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New South Wales Teachers Federation deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N111
  • Deposit
  • 1920 - 1989

This deposit includes committee minutes, correspondence files, subject files, printed material and minutes of the Isolated Teachers Association.

New South Wales Teachers' Federation

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z715
  • Deposit
  • 1940 - 1996

Terminated membership cards 1953-1996 (150 boxes). Cards contain information on Mill number, membership number, name, date of birth, address, factory, division, date of commencement, starting wage, subscription paid. Not all cards provide full information. Boot Trade Mortality Fund claims 1940-1990 (1 box)

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Cairns Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N364
  • Deposit
  • 1980 - 1996

Minutes, Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia, Cairns Branch, 1980 - 1998; financial statements, 1986 - 1991; membership records, 1982 - 1992. Membership records, Maritime Union of Australia, Port of Cairns, 1994 - 1995. Minutes, Cairns Combined Maritime Unions Port Committee, 1985 - 1987.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Australian Textile Workers' Union New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N365
  • Deposit
  • 1928 - 1993

Minutes of Committee of Management and Executive meetings, 1928 - 1980; minutes of general meetings, 1929 - 1978; membership registers, 1974 - 1993; balance sheets, 1955 - 1990.

Australian Textile Workers' Union

Papers of Maud Grounds

  • AU NBAC N362
  • Deposit
  • 1932 - 1935

Secretary's Report for First Annual General Meeting of the Kensington Women's Branch, United Australia Party; press cuttings mainly concerning the Women's Loyalty League of NSW; photograph of an unidentified group.

Grounds, Maud

Sharpe Brothers deposit

  • AU NBAC N259
  • Deposit
  • 1900 - 1972

Minutes, diaries (transcripts), weekly report sheets, correspondence and financial records.

Sharpe Brothers

Alan Simakoff deposit

  • AU NBAC N223
  • Deposit
  • 1968 - 1986

Bound volumes of minutes and agenda papers of the Executive Committee, Branch Committee and Branch Council of the ACT Branch of the Administrative and Clerical Officers Association. Subject files including rules, policies, Branch subcommittee records, financial records, annual reports, membership reports, campaigns and submissions to government. Minutes and working papers of ACOA Federal Executive Committee and Federal Executive, and Council of Commonwealth Public Service/Australian Government Employees Organisations meetings and conferences, minutes and agenda papers of ACTU Migrant Workers Committee and papers relating Simakoff's role as union delegate in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Also includes publications relating to Aborigines, migrant services and multiculturalism, and Australian Labor Party policy statements 1977 - 1984.

Simakoff, Alan

Sydney Stock Exchange register of sales

  • AU NBAC N207
  • Deposit
  • 1903 - 1959

These are large format bound volumes recording details of all sales made during the day in the Call Room at the Sydney Stock Exchange (ie prior to the introduction of trading boards and typists).

Sydney Stock Exchange

Lincoln Mills (Australia) Limited deposit 2

  • AU NBAC 77
  • Deposit
  • 1922 - 1962

Minutes (1949 - 1960), share material, weekly pay records of Victorian branches, financial records, wages sheets and staff record cards, correspondence, records of subsidiary company Atyl Pty Ltd, material re Provident Fund investments, plans, plant inventory, and photographs.

Lincoln Mills (Australia) Limited

Haemophilia Foundation of Australia deposit

  • AU NBAC H7
  • Deposit
  • 1977 - 1993

Council and Executive minutes, reports, conference papers, correspondence with members and other AIDS-related bodies, research files, press cuttings, audiovisual material and printed material. Includes records of the Haemophilia Society of Victoria, a predecessor and then member of the federation (1977-1991).

Haemophilia Foundation of Australia

Peel River Land & Mineral Company (Australian Office) deposit 4

  • AU NBAC 169
  • Deposit
  • 1854 - 1955

The deposit includes nominal lists of employees on the Peel River Land & Mineral Co Estate (Goonoo Goonoo), federal income tax returns, horse and cattle returns, horse stud book, memorandum books, land and road files, Great Northern railway file, photographs and maps.

Peel River Land and Mineral Company

Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trades Employees' Union of Australia New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N368
  • Deposit
  • 1913 - 1982

Rough minutes of committee and general meetings (1939-1940, 1963-1981), Secretary's correspondence (W. Peters, K. Cashman, 1957-1980 with gaps), membership and financial records (1940s-1970s), including member cards, contributions books and contributions to various appeals. Also includes some rubber stamps.

Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trade Employees' Union of Australia

Dalgety and Company Limited Albury Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC 139
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1976

The deposit consists of records from the Manager's Department, Accountant's Department and other departments of Dalgety and Co Limited's Albury Branch; records of Charles L Griffith & Company; Riverina Wool, Hides and Produce Company. The records include reports on clients' accounts, branch reports and returns, correspondence, financial and legal records, securities registers, staff records, ledgers, balance sheets, code books, photographs, maps and plans.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Health and Education Promotion System (HEAPS) files

