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Amalgamated Engineering Union, state branches deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E162
  • Deposit
  • 1870 - 1968

Minute books of various branches of the AEU throughout Australia including branches in South Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia. Also includes district minute books for South Australia (Port Augusta District Committee) and Queensland (Ipswich District Committee)

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Australian Workers' Union deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E154
  • Deposit
  • 1887 - 1960

Records of AWU Head Office, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria-Riverina, South Australian, Tasmanian and Westralian branches; membership records: General Labourers' Union (1891-1894), Inverell, Scone, Cobar, Coonamble, Moree, Wagga Wagga, and Young Branches (1890s), Bourke Branch (1895-1913), Port Augusta Branch (1895), Central Branch (1905-1929), Queensland branches (1914-1915), CSR employees Condong, Harwood and Broadwater (1914-1915), Railway Workers' Industry Branch (1916-1932), NSW Branch (1933-1934); financial records for Head Office, branches, Labor Papers Ltd and the People's Printing and Publishing Company, rules, conference reports (1891-1957), arbitration material, New Zealand Workers' Union material, printed material and poems by shearer Arthur Stevenson (1890s). Also includes ledger for Amalgamated Miners' Union, Mt Farell, Tasmania (1900-1917).

Amalgamated Shearers' Union of Australasia

Amalgamated Printing Trade Employees' Union, New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC T43
  • Deposit
  • 1886 - 1946

Minute books of the NSW Lithographic Association, the Letterpress Printers' Machinists' Industrial Union, the Printing Trades Federation Council and the Amalgamated Printing Trades Employees' Union of Australia. Also includes correspondence re formation of APTEU, book of assets and register of members, certificate of incorporation and rules of the Letterpress Printers' Machinists' Industrial Union of Employees' of New South Wales, contribution cards, badges and publications.

Amalgamated Printing Trades Employees Union of Australia

Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T4
  • Deposit
  • 1900 - 1956

Minutes of the Boot Trade Union of New South Wales (1900 - 1908), minutes of the New South Wales Boot Operators and Rough Stuff Cutters' Union (1902 - 1909), minutes (1902 - 1909) and financial statements (1900 - 1908) of the New South Wales Clickers' Association, Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation, New South Wales Branch minutes (1907 - 1939), minutes of the Reference Committee (1904 - 1917), minutes of the interstate Boot Trade Conference convened to form the federation (1905), general correspondence (1921 - 1943), correspondence regarding union buildings and kindred unions overseas (1919 - 1943), industrial and arbitration files (mainly 1930s), determinations of the Victorian Boot Board (1916 - 1937), contribution books (1927 - 1932), quarterly statements of income and expenditure (1900 - 1908), annual returns (1908 - 1942), New South Wales commission reports (1911 - 1912), apprenticeship papers (1930 - 1945), newspaper cuttings (1910 - 1935), New South Wales Boot Trade Union Approved Society minutes and statements of income and expenditure (1938 - 1939).

Boot Trade Union of New South Wales

Sheet Metal Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC T23
  • Deposit
  • 1881 - 1959

Minutes of general and executive meetings of the Sheet Metal Workers Union and its predecessors, minutes of meetings of the the Stove and Piano Frame Moulders' and Stovemakers' Employees' Union, the Federated Enamellers and the Tin Cannister Makers Employees' Union of NSW.

Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia

Illawarra Colliery Employees' Association deposit

  • AU NBAC T3
  • Deposit
  • 1885 - 1934

Minutes of the Woonona Lodge (1889-1894) and financial records (1885-1893) of the Illawarra Coal Miners' Protective Association, and minutes, letter books, financial records, and membership records of the Illawarra Colliery Employees' Association and the Amalgamated Miners' Association, Illawarra Branch. Minutes of the Balmain Sinkers' Association (1904-1907) and the United Order of Druids - Woonoona Lodge (1892 -1908), and material identified as Australian Labour Federation, Illawarra District Council and from 1916, Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation. Includes printed material from 1890 to 1954.

Illawarra Coal Miners' Mutual Protective Association

Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers, Federal Council deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T19
  • Deposit
  • 1881 - 1947

Minutes, letter books and correspondence files, financial records, journal, ballot book, news cuttings, arbitration records, general secretary's papers, membership records, reports, ships' returns, miscellaneous papers, photographs and sketches.

Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers

Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union Victorian Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T17
  • Deposit
  • 1897 - 1926

Minutes of general meetings of the United Operative Plumbers' and Gasfitters' Society of Victoria and minutes of general meetings and the Management Committee of the Victorian Branch of the Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union of Australia.

United Operative Plumbers' and Gasfitters' Society of Victoria

Baking Trades Employees' Federation of Australia, New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T13
  • Deposit
  • 1882 - 1947

Minutes, contributions, membership applications and cards, financial records, correspondence, industry awards and arbitration records, ledgers, records re picnics and social events, newspaper cuttings, photographs and printed material. Includes records of predecessor Baking Trades Employees' Federation of Australasia and records re Bread Carters' Industrial Federation of Australia.

Baking Trades Employees' Federation of Australia

Operative Plasterers' Federation New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E235
  • Deposit
  • 1875 - 1963

Minutes of meetings of the United Plasterers' Society, Sydney and Newtown branches, and of New South Wales Branch of the Operative Plasterers' Federation (1875-1963), contribution book (1901-1910) and printed material.

United Plasterers' Society

Operative Stonemasons' Society of Australia Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E117
  • Deposit
  • 1850 - 1965

Minutes of general and Committee meetings (1856-1962), correspondence and letterbooks, alphabetical registers of members (1855-1953), financial records, arbitration material, rule books, and records of the following lodges: Batesford, Ballarat, Beechworth, Big Hill, Black Forest, Bolinda Vale, Campaspe, Carlsruhe, Castlemaine, Collingwood, Faraday, Footscray, Geelong, Harcourt, Leithbridge, Maryborough, Middle Stump, Moorabool, Morang, Pentridge, Prahran, Ravenswood, Riddles Creek, Sunbury, Williamstown, Woodend, and Yan Yean. Also includes record of contributions and cash receipts of the Operative Masons' Benefit Society (1850-1851).

Friendly Society of United Operative Stonemasons of Victoria

Joe Harris collection deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z625
  • Deposit
  • 1864 - 1987

Records of and relating to the Queensland building trades unions (United Operative Bricklayers' Society, United Operative Stonemasons' Society of Queensland, Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Building Workers Industrial Union, Queensland Progressive Society of Carpenters and Joiners); papers of Queensland Trades and Labour Council and Carpenters Forum; industrial and political publications. Includes minutes, cash books and journals, membership and levy records, stock books, attendance books, press cuttings and printed material, awards and regulations, financial records, photographs and negatives.

Harris, William Julius Henry

Australian Agricultural Company (London Office) deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 78
  • Deposit
  • 1824 - 1929

All types of company records including despatches, correspondence, indexes; New South Wales ledgers of the Australian Agricultural Company; ledgers of the Peel River Land & Mineral Company for Moorlands, Avon Downs, Mount Alfred and Mount Margaret properties.

