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ANU Kioloa Management Committee minutes and agenda papers

  • AU ANUA 222
  • Series
  • 1975 - 1990

These are original minutes and agenda papers in black binders of the committee responsible for the management of the University’s Kioloa campus on the south coast of New South Wales.

Kioloa Management Committee

ANU Department of Applied Mathematics papers and publications

  • AU ANUA 224
  • Series
  • 1937 - 2001

The series includes Cambridge lecture notes and thesis, correspondence and minutes from the Department of Applied Mathematics, material relating to the Yerkes Observatory, photographs of staff, glass plates of astronomical observations, and reprints of articles by Archibald Brown, notes for articles published in physics and mathematical journals. There are also several books in French, German and English.

ANU Department of Applied Mathematics, School of General Studies

Canberra University College calendars

  • AU ANUA 229
  • Series
  • 1930 - 1960

These books were printed annually for the year ahead and include information about the College including a calendar of dates, members of the Council and committees, members of staff, legislation affecting the College, information about prerequisites, enrolment, assessment, fees, and courses offered (such as syllabus, number of lectures and tutorials, and recommended reading). They also include a list of graduates, current students, scholarships and prizes (including past winners). This is a complete set from the first edition in 1930-1931 to 1960.

Canberra University College

ANU Department of Economic History administrative files, research material and publications

  • AU ANUA 230
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1997

There are administrative files maintained by the head of the department and files relating to seminars and conferences, research material of Professor Noel Butlin and Lloyd Robson, and publications including conference proceedings, Working Papers in Economic History nos. 1-197 (no. 72 is missing), and Source Papers in Economic History nos. 1-20.

ANU Department of Economic History, Research School of Social Sciences

Fred Barker papers and publications

  • AU ANUA 232
  • Series
  • 1947 - 2009

This small collection of papers includes the monthly Research School newsletter 1970–1974 and papers relating to ANZAAS conferences, and papers by Barker published in science journals 1947 - 2009.

Barker, Frederick Charles

Awards, publications and papers of Frank Fenner

  • AU ANUA 234
  • Series
  • 1926 - 2005

The awards range from primary and high school medals, war service medals, imperial and Australian honours, university degrees and honorary degrees, and science awards, such as the Copley Medal. There is a signed copy of each of the books Fenner authored or edited and two photograph albums presented to him. There is also a small collection of papers and publications relating to the John Curtin School of Medical Research, the Research School of Biological Sciences and the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, which include original correspondence.

Fenner, Frank John

Research material for 50th anniversary history of University House

  • AU ANUA 235
  • Series
  • 2002 - 2005

This series includes original source material dating from 1949 as well as photocopies of published and unpublished material, photographs, and notes made by Waterhouse in researching and writing University House As They Experienced It: A History 1954–2004.

Waterhouse, Jill

Minutes and agenda papers of School Committee, later Faculty Board

  • AU ANUA 236
  • Series
  • 1957 - 2000

These are the minutes and agenda papers of meetings of the School Committee (1957–1967) which was later known as the Faculty Board. There are also the Director’s papers relating to Faculty meetings (1972–2000).

John Curtin School of Medical Research

Student assessment reports

  • AU ANUA 237
  • Series
  • 1964 - 1975

These annual folders contain student assessment reports for Australian History and Historiography and have been retained as a sample of assessment methods.

ANU Department of History

Eric Fry papers

  • AU ANUA 238
  • Series
  • 1936 - 2004

The papers range from school and university awards and photographs, to research notes and lectures over a thirty-year teaching career. There are also drafts of unpublished books, draft chapters of the book 'Tale of Two Trippers' (Items 22-33), and correspondence with colleagues and students. Includes cassette tapes of lectures (Items 111-114), research papers on Monty Miller (Items 117-126), lectures and research material for a book on Australian history 1949-72 (Items 127-147), draft history of the Australian National University (Items 148-160), ANU PhD bonnet and gown.

Fry, Eric Charles

Papers of TH Rigby

  • AU ANUA 241
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1990

Processing of this series is incomplete.

