Microfilm copies of minute books of the Ballarat Typographical Society/Association which became part of the Victorian Typographical Union and later the Ballarat sub-branch of the Printing Industry Employees' Union.
Minute books, correspondence, financial records, membership records, awards and arbitration material, reports and rule books. Includes records of predecessors the Western Australian Typographical Industrial Union of Workers, the Metropolitan Female Printing Employees' Union of Workers of Western Australia, and the Newspaper Industry Union of Workers.
Microfilm copy of minutes and rough minutes of the Western Australian Branch 1920 -1941, and record of attendances at Board meetings of the Western Australian Typographical Union of Workers, 1920 - 1921.
Western Australian Typographical Industrial Union of Workers
Minute books, balance sheets (includes register of members, mortality fee level and registration record), subscription and levy books. Includes records of predecessor the Barrier Typographical Society.
Office files including Secretary's correspondence, circulars, minutes of various organisations, reports, membership lists, Federal Executive minutes, agenda and reports for council meetings, industry material, pamphlets and publications; membership cards, 1963-67 and 1967-71; and address book.
Minutes and agenda for Council and executive meetings; correspondence files; central filing system including general and industrial files re amalgamation, apprenticeship, awards and agreements, national wage case 1968-1978; reports, financial and membership records, rules, photographs, pamphlets published by the PKIU and predecessors, and publications. Includes records of state branches and predecessors the Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia, Federated Photo Engravers, the Amalgamated Printing Trades Employees Union of Australia, and the Photo Lithographers and Photogravure Employees Association of Australia.
Minute books and agenda, correspondence, circulars, arbitration material, registers of members and other membership records, reports and financial records, general subject files re awards and industry material, wages and time books, photographs of delegates to the Federal Council, rules and publications. Includes records of predecessors the South Australian Typographical Society, Letterpress Printers, Machinists and Stereotypers' section of the SA Typographical Society; and records of the South Australian Typographical Sick Benefit Society and Adelaide Branch of the Australian Federated Association of Bookbinders, Paper-rulers and Cutters.
Minute books, mortuary benefit claims, financial records, rule books, membership records, wages and time books, unemployment relief book (1889-1894) and benefits register (1929-1930), correspondence, industrial papers, reports, letter books, newspaper cuttings book, photographs and publications. Includes records of predecessors the Australasian Typographical Union, the NSW Typographical Association and the Herald Office Chapel (1848-1866).
Sydney. Journal of the Printing Trades, published by the NSW Branch of the Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia. Vol 3 No 1 - Vol 35 No 12 held
Rules, minutes, minutes of the board of directors of the Industry Fund Service Pty Ltd, correspondence, financial records and industrial files. Includes files of predecessors the Automotive Food Metals and Engineering Union, the Food Preservers Union of Australia, the Confectionery Workers Union of Australia, the Printing and Kindred Industries Union, the Printing Industry Employees Union of Australia, the Amalgamated Metal Workers Union, and the Metals and Engineering Workers Union.
AAESDA ACT branch minutes 1945-1975, AAESDA Handbook 1959, AAESDA/ADSTE Annual General Meetings and reports 1972 - 1991, PIEUA and PKIU board of management and executive meetings 1961- 1988, PIEUA and PKIU minutes of ordinary meetings 1964-1979, AMWU attendance book 1995-2005, PIEUA and PKIU register of apprentices (1963-1980) and ACT membership book alphabetical with surnames (nd).