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Country subject files from the Division of Pacific and Asian History
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Administration - Generally.

Papers include 'Self-reliant development under conditions of poverty - the case of Tanzania', by Heinz Schutte, May 1970; 'Relation between civil servants and ministers in policy making', by JG Crawford, 20 Aug 1959; 'Functions of urban local government in developing countries', by ND Oram, Jul 1964; Copies of the 'Bulletin of the Business Archives Council of Australia', edited by Alan Birch, May 1956, May 1958; A copy of 'The policy of assimilation: Decisions of Commonwealth and State Ministers at the Native Welfare Conference, Canberra, 26-27 Jan 1961; A copy of 'Race and civilization', by Monitor, 12 Jun 1967; A copy of 'Security treaty (Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America, No. 6 of 1952'; 'Extracts from the constitution of Pakistan'; 'The public servant and politics' by the Rt Hon Paul Hasluck, 18 Nov 1968; A copy of 'The Australian Outlook', Vol 6, No. 2, Jun 1952 - Article by JW Davidson 'The price of political dependency'.

New Zealand - Research papers, newspaper clippings and reports.

Includes 'Tokelau (Union) Islands: Report of the administrator of Samoa to the Government of New Zealand', 1926; 'A bibliography on the historical, political and commercial relations between New Zealand and Oceania (excluding Island dependencies and mandated territories) from 1840 to 1947', compiled by AL Olsson, 1947; 'The United Nations - Report of the New Zealand delegation to the second special session of the general assembly, held at New York, 16 Apr-14 May 1948 to consider the future government of Palestine', Department of External Affairs, 1948; Lecture No. 9 for the Council of Adult Education, University of Auckland ' Maori society today: Maoris in Auckland, urbanisation and its implications' by Dr Joan Metge, c. 1950-1960s; 'The pattern of development in New Zealand's Pacific territories', by RG Crocombe, 7 Dec 1960; 'A new role for New Zeland in the Pacific', by Keith J Holyoake, Apr 1970; "Guardian animals of the Maori', by Erik Schwimmer, Dec 1963.

Pacific Islands - Oceania.

Includes, 'Livres sur les etablissements Francais de l'Oceanie et sur les Mers Adjacentes dans la Collection Kroepelien premier supplement', 1937; 'In the mandated Pacific Islands: A visit made soon after the Japanese took possession', by William Herbert Hobbs, 20 Feb 1943; 'The Bonin Islands', Foreign Office Research Department, Whitehall, 19 Apr 1944; 'The changing political role of Pacific Islands peoples', by Prof JW Davidson, 1951; 'Pacific History: The study of multi-cultural situations', JW Davidson, Jan 1954; 'Pacific commentary: Journal of the Polynesian Society', Jun 1960; ' The Pacific beche-de-mer trade and its consequences', RG Ward, Aug-Sep 1966; 'United Nations Industrial Development Organization - 'Training for small manufacturing enterprises in developing countries', prepared for the symposium of industrial development, presented by the International Labour Office, 29 Nov-20 Dec 1967; 'The Quest for a Pacific community', by John A Burns, May 1969; 'Stereotypes as a symbolic system: The Banabans revisited', by MG Silverman, 1 Jul 1970; 'The responsibilities of Australia and New Zealand in the Pacific', by Hon. Hugh Watt, MP, 15-18 Feb 1971; 'Development in the South Pacific', by AR Hoyle, Apr 1976; 'The documentary basis for Pacific Studies: A report on progress and desiderata', Phyllis Mander-Jones; 'The "Centre Documentaire Pour L'Oceanie"', by J Guiart; 'The organization and economics of Pacific Islands' labour in the Australian sugar industry, 1863-1906', by Alan Birch; 'The Pacific beachcomber', by HE Maude. Copies of 'Man: A monthly record of Anthropological science', Sep 1950; 'Man in the Pacific', Nov 1963, Mar 1966, Jun 1970; 'Pacific Island Program: Department of Anthropology, University of California', 15 Apr 1964; 'Asia-Pacific research unit', 22 Dec 1970, 26 Mar 1971; 'Pacific Islands communication newsletter' c. 1971; 'Highlights: Office of the High Commissioner, Trust Terrritory of the Pacific Islands, Saipan, Mariana Islands', 15 Dec 1972, Jan-Feb, 1 May 1973; 'Centre S Pacific S: Issued by the Center for South Pacific Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz', Sep 1977;

Notes on New Guinea - by OHK Spate, JW Davidson and Firth, Oct-Nov 1951 - "These notes arise from a brief visit to the Territory of New make a reconnaissance of some of the major areas likely to be of some of the major areas likely to be of interest to the research programme of the RSPAS, especially bearing in mind the desirability of sending future field research workers to the Territory".

