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Only top-level descriptions Australian Society for the Study of Labour History
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Australian Society for the Study of Labour History deposit

  • AU NBAC P132
  • Deposit
  • 1961 - 1977

Constitution, minutes and meeting papers, correspondence, working and publication files (trade union education and editorial matters), financial papers; reports and printed material.

Australian Society for the Study of Labour History

Leila Thomas publication

  • AU NBAC P78
  • Deposit
  • 1962

A typescript copy of Leila Thomas' original Master of Arts thesis at the University of Sydney from 1919, 'The Development of the Labour Movement in the Sydney District of New South Wales: being a discussion of the relation between the Labour Movement and current politics from 1788 to 1848'. It was published by the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History in 1962 with an introduction by Dr Michael Roe.

Australian Society for the Study of Labour History


  • AU NBAC S876
  • Serial


Australian Society for the Study of Labour History

Maritime Dispute (1997-1998) collection

  • AU NBAC Z592
  • Deposit
  • 1891; 1960 - 2000

The collection includes records of the MUA Dispute Archive Project consisting of union records and correspondence; Australian Council of Trade Unions and Victorian Trades Hall Council minutes; Trade Union Training Authority speaker notes and fact sheets; Australian Services Union fliers and administrative documents; Finance Sector Union correspondence and administrative documents; Health and Community Services Union flier and newsletter; Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance flier and minutes; National Tertiary Education Union correspondence and NSW Branch information kit; police association correspondence and newsletter; Transport Workers Union NSW flier and minutes; Victorian Independent Education Union newsletters and fliers; Australian Manufacturing Workers Union leaflet, newsletter and newspapers; Community and Public Sector Union ACT journals and flier; correspondence, leaflets and posters produced by non-union groups; official documents, legal and parliamentary records including speeches, transcripts, minutes; fliers, posters, booklets, electronic communications, film, photographs, artwork, music, poetry and media releases. Files of Lindsay Tanner gathered by the MUA Dispute Archive Project consists of media clippings, transcripts of electronic media interviews, Hansard extracts, notes and correspondence, and documents relating to legislation. The deposit also includes papers of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, the NSW Fire Brigade Employees’ Union, and unionist Carmel Shute, media releases and circulars, printed material, video and audio tapes; research files consisting of legal documents, reports, newsletters and documents relating to the Dubai stevedoring venture, news clippings, and leaflets; Maritime Union of Australia files, speeches and news reports.

Australian Society for the Study of Labour History