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archival descriptionsANU Library accession registers
- AU ANUA 115
- Series
- 1948 - 1961
The leather-bound registers record all accessions to the ANU Library. Details include: author, title, publisher, date of publication, whether purchased or presented, and price.
University Library
- AU ANUA 123
- Series
- 1962 - 1968
The lists were compiled to show new acquisitions to the Library. Up to September 1966, separate monthly lists were compiled for the Institute of Advanced Studies and the School of General Studies libraries, then a joint monthly list from Oct 1966 to August 1967, and then a mostly fortnightly list.
University Library
Canberra University College and ANU Library accession registers
- AU ANUA 125
- Series
- 1930 - 1974
The registers record all accessions of books to the Canberra University College Library and from 1960, to the ANU Library. Details recorded include: title, author, publisher, and when received. The D prefix in item 1 refers to books related to the course in Diplomatic Studies. The G prefix refers to Gifts – the donor’s name is also recorded. The microfiche are of a card catalogue which continued the earlier accession registers.
Canberra University College
ANU Library Statistical records
- AU ANUA 126
- Series
- 1967 - 1980
The seven notebooks record statistical details of accessions and monograph orders.
University Library
Photographic portrait of Sir Robert Menzies
- AU ANUA 303
- Series
- 1963
The framed black and white photograph of Sir Robert Menzies, Prime Minister of Australia 1939–1941 and 1949–1966, is signed and dated by him. The portrait hung in the foyer of the Menzies Library from the 1960s until 2008.
University Library
Framed photograph of Ben Chifley
- AU ANUA 320
- Series
- c. 1946
This is a framed photograph of former Prime Minister Ben Chifley holding a pipe. The photo is housed in a glass-fronted wooden frame.
University Library
- AU ANUA 324
- Series
- 1955 - 1997
This bound set of CUC and ANU exam papers, formerly available for reference in the Menzies Library, contains copies of exam papers sat by Canberra University College and Australian National University undergraduate students in the School of General studies and Faculties of Arts, Science, Law, economics and Oriental studies, later Asian studies.
The four volumes from 1955-1959 contain examination papers for the Canberra University College some of which are labelled University of Melbourne.
University Library
- AU ANUA 90
- Series
- 1942 - 1981
This is a collection of folders containing published papers, usually off-prints, written by academic staff of the University.
University Library
Correspondence files, annual single number series
- AU ANUA 292
- Series
- 1988 - 2000
Many of the files relate to the Library Committee, including minutes, agenda and working papers as well as other administrative matters.
University Library
- AU ANUA 319
- Series
- 1963 - 2001
Two visitors’ books used in the RG Menzies Library from March 1963. The first commences with the signatures of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh and others present at the Library's official opening ceremony. The second records visiting ambassadors and dignitaries from other libraries.
University Library
Photographs of Library buildings and staff
- AU ANUA 513
- Series
- 1950 - 1996
Photographs of R.G. Menzies Building, J.B. Chifley Building, W.K. Hancock Building, the Law Library and the branch libraries in the research schools. Also contains photographs of Wyselaskie Hall, University of Melbourne, the collection in the former Canberra Community Hospital buildings, visitors and presentations to the University Library, exhibitions in the McDonald Room and of staff functions and events.
University Library
- AU ANUA 631
- Series
- 1970s - 1990s
Small collection of miscellaneous issues of Pacific newsletters, including: 'Vanuaaku Pati Seli Hoo' (5 issues, 1993-94) ; 'Solomons News' (1 issue, 15 May 1986) ; 'Tam Tam' (1 issue, 4 January 1982) ; 'Vanuaaku Viewpoints' (5 issues, 1978 - 83) ; 'Nabanga' (New Hebrides), 4 issues 1979, including a 'Special elections' issue ; 'Vanua Scope' (3 issues 1993) ; 'Seli Hoo' (Vanuatu), 7 issues, 1977 - 80 ; and 'Corail' (New Caledonia) I dependence issue 31 July 1980. Includes two political posters from the New Hebrides ('Major Key Policies', 1979) and the North Solomons Province (Representative Assembly Election, List of Candidates, 14 November 1979).
University Library
- AU ANUA 160
- Series
- 1963 - 2006
There are publications relating to the former School of General Studies library (Chifley) and the Menzies Library, including articles relating to its construction, as well as a history for 1946–1996 by PA Vidot.
University Library
- AU ANUA 177
- Series
- 1960 -2005
Many of the files relate to the Library Committee, including minutes, agenda and working papers from 1960 to 1987. There are also files about significant events, ‘Library Archives’ and ‘Library History’ files, and files about the Asian Studies Division of the library. Single numbers have been imposed because many files bear the same alphanumeric number.
University Library