Rigby, Thomas Henry

Index to Council and Committee decisions

  • AU ANUA 245
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1997

The index cards record handwritten summaries of Council and Committee decisions by date of meeting under a subject heading. The cards have columns for date, Council (completed with number of meeting), Committee (name of Committee), paragraph (of minutes) and decisions. There are several sets of cards for common topics: Centres, Committees, Graduate Diplomas, Halls of Residence, Leave, Scholarships, Staff and Students. There are two separate runs in the last box of cards culled from the main run, one of which is early staff appointments. Item 5 is a folder of index card headings.


Index cards to The ANU Reporter

  • AU ANUA 253
  • Series
  • 1970 - 2000

This is a subject index to the publication The ANU Reporter.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Index cards to photographs

  • AU ANUA 254
  • Series
  • 1970 - 2000

This is a general subject index to photographs then held by the Marketing and Communications Division, in particular those of people (ANUA 225) and subjects (ANUA 226). There is often reference to where the photograph has been published, such as an issue of The ANU Reporter.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Minutes of Committees

  • AU ANUA 256
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1960

This volume contains signed minutes of the following Council Committees - Advisers on Buildings and Grounds, Board of Graduate Studies’ Site Development Committee, Librarian’s Advisory Committee, Deputy Chairman’s Committee, and the University House Committee


Papers of Malcolm Gillies

  • AU ANUA 257
  • Series
  • 2001 - 2006

The folders contain correspondence and reports on ANU Colleges and Centres, and other universities and educational institutions.

Gillies, Malcolm

National Institute for Asian Pacific Studies records

  • AU ANUA 262
  • Series
  • 2002 - 2005

Records of the National Institute for Asian Pacific Studies including governance and committee meetings, media and events files, conference proposals and programs, reports, charter, constitution, correspondence, publications, newsletters and photographs.

National Institute for Asian Pacific Studies

Dorothy Cameron Papers

  • AU ANUA 264
  • Series
  • 1943 - 2004

Processing of this series is not completed.

Cameron, Dorothy Olive

Papers of Ernest Spinner

  • AU ANUA 265
  • Series
  • 1939 - 2007

Series description incomplete

Spinner, Ernest

Centre for the Mind records

  • AU ANUA 275
  • Series
  • 1997 - 2006

This series includes files created by the centre mainly to document two events, the "What Makes a Champion" seminar and the "Geniuses, Prodigies and Savants" seminar. This work was mainly undertaken by Professor Alan Snyder. The series includes material documenting the proceedings at the seminars, the books that came from the seminars, and interviews with prominent individuals.

ANU Centre for the Mind

Citations and certificates for honorary degrees

  • AU ANUA 278
  • Series
  • 1967 - 2002

These are copies of citations and certificates for honorary degrees (and higher degrees earned by publication). They are often signed and sealed. They include Doctors of Laws, Letters and Science, and Masters of Arts and Science. There is also one ‘Distinguished Visitor’.

Office of the Registrar

Reports of meetings of the Board of Graduate Studies

  • AU ANUA 285
  • Series
  • 1950 - 1960

The reports of the meetings are selective accounts of the decisions of the Board of Graduate Studies based on the minutes of each meeting. They are often headed ‘For Council and Readers’.

Board of Graduate Studies

Residential property register

  • AU ANUA 287
  • Series
  • 1971

The folder contains registers of residential properties by property number and by suburb, covering all university properties located in Canberra but also in Coonabarabran and Darwin. A list originally created in 1971 has been updated to reflect subsequent changes such as changes to tenant or when the property is sold, transferred or demolished.

ANU Property and Plans Division

Files and publications from Pandanus Books

  • AU ANUA 298
  • Series
  • 2001 - 2006

There are correspondence and administrative files as well as ‘author’ files created by editors Justine Molony and Duncan Beard which contain correspondence with authors and the original manuscript submitted. There is a copy of each publication produced from 2001 to 2006 and promotional material including a book of reviews.

