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Only top-level descriptions Australasian Coal Miners' Association English
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Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation deposit 4

  • AU NBAC Z669
  • Deposit
  • 1907 - 1991

Federated Mining Mechanics' Association, then Colliery Mechanics' Mutual Protective Association, Hunter River District minutes (1908-1967, except 1927-1930 volume at Z586); Federated Mining Mechanics' and Surfacemen's Mutual Protective Association presscopy letterbook (1911-1920); Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation rules, financial records, membership records for New South Wales Northern District (1916-1918), New South Wales Southern and Western Districts, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania (1918), New South Wales Central District (1924-1930), and Captain's Flat lodge (1949), mining authorisations (1980, 1991), and printed material. Also includes 'pence books' of Barrier Branch of the Amalgamated Miners' Association (1911-1914) and photographs of Broken Hill dust-storm (1907), commemorative pennants and plaques for International Miners' Organisation conference (1987) and union neckties.

Australasian Coal Miners' Association

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation Wonthaggi Branch deposit

  • AU NBAC E164
  • Deposit
  • 1909 - 1967

Minutes of general, special and committee meetings of the Powlett River (Wonthaggi) Branch (1911-1954), District Committee of Management (1913-1954) and Combined Unions of Carpenters, Engineers, Engine Drivers and Miners (1917-1948), union rules, correspondence, financial records, membership records for Powlett River and Altona branches (1918-1921), arbitration material and printed material. Also includes 1812 'overman's record', records of Hawdon Pit, Percy Main Colliery, and an envelope containing samples of coal.

Victorian Coal Miners' Association