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New South Wales Bottle Company deposit

  • AU NBAC N413
  • Deposit
  • 1908 - 1979

Minutes, correspondence and subject files, financial records, staff record and wages books, legal records, plans, advertising literature and papers. Includes material relating to Tooheys Ltd.

New South Wales Bottle Company Proprietary Limited

Marcus Clark and Company deposit 2

  • AU NBAC M30
  • Deposit
  • 1902 - 1953

Minutes of directors and shareholders meetings, notes and proceedings of shareholders meetings.

Marcus Clark and Company Limited

Marcus Clark and Company deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 74
  • Deposit
  • 1883 - 1958

Minutes, correspondence, financial and legal records, printed material, catalogues, photographs and book "Bound to Rise".

Marcus Clark and Company Limited

Paterson, Reid and Bruce Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC N29
  • Deposit
  • 1861 - 1975

Correspondence, financial, stock and staff records of Sydney and Brisbane branches of Robert Reid and Company Limited, financial records of Paterson, Ray, Palmer and Company, trade mark registrations, stock and sales books, staff records, catalogues, house journal and memorabilia of Melbourne branch of Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited, staff records and sales tax reports of Paterson, Reid and Bruce Limited. Some photographs of senior staff and buildings of Robert Reid and Company Limited and Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited.

Paterson, Reid and Bruce Limited

Humes Limited deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 32
  • Deposit
  • 1911 - 1952

Hume Brothers Cement Iron Company Limited, Hume Pipe Company (Australia) Limited, Concrete Constructions Proprietary Limited, Singapore Hume Pipe Company, Hume Pipe (Far East) Limited, Steel Pipe and Lining Company, Bourne Manufacturing and Hume Steel Limited - minutes, financial records, staff records, legal papers, correspondence, journals, photographs, drawings and plans

Humes Limited

Community and Public Sector Union deposit

  • AU NBAC Z603
  • Deposit
  • 1970 - 1999

This deposit contains administrative records of the CPSU and predecessors, the Australian Public Service Association, the Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association (including Branch Council minutes 1977-1988), the ABC Staff Association, the Professional Officers' Association (including membership records) and the Australian Public Sector and Broadcasting Union.

Community and Public Sector Union

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, South Coast/Port Kembla Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z429
  • Deposit
  • 1931 - 1993

Branch minutes, 1931-1939, 1947-1958; special, general and Committee of Management minutes, 1958-1991; Federal Council papers and minutes, 1956-1981; All Ports Conference minutes, 1956-1989; Stop Work meetings, 1978-1987; correspondence and subject files, 1950-1991; Federal and Branch election material, 1954-1978; papers concerning arbitration and industrial matters, 1953-1977; membership records, 1953-1993; compensation files, 1968-1984; financial records, 1956-1979; audiovisual material, 1956-1979; photographs, 1940-1992; press cuttings, 1968-1980; ephemera, 1942-1964; printed material, 1936-1987. Includes records of the South Coast Pollution and Environmental Control organisation (1967-1977).

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Musicians' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z401
  • Deposit
  • 1907 - 1987

Industrial files (1920s-1930s, 1952-1987), appeal books (1958), subject files (1907, 1913, 1947-1987), printed material, press cuttings and audio records (21 January 1948).

Musicians' Union of Australia

Chamber of Automotive Industries of New South Wales deposit

  • AU NBAC N148
  • Deposit
  • 1923 - 1997

Minutes of council, various panels and committees; correspondence; constitution and rules; office files re anniversary, annual and motor show dinners; photographs, press cuttings, memorial boards and printed material.

Chamber of Automotive Industries of New South Wales Incorporated

Building Workers' Industrial Union New South Wales Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC Z291
  • Deposit
  • 1870 - 1999

Records of the United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society of New South Wales (1870-1942) including Sydney, Newtown, Lithgow, North Sydney, Goulburn, Burwood and Canberra branches, records of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners (1895-1945) including NSW and Queensland Management Committee minutes and records of Sydney, Balmain, Goulburn, Newcastle (membership records 1913-1949), Boulder, Kalgoorlie, Coolgardie and Brisbane branches, and minutes of the NSW State Executive of the BWIU (1943-1983), State conferences (1944-1983) and Newcastle Branch (1940s-1970), subject files, arbitration material, rule books and printed material. Also includes records of the NSW Operative Stonemason's Society (1899-1910), Federated Bricklayers' Association of Australia (1915-1920), Plate, Sheet and Ornamental Glass Workers Union of NSW (1916-1930) and the Ship Joiners Society of Australia (1917-1918, 1950-1952), minutes and membership register of Tilelayers' Union of NSW (1908-1913), minutes (1929-1982) and membership records (1925-1976) of the NSW Glass Workers' Union, minutes of NSW Building Trades Federation (1913-1916), Brewery Employees' Union, Kalgoorlie/Boulder District (1910-1914), Operative Plasterers' and Plaster Worker's Federation, NSW State Executive (1967-1994), Federated Engine Drivers and Firemen's Association (FEDFA) Management Committee (1984-1993), and records of the Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union, NSW Branch (1947-1994) and Newcastle Branch (1974-1991). Records from 1993 were created by the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union.