Australian Agricultural Company

CSR Limited Goondi Mill deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N126
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1987

These records were created during the operation of the Goondi Mill from its commencement in 1884 to its closure in 1987. The deposit consists of general letters received 1890-1962, and sent to Head Office 1884-1963; staff and private letters received from Head Office 1890-1963, and sent by Goondi to Head Office 1891-1960; clippings of Technical Field correspondence sent by Head Office to Goondi 1936-1965, copies of Technical Field letters sent to Head Office 1932-1968; copies of cane variety trial reports 1939-1955; engineering notes 1885-1966; chemical inspection notes 1925-1964; manufacture inspection notes 1913-1940; Mill Inspectors notes 1901-1965; correspondence with the Water Quality Council of Queensland; tables showing crop yields 1898-1972; farm production register and farm ownership registers 1931-1987; miscellaneous records re employment of Kanaka labour, World War II war service land settlement scheme; photographs of the mill and staff.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

CSR Limited deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z109
  • Deposit
  • 1851 - 1994

The deposit consists of patent files, records and photographs re refineries and mills, reports re Royal Commissions and Inquiries into the Sugar Industry, specifications, sketch books and engineering notes, correspondence, sales and deliveries books for refinery products, Fiji export marketing files c.1941-1977, records re Denning Arbitration hearings 1969, Fiji publications and press releases, deed of settlement, memorandum and articles of association, financial and legal records, annual reports, sugar market reports, press copy letter books, files of Chief Chemist CSR, files associated with the acquisition of Australian Estates Co Ltd, ledgers, engineers data books, Pyrmont Refinery records including employees register c.1854-1936 and property matters, staff books and register, miscellaneous documents papers and historical documents of E W Knox's period as general manager. Also includes publications received from CSR Sydney Head Office library after its closure in May 1987, records of sugar marketing division relating to International Sugar Agreement and Commonwealth Sugar Agreement, Fiji Sugar Inquiry Commission 1961, Royal Commission on Sugar Industry (Qld) reports, overseas reports 1921-1969, awards.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

CSR Limited Technical Field Department deposit

  • AU NBAC Z395
  • Deposit
  • 1899 - 1979

The deposit consists of correspondence, nursery reports, memos and working files of CSR - Technical Field Department 1899-1979; correspondence, photographs and slides collected by George Babar (Chief Technical Officer) 1938-1960, including photographs and slides of Lautoka, Nausori and Penang Mills in Fiji.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

CSR Limited Head Office photographs

  • AU NBAC 171
  • Deposit
  • circa 1878 - 1960

A collection of photographs previously kept at the Technical Library of CSR Limited in Sydney re company office buildings in Sydney and Brisbane; annual staff sporting events 1948, 1951-52; cane cultivation and experimental work, sugar milling in Australia and Fiji; hurricane and flood damage; beef cattle property at Yaqara, Fiji; refineries in Australia and New Zealand; distillery operations producing industrial alcohol, methylated spirits, molasses, carbon dioxide; views of early stages of the Building Materials Division, the Activated Carbon plant at Pyrmont and pineapple production in Fiji

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

CSR Limited Publicity Department deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z637
  • Deposit
  • 1971 - 1990

This deposit consists of photographic negatives from the CSR Limited Publicity Department illustrating staff Christmas party; personnel; staff cricket match; CSR products; Pyrmont Refinery social events; buildings and equipment; publications; artwork; copies of old pictures and maps.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Dalgety Limited London Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N8
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1951

The deposit consists of minutes; letterbooks including the semi-official, private and confidential letterbooks of managers and superintendents; reports; branch correspondence between London, Australia, New Zealand and East Africa; station reports, memos and dossiers, register of clients and stations, news cuttings books and photographs. Also includes the letterbook of Stuart Kinross & Co (Wellington, New Zealand).

Dalgety and Company Limited

Australian Council of Trade Unions deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N68
  • Deposit
  • 1951 - 1982

Secretary's subject files (see also N21 and N147), papers of Committee on Australia's Relations with the Third World, press cuttings arranged alphabetically by subject (1980-1982), miscellaneous collection of Bob Hawke's correspondence, copies of Executive minutes and circulars, files of Bob Hawke as Industrial Advocate on 1969 equal pay case, subject files of Industrial Officer and Publicity Officer.

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Australian Council of Trade Unions deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N21
  • Deposit
  • 1921 - 1981

Subject and correspondence files of Commonwealth Council of Federated Unions, minutes of evidence of the Royal Commission on the Basic Wage 1919-1920, subject and correspondence files of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, Secretary's subject files (see also N68 and N147), transcript and exhibits of Basic Wage and 40-hour week cases and other arbitration proceedings, correspondence with affiliated unions, records relating to Congresses, circulars, press cuttings, files of the Education Officer, the Publicity Officer, the Social Welfare Research Unit and the Library.

Commonwealth Council of Federated Unions

Australian Federation of Business and Professional Women deposit

  • AU NBAC Z517
  • Deposit
  • 1947 - 1994

Minutes and meeting papers, reports, conference reports, records relating to the International Federation (IFBPW), correspondence, subject, project and history files, photographs and printed material. Includes records of state divisions (Tasmania, Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia) and clubs, including disbanded clubs: Nelson Bay (Charter); Sydney Northside; Fremantle; Maroochydore; Ulverstone; Wynyard; Redcliffe; Singleton; Ettalong; Cootamundra; Charleston; Campbelltown; Blue Mountains; Kiama; Mosman; Dubbo; Woollahra; Kyneton; Gosford; Burwood and District; Blue Mountains (Charter); Nelson Bay; Merridin; Broken Hill; and files on Campbelltown, Cairns, Northam, Numurkah, Queanbeyan, Renmark, Roma, Sunshine Coast, Eastern Goldfields.

Australian Federation of Business and Professional Women Incorporated

Business and Professional Women’s Club of Canberra deposit

  • AU NBAC N297
  • Deposit
  • 1954 - 1991

Minutes, office files re correspondence and conference records, annual reports, membership records, notices of meetings, publications and historical material. One file of records of the Woden Business and Professional Womens Club 1985-1986.

Business and Professional Women’s Club of Canberra

Bill Wood papers

  • AU NBAC N296
  • Deposit
  • 1932 - 1992

Correspondence with his mother, Eleanor Wood, and family. Copies of articles written for the Tribune, Communist Review, Progress, Mosman News and other newspapers, photographs, including the images used in the Tribune: march of the returned soldiers in 1945, copy of a manuscript, copies of ASIO documents, and miscellaneous records about Bill Wood’s education and career.

Wood, William Arnold Whitfeld

Indian Seamen's Union in Australia, Sydney deposit

  • AU NBAC E177
  • Deposit
  • 1935 - 1949

Minutes of general and council meetings (1945 only), rule books, correspondence on strike and compensation matters, membership records, accounts, newspaper cuttings and political pamphlets (in Urdu script), trade union banner and membership badges. See also Seamen's Union of Australia.

