recorded in the field, e.g. Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories; fossil locations in the Gogo area of the Kimberleys; Department of Forestry student field trips; the freshwater and wetland ecology of Iron Bark Creek, etc. At the time of the IRU’s closure, Departments were contacted and encouraged to claim any items which they considered to be of value and for which they had an ongoing use. This explains some of the gaps in the collection.

ANU Instructional Resources Unit

ANU Marketing photographs

  • AU ANUA 579
  • Series
  • 1960 - 2006

This series contains photographs, negatives and transparencies of the University campus, buildings, functions, events and people associated with the University: staff, students, Chancellors, Council members and visitors. They were taken by staff photographers between the 1960s and 2006.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Papers of Noel Dunbar

  • AU ANUA 36
  • Series
  • 1944 - 2006

The papers include notes and theses on Physics and correspondence with other physicists, travel diaries, appointment diaries as Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the Australian National University, correspondence relating to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, correspondence and other papers as Chairman of the Universities Council of the Tertiary Education Commission, invitations, cassette tapes of his ANU farewell function, a radio interview and an address by Lord Rutherford, photographs of ANU buildings, functions and staff, and personal correspondence with ANU staff and professional contacts.

Dunbar, David Noel Ferguson

Photographs of buildings and events at the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 226
  • Series
  • 1950 – 2005

This series contains mainly black and white photographs of events, buildings, places, official visits, conferences, artworks, Creative Arts Fellows, staff and students. Many of the photographs were taken by staff photographers for use in The ANU Reporter, and the issue in which a photograph was used is often noted on the reverse. The photographs are held in envelopes organised by subjects, though this is not consistent. For instance, all photographs used in issues of The ANU Reporter for 1996–2000 are held in envelopes labelled ‘ANU Reporter photographs’ rather than by individual subjects.

Office of the Registrar

Photographs of people at the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 225
  • Series
  • c1970 - c2000

This series contains mainly black and white photographs of people associated with the University: staff, students, Chancellors, Council members, Creative Fellows, and visitors. Some envelopes contain many photographs over a staff member’s career. The photographs are contained in envelopes, alphabetical by surname. The majority of the photographs were taken by staff photographers or by local photographers under contract, but there are also some press photographs.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS)

  • AU ANUA 605
  • Series
  • 1967 - 1997

Aerial topographical photographs, 1986 - 1987, together with related printed material on Vanuatu geology, forestry, agriculture and land use, 1967 - 1997.
'In June 1990, the Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) contracted the Queensland Forest Service (QFS) and the CSIRO, Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures to undertake the Vanuatu Forest Resource Survey Project. The principal aim of the project was 'to contribute to the national objective of the Vanuatu Government to plan and manage the country's forest and agricultural resources in conjunction with appropriate land use development and conservation strategies for the economic benefit of the Vanuatu people'. During the project a geographically-referenced micro-computer based planning tool called the Vanuatu Resource Information System (VANRIS) was developed. VANRIS integrates spatially referenced information for the entire country concerning the type, distribution and current use of the natural resources with population distribution'. This Abstract was taken from Bellamy, J A (Ed), VANRIS Handbook, CSIRO (Qld), 1993

Bellamy, Jennifer A

Alan Ward research papers on Pacific Island land matters

  • AU ANUA 272
  • Series
  • 1945 - 1997

Almost half of this record group is concerned with PNG. These papers were gathered when Ward was Lecturer in History at the University of Papua New Guinea and adviser to the Land Evaluation and Demarcation Project Study (LEAD). The collection includes correspondence, notes, articles and papers, draft legislation and press cuttings.

A small portion of these papers relate to politics and land matters in Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Africa, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Banaba, French Polynesia and Guadeloupe.

The remainder of the documents are mainly concerned with New Caledonia between 1947 and 1990 and were assembled by Ward at La Trobe University, Melbourne, through the 1980s, particularly during the years of political uncertainty in the French Territory from 1984 to 1990

Ward, Alan Dudley

Map of Taveuni, Fiji

  • AU ANUA 294
  • Series
  • c. 1890s - 1930s

Map shows plantations that existed on Taveuni in the 1890s and relates to Brookfield’s research for the publication – ‘Tavenui: land, population and production’, Canberra: Development Studies Centre, ANU for UNESCO, 1978.

Brookfield, Harold Chillingworth

Papers relating to the Methodist Church in Papua New Guinea and Rev Threlfall’s research on Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 305
  • Series
  • 1875 - 1985

Documents and research notes relating to the Methodist Church in Papua New Guinea and Reverend Threlfall’s research on Papua New Guinea.