United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society of New South Wales

Association for Tertiary Education Management deposit

  • AU NBAC Z614
  • Deposit
  • 1976 - 2004

The deposit consists of records from the New South Wales Branch and the National Office. Records of the New South Wales Branch consist of Secretary's files, President's files (Max Schroder), and Vice-President's files: minutes, agenda papers financial records, annual reports, correspondence, nomination forms for positions of office bearers, membership applications and reports. Records from the National Office include: governance and policy records, President's files (Arthur Hunt), minutes and agenda papers of Council and Executive meetings, reports, branch and national conference records, files of the AITEA travel fellowship, printed material and corporate products.

Association for Tertiary Education Management Incorporated

Ken Miller papers

  • AU NBAC Z458
  • Deposit
  • 1913 - 1963

Notes, press cuttings and files relating to Communist Party of Australia campaigns; papers relating to Richmond municipal politics; poetry and songs, pamphlets and leaflets, printed material on communism theory and international politics.

Miller, Ken

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N144
  • Deposit
  • 1903 - 1979

Minutes of Central Council meetings (1929-1972), office files of General President and Secretary including records of the Cokeworkers' Association of NSW (1903-1977), financial records, minutes of Seymour Miners' Lodge, Tasmania (1931), Balmain Miners' Lodge records (1924-1936), Retired Mineworkers' Association records (1956-1968), Combined Mining Unions records (1946-1971), papers of Henry Mather, arbitration material, newspaper cuttings, photographs, drawings and printed material.

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation

Australian Textile Workers' Union South Australian Branch

  • AU NBAC N418
  • Deposit
  • 1969 - 1988

Branch management committee minutes 1976-1986, national wage case 1975-1984, wage rate variations - Textile, Rope and Cordage 1969-1988, Federal Council minutes 1971-1988.

Australian Textile Workers' Union

Dietitians Association of Australia Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N155
  • Deposit
  • 1935 - 1990

Minutes of meetings, annual reports, correspondence and membership records. A large series of subject files, newsletters and printed material. Includes records of predecessors the Dietetic Association, Victoria (established in April 1935) and the Dietitians Industrial Association of Victoria.

Dietitians Association of Australia

Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers Federal Council and New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N419
  • Deposit
  • 1943 - 1972

Minutes of Federal Council and Executive (1943- 1954) and New South Wales Branch (1950-1961) and Victorian Branch (1944-1955), subject files including rules, minutes, correspondence with NSW, Victorian and South Australian branches, financial records and arbitration material, NSW Branch membership records (1943-1956) and office equipment for inking stencils.

Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers

Botany Bay Project files, reports and photographs

  • AU NBAC N359
  • Deposit
  • 1971 - 1978

Project management files including minutes of administrative and managerial committees, staff files, organisational correspondence, press cuttings, research papers and publications related to the Project, copies of applications to register factories 1894 - 1974 (by suburb) related to a survey of manufacturing industry in the southern Sydney metropolitan area, and photographs of staff, Sydney industrial areas and of maps relating to the Botany Bay area.

Butlin, Noel George

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, Queensland Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E220
  • Deposit
  • 1916 - 1972

The records of this deposit were created by the separate unions prior to their amalgamation and have been listed under a section for each union and for combined printed material. Records of the Amalgamated Engineering Union include certificates of registration, alterations to rules and related documents, financial and membership records, Divisions No.2 and No.3 files, arbitration transcripts and awards and newspaper cuttings. Records of the Sheet Metal Working Agricultural Implement & Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia consist of Queensland Branch minutes of management committee, general and special branch meetings, 1965-72. Records of the Boilermakers' & Blacksmiths' Society of Australia include minutes of branch and executive meetings of the Brisbane Branch, minutes of Queensland State Committee, State Committee and Brisbane Branch files, Federal Council circulars, financial records, superannuation record sheets, members' contribution book, Mary Kathleen sub-branch records, reports and press cuttings, arbitration transcripts and conference material.

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Photographs and cartoons for Women & Work newsletter

  • AU NBAC N347
  • Deposit
  • 1983 - 1996

The collection primarily contains photographs and cartoons used to illustrate publications of the Women’s Bureau, of the Department of Employment, Education and Training. The illustrative matter predominantly relates to the newsletter Women & Work, published from 1983 to 1998. Also included are materials relating to pamphlets published by the Bureau and events attended by staff. Many of the cartoons were drawn by Gaynor Alma Carew (b. 1952 - 1999), known as 'Gaynor'.