Indian Seamen's Union in Australia

Lake George Mines deposit 2

  • AU NBAC 80
  • Deposit
  • 1930 - 1965

Memorandum and articles of association, minute of Board of Directors, leases, annual and monthly reports, operations sheets, general manager's subject files, correspondence, legal records and agreements, plans of housing subdivision, geological and geochemical survey. Correspondence about land tax (item 20) was returned to the depositor.

Lake George Mines Proprietary Limited

Australian Glass Workers Union, New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC T2
  • Deposit
  • 1894 - 1939

Minutes, contributions books, balance sheets, arbitration files consisting of claims, affidavits, exhibits, transcripts and judgements. Includes a report of the Royal Commission on the Mining Industry at Broken Hill 1914 and records of predecessor the Amalgamated Glass Bottle Makers Union.

Australian Glass Workers Union

H Scott Bennett Collection

  • AU NBAC P77
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1967

Correspondence, notes, pamphlets, serials, financial records and photographs.

Bennett, Henry Gilbert

Unilever and predecessor companies deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z811
  • Deposit
  • c. 1890 - 2012

Unprocessed. Includes photographs, product information and labels, research notes and publications, relating to the history, products, staff, factories and offices of Unilever and predecessor companies.

Unilever (Australia) Pty Ltd

Humes Limited deposit 5

  • AU NBAC N36
  • Deposit
  • c. 1916 - 1979

Hume Pipe Company (Australia) Limited – minutes of meetings, 1920-7; Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1920; prospectus, 1920; correspondence, 1917-49; papers relating to shareholders, 1920-32; financial records, including annual reports and balance sheets, 1925-49; legal agreements, 1916-47; staff provident and investment funds papers, 1930-41; superannuation fund record book, 1947-9; papers re. development of concrete pipes, 1920-40; technical reports, 1940s; insurance policies, 1947-9; printed material and newspaper cuttings, 1920s-40s
Hume Steel Limited – Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1923; correspondence, 1942-52; subject files, 1929-51; superannuation fund record book, 1947-9; financial records, including annual reports and balance sheets, 1935-47; insurance policies, 1947-9; legal agreements, 1924-35; patents, 1924-35
Humes Limited (Head Office) – agendas of Directors’ meetings, 1953-6; correspondence, 1950-8; subject files, 1944-76; financial records, including some annual reports and balance sheets, 1950-72; Memorandum and Articles of Association of subsidiary and associate companies, 1919, 1930, 1937; prospectus, 1951-68; papers relating to shareholders, 1956-79; organisational charts and reports, 1950s-70s; subject files, 1935-78; photographs, 1918-68; printed material 1927-74; Concrete Division - correspondence, 1950-61 and office files, 1954-9; Concrete Products Division – correspondence, 1968-71; Steel Division – correspondence, 1952-61; Sales, 1960-1; Share Office, 1968-71
Humes Limited (Victoria Branch) – subject files 1950-1; correspondence, 1952-8; financial records, 1952-66; wages book for Tumut works, 1957-61
Hume Pipe (Far East) Limited (Head Office, Melbourne) – Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1922, 1938; correspondence, 1937-47; legal agreements, 1922-46
Hume Industries (Far East) Limited (Melbourne Secretary) – Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1948; correspondence, 1950-8; financial records, including some annual reports and balance sheets, 1950-6; prospectus, 1948; printed material, nd
Rheem-Hume (Far East) Limited (Melbourne Office) – Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1946; correspondence,1946-50; financial records, including annual balance sheets, 1947-58
Concrete Constructions - financial records, including annual reports and balance sheets, 1920-9, 1952-5; insurance policies, 1947-9
Martin Stoneware Pipes Proprietary Limited - minutes of Directors’ meetings, 1926-60; financial records, including annual reports and balance sheets, 1953-8; share register, 1926-63; printed material, 1963
GD Guthrie & Company Proprietary Limited (later Bendigo Pottery Proprietary Limited) - minutes of Directors’ meetings, 1940-62

Humes Limited

Serge Zorino collection

  • AU NBAC N177
  • Deposit
  • 1959 - 1985

Personal papers, notes, minutes, discussion papers, and printed material relating to the Federated Engine Drivers and Firemen’s Association of Australia (New South Wales Branch), the Trade Union Training Authority and the Communist Party of Australia. Also includes material related to ACT branches of trade unions and fraternal industrial organisations, Nuovo Paese and the Italian Federation of Migrant Workers and their Families (Federazione Italiana dei Lavoratori Emigrati e delle loro Famiglie), Italian Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano), migrant workers and ethnic minorities, and papers concerning 1970s occupational health and safety issues.

Zorino, Sergio Anthony

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Port Adelaide Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E81
  • Deposit
  • 1872 - 1956

Minutes, 1878-1954; membership records, 1881-1949; funeral benefits, 1872-1940; correspondence, 1941-1950; arbitration material, 1943-1954; award decisions, 1932-1948; ACTU Congress minutes, 1947; photograph, 1920; plans, poster, certificate and other printed material, 1909-1946. Also includes records of the Port Adelaide Working Men’s Association and the Port Adelaide Waterfront Employment Committee of the Stevedoring Industry Commission.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia Branches deposit

  • AU NBAC Z387
  • Deposit
  • 1899 - 1989

Bowen, 1941-1980; Bunbury, 1899-1974; Bundaberg, 1959-1972; Burnie, 1910-1918; Busselton, 1911-1972; Devonport, 1944-1969; Gladstone, 1938-1987; Newcastle, 1917-1989; Port Augusta, 1949-1975; Port Huon, 1927-1984, Rockhampton, 1935-1969; Townville, 1933-1976; Triabunna, 1970-1982; Urangan/Maryborough, 1937-1974. Records comprise membership registers, minute books, financial records, correspondence files, printed material, rules and industrial agreements.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Federal Office deposit 5

  • AU NBAC N114
  • Deposit
  • 1902 - 1984

Branch correspondence, 1957-1969; minutes of Federal Council meetings, 1948-1954; circulars to Branches and Councillors and papers relating to Council voting, 1957-1966; ballot files, 1964-1974; ‘C’ files (files on Federation activities), 1948-1966; subject files, 1963-1975; Committee of Inquiry into matters relating to the Stevedoring Industry – transcripts of evidence and other papers, 1954-1957; Conciliation and Arbitration Court transcripts, 1935-1946; application by Australian Steamships and others to vary the 1914 Award, 1915; transcripts of court proceedings – Munro and Isaksen (1951), Healey and Barnwell (1956-1957), Government Railways (Newcastle Coal Cranes (1955-1957); papers relating to basic wages cases, 1920-1967; Boards of Reference files, 1936-1953; financial records, 1939-1978; membership records, 1902-1971 (includes resignation forms of members of the Permanent & Casual Wharf Labourers Union of Australia, 1949-1950; rule books, WWF and other trade unions and political organisations, 1882-1975; industrial agreements, 1910-1967; miscellaneous papers including members’ financial and membership files, Delegates and Gang Leaders convention papers, Hursey Case (1958), stevedoring industry, conditions of work, etc., 1875-1973; WWF Film Unit (sound recording), 1979; press clippings, 1914-1958; photographs, 1941-1970; printed material, 1904-1984.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Margaret Howells collection

  • AU NBAC N236
  • Deposit
  • 1936 - 1938, 1986

Records relating to Australian participation in the Spanish Civil War. Includes correspondence, photographs, postcards, pamphlets and printed material.