Items 1 - 14 : Methodist Mission Papers: Minutes and reports of New Britain District Synods, 1896 to 1941; including Study Papers presented to the 1932 Synod.
Items 15 - 24 : United Church Papers: Minutes of the New Guinea Islands Regional Synod of the United Church of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, 1969, 1971-75 and 1979-82.
Items 25 - 40: Early Contacts and Settlements: Including extracts from New Bedford Whalers’ Logs notes from the memoirs of Eduoard Hernsheim, etc.
Items 41 - 78: German New Guinea: Official reports and other documents. Chinese settlers (Cahill, Wu).
Items 79 - 88: World War I. The Expropriation of German Properties (including Pat Hopper’s thesis, 'Kicking out the Hun').
Items 89 - 99: The Australian Mandated Territory, between World Wars 1 and 2.
Items 100 - 119: Extracts from Albert Hahl, 'Governor in New Guinea'. More notes from the between-wars period.
Items 120 - 129: Geological and volcanic history, especially the 1937 and 1941-43 eruptions.
Items 130 - 142: Post-WWII material; in particular land claims and disputes on the Gazelle Peninsula; Gazelle Peninsula/Rabaul. Problems over land & multi-racial Gazelle Peninsula Local Government Council, murder of District Commissioner Jack Emanuel, the trial and notes on the Tolai situation and the establishment of provincial government.
Items 143 - 172: Gazelle Peninsula/Rabaul and the problems over land and the multi-racial council.
Items 173 - 200: Pre World War 2 material: defence arrangements in Rabaul 1939 - 1941, the Japanese invasion in January 1942, personal memoirs, interviews from persons from 1910 - post World War 2.
Items 201 - 225: Chronology of prisoners' movements, civilians and soldiers, the Chinese in Chinatown until 1943.
Items 226 - 278: Methodist and United Church Papers, notes on New Britain/New Ireland from church papers in the PNG Collection, University of Papua New Guinea Library.

Threlfall, Neville A

Richard Gilson Pacific Research papers on Samoa

  • AU ANUA 308
  • Series
  • 1830 - 1954

Research papers, drafts and notes on the Pacific Islands, with particular focus on the Cook Islands and Samoa relating to the publications Samoa 1830-1900, 1970 and The Cook Islands 1820-1950, 1980. Including material on Fiji, French Polynesia, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony (Kiribati), Niue and PNG. Papers relating to the German Administration of Western Samoa, translated into English by Mrs Trudi Newbury, and collected by R.P. Gilson from Archives New Zealand.

Gilson, Richard

Brian William Brogan papers relating to development programs

  • AU ANUA 310
  • Series
  • 1978 - 2008

Most of the papers are proposals and reports on particular development programs from Brogan’s role as Director of the Asia Program in the National Centre for Development Studies and the National Graduate School of Management. They relate to projects in Vietnam, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, India, East Timor and China, particularly under the China Australia Governance Program. There are also some photographs of course participants and training materials. Also contains research and government papers relating to the Papua New Guinea government and economy.

Brogan, Brian

Papers of Diana Howlett

  • AU ANUA 328
  • Series
  • 1970 - 1980

Pacific research papers on human geography including research materials on population, agriculture and natural resources in the Pacific Islands. Includes census data and government reports for Kiribati, Samoa, Vanuatu and Niue; newspaper articles, government and academic papers relating to Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Nauru, Tuvalu, Western Samoa, Micronesia, Tonga, including topics on nuclear testing, colonialism/postcolonialism and economic development.
Also contains records documenting of aspects of Diana Howlett's education and research.

Howlett, Diana Rosemary

Murray Groves Papers

  • AU ANUA 330
  • Series
  • nd

This series has not been processed.

Groves, Murray Charles

Linguistic recordings

  • AU ANUA 350
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1984

This series has not been processed.
Recordings of language data (narratives, myths, wordlists, conversation) and of music from Papua New Guinea, the North Moluccas (Indonesia) and the Solomon Islands.

Voorhoeve, Clemens Lambertus

Linguistic recordings

  • AU ANUA 351
  • Series
  • 1958 - 1972

This series has not been processed

Laycock, Donald Clarence

Jai Ram Reddy papers relating to politics in Fiji

  • AU ANUA 365
  • Series
  • 1988 - 2000

The Reddy collection contains material relating to Jai Ram Reddy’s involvement in Fijian politics as leader of the National Federation Party (NFP) and leader of the Opposition.
Includes, correspondence, Fiji Government reports and papers, material relating to a review of the Fiji constitution, National Federation Party (NFP) of Fiji papers, parliamentary speeches, material relating to the Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Act (ALTA) and papers relating to women’s issues in Fiji.