Pandanus Books, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the ANU

Research papers from Nigel Wace

  • AU ANUA 299
  • Series
  • 1955 - 2004

The papers reflect Dr Wace’s research interest in the island group of Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island, particularly the conservation of native plants and the eradication of introduced plants, weeds and pests. There are field notebooks, correspondence with the Tristan Island administration, Tristan islanders and academics, working papers, research notes and copies of articles. There are also notes and photocopies of ships’ journals and other sources relating to ships which stopped at Tristan da Cunha and material on other islands and Antarctica. The photographic material includes slides and prints of land formations and plants on Tristan da Cunha and nearby islands, comparison slides of locations to map changes in vegetation, and slides of travels within Australia and overseas (South Africa, United States and Antarctica). There are also seed and grass specimens.

Wace, Nigel Morritt

Photographic portrait of Sir Robert Menzies

  • AU ANUA 303
  • Series
  • 1963

The framed black and white photograph of Sir Robert Menzies, Prime Minister of Australia 1939–1941 and 1949–1966, is signed and dated by him. The portrait hung in the foyer of the Menzies Library from the 1960s until 2008.

University Library

Administrative records and successful applications

  • AU ANUA 304
  • Series
  • 1983 - 2005

Applications for scholarships, correspondence between trust members and assessment committee, register of scholarship recipients.

Cambridge Australia Trust

Gavan Daws Pacific research papers

  • AU ANUA 306
  • Series
  • 1961 - 1975

Research papers, notes and drafts on the Pacific Islands. Papers particularly relate to Daws’ book A Dream of Islands and his research into various Europeans involved in the Pacific.

Daws, Alan Gavan

Australian Dictionary of Biography subject files

  • AU ANUA 312
  • Series
  • 1961 - 2008

Paper files containing research material on people included in and considered for inclusion in the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Includes research notes; copies of birth, death and marriage certificates; drafts of articles; correspondence between authors and editors and corrigenda.

National Centre for Biography

Canberra School of Art posters

  • AU ANUA 313
  • Series
  • 1982 - 2006

This series contains posters produced by the Canberra School of Art at the ANU. The posters were produced to publicise exhibitions of student work, other exhibitions held at the school, or the ANU’s open day. Many of the posters are not dated.

Duplicate posters and posters of events not connected with the ANU were destroyed in December 2008.

Canberra School of Art

Files relating to the Review of Australian Law Courses

  • AU ANUA 315
  • Series
  • 1984 - 1989

The files were maintained by Professor Pearce in his role as convenor of the Assessment Committee in conducting the review for the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Commission. The role of the other members, Professor Enid Campbell (Monash University) and Professor Don Harding (University of NSW) is also documented through regular correspondence.

Pearce, Dennis Charles

Committee to Supervise Research into the Calculation of Tertiary Entrance Scores reports

  • AU ANUA 317
  • Series
  • 1987 - 1990

The reports are about research commissioned by the committee on options for calculating tertiary entrance scores in the Australian Capital Territory. They were originally held in two box files and left for safekeeping with the ANU Registrar.

Committee to Supervise Research into the Calculation of Tertiary Entrance Scores

Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology records

  • AU ANUA 318
  • Series
  • 1988 - 2002

These records include course notes, correspondence, annual reports, exam papers and information about Creative Arts and Visiting Arts Fellows.

Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology

Framed photograph of Ben Chifley

  • AU ANUA 320
  • Series
  • c. 1946

This is a framed photograph of former Prime Minister Ben Chifley holding a pipe. The photo is housed in a glass-fronted wooden frame.

University Library

School of Art records

  • AU ANUA 323
  • Series
  • 1976 - 2006

This series contains Board minutes, Academic Committee minutes, School of Art handbooks, exhibition catalogues, newsletters, publications, and promotional material and files on alumni.

Most records in this series are paper but some in boxes 15 to 19 are video cassettes and audio cassettes.