Cummuskey, Maureen

Building Workers' Industrial Union photographs deposit

  • AU NBAC Z726
  • Deposit
  • 1941 - 1985

Photographs of events, marches and protests; scrapbooks of newspaper clippings; South Australian Branch membership registers (1955-1974 and (1970-1984); bound volumes of newspaper The Building Worker.

Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia

Australian Securities Exchange microfiche

  • AU NBAC N254
  • Deposit
  • 1880 - 1996

This deposit contains copies on microfiche of ASX Company Announcements and Annual Reports in two series (1) 1880 – 1980 and (2) 1980 - 1996. It also includes copies on microfiche of some ASX publications.

Australian Securities Exchange

Actors' Equity of Australia deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E255
  • Deposit
  • 1919 - 1951

Minutes of meetings including Sussex Lodge Manangement Committee (1949-1952) and Council and Board management. Also includes cast lists for a few productions such as "Gay Rosalinda" and "Annie Get Your Gun".

Actors' Equity of Australia

McKillop and Sons deposit

  • AU NBAC N385
  • Deposit
  • 1849 - 2005

Minutes, memorandum and articles of association, financial records, station diaries, station correspondence and subject files, financial records, wages book, family histories and photographs, weather books, legal and land papers, staff lists, material re McKillop history project and Buddah Station film.

McKillop and Sons Proprietary Limited

Mercadool Station (John David Hill) collection

  • AU NBAC N392
  • Deposit
  • 1906 - 1991

Collection of Hill family papers relating to their properties, Mercadool and Fedora, near Parkes, NSW. Includes legal and financial records, agricultural census returns, shearing records, correspondence, plans, rainfall charts and notebooks.

Hill, John David

Liz Ross Collection

  • AU NBAC N166
  • Deposit
  • 1980 - 2006

Research undertaken in preparation for Liz Ross’ book Dare to struggle, dare to win! : Builders Labourers fight deregistration 1981-1994. Includes transcripts of interviews, newspaper photos, leaflets, newspaper clippings, journals, stickers, cartoons, sound cassettes and videos, memorabilia.

Ross, Elizabeth

Birrindudu Station deposit

  • AU NBAC N181
  • Deposit
  • 1981 - 1983

Maps of the station and Northern Territory area.

Birrindudu Station

Teachers Federation of Victoria deposit

  • AU NBAC Z739
  • Deposit
  • 1973 - 1990

This deposit includes records of the constitution and rules, a history of the Teachers Federation of Victoria, committee records, minutes and records of the Post-Primary Teachers Federation from 1973 - 1974.

Teachers Federation of Victoria

Timber Merchants Association

  • AU NBAC N402
  • Deposit
  • 1883 - 2017

Minute books, share transfer books, price lists, printed material, certificates, photographs and slides relating mostly to Victorian branches (Melbourne, Bendigo) and a small number of records relating to South Australia.

Timber Merchants Association

Betty Reilly papers

  • AU NBAC N188
  • Deposit
  • 1925 - 1997

Correspondence files, leaflets, publications and pamphlets, photographs, newsclippings, notebooks, research notes, books and personal papers.

Reilly, Betty Mary

Sigrid McCausland papers

  • AU NBAC N382
  • Deposit
  • 1980 - 2016

The papers document Sigrid McCausland's contributions to the archives profession in Australia over thirty years including employment as the University Archivist at the Australian National University at a time that the Noel Butlin Archives Centre was threatened with closure, as the first Education Officer for the Australian Society of Archivists, and as an academic at Charles Sturt University undertaking research and teaching archives administration and where she completed a Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching. Activities for the Australian Society of Archivists, the Archive Forum (relating to the National Film and Sound Archive), the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History and the International Council on Archives include conference presentations, workshops, articles, book reviews and submissions. Research files for articles and book chapters are mainly on archival access, advocacy, public programs and archival education. Project files relate to the review of the Statement of Knowledge for Recordkeeping Professionals in conjunction with the Records Management Association of Australasia, work undertaken for Australian Unity on their records, and a review of the Community Heritage Grants scheme. A series of notebooks from 1999 to 2015 record notes on conferences, seminars, lectures and meetings she attended.

McCausland, Sigrid Kristina

Australian Workers' Union Longreach and Charleville deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E161
  • Deposit
  • 1887 - 1957

Queensland Shearers' Union: financial and membership records for Blackall, Hughenden and Longreach Branches; Queensland Labourers' Union: financial and membership records for Barcaldine, Hughenden, Longreach and Comet Branch, Springsure; Amalgamated Workers' Union/Australian Workers Union: financial and membership records for Hughenden, Longreach and Charleville; AWU Longreach correspondence and photographs; records of the Australian Labor Federation (Barcaldine), Amalgamated Workers' Association of Queensland (Longreach), the Australian Carriers' Union and the Australian Labour Party (Longreach 1922-1926), and records of the 1956 shearers' strike.