Howells, Margaret

Godfrey Hirst and Company deposit

  • AU NBAC 90
  • Deposit
  • 1875 - 1966

Memorandum and articles of association, minute books, registration documents, directors' files, correspondence and papers including papers re national security regulations, financial records, legal documents and deeds, share register of constituent company Barwon Woollen Mill Company, framed cartoon, blueprints, plans, charts, photographs and printing plates. Also includes material (manuscripts, galley proofs and illustrations) re novel by Ivan Southall 'The Weaver from Meltham'.

Godfrey Hirst and Company Proprietary Limited

Alroy Downs Station deposit

  • AU NBAC 4
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1937

Correspondence records, financial records, manager's reports, maps of the Northern Territory and Queensland (1898-1922), diary (1884)

Alroy Downs Station

Griffith Brothers Proprietary Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC 43
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1928

Minutes, staff records, business notes and instruction book, wages book, register of members and directors, register of mortgages and financial records, newspapers containing advertisements

Griffiths Brothers Proprietary Limited

Seamen’s Union of Australia, Federal Office and Sydney Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E183
  • Deposit
  • 1876-1972

Minutes of Committee of Management and Federal Executive meetings, 1944-1951 and Stopwork meetings, 1917-1960; Federal Office correspondence, 1932-1966; Sydney Branch correspondence 1935-1960; other Branch correspondence, 1930-1955; membership records, 1876-1945; financial papers, 1923-1970; arbitration material, 1921-1967; press cuttings, 1919-1956; photographs; correspondence, 1897-1907 and material relating to the early years of the union; printed material, 1899-1972.

Seamen’s Union of Australia

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, Queensland Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z240
  • Deposit
  • 1905 - 1986

Records of district committees and the Queensland, Brisbane, and Ipswich branches of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, the Amalgamated Engineering Union, the Boilermakers Society of Australia, the Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia, and the AMWU including minute books, correspondence, general files, reports, membership records, press cuttings, conference papers and publications.

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, Tasmanian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z161
  • Deposit
  • 1899 - 1972

Records of Tasmanian branches of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, the Amalgamated Engineering Union, the Boilermakers' and Blacksmiths' Society of Australia, and the Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia including minute books, registration books and membership records, financial records and correspondence. Includes records of the Norfolk, Rosebery, Queenstown, Mersey, Launceston, Tamar, Hobart, and Burnie branches of the Amalgamated Engineering Union; Hobart No.1 Zone, Launceston No.1 Zone and Tasmanian branches of the Sheet Metal Workers' Union; Tasmanian Branch, Burnie , Queenstown, Devonport and Hobart Sub Branches of the Boilermakers' and Blacksmiths' Society.

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Sydney Meat Preserving Company deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 83
  • Deposit
  • 1870 - 1966

Minutes, correspondence, financial and share records, legal and arbitration papers, photographs, maps and plans. Includes records of F J Walker Ltd subsidiaries Hunter River Meat Packing Co, Metropolitan Meat Co, and Australian Natural Gut Manufacturing Co.

Sydney Meat Preserving Company Limited

Annual reports of companies

  • AU NBAC P10
  • Deposit
  • 1874 - 1979

This is an collection of annual reports that were donated by various Australian companies. Numbers were allocated to each company but there are missing numbers as some reports were removed in 1980. Most annual reports cover the period from the mid 1950s till the late 1970s though many date from the early 20th century.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Bedggood and Company deposit

  • AU NBAC 57
  • Deposit
  • 1895 - 1959

Minutes of Directors' meetings, financial records, wage books, register of apprentices, advertising and printed materials, and photographs

Bedggood and Company Proprietary Limited

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations

  • AU NBAC H6
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 2008

Minutes of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations and its constituent members, correspondence and administrative files, project files, audiovisual material including videos and audio cassettes and printed material.

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations

All Grades Advocate

  • AU NBAC S26
  • Deposit
  • 1917

Issues from Jul 1917 to Dec 1917.

Amalgamated Railway and Tramway Service Association

Tom and Mary Wright Collection deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z267
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1988

Family papers and photographs; correspondence; pamphlets and papers relating to the women’s movement, peace movement and trade unions; records relating to Tom Wright including reports, printed material, diaries, personal files and obituaries; subject files; cartoons, posters, films and memorabilia; books of the anthropologist, Olive Pink; minute book of the Board of Delegates on the St Mary's (building) Project, 1956.

Wright, Mary

The Australasian Engineer then The Australasian Society of Engineers Federal Journal

  • AU NBAC S157
  • Deposit
  • Sep 1910 - Jun 1986 (with gaps)

Monthly federal journal of the Australasian Society of Engineers. Issues held are extensive from Sep 1910 to Jul 1931 with some gaps. Some issues are fragile or damaged, notably Nov 1924. Gap until Jan 1936, from when issues are less frequent. Issues held from Jan 1936 to Sep 1959 with some gaps. Then renamed The Australasian Society of Engineers Federal Journal for which issues held from Nov 1960 (vol. 1 no. 1) to Jun 1986 with some gaps.

Australasian Society of Engineers

Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia, Federal Office and Branches deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N84
  • Deposit
  • 1871 - 1984

Tailoresses' Union minutes (1897-1906), letterbook (1885-1886), correspondence (1873-1883), membership register (1882-1883); Tailors' Trade Protection Society/Federated Clothing Trades Union office files (1871-1922), savings banks passbooks (1888-1916); Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia Federal Council minutes, papers and balance sheets.

Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia

Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia, Federal Office and Branches deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z308
  • Deposit
  • 1866 - 1992

Tailors' Protection Society minutes 1866-1889; Pressers' Union of Victoria minutes 1884-1888; Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia federal conference and council papers 1960-1992, federal executive papers 1988-1992, subject files 1907-1992, copies of minutes of meetings of the New South Wales Branch.

Tailors' Trade Protection Society

Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union, National Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z102
  • Deposit
  • 1852 - 1999

Minute books, rules, correspondence, proposition books and membership records, subject and office files, files of office holders, legal and historical papers, conference papers, industrial files, district committee minutes, branch minutes, reports, speeches, campaign files, photographs, films, posters and publications. Includes records of the following unions and predecessors Amalgamated Engineering Union, Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Amalgamated Metal Workers Union, Amalgamated Metal Workers and Shipwrights Union, Boilermakers and Blacksmiths Society of Australia, Blacksmiths Society of Australia, Federated Iron Moulders Union, Federated Moulders (Metals) Union, Federated Shipwrights and Ship Constructors Association, Federated Society of Boilermakers and Iron Ship Builders, Fox Manufacturing Dispute Committee, Metal Trades Federation, Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement and Stove Making Industrial Union of Australia, Steam Engine Makers Society, Association of Draughting, Supervisory and Technical Employees, Federated Ship Painters and Dockers Union, Metals and Engineering Workers Union, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and the NSW Typographical Association.