Canberra School of Art

Examination papers

  • AU ANUA 324
  • Series
  • 1955 - 1997

This bound set of CUC and ANU exam papers, formerly available for reference in the Menzies Library, contains copies of exam papers sat by Canberra University College and Australian National University undergraduate students in the School of General studies and Faculties of Arts, Science, Law, economics and Oriental studies, later Asian studies.

The four volumes from 1955-1959 contain examination papers for the Canberra University College some of which are labelled University of Melbourne.

University Library


  • AU ANUA 325
  • Series
  • 1986 - 2000

This series has not been processed

Heyde, Christopher Charles

Minutes of Committee of Management and Annual General Meetings

  • AU ANUA 332
  • Series
  • 1967 - 1984

These records document the decisions and activities of the governing body of the preschool and childcare centre from its inception to 1984. This governing body has gone by various names including Board of Directors and Staff Council.

University Preschool and Child Care Centre Incorporated

Teaching material (Geology)

  • AU ANUA 335
  • Series
  • 1960 - 2000

This series has not been processed

Campbell, Kenton Stewart Wall

ANU Labor Club records

  • AU ANUA 336
  • Series
  • 1963 - 1967

This file of papers contains draft minutes, motions, correspondence, some financial records, and the newsletter The Crucible (‘a publication for burning issues’). Members contributing articles include Ross Garnaut, Tony Whitlam and Craddock Morton. There are also papers relating to the 1966 Australian Student Labor Federation Conference and various other newsletters such as Spies for Peace, Purge (ANU Arts Society) and the newsletter of the Vietnam Action Committee.

ANU Labor Club

Annual Reports

  • AU ANUA 337
  • Series
  • 1971, 1975-1982, 1984-2000, 2003, 2005-2006

Annual reports and appendices summarising Research School activities each year.

Research School of Biological Sciences


  • AU ANUA 340
  • Series
  • 1959 - 1991

Minutes and agenda of general meetings and financial committee, clubs and societies committee and cultural affairs committee meetings.

ANU Students' Association

Index to Lyttelton-Taylor collection

  • AU ANUA 341
  • Series
  • 1974

These records are 20cm x 13cm cards. Each contains information about an item in the Lyttelton-Taylor Collection. The cards contain the item identification number, accession number, a description of the item including dimensions and condition. The cards also give the location of the item and its source. Most cards contain a photograph of the item. The information does not appear to be updated since the records were created except to say if Mrs Lyttleton-Taylor wanted it back.

University Art Collection

Examination papers

  • AU ANUA 348
  • Series
  • 1980 - 1998

Examination booklets containing questions set for Law students.

ANU Faculty of Law

Examination results

  • AU ANUA 349
  • Series
  • 1963 - 1976

Results of student examinations

ANU Faculty of Law

Pauline Griffin papers

  • AU ANUA 352
  • Series
  • 1944 - 2009

The papers cover many aspects of Ms Griffin’s career as a social worker and personnel manager, and later as an industrial relations commissioner and ANU Pro-Chancellor and member of the ANU Council. They include correspondence, speeches, reports, photographs and two audiotapes of presentations.

Griffin, Pauline Marcus

Administrative files of University House

  • AU ANUA 353
  • Series
  • 1948 - 2004

Administrative files of University House relating to artworks, building, furniture, accommodation, functions including dinners and wine symposia, membership, residents, library, music program, Old Canberra House, visiting fellows and other visitors.

University House

Daily files of the Master’s correspondence

  • AU ANUA 354
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1989

The mostly annual compilations of correspondence include correspondence to the Master of University House and copies of their replies in chronological order. In earlier years the correspondence is in binders and in later years loose in folders.

University House

Folders relating to University House

  • AU ANUA 355
  • Series
  • 1986 - 2003

The folders include Brazil’s papers as a member of University House and the Governing Board as well as her research into its history.

Brazil, Wendy Marelle Harley

Notices and circulars

  • AU ANUA 356
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1986

The annual folders include copies of all notices and circulars distributed to residents and staff including notices of meetings and events.