Queensland Shearers' Union

Burns Philp and Company (Sydney Office and Branches) deposit

  • AU NBAC N115
  • Deposit
  • 1879 - 1983; 1844

All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, reports, legal and financial records, share registers, shipping records, staff records, photographs, maps and plans, printed material and newspaper collection (1844 - 1977). Includes records of head office, branches and subsidiaries.

Burns Philp and Company Limited

Peter O'Dea Collection

  • AU NBAC Z356
  • Deposit
  • 1968 - 1987

Copies of minutes of the Builders Labourers Federation, Federal Office; files, photographs and printed material relating to radical organisations in Adelaide and Canberra, address book and badge.

O'Dea, Peter

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, Western Australian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N394
  • Deposit
  • 1892 - 1973

Minute books, membership records, correspondence, financial records, industrial papers, reports and rule books. Includes Coastal District and Fremantle Branch records of the Amalgamated Engineering Union and its predecessor Amalgamated Society of Engineers; Kalgoorlie Branch records of Western Australian predecessors West Australian Coach, Car and Rolling Stock Builders' Industrial Union of Workers and the WA Vehicle Builders' Union; and rule books of the Western Australian Plumbers and Sheet Metal Workers Industrial Union of Workers.

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Amalgamated Engineering Union, Adelaide District deposit

  • AU NBAC E107
  • Deposit
  • 1875 - 1963

Minutes of general, special and committee meetings of the Adelaide branch, 1875 -78, 1882-93; Adelaide No.2 branch, 1912-29, 1933-63; Gawler branch, 1909-11; financial records of the Quorn branch, 1915-26; membership and financial records.

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Building Workers' Industrial Union New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z534
  • Deposit
  • 1869 - 1977

United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society minutes (1874-1937), membership lists (1920s-1942), financial records including contribution books (1870-1929) and Newtown Branch minutes (1884-1891); Australian Society of Progressive Carpenters and Joiners minutes (1911-1920); Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners minutes Federal Council (1925-1930), NSW Management Committee (1920-1942), Victorian Management Committee (1913-1933), Queensland Management Committee (1917-1920) and records of branches: Auburn, Bankstown, Brunswick, Burwood, Campsie, Darwin, Fairfield, Hurstville, Lakemba, Manly, Melbourne City, Newtown, Ryde, St George, South Coast, Sydney City, Wollongong; Slater, Tilers, Shinglers and Roof Fixers Union NSW Management Committee minutes (1963-1968), membership lists (1959-1962) and other records; Bridge, Wharf and Engineering Construction Carpenters Union Management Committee minutes (1944-1963) and membership records (1911-1967); BWIU Waterfront District records (1965-1973); BWIU Federal Executive minutes (1948-1951), correspondence, subject files and financial records; BWIU NSW Branch State Executive minutes (1943-1960), district minutes of Sydney, South Coast, Ryde/Hornsby, St George, Bridge and Wharf, North Sydney and Newcastle, correspondence files, compensation files and printed material.

United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society of New South Wales

Federated Furnishing Trade Society Victorian Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T58
  • Deposit
  • 1882 - 1954

Minutes of meetings (including of the predecessor United Furniture Trade Society), correspondence, financial records, membership lists, publications, photographs, and objects including a banner.

Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia

Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation Queensland Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T49
  • Deposit
  • 1885 - 1946

Minute books of Queensland Amalgamated Operative Boot Trade Union and then later Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation, Queensland Branch (1888 - 1946), membership book (1907 - 1942), balance sheets (1989 - 1943), correspondence and receipts (1930).

Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation

Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation Victorian Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T5
  • Deposit
  • 1882 - 1959

Minutes of the general meetings of Victorian Operative Boot Trade Union and then Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation (1882 - 1939), minutes of the meetings of the management committee of the Victorian Operative Boot Trade Union and then Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation (1889 - 1939), minutes of the Australian Boot Trade Employees Federation interstate conference with employers (1932, 1935), balance sheets (1904 - 1939), cash books (1893 - 1916), loan receipts 1917 - 1920), butts of transfer books (1907 - 1939), register of strike money paid by members (n.d), boot trade determinations (1898 - 1937), rules and standing orders (1930s - 1950s), and printed material.

Victorian Operative Boot Trade Union

Lloyd Ross Collection

  • AU NBAC P103
  • Deposit
  • 1885 - 1954

Minute book of the Bendigo Miners Association, 1885–1889; minutes of the NSW Amalgamated Railway and Tramway Service Association, 1912–1919; minutes of the Australian Railways Union Port Waratah Sub-Branch, 1935–1940, and the Newcastle Sub-Branch, 1943–1954; job register and correspondence register.