  • AU NBAC N349
  • Deposit
  • 1987 - 1999

HEAPS is a national database which provides details of health promotion material and activities throughout Australia and New Zealand. It acts as a directory of contact people working in the areas of health education and promotion and as a guide to the programs and resources they have produced. Over 1000 topics are covered on HEAPS and include subject areas such as Aboriginal health, nutrition, women's health, occupational health and safety, smoking, drug and alcohol misuse, and mental health. HEAPS was initiated in response to recommendations from the Australian Health Ministers’ Conference in April 1985, and a meeting of State Directors of Health Promotion. The lack of well organised and easily accessible information was identified as one of the major blocks to the growth of health promotion in Australia. It was recommended that a computerised database be established to alleviate this problem. HEAPS was piloted in Victoria in 1985, and then steadily spread across Australia. HEAPS was jointly funded by State and Territory Health Departments (NSW Health, SA Health, Queensland Health, &c) and by the Commonwealth Department of Community Services and Health under the National Health Promotion Program (NHPP). State Health Departments funded the employment and resourcing of State Co-ordinators, who were responsible for the collection of data, the management and promotion of HEAPS at the local level, and servicing of most search requests. The Commonwealth provided funds for a national office, originally located at Victoria College, Rusden Campus, which was responsible for overall system co-ordination, development, marketing and evaluation. In 1991 the management of HEAPS was transferred to a private company, Datascape Information Pty Ltd, and towards the end of 1994 it was taken over by Prometheus Information in Canberra. By 2000 further expansion was no longer possible, due to limited funding, and, also, the need for HEAPS as a stand-alone system was gradually being eroded by the increasing availability of health information on the internet. Initially HEAPS could be accessed via the National Library’s MEDLINE. Under private management it was available as a set of floppy disks with a printed manual, and finally on CD-ROM. The holdings consist of administrative papers, health information and promotional materials such as pamphlets, booklets, posters, video recordings, &c. and information on the agencies supplying the materials. Although the original intention of the project seems to have been to inform the public on the location and availability of materials, many agencies supplied copies of their materials, and these have been retained (ref. HEAPS files, N349/1467, Training manual and miscellaneous notes, Oct 1989).

Department of Community Services and Health

Edward F Farrell collection

  • AU NBAC N119
  • Deposit
  • 1944 - 1961

Correspondence, miscellaneous papers, press cuttings, photographs and other documents collected by the Catholic Social Studies Movement in Adelaide. Includes records about the Shop Assistants' Union in particular, including a precis of activity from 1940 to 1953.

Farrell, Edward F

Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen, Queensland Division deposit

  • AU NBAC E212
  • Deposit
  • 1891 - 1973

Minutes of meetings of the Executive Council, correspondence files, arbitration and financial records, publications, reports, and records of Richmond Branch (North Queensland). Includes minutes of predecessor the Queensland Locomotive Enginemen, Firemen and Cleaners' Association.

Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen

Institute of Public Affairs deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N248
  • Deposit
  • 1943 - 2003

Executive Committee meeting papers (1985-1989), press cuttings (1943-1998), reports, press releases, speeches, Western Australian Branch meeting papers and correspondence (1985-1989), and printed material including IPA Review (1947-1998)

Institute of Public Affairs

Council Management Services deposit

  • AU NBAC Z609
  • Deposit
  • 1981 - 2001

The deposit consists of correspondence (copies), media files including press cuttings and media releases, publications and print material, speeches of the Chief Executive of COSBOA, submissions, annual reports, financial documents, and reports.

Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia Limited

The Australian Estates Company Australian Office deposit 3

  • AU NBAC N350
  • Deposit
  • 1894 - 1985

The deposit comprises the records of subsidiary companies of The Australian Estates Company Limited including Directors and Shareholders minutes, company registers and annual reports.

The Australian Estates Company Limited

Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union of Australia, NSW Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N280
  • Deposit
  • 1900 - 1990

Files of the NSW Branch president, Garry Young, re the ACTU Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Committee (Port of Sydney) activities: crew lists, press clippings, and correspondence (N280/1-34) and membership registers of the Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union of Australia (N280/35-45).

Federated Ship Painters' and Dockers' Union of Australia

Sir Keith Hancock research papers

  • AU NBAC P96
  • Deposit
  • 1908 - 1989

Research papers for his project on the Monaro region adjacent to the Australian Capital Territory published in his book Discovering Monaro - A Study of Man's Impact on his Environment (1972); papers and personal records relating to his career and involvement in universities and research projects in the UK, Africa and Australia; records re the Buganda Mission in Uganda; monographs and offprints; family correspondence and photographs; correspondence with C R Badger & others; catalogue and printing blocks; academic gown.

Hancock, William Keith

Ford New Holland Australia Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC Z462
  • Deposit
  • 1948 - 1993

Marketing division and advertising records, records relating to the construction of the Cranbourne plant, catalogues and manuals, photographs, publications and training course material.

Ford New Holland Australia Limited

Chullora Workshops Shop Committees deposit

  • AU NBAC N303
  • Deposit
  • 1930 - 1970

Minutes, correspondence and papers for five committees at Chullora Railway Workshops, NSW including Electric Car Workshops Shop Committee, Boiler Shop Committee, Combined Union Stewards Committee (Erecting and Tender Shops), Area Union Stewards and Rolling Stock Shop Committee.

Chullora Workshop Shop Committees

Audrey Johnson papers

  • AU NBAC N162
  • Deposit
  • 1899 - 2001

The records in this collection comprise primarily Johnson's research material for the books she wrote and was in the process of writing. They are mostly research files, and copies of materials obtained from libraries and archives. Also included are publications from Johnson's library, material from the Morrow and Wright families, originals and copies of photographs, negatives, cassettes and microcassettes of interviews conducted.