University House

Press cuttings book

  • AU ANUA 357
  • Series
  • 1954 - 1957

Press cuttings relating to University House and to its Master Dale Trendall have been placed in the book in chronological order.

University House

Records of the Residents’ Committee

  • AU ANUA 358
  • Series
  • 1968 - 1986

There is both a rough and final minute book of meetings of the Residents’ Committee for 1968-1970, as well as a Suggestion Book in which residents made suggestions for improvements; these are responded to by the Steward.

University House

Register of attendance at House dinners

  • AU ANUA 360
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1989

This volume has an alphabetical index at the side. Names of people attending University House dinners are noted in the appropriate alphabetical section (by surname or in the case of diplomats, by country) with the dates of the dinners they attended.

University House

Promotional videos

  • AU ANUA 363
  • Series
  • 1990 - 1999

Most of the videos were produced to promote the ANU and its programs at events such as open days. Some are advertisements produced for television advertising in collaboration with other Canberra tertiary institutions.

Office of the Registrar

Documentary on Central Australian totemic ceremonies

  • AU ANUA 367
  • Series
  • 1956

The film titled ‘The Honey Ant Ceremonies of Ljaba – North Aranda Group’ was filmed by Theodor Strehlow while he was a Research Fellow at the Australian National University from 1949 to 1951.

ANU Department of Anthropology and Sociology

ANU London Office binders of outward correspondence

  • AU ANUA 37
  • Series
  • 1949 - 1953

The four binders contain carbon copies of letters and cables sent by EH Clark, the Administrative officer to December 1951, then R Mathews the Administrative Officer to January 1953, and then Joan Morrish, Secretary. The correspondence is mainly to ANU staff in Canberra particularly the Registrar RA Hohnen and the Assistant Accountant l Bellingham, members of the Academic Advisory Council located in the United Kingdom, and staff recruited there, and relates to recruitment of staff, accommodation, payment of salaries and allowances, and the purchase of equipment for the University. There is a short history of the London Office at the front of the first binder dated 30 November 1960.

London Office

Minutes and correspondence

  • AU ANUA 371
  • Series
  • 1992 - 2006

This series contains minutes of meetings, agenda and meeting papers, correspondence, reports and submissions, financial records, material relating to the publication of Studying Law in Australia (SLIA), Council of Australian Law Deans website development and handbook.

Council of Australian Law Deans

Corporate style manual

  • AU ANUA 372
  • Series
  • 1995

This is a guide to presenting written information published by the University. It covers signs, fonts to be used, corporate colours and use of the ANU logo.

ANU Public Affairs Division

Papers of Horrie Brown

  • AU ANUA 375
  • Series
  • 1930s - 1960s

Research notes, correspondence and publications. Some material appears to have been created by other people including WEG Salter. Use item 488, index, to find articles in items 450-477 early papers in Australian economics by various authors.

Brown, Horace Plessay

Research papers on wool industry

  • AU ANUA 377
  • Series
  • 1957 - 1976

These records document the research undertaken by Dr Barnard into the wool industry and Goldsbrough Mort & Co. The items include original Goldsbrough Mort documentation, client histories, station information as well as Dr Barnard’s analysis and research notes. Also included are the presentations and notes from the ‘Wool Seminars’, a multidisciplinary study which took place at Australian National University 1957-1959.

Barnard, James Alan

Index to Council and Committee minutes

  • AU ANUA 38
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1953

This typescript volume includes a carbon copy of a subject index to meetings of the Interim Council, the Council and its Committees. Each entry indicates subject, Council/Committee and meeting number, date and paragraph number in the minutes.


Heroin trial papers

  • AU ANUA 383
  • Series

This series has not been received

Bammer, Gabriele

Microfiche collection of Australian newspaper cuttings

  • AU ANUA 387
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1992

There is a master copy and a reference set of the microfiche which was produced by the Department of Political Science. The original collection covered 1952-1978, with some earlier content resulting from personal collections of newspaper cuttings (eg NSW trade unions from 1938). Annual supplements were produced from 1979 to 1992.