Ross, Lloyd Maxwell

Australasian Society of Engineers Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N367
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1979

Minutes of Federal Council (1890-1916, 1925-1942, 1953-1979 with some gaps) and Federal Executive (1953-1979), Biennial and Triennial Conference minutes, financial records and membership records (1890-1916, 1927-1941). Financial records include Federal Council salary ledgers (1942-1948, 1951-1962), membership contributions (1890-1903, 1912-1914), and ledgers. Also includes files relating to demarcation with other trades. Also includes some press cuttings (1912-1919).

Australasian Society of Engineers

Ian Turner Collection

  • AU NBAC P2
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1961

A large collection of political pamphlets, serials and some books; press cuttings and printed material re the Communist Party of Australia, the peace movement, international communist movements; press cuttings on the Australian labour movement in the 1890s and on political and industrial matters, 1946–1956; notes on his interviews with Katharine Susannah Prichard and Senator Don Cameron, 1960; minute book of the North Melbourne Branch of the Political Labor Council, 1913; rough minute book of the Tanners & Curriers Union of Victoria, 1884-1995; file on Coal and Bunkering Pty Ltd; photographs, prints and maps.

Turner, Ian Alexander Hamilton

Adelaide Steamship Company deposit 3

  • AU NBAC N272
  • Deposit
  • 1880 - 1973

Includes photographs of company ships, ship plans, legal records, ship registries and financial records.

Adelaide Steamship Company

Justice Paul Munro papers

  • AU NBAC Z652
  • Deposit
  • 1969 - 2004

Papers relating to Munro’s positions as the Federal Secretary of the Administrative and Clerical Officers Association and the Council of Commonwealth Public Service Organisations, later the Council of Australian Government Employees Organisations, and as a member of the ACTU Executive, the Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration, the Pathology Services Advisory Committee, the Administrative Review Committee, and the Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, later the Australian Industrial Relations Commission. Includes press clippings, correspondence, submissions and reports, minutes and printed material.

Munro, Paul Robert

Warrnambool Gas Company deposit

  • AU NBAC N226
  • Deposit
  • 1873 - c. 1990

Balance sheets, gas reports, a draft history of the gas industry, and other documents.

Warrnambool Gas Company

Biographical Register of the Australian Labour Movement

  • AU NBAC N195
  • Deposit
  • 1980 - 2011

These files contain information about individuals and organisations used to compile entries in the Biographical Register of the Australian Labour Movement (BRALM).

Shields, John

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation deposit 4

  • AU NBAC Z669
  • Deposit
  • 1907 - 1991

Federated Mining Mechanics' Association, then Colliery Mechanics' Mutual Protective Association, Hunter River District minutes (1908-1967, except 1927-1930 volume at Z586); Federated Mining Mechanics' and Surfacemen's Mutual Protective Association presscopy letterbook (1911-1920); Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation rules, financial records, membership records for New South Wales Northern District (1916-1918), New South Wales Southern and Western Districts, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania (1918), New South Wales Central District (1924-1930), and Captain's Flat lodge (1949), mining authorisations (1980, 1991), and printed material. Also includes 'pence books' of Barrier Branch of the Amalgamated Miners' Association (1911-1914) and photographs of Broken Hill dust-storm (1907), commemorative pennants and plaques for International Miners' Organisation conference (1987) and union neckties.

Australasian Coal Miners' Association

Magnus, Nankervis and Curl deposit

  • AU NBAC H12
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 1990

Records relating to the AIDS education campaign strategy including creative briefs, questionnnaires, research reports, scripts, and media schedules relating to condom socialisation, intravenous drug use (IVDU), roulette, AIDS testimonials, and needle bed campaigns.

Magnus, Nankervis and Curl

ACT UP Melbourne Chapter deposit

  • AU NBAC H13
  • Deposit
  • 1990 - 1993

The deposit consists mainly of copies made on archival quality paper of documentation held by the Secretary, David Locke in 1993 and includes a chronology of events, press clippings, correspondence, campaign files, material from other Australian chapters of ACT UP and from ACT UP New York, and also campaign material such as postcards, stickers and posters.

AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power, Melbourne Chapter

AIDS Trust of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC H14
  • Deposit
  • 1987 - 1992

Minutes of Trustees' meetings, and of AIDS Fundraising Management Limited Directors' meetings, correspondence, records relating to establishment, fundraising activities including concerts and the AIDS and Business Kit, press releases, and newspaper clippings.

AIDS Trust of Australia

John Danks and Son (Sydney and Melbourne Offices) deposit

  • AU NBAC N227
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1991

Financial records, salaries and wages books, catalogues, staff records and patents. Also includes accounts (1960s), salary and wage records of J S Kidd and Company Proprietary Limited, purchased by Danks in 1970.