Johnson, Audrey

The Journalists' Club deposit

  • AU NBAC N231
  • Deposit
  • 1939 - 1972

Minutes of the Board of Directors, minutes of House and Finance committees, registers of members and directors, lists of office bearers, photographs and cartoons.

The Journalists' Club

Pioneer Concrete Services Limited deposit

  • AU NBAC N250
  • Deposit
  • 1950 - 2000

Annual reports, Corporate Affairs files, press releases, photographs and printed material on operations both in Australia and overseas.

Pioneer Concrete Services Limited

John Playford Collection deposit 3

  • AU NBAC P115
  • Deposit
  • 1967 - 1969

Draft constitution, minutes, circulars, bulletins, pamphlets, newspaper cuttings relating to the Australian Marxist Research Foundation.

Playford, John Drysdale

John Playford Collection deposit 4

  • AU NBAC P124
  • Deposit
  • 1962 - 1975

Research collection of minutes, circulars, leaflets, pamphlets, books, serials posters and press cuttings relating to the peace movement, the Vietnam War, nuclear disarmament campaign, university student organisations, feminism, public administration, political parties and trade unions; letters and conference papers.

Playford, John Drysdale

John Playford Collection deposit 5

  • AU NBAC P128
  • Deposit
  • 1952 - 1976

Subject files, printed, roneoed and photocopied material including serials, pamphlets, leaflets, circulars, articles, correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to conscription and the Vietnam War, and Australian student organisations. Biographical notes and related papers on Tom Sergeyeff, Paul Freeman, Bill Casey and Dr H I Jensen.

Playford, John Drysdale

Papers of Della and EV Elliott

  • AU NBAC N343
  • Deposit
  • 1894 - 2006

Correspondence, photographs, newspaper articles, reports, minutes, speeches, travel documents and papers related to the work and personal lives of Della Elliott and Eliot Valens Elliott, particularly Eliot's work as Federal Secretary of the Seamen's Union of Australia between 1941-1978. Also includes a significant collection of material related to the Seamen's Union of Australia including correspondence, reports, photographs and newspaper articles in addition to material related to the Trade Union Equal Pay Committee, Australian Women's Charter, Federated Clerks' Union of Australia New South Wales Branch, Communist Party of Australia, Socialist Party of Australia and communist and socialist movements in Europe and Asia.

Elliott, Kondelea (Della)

Federation of Automotive Products Manufacturers deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E239
  • Deposit
  • 1938 - 1966

Minutes, correspondence files, reports and financial records, agendas, memos, bulletins, photographs of Presidents, organisational chart and printed material. Includes records of the Automotive Products Manufacturers Association of Australia.

Automotive Products Manufacturers Association of Australia

Federation of Automotive Products Manufacturers deposit 3

  • AU NBAC Z170
  • Deposit
  • 1930 - 2004

Minute books, circulars, correspondence, office files re industry papers, lobby campaign material, circulars, newsletter, scrap books, photographs and publications. Includes records of the Automotive Products Manufacturers Association of Australia and research papers for Jim Beruldson's publication, Beneath the Bonnet.

Automotive Products Manufacturers Association of Australia

New South Wales Combined Colliery Proprietors' Association deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E207
  • Deposit
  • 1866 - 1964

Records of the NSW Combined Colliery Proprietors' Association including the records of its members: the Northern Colliery Proprietors' Association and its predecessors, the Newcastle Coal Owners Mutual Protective Association (1885), the Newcastle Collieries Unanimity Guarantee Association (1887), the Associated Northern Collieries (1891), the Hunter River District Colliery Proprietors' Defence Association (1906) and the Northern Collieries Association (1916) including minutes, agreements, Vend case transcript, correspondence, arbitration material, financial records and files of the Sydney and Newcastle offices; the Southern Colliery Proprietors' Association including W A Firth's letterbook (1896-1898), correspondence, arbitration material and financial records; and the Western Coal Association including correspondence and arbitration material. Also includes circulars, rules, transcripts, reports, two photographs, printed material and records of the New South Wales Coke Proprietors' Association.

New South Wales Combined Colliery Proprietors' Association

New South Wales Combined Colliery Proprietors' Association deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z224
  • Deposit
  • 1889 - 1985

Minutes of the NSW Combined Colliery Proprietors' Association and members, the Northern Colliery Proprietors' Association (1916-1964), the Southern Colliery Proprietors' Association (1889-1893, 1906-1909, 1911-1964), the Western Coal Association (1929-1960) and the NSW Coke Proprietors' Association (1910-1949), correspondence, circulars, office files, submissions, reports, and printed material. Minutes and other records of the Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratories Limited and files of the Finance and Economics and Export Committees of the Australian Coal Association (1982-1985).

New South Wales Combined Colliery Proprietors' Association

Kenneth Rivett collection

  • AU NBAC N168
  • Deposit
  • 1932 - 2004

Press cuttings relating to immigration reform, minutes, correspondence and reports of the New South Wales Association for Immigration Reform, the Immigration Reform Group, the Indo-China Refugee Association (NSW), Austcare Refugee Policy Advisory Committee, the Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs, the Refugee Council of Australia, the Ethnic Communities Council of NSW and the National Population Council. The collection also includes press cuttings and printed material on migrant employment, migrant welfare, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Vietnamese, Pacific immigrants and university papers.