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Geoff McDonald Collection deposit 3

  • AU NBAC P94
  • Deposit
  • 1850 - 1971

The collection includes records of various Australian trade unions and organisations. Minutes, reports, correspondence, financial material, wages and membership records, subject files, arbitration material, printed and roneoed material, typescript material, photographs and illustrations. Also includes records relating to the Australian Nursing Federation Employees' Section, Victorian Branch, 1950; 1958-59;1963-1971.

McDonald, Geoff

Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC T39
  • Deposit
  • 1848 - 1960

Minute books, mortuary benefit claims, financial records, rule books, membership records, wages and time books, unemployment relief book (1889-1894) and benefits register (1929-1930), correspondence, industrial papers, reports, letter books, newspaper cuttings book, photographs and publications. Includes records of predecessors the Australasian Typographical Union, the NSW Typographical Association and the Herald Office Chapel (1848-1866).

New South Wales Typographical Association

Jack Kavanagh collection deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N336
  • Deposit
  • 1899 - 1982

Articles and research notes by biographer David Akers; copy of transcript of an interview with Jack Kavanagh; political and personal papers of Jack and Edna Kavanagh, including correspondence, diaries, note books, press cuttings, photographs and printed material. Includes records relating to the Original Old Age & Invalid Pensioners Association of New South Wales.

Kavanagh, John Patrick Marcus

Actors' Equity of Australia deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z442
  • Deposit
  • 1982 - 1991

Files relating to imports of actors, theatre productions, and television advertisements. Also papers relating to various disputes including Australian Opera Part-Time dispute, SBS Television presenters case and the Travel Allowance Dispute.

Actors' Equity of Australia

Actors' Equity of Australia deposit 4

  • AU NBAC N420
  • Deposit
  • 1972 - 1991

Files relating to nominations for temporary entry of overseas entertainers to perform in Australia and other imported artists files relating to different areas of the entertainment industry such as television series or commercials.

Actors' Equity of Australia

CSR Limited Publicity Department deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z364
  • Deposit
  • 1860 - 1984

The deposit consists of 634 photographic prints from the CSR Limited Publicity Department illustrating industry exhibitions re Royal Agricultural Society show Sydney and others; farming and harvesting; refineries and mills; company division buildings; research laboratories Pyrmont; shipping transport; personnel including portraits of E W Knox, Thomas Alison Scott, Gustav Kottman; plant and equipment; plants and equipment in Hawaii, Fiji, West Indies, India, USA and Canada; advertising; alcohol distilleries; manufacture of pyneboard, plasterboard/gypsum, cement and other building materials.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Federated Ironworkers' Association South Australian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N370
  • Deposit
  • 1925 - 1991

Minutes of Federal Council, Conference and Executive (1942-1975 copies), SA State Council (1940-1944), Adelaide Branch (1925-1927, 1939-1991), Port Adelaide Branch (1965-1975), Chemical Workers Branch (1968-1987) including SA Branch of Federated Artificial Fertilizers and Chemical Workers' Union, SA Metal Trades Council (1940-1948) and Athol Park Progress Association (1957-1959). Adelaide Branch membership records and correspondence.

Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia

New South Wales Nurses Association deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z142
  • Deposit
  • 1943 - 2013

Minute books of council, policy committees, divisions and annual conferences, publication production files for THE LAMP, correspondence and committee files, reports, constitution and rules, and scholarships material.

New South Wales Nurses and Midwives' Association

CSR Limited Archives deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N306
  • Deposit
  • 1880s - 1980s

The deposit consists of CSR Sydney Archives Section files containing correspondence, memoranda, extracts of minutes, legal documents, newspaper cuttings, press statements, reports, staff records, histories of the sugar industry, immigration and labour, publications, photographs, illustrations, and miscellaneous documents relating to CSR Limited and its officers. This includes records related to the Australian sugar industry and CSR’s operations in Australia in addition to the international sugar industry and CSR’s operations in Fiji and dealings with Japan and China. This deposit also includes records relating to Australian Estates Co Ltd.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Annual reports of insurance companies

  • AU NBAC P68
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1994

This is an collection of annual reports that were donated by various Australian insurance companies. Numbers were allocated to each company but there are missing numbers as some reports were removed in 1980. Most annual reports are from the 1960s and 1970s.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Mackenzie James Wilson collection

  • AU NBAC N393
  • Deposit
  • 1880 - 1988

Papers cover three periods of Wilson’s employment as General Manager of the New Zealand & Australian Land Co, as consultant for AMP (Australian Mutual Provident Society) and other companies and as the General Manager of the Australian Pastoral Co Ltd. Records include minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, financial records, station records, staff related records, subject files, business diaries and maps. Other company records include Northern Cattle Co Pty Ltd, M L C Ltd, Stanbroke Pastoral Co Pty Ltd, Scottish Australian Co stations, B G L Killen Group and R A Wenham case.

Wilson, Mackenzie James

Moses Moss and Company deposit

  • AU NBAC N156
  • Deposit
  • 1882 - 1930; 1836; 1972

Photographs, negatives and photo album of advertising images on billboards, buildings and window displays in various states including NSW, Victoria and WA. Cash book of Louis Phillips, newspaper clippings, general correspondence and printed material.

Moses Moss and Company Limited

Sydney Stock Exchange stock and share lists

  • AU NBAC N193
  • Deposit
  • 1901 - 1950

These are large format bound volumes of the official lists that were posted up for the public to see - 3 times a day - forenoon, noon and afternoon - at the close of the trading session in the call room at the Sydney Stock Exchange. The closing prices of stocks and shares were entered in by hand on pre-printed sheets.

Sydney Stock Exchange

Ballarat United Friendly Societies' Medical Association and Dispensary deposit

  • AU NBAC Z194
  • Deposit
  • 1861 - 1968

Minute books, journals, ledgers, auditors' reports, cash books, doctors lists ( Manchester Unity, Ballarat Lodge and Hand of Friendship Lodge), registers, members' addresses, staff time books, copies of letters, rules and regulations.

Ballarat United Friendly Societies’ Medical Association and Dispensary

Manchester Unity, South Melbourne District deposit

  • AU NBAC N376
  • Deposit
  • 1915 - 1981

Records of the South Melbourne District Mordialloc Lodge consisting of minute books, disbursement book, registration book, contribution book, circulars, auditor's records, cash book, membership application forms, printed material and calendars.

Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows

Manchester Unity, Ballarat District deposit

  • AU NBAC Z190
  • Deposit
  • 1856 - 1976

The deposit consists of minutes, reports, letter books, ledgers, cash books, degrees books, correspondence, night books, contribution books, chemist and doctors list, declaration of marriage records, sickness records, sick and funeral fund books, registration books, trustee records, rules and ritual books, printed material, photographs and certificates. Includes records from Ballarat District; Albert Lodge; Alfred Lodge; Ballarat Lodge; Birthday Lodge; Blackwood Lodge; Buninyong Lodge; Beaufort Lodge; Cosmopolitan Lodge; Durham Lodge; Good Samaritan Lodge; Gordon Lodge; Gorong Lodge; Hand of Friendship Lodge; Hope of Ballarat Lodge; Juvenile Lodge; Kerrit Bareet Lodge; Learmouth Lodge; Linton Lodge; North Star Lodge; Past Grands Lodge; Peace & Plenty Lodge; Prince Alfred Lodge; Pyrenees Lodge; Rose of Allendale Lodge; Sebastapol Lodge; Sir Charles Darling Lodge; Smythesdale Lodge; Victoria Lodge.

Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Fremantle Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N28
  • Deposit
  • 1891 - 1960

Minutes of the Fremantle Lumpers' Union and the Waterside Workers' Federation Fremantle Branch, 1891-1962; minutes of Casual Section of Fremantle Wharf meetings, 1942-1947; financial records, 1898-1959; office files, 1928-1960; Branch Secretary’s letter book, 1919-1921; membership records, 1920-1955; accident and death books, 1903-1955; Discipline Committee decision record book, 1937-1948; Board of Reference decision record book, 1939-1947; Vigilant Officers Committee agenda book, 1944; office diaries, 1954-1957; Stevedoring Industry report, 1945; correspondence/subject files (including strike of 1956 and 1959 election material), 1929-1959; printed material 1912, 1946.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Builders' Labourers' Federation Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z398
  • Deposit
  • 1925 - 1990

Minutes of meetings (1923-1994), subject files, membership records (1934-1936, 1941-1950, 1984-1986), financial records, printed material, photographs, posters, audiovisual material, badges, drawing by Rick Amor, portrait of Norm Gallagher and banner.

Australian Building Construction Employees' and Builders' Labourers' Federation

Telfer’s journal

  • AU NBAC P85
  • Deposit
  • 1840 - 1903

This is a copy of the original journal held by the Archives of the University of New England. It is attributed to William Telfer the younger describing life at Tamworth and surrounding districts. The journal was published in 1980 as the Wallabadah Manuscript: the early history of the Northern Districts of New South Wales. The author who compiled the introduction and notes is Roger Milliss.

Telfer, William

Syd Butlin research papers deposit 1

  • AU NBAC P89
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1930

A small collection of papers relating to Paul and Gray Limited (1902-1930), Tooth and Company prospectus (1888) and Orient-Royal Mail Line timetable and map (1907-1908).

Butlin, Sydney James Christopher Lyon

Tarong and Nanango Stations deposit 1

  • AU NBAC P86
  • Deposit
  • 1843 - 1899

Offprints of microfilm strips. Includes station records, correspondence, diary, financial records and agreements.

Tarong Station

Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union Australian Capital Territory Branch and predecessors

  • AU NBAC N430
  • Deposit
  • c. 1925 - 2016

Includes Operative Painters’ and Decorators’ Union (OPDU) and Building Workers’ Industrial Union (BWIU) membership records 1950 - 1984, meeting minutes, rules, and enterprise agreements negotiated by the union. There are also papers relating to branch elections, amalgamations and finances; disputes, including some legal files; occupational safety including work site safety, drug and alcohol use and asbestos; training; national and international union and political campaigns including the 1998 maritime dispute; and publications, photographs, CDs, DVDs, videos and posters. Some material relates to infrastructure projects and social issues in the Australian Capital Territory including New Parliament House, the Canberra Casino, self-government, school closures, Old Canberra Hospital, the Folk Festival, and the proposed very fast train.

Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union

Friendly Societies deposit

  • AU NBAC Z87
  • Deposit
  • 1846 - 1983

Minutes, reports, correspondence, letter books, night books, financial records, conference papers, rules and ritual books, membership books and registers, funeral registers, contributions books, dispensary books, certificates, badges, photograph and printed material.

Grand United Order of Oddfellows records (1855-1977) from Pride of Ferndale Branch, Tighes Hill; Minter Home Branch, Wallsend; Pride of Kogarah Branch; Manilla Lodge No.10801; City of Newcastle Lodge No.1086; Federal Lodge No.3296; Star of Carrington Lodge No.3297; Belmont Lodge; Pride of Cardiff Lodge No.5392; GUOOF New South Wales; GUOOF Victoria; Hunter River District; Rose of Hamilton Lodge No.1846; Flower of Arncliffe Lodge No.8854; Princess of Wales Lodge No. 6768; Cumberland Lodge; Pride of Dandenong Lodge.

Manchestor Unity Indpendepent Order of Oddfellows records (1846-1982) from Prince of Wales Lodge, Newcastle; Loyal Bondi Lodge No.303; Goulburn District; Loyal Alexander Lodge, Penrith; Loyal Coffs Harbour Lodge No.243; Loyal Coffs Harbour Jetty Lodge No.439; Loyal Coffs Harbour Jetty Junior Lodge No.146; Loyal Woolgoolga Lodge No.891; Sawtell Lodge No.804; Loyal Star of the South Lodge, Kiama No.68; Loyal Home Hill Lodge, Nth Queensland; Past Grands Lodge No.60, Queanbeyan District; Central Southern Past Grands Lodge No.62; Loyal Coronation Lodge No.16, Goulburn District; Port Melbourne Dispensary; Friendly Societies Medical Institutes and Dispensaries Association of New South Wales; Loyal Hope of Charleville Lodge; Rose of West Lodge; Loyal Katoomba Lodge No.356; Happy Home Lodge No.18, Goulburn District; Pride of West Wallsend Lodge No.156; Loyal Paterson Union Lodge No.12 and No.4225; Loyal Cobargo Lodge; Loyal Prince Alfred Lodge.

United Ancient Order of Druids records (1902-1927) from Victoria.

Ancient Order of Foresters records (1861-1950) from Victoria; Court Clarendon No.3545; Court Perserverance; United Melbourne District.

Includes a history of PAFSOA (Protestant Alliance Friendly Benefit Society of Australia), formed in 1867, but no records are held for this society or the lodges, but many of the lodges are named in the history (box 63).

Grand United Order of Oddfellows

Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort and Company artworks

  • AU NBAC N286
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1965

This deposit contains 2 hand coloured lithographs by Fergusson and Mitchell of R Goldsbrough and Company Limited warehouses in Sydney and Melbourne. There are also 20 watercolours by John C Goodchild of Elders Limited properties in Australia and London. There is also a watercolour by Goodchild of the birthplace of Alexander Lang Elder in Kircaldy, Scotland.

Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort and Company Limited

Tooth and Company Deposit 3

  • AU NBAC N417
  • Deposit
  • 1830 - 1980

Research files containing notes, publications, press cuttings, photographs, advertising and documents relating to the Kent Brewery, Mittagong Maltings, Tooth family, beer and other products. Also includes some staff records.

Tooth and Company Limited

Grand United Order of Oddfellows deposit

  • AU NBAC Z728
  • Deposit
  • 1850 - 2001

Minutes, membership records, financial records, rules and laws, correspondence, attendance books, visitors books, circulars, manuals, registration records, merit book, obiturary book, staff records, indexes, publications and memorabilia.

Grand United Order of Oddfellows

The Australian Estates Company London Office deposit 2

  • AU NBAC 165
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1976

The deposit consists of records of The Union Mortgage and Agency Company of Australia Limited (both the old Melbourne company and the new London company), The Australian Estates Company and its subsidiaries. The material in this deposit was held at the London Head Office and includes Memoranda and articles of association; certificates of registration; trust deeds, amalgamation papers 1899-1902; legal documents and papers; minutes 1886-1970 (note that some minute books are locked); register of mortgages and seals; correspondence and letter books; pension and provident fund files; financial records; papers re Lowson 1972 share sale investigations 1973-1974; station and wool records; papers re Mount Morris station; Custom House Clearances book of Young, Ehler & Co (UM&A Co's London agents); newspaper cuttings; staff journals 1928-37 and 1950-1967; collection of maps; photograph albums containing photographs of various stations c. 1903-c. 1945; company seal and keys.

The Australian Estates Company Limited

Wave Hill Station deposit

  • AU NBAC N182
  • Deposit
  • 1952 - 1962

Wave Hill Station improvements book contains information such as construction costs and materials, plans and photographs of buildings, fences, bores and other structures.

Wave Hill Station

Amalgamated Metal Workers & Shipwrights Union, National Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N24
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1980

Minutes, correspondence, conference files, membership records, arbitration files and war-related industrial issues, Commonwealth Secretary's correspondence files, financial records, amalgamation files, property files, Assistant Secretary's papers, reports and circulars, peace movement related material, rules books and constitutions, awards, photographs, banners, memorabilia and printed material. Includes records of predecessors Boilermakers and Blacksmiths Society of Australia, Sheet Metal Workers Union, Blacksmiths Society of Australia, Federated Shipwrights and Ship Constructors Association of Australia, Amalgamated Metal Workers and Shipwrights Union, Amalgamated Engineering Union (including Amalgamated Society of Engineers and Amalgamated Engineering Union, Australian Section).

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Humes Limited deposit 6

  • AU NBAC Z167
  • Deposit
  • 1920 - 1988

Statutory records, policy documents, financial papers, including annual reports and balance sheets, for Humes Limited, 1920-88 and some of its predecessors and subsidiary companies – Bendigo Pottery Pty Ltd, 1961-74; RHJ Cage Pty Ltd, 1972-82; Concrete Constructions Pty Ltd, 1932-76; Crowley Eureka Iron Works Pty Ltd, c. 1958-68; Dominion Wire Holdings, 1957-62; Granton Brick Ltd, 1949-67; Hume Gas & Heating Company Pty Ltd, c. 1952-62; Hume Industries (Far East) Ltd, 1947-73; Hume Pipe (Far East ) Ltd, 1920-39; Hume Pipe (Australia) Ltd, 1920-74; Hume-S-Lon Ltd, 1965-76; Hume Steel Ltd, 1924-54; Hume Structural Steel Pty Ltd, 1972-73; WR Hume Pty Ltd, 1947-65; AK Lever & Company Pty Ltd, 1956-75; McHugh Brothers Pty Ltd, 1966-68; Martin Stoneware Pipe Pty Ltd, 1953-72; Porter Concrete Products Pty Ltd, 1934-65; EM & EJ Smith, 1960-74; Standard Steel Pty Ltd, 1953-74; Steel Pile & Lining Company (Humes) Ltd, 1928-63; Unit Fabrication, 1948-72; Viking Industrial Plastics Pty Ltd, 1956-71; Vinlon Pty Ltd, 1962-80; Whitelaw Roofing Tiles Pty Ltd, 1971-78.
Includes, also, Head Office subject files, 1930-84, various General Managers’ and other officers’ correspondence and subject files, 1948-88, patent specifications, 1950-79, legal records (mainly leases and agreements), 1958-70, performance graphs, 1948-62, staff records, 1921-53, Snowy Mountains Electricity Authority, 1952-72, recordings of Board Schedules on magnetic tape, 1970-80, papers collected by staff for a company history, 1950-85, photographs, 1927-82, printed material (serials, company notices, brochures), 1920-88, newspaper cuttings, 1957-88, printing blocks, 1970s and ephemera, 1923.

Humes Limited

Humes Limited deposit 4

  • AU NBAC 155
  • Deposit
  • 1920 – 1974; 1976

Humes Limited and combined companies’ records – office files, 1920-72, reports, 1942-70, financial records, 1956-68, photographs, 1922-63, printed material, 1925, 1946, 1967-9
Hume Pipe Company (Australia) Limited –correspondence re. establishment of Hume Industries (NZ) Limited, 1949, photographs, 1920s, newspaper cuttings, 1925
Hume Steel Limited - office files,1923-49, report on proposed operations on the Far East, 1928, photographs, 1930s
Hume Industries (Far East) Limited - office files, 1928-74, report on evaluation of Steel Division for sale, 1971, photographs, 1950s-60s
Wunderlich Humes Asbestos Pipes Proprietary Limited - office files, 1957-65, photographs, not dated

Humes Limited

Humes Limited deposit 3

  • AU NBAC 136
  • Deposit
  • c. 1916 - 1973

Humes Limited and combined companies’ records – certificates of incorporation and registration, 1923-57, documents and patents, circa 1916-55, balance papers, 1951-2, financial and statistical schedules, 1937-59, minutes of note transfer committee, 1956-7, photographs and printed material
Hume Steel Limited – income tax returns, 1946-7, share transfer journal, 1932-5, register of directors, 1932-56
Steel Pipe and Lining (Humes) Limited – balance papers and taxation returns, 1952-9, register of directors, 1932-56
Hume Pipe Company (Australia) Limited – reports and correspondence re. development of cement and bauxite, 1930-2, Kiewa contract files, 1956-9, salaries books, 1927-1936, share records, 1923-37
Hume Pipe (Far East) Limited (later Hume Industries (Far East) Limited) – correspondence and reports re. company, staff, withdrawal and claims for losses due to Japanese occupation, 1940-7, register of directors, 1930-59

Humes Limited

Tooth and Company yellow cards

  • AU NBAC N60-YC
  • Deposit
  • circa 1920s to circa 1970s

The yellow cards contain photographs of the exterior of most hotels in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory whether or not they were owned by Tooth and Company Limited. The cards also contain names of licensees, a summary of the quantity of beer and other beverages supplied by Tooth and Company Limited and information about who owned the hotel

Tooth and Company Limited

Amirah Inglis Collection

  • AU NBAC N171
  • Deposit
  • c. 1930 - 2006

This collection was compiled by Amirah Inglis in the 1980s while researching and writing her book Australians in the Spanish Civil War. It contains research notes, newspaper cuttings, photographs and cassette tapes of interviews with Australians and Britons who served in Spain.