John Danks and Son Proprietary Limited

John Atchison collection

  • AU NBAC P65
  • Deposit
  • 1968 - 1973

Research papers for his PhD thesis 'Port Stephens and Goonoo Goonoo'.

Atchison, John Francis

Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association deposit

  • AU NBAC Z731
  • Deposit
  • 1989 - 2008

Minutes, correspondence, registration documents, membership records, reports and publications. Includes records relating to the Australasian Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers.

Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association

CSR Limited Publicity Department deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z636
  • Deposit
  • 1860 - 1984

This deposit consists of 418 photograph and lithograph negatives from the CSR Limited Publicity Department illustrating industry exhibitions re Royal Agricultural Society show Sydney and others; farming and harvesting; raw sugar refineries and mills; company division buildings; distilleries; shipping transport; pineapple cannery, Lautoka Fiji; Chelsea refinery, New Zealand; personnel; artwork; and maps of cane growing areas.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, National Office deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N387
  • Deposit
  • 1881 - 1975

Minutes, minutes of apprentices committee, correspondence, industrial and arbitration material, rule books, historical documents, reports, membership "starting books", photographs and certificates. Includes records of the Amalgamated Engineering Union Sydney District and Cumberland Branch, and the NSW Branch of the Federated Moulders (Metals) Union of Australia.

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union

H B Selby Australia Limited deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N381
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1994

Stock and price books, share certificates, cost cards, annual reports and financial records, newspaper articles, minutes books, wages books, correspondence, reports of overseas trips, certificates of incorporation, records of subsidiaries including Analite Pty Ltd, H B Selby and Co Pty Ltd, and Selby's Scientific Ltd, photographs and history files. Includes files of the Selby Scientific Foundation.

H B Selby and Company Proprietary Limited

Australian Public Service Association Federal Council records

  • AU NBAC Z226
  • Deposit
  • 1946 - 1986

Classified file series including correspondence, minutes and reports. Includes records of predecessors the Federated Public Service Assistants Association of Australia and the Commonwealth Public Service

Australian Public Service Association

Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC Z567
  • Deposit
  • 1980 - 1994

Classified subject files including Executive Committee and Steering Committee meeting papers, correspondence with members of parliament and organisations, conference and seminar papers, speeches, press releases and papers of the Ethnic Youth Officer and the Ethnic Women's Officer, inwards and outwards correspondence, press cuttings and printed material. Includes publications of the Indo-Chinese Refugee Association including resources and library material in a range of languages gathered to assist immigrants.

Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia

W E R Wilson papers

  • AU NBAC P87
  • Deposit
  • 1933

This is a copy of an MA thesis on the history of the Australian Agricultural Company written in 1933, and covering the company’s history from 1824 to 1932.

Wilson, William Edward Rex

Theses and publications produced from research at the Archives

  • AU NBAC P88
  • Deposit
  • 1972 -

This collection includes theses, articles, chapters, conference papers, books and other publications resulting from research at the Archives. The theses were submitted to Australian and overseas universities and include both honours and postgraduate theses. Many items are drafts submitted for checking in accordance with access agreements signed by researchers where they have used restricted material.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Dietitians Association of Australia National Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N153
  • Deposit
  • 1946 - 2005

The deposit includes memorandum and articles of association, constitution, strategic plans, minutes, annual reports, members’ directories, manuals, discussion and position papers, background information statements, media releases, handbooks, manuals, records of the Accredited Practising Dietitian program, special grants publications, conference proceedings, printed material, oral history tapes and papers of dietitians Joan Mary Woodhill and Elizabeth Richardson. Includes records of predecessor the Australian Association of Dietitians, the Dietetic Association of Victoria 1935-1965 and the Dietetic Association of New South Wales 1939-1975.

Dietitians Association of Australia

Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union Queensland Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z519
  • Deposit
  • 1913 - 1982

Minutes of the Queensland Branch (1913-1981), Toowoomba Branch (1939-1952), membership records (1913-1935, 1952-1953, 1966-1981), correspondence, financial records, arbitration material, and some photographs.

Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Employees' Union of Australia

Australian Council of Trade Unions deposit 4

  • AU NBAC Z282
  • Deposit
  • 1960 - 1997

Secretary's files (Harold Souter and Peter Nolan, see also N21, N68 and N147), files of Assistant Secretaries, Industrial Officers, Research Officers, Legal Officers, Social Welfare Officers, Ethnic Affairs Officers, International Affairs Officer, Working Women's Centre and Library, audiovisual material including training slides and films and video and audio recordings of congresses, photographs of congresses, Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke and other officials, posters, and badges.