Rivett, Kenneth Deakin

Records Management Association of Australia, South Australian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N330
  • Deposit
  • 1976 - 1995

Records of the South Australian branch including memorandum of association, minutes, correspondence, financial reports, and papers documenting the formation of the RMAA SA Local Government Special Interest Group.

Records Management Association of Australia

Marian Sawer Collection

  • AU NBAC N165
  • Deposit
  • 1958 - 2006

Material documenting research into the removal of the Commonwealth Marriage Bar.

Sawer, Marian

Richard Vear collection

  • AU NBAC Z744
  • Deposit
  • 1985 - 1994

ETSA Group ADSTE minutes, correspondence, industry papers and printed material.

Association of Employers of Waterside Labour

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Sydney Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC 110-4
  • Deposit
  • 1889 - 1954

The deposit consists of branch annual reports; manager's correspondence; financial records; papers relating to pastoral holdings 1889-1912; Sydney Wool and Produce Salesmen's Association and Sydney Wool Selling Brokers' Association agreements, correspondence and minutes 1889-1900, 1941; miscellaneous records including the Sheepskin Buyers' Association of Sydney regulations; printed material including reports, pamphlets and maps.

New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Limited

G W Ford Collection

  • AU NBAC N176
  • Deposit
  • 1938; 1952 - 1977

Material collected by G W Ford in the study of industrial relations in the aircraft/airline industry, in particular the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers' Association registration case (1959-1963) and the Qantas pilots’ strike (1966). The records consist of Ford's own notes, correspondence, press clippings, etc. Also correspondence, rules, documents, arbitration material, journals, newsletters and printed material related to the Australasian Airline Flight Engineers' Association, Australasian Airline Navigators' Association, Australian Federation of Air Pilots, Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers' Association, Flight Stewards' Association of Australia and Qantas Empire Airways Ltd. Also includes material on overseas industrial relations in Germany, Sweden and Denmark.

Ford, Gordon William

Australian Tramways and Motor Omnibus Employees Association, South Australian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC Z554
  • Deposit
  • 1943 - 1993

Minutes of depot and federal council meetings, correspondence, secretary’s reports, legal records, membership and election records, and industrial files. Includes minutes of the following South Australian depots: Hackney, Port, Morphettville, St Agnes, Elizabeth, Aldgate, Lonsdale, Glengowrie, Adelaide Station, Port Adelaide, Regency Park.

Australian Tramways and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association

Dalgety and Company Limited Melbourne Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC 140
  • Deposit
  • 1844 - 1977

All types of company records including minutes, branch reports, annual reports and returns, correspondence, financial records, share registers (1884-1932), office files of the Wool Administration Officer, client files (1949-1968), office files of the manager and assistant manager, legal files, files re company premises, reports on managers conferences, publications, constitution and rules of the National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia, submissions, stud book for Werribee Park (1866-1890), private code book (1956-1960), Geelong property files, property department reocrds (1920-1967), wool catalogues, property development files and site plans. The deposit also consists of papers relating to the Fairbairn Case between Dalgety Ltd (Plaintiff) and G A Fairbairn (Defendant), including transcript of proceedings, legal documents, financial records of Mount Creek Estate, and exhibits for the case.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Federated Ironworkers' Association deposit 6

  • AU NBAC E218
  • Deposit
  • 1912 - 1973

Minutes of National Council (1943-1952, 1970-1972), Federal Conferences (1944-1952, 1968-1973), NSW State Council, and branches: Sydney, Newcastle, Port Kembla, Western Districts, Victoria, Queensland, Adelaide, Pirie-Whyalla, Port Augusta, Tasmania (mainly 1940s-1960s), some membership records, correspondence, arbitration material, financial records, printed material, photographs and film 'Golden Triangle', United Steelworkers of America (1962-1980). Minutes of the Arms, Explosives and Munition Workers' Federation Federal Council (1917-1928, 1941-1944), NSW branches and Queensland Branch, correspondence files, arbitration material, membership records Victoria (1915-1921) and Lithgow (1921-1944), and financial records. Minutes and membership records of the Federated Artificial Fertilizer and Chemical Workers' Union (1940s).

Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia

CSR Limited film and video collection

  • AU NBAC Z643
  • Deposit
  • 1976 - 1987

Videocassette (U-matic) re CSR Coal Division, graduate recruitment, company activities, Delhi safety, performance and prospects, copy of The Rush that Never Ended (1981). Videocassette (VHS) re Hunter Valley Coal Chain and Lemington Mine, Lemington Mine safety presentation. Film reel (16 mm) re company activities, corporate TV press releases, Coal Australia, and Fiji Harvest. Includes film reel (35 mm) of The Rush that Never Ended (1981), produced by Terence McMahon.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Mining industry press cuttings

  • AU NBAC N373
  • Deposit
  • 1990 - 1994

Volumes of press cuttings, arranged chronologically, under headings: minerals and metals, gold, oil and gas, coal, government and policy, and environment.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Australasian Society of Engineers New South Wales Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC N374
  • Deposit
  • 1906 - 1990

Minutes of Sydney Branch (1906-1908), Sydney No. 2 Branch (1916-1920), railway unions conferences (1926-1927) and New South Wales Branch State Executive (1922-1937, 1948-1987), records of Granville, Goulburn, Orange and Lithgow Branches, and correspondence and subject files.

