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Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trades Employees' Union of Australia New South Wales Branch deposit 2
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Contributions for various appeals, mostly Christmas Cheer voluntary levy

Undated: Single sheet for Food for Britain appeal, Dunkerley Hat Mills Wet department.
Undated: Single sheet for payment to unemployed members.
1945: Single sheet of weekly levy to provide Christmas Cheer to unemployed members, Journeyman's Division.
1940s - 1950s: A number of sheets of voluntary Christmas Cheer levies.
Undated: Several lists of contributors in aid of Crown of Women's Hospital and Dalwood Children Homes, Journeyman's Division. Organised by workplace.

Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trades Employees' Union of Australia New South Wales Branch deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N368
  • Deposit
  • 1913 - 1982

Rough minutes of committee and general meetings (1939-1940, 1963-1981), Secretary's correspondence (W. Peters, K. Cashman, 1957-1980 with gaps), membership and financial records (1940s-1970s), including member cards, contributions books and contributions to various appeals. Also includes some rubber stamps.

Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trade Employees' Union of Australia