The cuttings were taken from The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Canberra Times and The Australian Financial Review, supplemented by The Courier Mail, The Advertiser, The West Australian, The Mercury, The Examiner, The Northern Territory News, and the weekly National Times and The Sunday Mail (Brisbane). Periodically there are cuttings from other country and suburban papers.

The classification scheme developed over time but the summary published in 1986 gives an indication of the range of topics:

  1. Commonwealth: Commonwealth government, Commonwealth parties, Commonwealth parliament, Senate, constitutional crises, Commonwealth elections, Commonwealth electoral system
  2. The States (a set for each State): State government, State finance, State parties, State parliaments, State elections, State electoral systems, State trade unions, State local government
  3. Foreign Affairs and Defence: general, then by countries and continents
  4. Finance and Economic: general, aid to overseas countries, airlines, banking, budget, Campbell Report, Martin report, decimal currency, consumer protection, economic affairs internal, European Economic Community, government enterprises, employment/unemployment, inflation, international trade, marketing (primary products), wool marketing inquiry, national development, Maralinga, overseas investment, pollution and conservation, primary industry, restrictive trade practices, tariff/industry policy, taxation, transport, Vernon Committee report
  5. General: arbitration – general, arbitration – wages, broadcasting and television, church-state, education, Federal/State relations, health, medical and drugs, housing, immigration, ethnic communities, New Left, northern development, Northern Territory, personalities, posts and telegraphs, pressure groups, public opinion polls, Returned Servicemen’s League, Public Service, social services, Commonwealth trade unions, industrial disputes, local government, urban development, urban research and decentralisation, civil liberties, law ethics, legal aid, High Court and Constitution, Constitutional Convention, referendums, divorce, homosexuality, abortion, censorship, women’s issues, equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination, aborigines.

ANU Department of Political Science

Degree register

  • AU ANUA 39
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1983

This suede-bound volume is a register of higher degrees including honorary degrees: Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts and Master of Science. It was signed by the recipient of the degree on the day it was conferred. The first few pages include signatures of notable people including politicians, senior public servants and writers. Most of the entries relate to Doctor of Philosophy degrees from 1954 to 1983 which include the person's full name and their signature.

Office of the Registrar

Binder of library training material

  • AU ANUA 390
  • Series
  • 1945 - 1948

The binder contains handwritten notes of lectures (by Harold White, CL Drake and others) and summaries of reference books relating to library classification (including the Bliss system), reference work and book production. It appears that the material was used and added to for training purposes within the ANU Library.

Woolcock, Maude Joan

Mick Borrie research material

  • AU ANUA 391
  • Series
  • 1952 - 1975

The research material includes original statistical tabulations from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, questionnaires completed by Queensland schoolchildren, and population projections. There are also agenda papers and minutes of meetings of the Commonwealth Immigration Planning Council and its committees 1966-1975.

Borrie, Wilfred David (Mick)

Commonwealth Immigration Planning Council papers

  • AU ANUA 393
  • Series
  • 1949 - 1952

The papers include agenda papers and minutes of meetings of the Immigration Planning Council from its first to the twelfth meeting, and also meetings of various subcommittees.

Copland, Douglas Berry

Research material on immigration

  • AU ANUA 394
  • Series
  • 1944 - 1979

The research material consists of speeches, articles, statistics and reports, many gathered when Hawkins worked in the Department of Immigration as a research officer. There is a copy of Hawkin's draft Masters thesis on immigration policy and practice, 1942-1949.

Hawkins, Len

Binders of 'Archives'

  • AU ANUA 40
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1949

The two binders labelled '1st book Archives 1946-1948' and '2nd book Archives 1946-1948' contain roneoed typescript memos, minutes of meetings, reports and press releases. Each volume is divided into sections by subject, eg Library, Scholarships, and Letters to Vice-Chancellor. It appears to be a deliberate collection of important documents to form the 'archives' of the University in its early days.