Australasian Society of Engineers

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Bunbury Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E144
  • Deposit
  • 1901 - 1942

Minutes of the Bunbury Lumpers’ Union of Workers and the Waterside Workers' Federation Bunbury Branch, 1901-1942; Bunbury Lumpers’ Union of Workers rules, 1902 and photograph of members, c. 1902; records of accident and relief money payments, 1901-1927.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

McEwan's Limited records

  • AU NBAC N218
  • Deposit
  • 1852 - 1986

Minutes of Meetings - James McEwan & Company (1930-1984); McEwan's Ltd (1927-1985); Master Hardware Manufacturers (1933-1983); McEwan House (1951-1983); McEwan's Home Improvements (1962-1983); McEwan's (Canberra) / McEwan's Magnet Stores / Three Eight Seven (1959-1982); McEwan's Victoria (1984); Risbey's / McEwan's (Mildura) (1939-1983); Coles, Dyson & Hodson Retirement Fund (1942-1958); James McEwan & Company Staff Superannuation Scheme (1945-1957); McEwan's Staff Superannuation Fund (1949-1971). Share Registers - James McEwan & Company, McEwan House, Hardware Investments Company; McEwan's Home Improvements; McEwan's (Canberra); McEwan's (Mildura). Correspondence re. McEwan's shares (1965-1978); research papers on McEwan’s, 1852-1982 (includes McEwan’s in Fiji). Financial Records, stocktakes, budgets, profit reports and annual returns, 1940-1986 - McEwan’s Ltd and subsidiaries (Alexander Mair & Company, James McEwan & Company, Master Hardware Manufacturers, McEwan House, McEwan's Home Improvements, McEwan's Magnet Stores, McEwan’s (Mildura, Neton Products, Risbey’s, Brittain’s McEwan’s, Williams-McEwan’s, McEwan's Magnet Stores, Three Eight Seven) – some with Directors’ Reports included. Annual Reports - McEwan’s, 1951-1981, Charles Davis Ltd, 1986-1989, Repco Corporation, 1983 & 1989; Printed and published material, 1946-1986; Price lists and catalogues, 1901-1989. Photographs, audiovisual material, charts and plans.

McEwan's Limited

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation Wonthaggi Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E164
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1967

Minutes of general, special and committee meetings of the Powlett River (Wonthaggi) Branch (1911-1954), District Committee of Management (1913-1954) and Combined Unions of Carpenters, Engineers, Engine Drivers and Miners (1917-1948), union rules, correspondence, financial records, membership records for Powlett River and Altona branches (1918-1921), arbitration material and printed material. Also includes 1812 'overman's record', records of Hawdon Pit, Percy Main Colliery, and an envelope containing samples of coal.

Victorian Coal Miners' Association

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia, Cairns Branch deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N140
  • Deposit
  • 1901 - 1979

Minutes, 1901-1979; correspondence, 1904-1966; financial records, 1901-1971; membership records, 1905-1926; Work Gang books, 1925-1940; award decisions, 1932-1963; work diaries, 1949-1957; papers and newspaper cuttings relating to industrial disputes, 1940 - 1966. Federal Council minutes, 1956-1957; Federal Council financial records, 1944 - 1947; Stevedoring Industry Commission Employment Committee minutes, 1943-1946; Stevedoring Industry Commission Foster Report, 1945.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Merchant Service Guild of Australia, Federal Office deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N51
  • Deposit
  • 1901 - 1978

Minutes, correspondence, membership records, subject files, arbitration and industrial records, papers relating to pilot duties, vessel log book for “St Giles” and printed material.

Merchant Service Guild of Australia

CSR Limited Sugar Division deposit

  • AU NBAC Z661
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1992

Consisting of records of CSR Ltd’s sugar refining business this collection comprises production data tables, technical control reports, engineering inspection reports, conference and technical session proceedings, chemical inspection notes and research laboratory reports on topics such as cane sugar refining, bone char and floc in carbonated beverages. It also includes refinery reports from Chelsea, New Farm, Glanville, Cottesloe, Yarraville and Pyrmont; files of Peter Field, Manager, Resin Plant, Glanville Refinery; publications; Pyrmont Point Housing Development files; and Engineering Apprentices' and Old Boys' Club of the Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited records.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

Papers of Robert Sharman

  • AU NBAC N289
  • Deposit
  • 1950 - 1971

These are the papers of Robert Charles (Bob) Sharman who was Secretary of the Archives Section of the Library Association of Australia (LAA) from 1961 to 1965 and Editor of the journal Archives and Manuscripts from 1960 to 1975. They include notices of meetings, correspondence and reports.

Australian Society of Archivists Incorporated

Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad (APHEDA) deposit

  • AU NBAC N346
  • Deposit
  • 1981 - 2010

Reports to the Board, files about the Australian Council for Overseas Aid, AusAID Australian-NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) projects, education and training programs and fundraising, personnel files, files for projects in Africa, the Middle East, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines and the South Pacific, scholarships, support committees files, travel itineraries, and correspondence with trade unions. Includes records of Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela's visit to Australia. Items labelled Jill's Files are files kept by Jill Gutteridge, APHEDA Project Officer/Overseas Program Manager. Includes African National Congress (ANC) Support Committee Archives, items 396-471; Australia-Kampuchea Support Committee Archives (AKSCA) also known as Australia-Cambodia Support Committee (ACSC), items 472-506.