Inglis, Amirah

David Andrew papers

  • AU NBAC Z617
  • Deposit
  • 1938 - 2001

Some papers on the Master Builders Association of ACT and publications on the Australian building industry.

Andrew, David

J H O'Neill Collection

  • AU NBAC P4
  • Deposit
  • 1854 - 1962

Political pamphlets, books and miscellaneous publications, including O’Neill’s History of Tasmanian Unionism, 1962.

O'Neill, John Henry

W G Davies and Company deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 154
  • Deposit
  • 1907 - 1975

Station records, financial records, correspondence and office files relating to stations Athol, Mt Edinburgh, Southlands and Malvern Hills, maps and photographs, wages books, staff ledgers and printed materials.

W G Davies and Company

J Normington Rawling collection

  • AU NBAC N57
  • Deposit
  • 1867 - 1965

Manuscripts, correspondence and other papers of Rawling, Guido Barrachi, and E M Higgins; records of and about Australian radicals and radical organisations, including manuscripts, press cuttings, pamphlets, leaflets, serials, maps, posters, broadsheets and illustrations.

Rawling, James Normington

Elder Smith and Company Head Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 8
  • Deposit
  • 1825 - 1953

Minute books; correspondence regarding home and overseas trade; books of accounts; records of land sales; mortgages, taxes and assessments; correspondence and returns regarding wool business, staff and insurance; miscellaneous papers and some personal papers. Also includes records of Price Maurice & Co and Price Maurice Estates consisting of ledgers 1862-1897; wages book 1880-1895; manager's correspondence; and financial records of Mount Eba, Warrow and Pekina Stations.

Elder Smith and Company

Manchester Unity, Victorian Metropolitan Lodges deposit

  • AU NBAC Z262
  • Deposit
  • 1828 - 1999

The deposit consists of records from the Head Office and Victorian metropolitan lodges including minutes, reports, conference papers and programme, war savings certificates, registers, correspondence, specifications and plans re MUIOOF Building, financial records, rules and regulations, cash books, visitors books, ledgers, newspaper cuttings, anniversary and souvenir records, membership registration books, records of sickness, declarations, funds remittance schedules, certificates, circulars, printed material, map, dispensations, photographs and presentation certificates. Also includes minute books of the Oakleigh United Friendly Societies Dispensary and printed material from friendly societies.

Collingwood District records include: Abbotsford Lodge (formerly Barkly Lodge); Boundary / Bundoora Lodge; Collingwood Lodge; Eltham Lodge; Hand of Friendship Lodge; Heidelberg Lodge; John Jordan / Fitzroy John Jordan Lodge; King George / Fairfield Lodge; Loyal Ivanhoe/Good Samaritan Lodge; Northcote Lodge; Reservoir/ Loyal Edward Lees; Preston / Preston John Jordan Lodge; Union Lodge; West Preston Lodge.

North Yarra District records include: Charles Whiting Junior Lodge; DA Bremmer Junior Lodge; Footscray Lodge; Newport Lodge; Solway Lodge; Sunshine Lodge; West Footscray / Yarraville / Jubilee Lodge; Williamstown Lodge; Wyndham / Werribee Lodge.

Port Phillip District records include: Albert Lodge; Australian Felix Lodge; Brittania Lodge; Broadford Lodge; Broadmeadows Lodge; Loyal Carlton Lodge; Cornucopia Lodge; Diamond Creek Lodge; Doutta Galla Lodge; Loyal East Brunswick Albion Lodge; Glenroy Lodge; Hope of Richmond Lodge and Industry Lodge (Amalgamated and named Richmond Lodge); Kensington Lodge; Kilmore Lodge; London Lodge; Loyal Australia Felix Lodge; Macedon Lodge; Melbourne Lodge; Merlynston Pride of the North Lodge; Pascoe Vale Lodge; Rose of Brunswick Lodge; Studley Lodge and Hope of Richmond Lodge (Amalgamated); Victoria Lodge; West Brunswick Lodge; Yarra Glen Lodge; Yering Lodge (later Yarra Glen).

Sale District: Toongabbie Lodge

South Melbourne District records inlcude: Boronia Lodge; Bentleigh Lodge (Moorabbin until 1953); Carnegie Lodge (formerly known as Patterson Lodge, name changed between 1933 and 1941); Chelsea Lodge; Cheltenham Lodge; Dunstan Lodge; Elsternwick Lodge/ Balaclava; Emerald Lodge; Frankston Lodge; Galatea / South Yarra Lodge; Hampton Lodge; Lodge of Good Intent; Loyal Armadale Lodge (formerly O J Orr); Loyal Cheltenham Lodge; Loyal Moorabbin Lodge (Bentleigh from 1953); Loyal Oakleigh Dunstan Lodge; Loyal Oakleigh Lodge; Loyal Prince Alfred Lodge; Mentone Lodge; Minerva / Middle Park Lodge; Mordialloc Lodge; Morington Lodge; Phillip Island Lodge; Port Melbourne Lodge; Prince Alfred Lodge; Prince of Wales / Balaclava Prince of Wales Lodge; Sandringham Lodge; Sommerville Lodge; Homes for the Aged Auxiliary Committee.

Warragul District records include: Dandenong Lodge; Drouin Lodge; Jindivick Lodge; Longwarry Lodge; Nerrim Lodge; Warragul Lodge.

Yarra Yarra District records include: Ashburton Lodge; Balwyn Lodge; Blackburn Lodge; Boroondara Lodge; Box Hill Lodge; Burwood Lodge; Camberwell Lodge; Charles Dalley / Croydon Lodge; District Auxiliary; Doncaster Lodge; Healesville Lodge; Kew Lodge; Kew William Wollard Junior Lodge; Lilydale Lodge; Mitcham Lodge; Powelltown Lodge; Surrey Hills Lodge; Tunstall Lodge; Warburton Lodge; Yarra Junction Lodge.

Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations Deposit 2

  • AU NBAC H24
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 2014

Minutes of the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations and affiliated members, correspondence files, National and International conference programs and papers, policy files, legal files, National and International project files, Government and Non-Government liaison, medical research and treatments programs, educational resources, publications, audiovisual and printed material.

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations

Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows (MUIOOF) New South Wales records

  • AU NBAC N433
  • Deposit
  • 1849 - 2018

Minute books; attendance books; letter books; membership registers; sickness registers; lodge dispensations; rules, by-laws and guidelines; directories; conference reports; meeting papers; financial papers; health fund membership cards; funeral fund membership cards; night books; photographs; ceremonial sash.

Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows

Results 1201 to 1300 of 1447