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Only top-level descriptions Australian Society of Progressive Carpenters and Joiners With digital objects
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Building Workers' Industrial Union New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC Z534
  • Deposit
  • 1869 - 1977

United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society minutes (1874-1937), membership lists (1920s-1942), financial records including contribution books (1870-1929) and Newtown Branch minutes (1884-1891); Australian Society of Progressive Carpenters and Joiners minutes (1911-1920); Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners minutes Federal Council (1925-1930), NSW Management Committee (1920-1942), Victorian Management Committee (1913-1933), Queensland Management Committee (1917-1920) and records of branches: Auburn, Bankstown, Brunswick, Burwood, Campsie, Darwin, Fairfield, Hurstville, Lakemba, Manly, Melbourne City, Newtown, Ryde, St George, South Coast, Sydney City, Wollongong; Slater, Tilers, Shinglers and Roof Fixers Union NSW Management Committee minutes (1963-1968), membership lists (1959-1962) and other records; Bridge, Wharf and Engineering Construction Carpenters Union Management Committee minutes (1944-1963) and membership records (1911-1967); BWIU Waterfront District records (1965-1973); BWIU Federal Executive minutes (1948-1951), correspondence, subject files and financial records; BWIU NSW Branch State Executive minutes (1943-1960), district minutes of Sydney, South Coast, Ryde/Hornsby, St George, Bridge and Wharf, North Sydney and Newcastle, correspondence files, compensation files and printed material.

United Operative Bricklayers' Trade Society of New South Wales