Australian People for Health, Education and Development Abroad

Printing and Kindred Industries Union, Federal Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N69
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1984

Minutes and agenda for Council and executive meetings; correspondence files; central filing system including general and industrial files re amalgamation, apprenticeship, awards and agreements, national wage case 1968-1978; reports, financial and membership records, rules, photographs, pamphlets published by the PKIU and predecessors, and publications. Includes records of state branches and predecessors the Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia, Federated Photo Engravers, the Amalgamated Printing Trades Employees Union of Australia, and the Photo Lithographers and Photogravure Employees Association of Australia.

Printing and Kindred Industries Union

Council of Australian Government Employee Organisations deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N88
  • Deposit
  • 1969 - 1981

Records of the Australian Capital Territory Division: minutes of the ACT Divisional Council (1970-1979), correspondence, circulars, subject files including copies of Federal Executive, biennial conference and Divisional minutes, training material, and printed material.

Council of Australian Government Employee Organisations

Livestock and Grain Producers' Association of New South Wales deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N92
  • Deposit
  • 1928 - 1987

Correspondence files (1961-1982) classified as Agriculture, Diseases and Pests, Economics, Government and Politics, Industrial, Meat and Livestock, Organisation (internal), Settlement and Land, Transport, Communication and Education, Wool, Horticulture and Poultry. Annual reports of the Pastoralists' Union of NSW and the Graziers' Association of NSW (1904-1970), minutes of the Executive Committee, District Councils, Committees and Branches, membership registers (1891-1925), annual reports of the United Farmers' and Woolgrowers' Association of New South Wales (1969-1977), papers of wool inquiries and conferences, press cuttings relating to Wool Reserve Price Scheme and printed material. Includes copies of records of the Pastoralists' Union Inter-Colonial Conference (Melbourne, 1890) and other State farmers' organisations.

Pastoralists' Union of New South Wales

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union Federal Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N120
  • Deposit
  • 1922 - 1987

This deposit contains records dating from the establishment of the ABC in 1932 until 1990. They include records from the union's central filing system, proceedings of federal conferences, ABC staff and establishment lists, printed materials and pamphlets. This deposit also includes files from 1922 to 1972 from EE Lawrence, Manager and Federal Secretary of the ABCSA.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation Staff Union

Actors' Equity of Australia deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N122
  • Deposit
  • 1921 - 1990

Records in N122 include the minutes of meetings of the Equity executive (1949-1980), various Equity sub-committees (1962-1980), Equity members (1949-1982), and associated councils and committees (1965-1984). There are also the subject and correspondence files of Equity's various officials and organisers (1939-1990), and of an earlier office filing system (1921-1986). Also forming part of the deposit are imported artist files (1972-1989), applications for membership (1924-1966), temporary withdrawal files (1985-1987), press clippings (1962-1980), circulars (1985-1988), printed material (1955-1990) and cast lists (1976-1984). There are also a few records of the NSW Division - State Secretary's Files (1978-1988)

Actors' Equity of Australia

Seamen’s Union of Australia, Federal Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N38
  • Deposit
  • 1880-1981

Minutes of Committee of Management meetings, General Secretary’s correspondence, conference notes, reports, copies of minutes of Stopwork meetings and other miscellaneous papers, 1912-1941, including some correspondence and related papers of William Raeburn and Thomas Walsh; awards, arbitration papers and industrial agreements, 1915-1972; rule books 1880-1963; financial records and reports, 1920-1973; subject files, 1937-1979; administration files, 1956-1979; ship’s plans, 1951-1981; membership books, identity cards and discharge certificates, 1913-1971; SUA banner; press cuttings, 1908-1971; photographs, 1962-1982 (including a photograph of the South Australian Seamen’s Union banner, 1888); cartoons and sketches, posters; labour movement pamphlets and other printed material including New Zealand Seamen’s Union publications. Contains, also, EV Elliot’s notebooks, notes and diaries, 1938-1970 and some personal records of Sydney Branch Secretary, Barny Smith.

Seamen’s Union of Australia

Marine Cooks, Bakers and Butchers’ Association of Australasia, Federal Office deposit

  • AU NBAC N61
  • Deposit
  • 1907 - 1983

Rules of Association, minutes of General and Executive Committee meetings, held in Sydney, 1914-1982; minutes of General meetings held in other ports, 1969-1982; membership register, 1907-1982; system of engagement records (roster books, reports, etc.), 1965-1982; office files which hold the Association’s correspondence and also include some material produced by the Maritime Transport Council, 1913-1982; arbitration records, 1908-1982; financial records, including various contribution books, 1915-1982; ships’ and cooking equipment plans, 1957-1981; cartoons, photographs and postcards, 1953-1982; printed material (rule books, reports, serials), 1926-1982. Includes, also, some records of the Seafarers’ Retirement Fund (minutes, trust deed and rules), 1973-1982.

Marine Cooks, Bakers and Butchers’ Association of Australasia

H B Selby and Company deposit

  • AU NBAC 64
  • Deposit
  • 1889 - 1949

Records from the company's Head Office in Melbourne including correspondence, financial records, stock and price books, and other printed material.