Australian Council of Trade Unions

H E Holland collection

  • AU NBAC P5
  • Deposit
  • 1880 - 1937

Material used by Patrick O'Farrell (1933-2004) in the writing of a biography on H E Holland. Includes correspondence, family papers and photograph; writings and lecture notes; papers re Samoa, Fiji and Vanuatu; press cuttings re his speeches in New Zealand; large collection of pamphlets including material on NZ and the Pacific Islands.

Holland, Henry Edmund

Lake Victoria Station deposit

  • AU NBAC N230
  • Deposit
  • 1881 - 1913

Journals, ledgers, diaries, shearing returns, stores and day books, station owner and manager's correspondence, and financial records.

Lake Victoria Station

N G Butlin deposit 1

  • AU NBAC P9
  • Deposit
  • 1851 - 1961

Pamphlets, notebooks and printed material relating to the printing industry, the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, and the Amalgamated Engineering Union. Includes original records collected and used by Butlin such as loan application cards of the Modern Permanent Building and Investment Society and the County of Bourke Permanent Building and Investment Society.

Butlin, Noel George

G A Manning collection

  • AU NBAC P121
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1969

Research papers on the merger of Elder Smith and Goldsbrough Mort & Co. Includes subject files, copies of minutes, reports, correspondence, records re staff funds, working papers and drafts Manning's book, printed material, maps, plan and chart.

Manning, Geoffrey Arthur

Dunlop Rubber Company of Australia Limited deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 31
  • Deposit
  • 1898 - 1950

This deposit includes articles and memorandum of association, financial records, correspondence, advertising, printed material and photographs. The photographs include images of early bicycle, motorcycle and car races including the Melbourne to Sydney Road Contest 1905, the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria Alpine Contest 1924, the Senior Time Trial motorcycle race 1926, the Tour de France 1927-30, the Victorian Light Car Club 100 mile road race 1928 on Phillip Island (the first 'Grand Prix' in Victoria), the Victorian Centenary Thousand bicycle race 1934, as well as photographs of early 20th century cars, road trains and tractors, and Dunlop factories and products such as rubber conveyor belts used in mines and rubber flooring in shops and offices.

Dunlop Australia Limited

Woolclassers' Association deposit 2

  • AU NBAC E147
  • Deposit
  • 1923 - 1964

Minutes of Federal Council and Conferences (1949-1959) and New South Wales Branch (1938-1958), correspondence, arbitration material, membership records, financial records, shed returns, printed material and photographs.

Woolclassers' Association of New South Wales

Kallara Station deposit

  • AU NBAC 15
  • Deposit
  • 1876 - 1952

Station records including business letters, wool books, ledgers, day books, horse books, financial records, staff list and overtime book. Also includes a plan. Items 9-1, 9-3, 9-7, 15-1 to 15-36, 17 and 19 also include records of Goorimpa Station.

Kallara Station

J S Boardman collection

  • AU NBAC N403
  • Deposit
  • 1858 - 1993

Personal papers, photographs, correspondence, sheep and wool course materials and printed material.

Boardman, J S

Lloyd Chandler Collection

  • AU NBAC N161
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1916

Photographs of Victorian trade union banners housed by Museum Victoria.

Chandler, Lloyd

CSR Limited deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N74
  • Deposit
  • 1882 - 1984

Records from the Sugar Division and Building Material Division of CSR Limited. Sugar Division Industrial Department records consist of labour register 1884-1950; hours, work and wages returns for Australian refineries 1882-1984; Industrial court transcripts, judgements and other records relating to agreements and awards; Mills Group correspondence; Australian Mills Housing Survey 1968-1971; meteorological records 1882-1969; plans. Building Materials Division records consist of Gypsum Products Group minutes 1962-1975 and annual accounts 1950-1974.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

South Australian Teachers' Association deposit

  • AU NBAC T42
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1951

This deposit includes minutes of the South Australian Teachers' Association (1890 - 1903), the Headmasters' Association (1920 - 1927), the South Australian Public Teachers' Union executive and vigilance committee (1925 - 1927) and press cuttings relating to education in South Australia.

South Australian Teachers' Association

Shop Assistants' and Warehouse Employees' Federation, Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC T21
  • Deposit
  • 1900 - 1930

Minute books of the branch meetings, committees and conferences. Includes records of predecessors the Victorian Grocers Employees' Association and the United Grocers, Tea and Dairy Produce Employees' Union of Victoria.

Shop Assistants' and Warehouse Employees' Federation of Australia

Federated Coopers of Australia Victorian Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC T30
  • Deposit
  • 1880 - 1954

Minutes of Victorian Society of Coopers and Victorian Branch of Federated Coopers of Australia (1880-1949), reports of conferences, correspondence files of Federal Secretary, rules, membership records, financial records of Victorian and other branches, arbitration material, and printed material.

