Kevin Kerley's papers on the Bougainville conflict and peace process
- AU ANUA 600
- Series
- Nov 1988 - 1997
Diaries and documents (government notices, private letters, newspaper clippings) maintained by Father Kerley during the Bougainville crisis from November 1988 until 1997. The material was collected by Father Kerley at the time or added to later. The hand written diaries (Roman Catholic calendars or diaries used for recording the sacraments - births, deaths and marriages in the rural parishes) are written by him in a kind of code to avoid scrutiny, as he held a position of trust between the waring factions - the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, the 'rascals', the Papua New Guinea Police and external military forces. He has spent many years since transcribing his coded diaries out in full and adding other documents to support his notes.
Kerley, Kevin