H B Selby and Company Proprietary Limited

Commonwealth Trade Union Council deposit

  • AU NBAC N379
  • Deposit
  • 1986 - 1997

London correspondence and meeting files; conference papers; correspondence with associated organisations; country files for Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Vanuatu and Western Samoa; course files for regional workshops, Kiribati, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Western Samoa, Tuvalu, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and miscellaneous files including Clyde Cameron College course material.

Commonwealth Trade Union Council

Tooth and Company deposit 4

  • AU NBAC Z323
  • Deposit
  • 1919 - 1985

Country hotel files from the Country Manager's Office, managerial, property and valuation files (city and country), 'historical' files, Security Officer's files, property registers and securities books.

Tooth and Company Limited

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia deposit 4

  • AU NBAC Z769
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 2005

Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia records mainly from 1992 to 2005, including unfair dismissal cases (employees name and firm listed), textile awards, liquidation records of businesses, skill level dispute (1994), enterprise bargaining and agreement, industrial relations, wage increases (a history of, 1974-1979), occupational health and safety, equal employment (item 735), redundancy, education, disputes, campaigns (including tariff and outworker campaigns), work cover, mortality fund correspondence (2000-2002), clothing and trade awards (1926-1998) and audiovisual material. There are also some records from preceding unions, the Australian Textile Workers' Union, Australian Boot Trades Employees' Federation (Victorian Branch) and Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia (Federal Council). There are also records of the Apparel Trades of Australia (1980s).

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia

Churches AIDS Pastoral Care and Education Program deposit

  • AU NBAC H16
  • Deposit
  • 1988 - 1993

Minutes of the Committee of Management and its sub-committees, reports, newsletters, correspondence, funding submissions and reports, papers of seminars, workshops, conferences and education kit project, and printed material.

Churches AIDS Pastoral Care and Education Program

Mort's Dock and Engineering deposit

  • AU NBAC 37
  • Deposit
  • 1873 - 1945

Memorandum and articles of association, minutes, reports, correspondence, shipping papers, accident records, financial and legal records, salary lists and wages books, share registers, photographs and printed material.

Mort's Dock and Engineering Company Limited

Telecommunication Technical Officers' Association deposit

  • AU NBAC N366
  • Deposit
  • 1934 - 1992

Subject files including Executive Council minutes (1935-1990), State branch minutes and financial statements, rules and arbitration files. Also includes records of the External Plant Officers' Association.

Telecommunication Technical Officers' Association

Dalgety Limited London Office deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N39
  • Deposit
  • 1864 - 1972

The deposit consists of Dalgety Limited records including F G Dalgety's letterbooks, financial records, board and share-holders' minutes, and registers of directors; New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Co Ltd records consisting of board minutes, articles of association, and finance committee minutes; New Zealand & Australian Land Co Ltd records consisting of Secretary's records and correspondence, death duties, reports, miscellaneous items and printed material. Also in the deposit are board minutes and share records of various London based companies including the proposed North British Australian Mortgage and Agency Corporation Limited. African Mercantile Co Ltd and E Whiteaway & Co records contain photographs.

Dalgety and Company Limited

Tooth and Company ledgers

  • AU NBAC N50
  • Deposit
  • 1843 - 1917

Monthly town hotel ledgers [items 1-119], monthly country hotel ledgers [items 120-134] and monthly cordial ledgers [items 135-140]. Hotels are alphabetised by the last name of the owner/licensee. Contains only name of hotel, name of owner/licensee, location of hotel, and amounts of product ordered.

Tooth and Company Limited

Trade union miscellany

  • AU NBAC P112
  • Deposit
  • 1888 - 1990s

Trade union membership certificates, tickets, badges and other documents donated to the Archives and relating to the Trolley, Draymen and Carters' Union, the Australian Workers' Union, the Amalgamated Engineering Union, the Amalgamated Shearers' Union, the Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union, the Builders' Labourers' Federation, the Australian Tramway Employees' Association and others.

Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, New South Wales Branch (Ron Arnold) deposit

  • AU NBAC N395
  • Deposit
  • 1946 - 1981

Assistant secretary's files (Ron Arnold) including subject files re Australia-Vietnam Society and peace and disarmament movement, political campaigns and international conferences, diaries, press cuttings, pamphlets and printed material, photographs, postcards and souvenir items. Includes records of predecessors Amalgamated Metal Workers & Shipwrights Union and Boilermakers' & Blacksmiths' Society. Includes a large number of photographs taken in Japan and Vietnam, particularly of damage done by atomic bombs and during Vietnam War. Note that many photographs include graphic content.

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union

Don Rawson Collection deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N405
  • Deposit
  • 1913 - 1973

Pamphlets and leaflets published by major Australian political parties (Liberal Party of Australia, Australian Country Party, Australian Labor Party, Communist Party of Australia) including reports, constitution and rules, election material, serials and publications. Also includes a large number of pamphlets relating to communism and socialism in Australia and overseas; trade union publications including rule books, constitutions and conference reports.

Rawson, Donald William

Tooth and Company Limited miscellaneous collections

  • AU NBAC Z136
  • Deposit
  • c. 1823 - 1983

This is a mixture of records from Tooth and Company Limited including a collection of documents relating to the affairs of Tilden J Hilder who was employed by Tooth and Company as a traveller; board papers, files, reports and photographs.

Tooth and Company Limited

Michael Easson collection

  • AU NBAC Z514
  • Deposit
  • 1973 - 1994

Correspondence, photographs, personal files, printed material and subject files re labour movement collected during university career, pacific interests, Trotskyism, and subsequent employment including the Labor Council of NSW, the Australian Labor Party, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, EPAC, TUTA, etc.