Reddy, Jai Ram

Robert Norton Pacific research papers relating to Fijian politics

  • AU ANUA 366
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1997

The collection relates to Fiji politics, covering the following topics:
• National Federation Party
• Indian Political Bodies
• General Elections
• Alliance Party
• Fijian Political Bodies
• Labour Party
• All National Congress (ANC)
• Fiji Elections, 1963 – 1985
• Constitution
• Economy
• Unions and Industrial Conflict
• Education
• Local Government
• Indian Organisations
• 1987 Elections
• Interviews with Indo-Fijian politicians

Norton, Robert

Papers on the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Seychelles

  • AU ANUA 368
  • Series
  • 1943 - 1992

Contains research papers, academic articles, speeches, diaries, correspondence and government publications on the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Seychelles. Papers re general Pacific Islands matters, including Fiji, Samoa, New Zealand and the South Pacific Commission, constitutional development, and press cuttings. The collection was compiled by Allan during his time as an administrator in these Islands and as a researcher.

Allan, Colin Hamilton

Marion Ward papers relating to transport systems in Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 376
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1971

Items 1 - 31: Research papers and research data on transport systems in Papua New Guinea, includes sea, air and road transport systems. While conducting this research Marion Ward was the Field Director of the New Guinea Research Unit, Australian National University, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Her research assistant was Barbara Mainsbridge.
Items 32 - 35: Field data from East Sepik District Field Trip, Mar 1969. The field trip was to collect data on transport in the East Sepik District. Accompanied on field trip by Amirah Inglis. Other data collected and field data processed by Barbara Mainsbridge, Research Assistant to Marion Ward at the New Guinea Resarch Unit (NGRU).
Items 36 - 45: Field Data from visit to Milne Bay District. The visit was to collect data on transport in the Milne Bay District. Accompanied by Barbara Mainsbridge, Research Assistant, who collected and processed other data and processed the field data.
Items 46 - 52: Transport information bulletins.
Items 53 -58: Reports on fresh food production and transport in the Port Moresby Hinterland. While conducting this research Marion Ward was the Field Director of the New Guinea Research Unit, Australian National University, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Items 59 - 65: Economic papers, maps and data relating to Ward's study.

Ward, Marion Wybourn

Peter Sack collection on land and related matters in Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 485
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1979

These reports were gathered by Dr Peter Sack as part of his research on land ownership systems and cultural patterns of inheritance and ownership which effect land tenure in Papua New Guinea. Includes Magistrates Land Law Survey 1968; reports on land matters on the Gazelle Peninsula and on administration of justice, law and order issues; photocopies of maps and plans.

Sack, Peter Georg

Papua New Guinea newspaper cuttings

  • AU ANUA 404
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1980

The collection forms part of the newspaper cutting service run by the Political Science Program, Research School of Social Sciences and consists of cuttings from various Australian and Papua New Guinean newspapers, relating to government and politics in Papua New Guinea. Guide files from 1962-1966 document the early newspaper service and other holdings of the Political Science and International Relations Departments.

ANU Department of Political Science

Pacific History Records Room collection

  • AU ANUA 406
  • Series
  • 1792 - 1982

Printed material and copies of historical publications on the South Pacific, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Hawaii, Samoan Islands, Philippine Islands; copies of correspondence, photocopies of ship logs, maps, thesis material, administrative papers relating to the management of the Department of Pacific and South East Asian records room, and sound reel tapes of interviews relating to the Rorovana Land Crisis, Bougainville Island, 1969.

Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

Australian School of Pacific Administration printed material

  • AU ANUA 409
  • Series
  • 1916 - 1979

Printed material including course materials, Territory of Papua New Guinea education curriculum and syllabus materials, school readers and magazines, research papers and other rare publications relating to education in Papua New Guinea.

Australian School of Pacific Administration

Donald Denoon collection of papers on aspects of Papua New Guinea history 1972 - 1975

  • AU ANUA 411
  • Series
  • 1972 - 1975

Collected papers on Papua New Guinea history, mining, and independence including interviews with spokesmen of the Highlands Liberation Front, research papers and reports. Includes papers relating to the University of Papua New Guinea Council, transcripts of interviews with Papuan Defence Force personnel and Papuan Chinese on their experiences.

Denoon, Donald John Noble

Ian Hossack papers

  • AU ANUA 412
  • Series
  • 1964 - 1975

Reports and papers relating to educational policy, TPNG Department of Education curricula, publications of the Manpower Planning Unit, Apprenticeships Board of PNG and University of PNG.

Hossack, Ian

Papers and publications relating to population studies in the Pacific Islands

  • AU ANUA 416
  • Series
  • 1961 - 2001

Contains research papers, census and statistical reports, correspondence, published and unpublished reports relating to population studies in the Pacific Islands. Includes material on American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Northern Mariana Islands, Pitcairn Islands, Tokelau, Palau, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa.

