Oral history interviews with Diane Kirkby
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Oral history interviews recorded for the book Voices from the ships : Australia's seafarers and their union, 2008, by Diane Kirkby.
Kirkby, Diane
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Oral history interviews with Diane Kirkby
Oral history interviews recorded for the book Voices from the ships : Australia's seafarers and their union, 2008, by Diane Kirkby.
Kirkby, Diane
Reminiscences on audio tape about Canberra University College
The cassette tapes record Tom Owen reminiscing about his time as Registrar of Canberra University College. There are also copies of recordings of events such as the laying of the foundation stone for the Haydon-Allen building, and the opening of the RG Menzies Building and the Chemistry building, and tapes relating to his early life, the Richmond Hoyts Cinema, and oral histories recorded in the 1990s. Some tapes are annotated with file references (ANUA 53).
Owen, Thomas Miles
ANU Women's Studies Program audiovisual material and photographs
The series includes cassette tapes of seminars and lectures, reel-to-reel tapes, reels of film, slides and photographs of staff, students and events.The photographs and slides have been placed in an archival album.
Women's Studies Program, Faculty of Arts
Tom Triffit's tape recordings of international aid seminars [Fiji]
The audio tape recordings, typescript copies of seminar papers and an index relate to a series of seminars presented by the Development Studies Centre in 1977–1978.
ANU Development Studies Centre
Audiotapes of Energy and Australia lectures
The tapes are of four evenings of lectures: Professor Sir Ernest Titterton and Dr SM Hamberger (26 March – including morning radio interview), Professor Ted Ringwood and Professor GHJ Taylor (2 April), Professor SF Harris and Dr TB Millar (9 April) and Dr B Selinger and Professor S Kaneff (16 April).
Hazlehurst, Cameron
Audio tapes of medical practice conference
The reel-to-reel audio tapes record the sessions of the international conference ‘Medical Practice and the Community’ held at the John Curtin School of Medical Research 26-30 August 1968. Among those who spoke at the conference were the Chancellor Dr HC Coombs and the Vice-Chancellor Professor JG Crawford.
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Department files and audiovisual material
Includes annual reports, correspondence, meeting minutes and other administrative papers relating to the Department of Human Geography. Also includes, interviews with Professor Oskar Spate.
ANU Department of Human Geography
This series has not been processed yet.
Australian National University
Asia behind the News recordings
A public affairs programme produced by the Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University at the Instructional Resources Unit, ANU.
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Most of the films and audio tapes in this series record important events such as the laying of foundation stones, opening of buildings, conferring of honorary degrees and installation of Chancellors. There are also copies of staff interviews broadcast by the ABC and recordings of George Dreyfus, an ANU Creative Arts Fellow, and his music. The originals are not available for access – some reference copies have been made and others will be produced as required.
Reference copies:
The First Chancellor, colour, reference copy on video,1952;
The First Chancellor, colour, reference copy on DVD, 1952;
Opening of RG Menzies Library building by HM Queen Elizabeth II, reference copies on video, 13 Mar 1963;
Synchronos 72, reference copy on video, CD and DVD 1972;
Opening of Research School of Physical Sciences, speakers Dr Coombs, Mr Menzies, Professor Oliphant, Sir John Cockroft, Sir Douglas Copland reference copy on cassette tape, 5 Sep 1952;
Conferring of doctorate on Sir John Cockroft, speakers Professor Oliphant, Sir Douglas Copland, Sir John Cockroft, Dr Coombs reference copy on cassette tape, 5 Sep 1952;
Foundation stone ceremony, Haydon-Allen building [attachment to file:] reference copy on cassette tape, also in ANUA 20, 12 Oct 1959
Australian National University
Archaeology and Natural History audiovisual collection
Seven reels of the Horizon episode the Long Long Walkabout, circa 1975; two sound recordings (magnetic tape) from The Last Tasmanian (La Dernierre Tasmanienne), 1977; and nine sound cassette tapes.
College of Asia and the Pacific
Geoff McDonald audio cassettes
This deposit has not yet been processed.
McDonald, Geoff