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Staff cards

  • AU ANUA 516
  • Series
  • c. 1975 - c. 1985

This series has not been processed yet.

Central Records

File movement cards

  • AU ANUA 343
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1977

Cards documenting the receipt and movement of some staff and student records. Contain name, file number and date of action. These cards can also show the date at which a person was appointed to a position.

Central Records

Correspondence files, multiple number series

  • AU ANUA 53
  • Series
  • 1930 - 2000

This was the main ANU correspondence file series from 1950 to 2000, usually known as ‘Central Files’. It contains some earlier material top-numbered from the first ANU file series (ANUA 18) as well as many files of the Canberra University College (ANUA 42) from 1930 to 1960. These files were incorporated in the series by the former Registrar of the Canberra University College Thomas Owen. The files were originally controlled by a card index and file register – the information contained in these was transferred to a computerised keyword index in 1975 and in 2006 to the current Central Records System. The multiple numbers consist of a primary subject often representing a Research School, Faculty or other organisational unit, a secondary number representing a function and then the next sequential number allocated to a particular file. The primary numbers (not all have extant files) are:

  1. Vice-Chancellor’s correspondence
  2. Legislation and policy
  3. Council and Committees
  4. Administrative matters (including staff organisation)
  5. Scholars and scholarships
  6. Research School of Pacific (and Asian) Studies
  7. John Curtin School of Medical Research
  8. Research School of Physical Sciences
  9. Research School of Social Sciences
  10. Visitors, visits, conferences and seminars
  11. Library
  12. Buildings
  13. Research School of Chemistry
  14. Other organisations (including Canberra University College 14.1.0)
  15. Staff activities
  16. University House
  17. Research students
  18. Ceremonies and historic occasions
  19. Joint ventures (Institute and School)
  20. School of General Studies (see also 30–44)
  21. Research School of Biological Sciences
  22. Research School of Earth Sciences
  23. Management Services Group
  24. Research School of Mechanical Sciences (proposed)
  25. Health research
  26. Centre for Resource and Environment Studies
  27. Humanities Research Centre
  28. Office for Research in Academic Methods
  29. Social Psychiatry Research Unit
  30. School of General Studies – scholarships
  31. School of General Studies – Faculty of Arts
  32. School of General Studies – proposed faculties
  33. School of General Studies – Faculty of Economics
  34. School of General Studies – Faculty of Asian Studies
  35. School of General Studies – Faculty of Law
  36. School of General Studies – student matters
  37. School of General Studies – business matters
  38. School of General Studies – halls of residence
  39. School of General Studies – committees and boards
  40. School of General Studies – research grants
  41. School of General Studies – curriculum
  42. School of General Studies – staffing
  43. School of General Studies – general
  44. School of General Studies – Faculty of Science
  45. Freedom of Information
  46. – 49. Not used
  47. Triennial planning
  48. Policy studies
  49. Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
  50. Institute of the Arts
  51. Faculty of Medicine (proposed)
    Many personnel files were raised in this series either under the general ‘4.2 Staff appointments’ or under the secondary ‘staff’ function of particular organisational units. These files are controlled in a separate series of staff files (ANUA 19) from several different series. This series was superseded by an annual single number series in 2000 (ANUA 239).

Office of the Registrar