Victorian Society of Coopers

Australian Workers' Union deposit 3

  • AU NBAC N117
  • Deposit
  • 1881 - 1986

Annual convention minute books (1895-1982), Executive Council papers (1915-1985), membership records (1905-1980), papers of General Secretaries, records of NSW, Tasmanian, Western, Central and Railway Workers' Industrial Branches, financial records, photographs and printed material. Includes records of The Worker Board of Control , the People's Printing and Publishing Company, Westland Broadcasting Company and Labor Papers Ltd. Records of Thomas Cavanagh, union member and delegate to the NSW Trades and Labour Council and the ALP Conference, and union tickets of Martin Butler and Richard Hinton. Also contains miscellaneous records of other bodies: United Labourers' Protective Society of New South Wales, Amalgamated Miners' Association of New South Wales, Associated Workers Union, Amalgamated Workers Association of Queensland, Amalgamated Workers Association of North Queensland and General Labourers' Union of Australasia.

Queensland Shearers' Union

Seamen’s Union of Australia, Queensland Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N344
  • Deposit
  • 1888-1893; 1945

Federated Seamen’s Union of Australasia, Queensland Branch minute books, 1888-1893; Seamen’s Union of Australia, Queensland Branch correspondence, 1945.

Seamen’s Union of Australia

Federated Confectioners' Association of Australia NSW Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N194
  • Deposit
  • 1889 - 1993

Minute books, constitution and rules, subject and industrial files, correspondence, factories correspondence, membership and financial records, wages books, publications, newspaper cuttings, ephemera and photographs. Includes minutes of NSW Confectioners' Society and NSW Journeymen Confectioners' Union, and records of successor the Confectionery Workers' Union of Australia.

Federated Confectioners' Association of Australia

Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia, South Australian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E92
  • Deposit
  • 1874 - 1961

Minute books and agenda, correspondence, circulars, arbitration material, registers of members and other membership records, reports and financial records, general subject files re awards and industry material, wages and time books, photographs of delegates to the Federal Council, rules and publications. Includes records of predecessors the South Australian Typographical Society, Letterpress Printers, Machinists and Stereotypers' section of the SA Typographical Society; and records of the South Australian Typographical Sick Benefit Society and Adelaide Branch of the Australian Federated Association of Bookbinders, Paper-rulers and Cutters.

Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia

Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, New South Wales Division deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E99
  • Deposit
  • 1870 - 1871; 1883 - 1961

Minutes for general , special, executive and committee meetings, minutes for Randwick and Sydney branches, rules, reports and agenda papers, correspondence, register of representations , financial records, membership records, arbitration records, pamphlets and publications. Includes records of predecessors the Tramway Drivers, Firemen and Cleaners' Association of NSW / NSW Engine Drivers, Firemen and Cleaners' Association.

Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen

Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trade Employees Union of Australia, Federal Office and Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E87
  • Deposit
  • 1885 - 1961

Federal Office records: minute books of meetings of Federal Council (1912 - 1948), minutes, agenda papers and reports presented to Federal Council (1911 - 1957), correspondence (1912 - 1950s), specification for army hats (1940s), correspondence with Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Customs concerning tariffs on imported felt hats (1930 - 1932), material relating to awards (1909 - 1950s), rule books, including of the Australasian Association of Felt Hatters (1905), contribution and rule books of the Australasian Association of Journeymen Felt Hatters (1909), and rules of Amalgamated Society of Journeymen Felt Hatters of Great Britain (1909). Victorian Branch records: minute books (1885 - 1955), records of contributions and dues paid by members (1945 - 1954), records of hours worked and wages paid to members (1917 - 1934) and correspondence from W. Smith of the Australasian Association of Felt Hatters, Victoria, to the Vigilance Committee and S. Grimshaw (1909).

Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trade Employees' Union of Australia

Federated Shipwrights and Ship Constructors' Association of Australia, Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E88
  • Deposit
  • 1871 - 1944

Minutes, membership and financial records, rule books and agreements. Includes records of predecessors Port Phillip Shipwrights Society and rule books of Shipwrights' Provident Union of the New South Wales Industrial Union of Employees, Coast Shipwrights' and Boatbuilders Union of Workers, and the Port Adelaide Wood and Iron Shipwrights Society.

Federated Shipwrights' and Ship Constructors' Association of Australia

Amalgamated Engineering Union, South Australian Branches deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E185
  • Deposit
  • 1880 - 1971

Minute books of the Port Pirie, Port Adelaide, Adelaide and Adelaide No. 2 Branches and a Broken Hill Branch contribution book (1889-1892). Includes records of predecessors Boilermakers' Society of Australia, United Society of Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders of South Australia, Boilermakers' and Blacksmiths' Society of Australia and the Blacksmiths' Society of Australia.

Amalgamated Engineering Union

Results 1101 to 1200 of 1447