Also includes the following papers, 'Hahl at Herbertshoehe, 1896-8: The genesis of German native administration in New Guinea', by Peter Biskup, Second Waigani Seminar; 'The Legislative Council for Papua and New Guinea: Opening Session', Oct 1960; 'Papua/New Guinea and Nauru: Statement by the Australian Minister at the United Nations, Mr Dudley McCarthy, 9 Dec 1960'; 'Melanesia on the road: Whither?' by OHK Spate; 'Papua and New Guinea Bill (No. 2) 1960', speech by Hon. PMC Hasluck, MP, 22 Sep 1960; 'The Legislative Council for the Territory of Papua and New Guinea: Budget papers, 1963-1964', presented by APJ Newman; 'A child's heritage in the Territory of Papua-New Guinea', by DG Bettison, May 1964; 'Bigfellow man belong business in New Guinea', by Ben R Finney, 4 Oct 1968; 'Revolution or evolution in the prehistory of New Guinea Highlands: A seminar report', by HC Brookfield, 1 Jan 1968; 'ANU on Bougainville', by OHK Spate, c. 1970s; Papers relating to the Council of New Guinea Affairs, 1971; Papers from the Department of External Territories on Papua New Guinea, 1971;

Papua New Guinea - Australian Government papers relating to the administration of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea

From the office of the Administrator, the Law Revision Section, the Crown Law Department, 13 Jan 1951-5 Jul 1952; 'Report of the Department of External Affairs observer accompanying the United Nations visiting mission to the Trust Territory of New Guinea, 1953; 'A bill for an ordinance to regulate certain aspects of the organization of the House of Assembly and to confer certain powers on the Administrator in Council, and for other purposes, 26 May 1965; The opening of the Third House of Assembly of Papua New Guinea, speech by Sir Paul Hasluck, 20 Apr 1972; 'The Legislative Councils of Papua-New Guinea', by Colin A Hughes, 1959; ASOPA No. 5 course for senior officers of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea - 'Economic problems of urbanisation', by Dr TS Epstein, 1960; 'Problems in the development of Papua-New Guinea', by DG Bettison, 7 Jul 1962; 'Questionnaire survey among the potential Papua elite in 1962 West New Guinea', by Paul W van der Veur; Script of "guest-of-honour" broadcast by John Guise, 3 Feb 1963; 'The future of Papua and New Guinea: Present policies and objectives',by Hon Paul Hasluck, 6-10 Jan 1964; 'Pilot study of feasibliltiy of undertaking an outline of New Guinea cultures', by Aubrey Everett, 26 May 1967; 'Pangu Pati', Jun 1968; Asia-Pacific Research Unit - 'Foreign report on New Guinea', by Anthony Haas, 5 Jan 1971; 'Hiri' and 'Motu' by Murray Groves; 'Papua Irredenta: Queenslands' northern boundary and the Territory of Papua', by Paul W Van der Veur; 'Territory of Papua and New Guinea: A survey of 4 area education centres'; ' The background to native local government in Papua-New Guinea; A copy of 'Search: Science, Technology and Society', Nov 1970; 'Extract from the "Lloyd" guide to Australia (1906)".

Papua New Guinea - Research papers

Including, 'The social accounts of the New Guinea market economy for 1949-1950 and 1950-1951; 'Land problems and land policies in Kenya and New Guinea: A comparative view', by AM Healy, c. 1960s; Current Affairs Bulletin - 'New Guinea's political future', 8 Jul 1963; 'Return to New Guinea', by Murray Groves, 8 Feb 1964; 'Motivation in economic development: A comparative analysis of economic development and social change in South India and New Guinea villages', by Scarlett Epstein, 28 Sep 1970; Council on New Guinea Affairs - 'Africa's experience in nation-building: Is it relevant to Papua and New Guinea?' by Ali A Mazrui, 31 May 1970; 'Conflict laws in a New Guinea Highlands society', by Saohiko Hatanaka, c. 1970.

Solomon Islands - Papers relating to the constitution.

Includes copies of 'Legislative Council Paper No. 22 of 1969: Report of a Special Select Committee appointed by the Legislative Council to examine proposals set out in paper No. 119 of 1968 entitled Interim Proposals on Constitutional Development', Apr 1968;' 'Five simple talks about constitutional development: Based on Legislative Council Paper, No. 119 of 1968', Dec 1968; 'BSIP News Sheet: No. 13 - Opening of Governing Council', 1-15 Jul 1970'; The High Commissioner's address at the opening of the first meeting of the Governing Council', 15 Jul 1970;

Country subject files from the Division of Pacific and Asian History

  • AU ANUA 420
  • Series
  • 1926 - 1986

Contains subject files and newsletters on countries kept by the Division of Pacific and Asian History: Cook Islands, Fiji, Gilbert and Ellis Island, Indonesia, Malaysia, Micronesia, New Caledonia, Papua/New Guinea, New Hebrides (now Vanuatu), New Zealand, Nauru, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tahiti. Includes research papers and notes, governmental papers, publications, newspaper clippings, school readers and Cook Islands photostats.

ANU Division of Pacific and Asian History