Office of the Registrar

The Making of The Australian National University: 1946-1996

  • AU ANUA 402
  • Series
  • 1996

Stephen Foster and Margaret Varghese trace the ANU’s history from its wartime origins to its fiftieth anniversary in 1996, featuring many of the prominent Australians who contributed to its making: ‘Nugget’ Coombs, Howard Florey, Mark Oliphant, W.K. Hancock, Douglas Copland, John Crawford, Peter Karmel; and others who stood out in particular fields, such as J.C.Eccles, Arthur Birch, Manning Clark, Russell Mathews, Ernest Titterton, Beryl Rawson, John Mulvaney, John Passmore and Frank Fenner.
The Making of The Australian National University explores many themes in higher education during the last half century, including academic freedom, relations between universities and politicians, recruitment practices, the ‘two cultures’ of science and the humanities, collegial versus managerial structures, equality of opportunity, student politics, academics and architecture and universities in the marketplace.

Varghese, Margaret M

Correspondence files

  • AU ANUA 42
  • Series
  • 1930 - 1961

This is the main correspondence file series of the Canberra University College before it amalgamated with the Australian National University in 1960. Most of the files were top-numbered into the ANU multiple number Central Files series (ANUA 53) or destroyed. The remnant of the series are files relating to housing assistance to staff members and staff files.

Canberra University College

Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme student files

  • AU ANUA 425
  • Series
  • 1932 - 1955

Post-war reconstruction training files of Canberra University College students. Files contain correspondence and a small number of files include photographs.

Canberra University College

John Carver's correspondence

  • AU ANUA 426
  • Series
  • 1992-1993

3 folders of correspondence documenting part of Professor Carver's time as acting Deputy Vice Chancellor and Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies at the ANU.

Carver, John

Addresses presented to other universities

  • AU ANUA 427
  • Series
  • 1981 - 1998

Addresses from the Australian National University to other universities celebrating significant events such as the installation of Chancellors or anniversaries.

Australian National University

Subject files of Dr Richard Rafe Champion de Crespigny as Master of University House

  • AU ANUA 428
  • Series
  • 1991 - 2001

The files were maintained in alphabetical order by subject by Dr de Crespigny while Master of University House. They include correspondence with senior University administrators in Chancelry, members and staff, and deal with policy issues, financial management, reviews, events, artworks and the general management of the House.

University House

Governing Body/Board of Fellows meeting files

  • AU ANUA 429
  • Series
  • 1991 - 2004

The files contain agenda and minutes of meetings, correspondence, financial statements and other reports considered at the meetings.

University House

Subject files of Joe Burton

  • AU ANUA 43
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1983

This series includes Burton's administrative files relating to the Canberra University College, some student papers, photographs of events and folders of research papers, including correspondence with Professor Hancock.

Burton, Herbert

Correspondence files of Dr Susan Bambrick as Master of University House

  • AU ANUA 430
  • Series
  • 1987 - 1989

The files were maintained in alphabetical order by Dr Susan Bambrick as Master of University House. While some are subject files most are organised by the person, position or body that she corresponded with, and include original correspondence and copies of her correspondence to others.

University House

Papers of Dr E J (Ted) Steele

  • AU ANUA 433
  • Series
  • 1978 - 2004

Papers relating Ted Steele’s academic career, 1981-2003; scientific research and publications, 1993-2003, mainly pertaining to his reassessment of Lamarck’s evolution theories; alleged scientific misconduct by John Curtin School of Medical Research director, Professor Kevin Lafferty, 1977; plagiarism dispute with British scientist, Professor John Cairns, 1981-1992; criticism of the University of Wollongong’s academic standards and the assessment of honours students in Department of Biological Sciences, 1989-2001; dismissal from the University of Wollongong, 26 Feb 2002, and the involvement of the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) following this event. Includes the campaign against proposed changes to the administrative and financial control of the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University, 1991-1993; Senate Inquiry into the capacity of public universities to meet Australia’s higher education needs, 2001. Also contains photographs, audio visual material and books.

Steele, Edward John

Results 101 to 200 of 760