Easson, Michael Bernard

Australian Textile Workers' Union, Tasmanian Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z488
  • Deposit
  • 1928 - 1989

Branch management committee minutes 1928-1980, National Council minutes 1957-1981, National Council correspondence 1942-1987, correspondence A-Z, employers and miscellaneous to 1987, correspondence union dues and termination and engagements to 1986, national wage case decisions 1975-1988, transcripts 1942-1989, statement of accounts 1970-1989.

Australian Textile Workers' Union

Parbury Henty and Company deposit

  • AU NBAC Z361
  • Deposit
  • 1863 - 1971

Correspondence, financial and insurance records, certificates and agreements, legal documents, share material and booklet 'Parbury Henty, Pioneers of Australia Established 1833'. Includes material relating to other companies including Derwent and Tamar Assurance Company, London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company Limited, and James Miller and Company Proprietary Limited.

Parbury Henty and Company Proprietary Limited

Les Barnes Collection

  • AU NBAC P8
  • Deposit
  • 1890 - 1946

Correspondence, manuscripts, card index, reports, printed material and photographs documenting Australian left wing political and industrial activities.

Barnes, Les

G E Caiden research papers

  • AU NBAC P42
  • Deposit
  • 1896; 1910; 1923 - 1968

Research papers on Australian white-collar public service unionism. Includes correspondence, printed material, microfilm, and card index.

Caiden, Gerald Elliot

Maurice Mulheron collection

  • AU NBAC Z459
  • Deposit
  • 1945 - 1996

Minutes and related papers of the Signalmen’s Section of the Australian Railways Union; ARU NSW State Councillor’s papers; manuscript of Fifty Years of Signalling (no date); subject files, correspondence, press cuttings, printed material and photographs.

Mulheron, Maurice M

Adrian Hahn Collection

  • AU NBAC Z460
  • Deposit
  • 1961 - 1982

Collection of Australian university student newspapers and handbooks.

Hahn, Adrian

Geoff McDonald collection deposit 7

  • AU NBAC N94
  • Deposit
  • 1865 - 1985

The collection consists of printed material, loose correspondence, articles, chapters from Geoff McDonald's books, transcripts of evidence, loose papers, photographs and negatives, posters, cassette and video tapes, minutes and memorabilia.

McDonald, Geoff

Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union Victorian Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E190
  • Deposit
  • 1915 - 1966

Minutes of meetings (1941-1960), annual reports, correspondence, and financial records. Some records of sub-branches: Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong and of the Federal Council including minutes (1949-1958).

Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union of Australia

Geoff McDonald Collection deposit 2

  • AU NBAC P39
  • Deposit
  • 1892 - 1967

The collection includes records of various Australian trade unions and organisations. Minutes, reports, correspondence, financial material, subject files, arbitration material, printed and roneoed material, typescript and unpublished manuscript material.

McDonald, Geoff

Geoff McDonald Collection deposit 4

  • AU NBAC P100
  • Deposit
  • 1964 - 1973

Press cuttings and printed material relating to the nursing profession and the International Council of Nurses; conciliation and arbitration material of the Victorian Mothercraft Nurses' Association, the Australian Association of Social Workers, and the Slaters, Tilers and Roofing Industry Union of Victoria; circulars from various trade unions and the Australian Labor Party; articles by Geoff McDonald, pamphlets, periodicals and leaflets collected by him.

McDonald, Geoff

Geoff McDonald Collection deposit 6

  • AU NBAC P127
  • Deposit
  • 1938 - 1975

Office files containing minutes, constitutions, agendas, correspondence, reports, press releases, articles, notes, diaries, financial records, conciliation and arbitration material, printed and roneoed material, map, illustrations and photographs. The bulk of the material relates to the Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF), Australian Council of Salaried & Professional Associations (ACSPA), Mannequins & Models Guild of Australia, Victorian Operative Bricklayers' Society, Slaters, Tilers and Roofing Industry Union of Australia, Federated Fodder & Fuel Trades Industrial Union, Trades Hall Council (Melbourne), Victorian Employers' Federation, and the Australian Labor Party (ALP).

McDonald, Geoff

Geoff McDonald Collection deposit 5

  • AU NBAC P122
  • Deposit
  • 1906 - 1976

This collection includes records of various Australian trade unions and organisations. Correspondence, subject files, diaries, financial records, arbitration material, membership records, miscellaneous and typescript articles, printed and roneoed material, photographs, maps, chart and illustrations.

McDonald, Geoff

Administrative and Clerical Officers Association, Industrial Office deposit 1

  • AU NBAC E229
  • Deposit
  • 1947 - 1975

Numbered and unnumbered arbitration files including transcripts of hearings before Public Service Arbitrator or Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, judgements, exhibits and case files.

Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service

Administrative and Clerical Officers Association, Federal Executive deposit 3

  • AU NBAC E228
  • Deposit
  • 1917 - 1974

Subject files consisting of branch council minutes, reports, financial records, arbitration and industrial material, correspondence, conferences, membership records, circulars, publications, rule books and amendments. Includes records relating to the Commonwealth Railways and High Council of Public Service Organisations.

Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association, Commonwealth Public Service

Results 901 to 1000 of 1447