Booth, Heather

Files relating to the administration of the Division of Pacific and Asian History

  • AU ANUA 418
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1990

Administration and general staffing of the Division, annual reports, correspondence, minutes, funding and conference papers. Includes records of predecessors the Department of Pacific History, Department of Pacific and Southeast Asian History, and Department of Far East Asian History.

ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History

Division publications

  • AU ANUA 419
  • Series
  • 1956 - 1991

Contains files relating to publications and films the Division of Pacific and Asian History were involved with, theses and monograph series, correspondence, bibliographies, newspaper clippings, and material relating to the film Angels of War.

ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History

Basil Shaw's research papers for a biography of Sir Michael Somare

  • AU ANUA 447
  • Series
  • 1966 - 1986

The collection contains research files compiled by Basil Shaw to write a biography on the former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Michael Somare. Includes correspondence, interview material, drawings by Captain Yukio Shibata, photographs, press cuttings, maps and photocopies of printed material.

Shaw, Basil John

Robert Norton research papers on Fiji politics

  • AU ANUA 448
  • Series
  • 1966 - 2006

The collection consists of reports, correspondence, press clippings, minutes of Fijian parliamentary committees, memoranda, parliamentary legislation documents and submissions, election material, press translations and published material.

Norton, Robert

Frank Gosson's collection of photographs from the Astrolabe mineral field (the Laloki and Dubuna Copper Mines) Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 450
  • Series
  • 1918 - 1924

1 album of 40 black and white photographs taken by a miner associated with the Astrolable mineral field and the Laloki and Dubuna Mines near Port Moresby. The photographs were taken between 1918 and 1924 and include images of mining operations, storage facilities and a tramway, staff housing for the New Guinea Copper Mine, as well as the general images of the landscape and everyday events, including Rouna Falls, Bootless Bay, farming, harvesting and ploughing, a coconut plantation at Bautama (Bootless Inlet) and a funeral procession.

Gosson, Francis John

Robert Kent Wilson research papers, correspondence and publications on economic development and industrialisation in Papua New Guinea

  • AU ANUA 459
  • Series
  • 1961 - 1974

The archive comprises correspondence, lectures, notebooks, papers and other research records relating to the economic development and industrialisation in Papua New Guinea from 1961-1974. The documents cover such subjects as building and construction, fishing, gas, coconut and village industries, the labour market, migration and over-urbanization in Papua New Guinea.

Wilson, Robert Kent

George Gadbois papers relating to a Papua New Guinea House of Assembly research project.

  • AU ANUA 460
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1978

This series contains interview recordings, transcripts and research papers. They include transcripts of interviews with backbenchers in the Papua New Guinea House of Assembly, 1974; a code book interview schedule and research committee paper; lists of the members of the House of Assembly, 1964-1976; research files and publications.

The interviews were conducted in English, Tok Pisin and Motu; written (typescript) versions are all in English. Most of the interviews were conducted by University of Papua New Guinea students with the interviewers frequently identified in the written version. A memorandum from Gadbois to an (unspecified) research committee provides a rationale for the form of the study.

Gadbois, George Harold Jr

Teacher training material for the Papua New Guinea 'E' Course

  • AU ANUA 461
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1972

Post World War II the need for education in Papua New Guinea was listed as essential in the Provisional Administration Bill of 1945. In the late 1950s, W C Grove, as Director of Papua New Guinea Education, saw that education for local students was hampered in that the Territory did not have staff to run schools while indigenous teachers were being trained. The 'E' or Emergency Crash Teacher Training Course was implemented. The aim was to recruit Australians, quickly train them and post them to primary schools. The first "E" course began at Malaguna Technical Centre in 1960. On 1 April 1961 the first E course graduates were posted to districts throughout PNG. The courses ended in December 1971. This compilation is in two parts. The first describes the courses, the second is a list of lecturers, trainees who graduated from the three training colleges at Malaguna, Madang and Port Moresby, and selected events.

Houston, Bernard W

New Guinea Society, Canberra Branch papers

  • AU ANUA 462
  • Series
  • 1957 - 1965

The records comprise New Guinea Society papers presented at meetings in Canberra, records relating to membership and activities, correspondence, constitution, minutes and notices of meetings. The collection also includes some documents relating to the Papua and New Guinea Society, a group formed in Port Moresby in 1962.

New Guinea Society

Marjorie Bull papers

  • AU ANUA 482
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1995

Reprints of academic papers by Margaret Mead, newsclippings and copies of publications, correspondence, and a copy of biographer Jane Howard's CV and talk 'Flyovers, Quiddities, Pledges'.

Bull, Marjorie

Results 301 to 400 of 760