Rough minutes of committee and monthly meetings
- AU NBAC N368-1
- Item
- 5 Oct 1939 - 5 Dec 1940
Rough pencil minutes.
Rough minutes of committee and monthly meetings
Rough pencil minutes.
Rough minutes of NSW branch meetings and one Victorian
Rough minutes of NSW Branch meetings 11 Dec 1963 - 31 Aug 1981. Also includes minutes of Victorian Branch meeting held by National Secretary K Cashman on 13 Sep 1981. This is the final entry.
Lists some members chronologically and also by place of employment. Includes some member addresses.
Alphabetical lists of members. Includes addresses and dates of joining. Some entries note member qualifications or duties.
Also includes some member lists by division and workplaces.
Inside cover notes Branch Roll Membership Book as of 21 October 1958. Lists members alphabetically together with some addresses and joining dates. Some entries note member qualifications or duties.
Membership contributions book - Anderson Industries
Membership contributions book - RL Hendersons Finishers
Shop Stewards Book. Apparently paired with N368 Item 10.
Membership contributions book - RL Hendersons Bodymakers Rosebery
Shop Stewards Book. Apparently paired with N368 Item 9.
Membership contributions book - unlabelled
Gap in content from Apr 1949 - Nov 1949 with new member names thereafter.
Membership contributions book - James Bros
Membership contributions book - unlabelled
Specific entries date 21 Jun 1958 - 30 Aug 1963 with earlier undated entries and many later.
Membership contributions book - Edward Brooks
Largely undated. Earliest clear date is 22 May 1952 but several earlier entries may indicate c. 1951. Loose leaf of paper inserted with date Jan 1961.
Membership contributions book - Colmans and Rawson Millinery
Entries for Rawson Millinery on p. 2, c. 1949.
Membership contributions book - McMahon
Membership contributions book - Robertson Roe
Last clear date is 26 Aug 1963, but undated entries continue for some time. Final entries include decimal currency.
Membership contributions book - Morley Jones
Membership contributions book - Adamsons
Page page shows details of 'smoko contributions', 1955.
Membership contributions book - Luton Millinery
Membership contributions book - Bardsley's
Membership roll - No. 3 Division
Labelled as Division Roll at June 1939. Arranged chronologically and also by place of employment.
Membership contributions book - Small Shops
'Small Shops' may indicate this book was used to track the contributions of members not working in larger manufacturers in a single volume rather than excessive smaller volumes. Damaged label may indicate this was used for the First Division.
Membership contributions book - unlabelled
Membership contributions book - unlabelled
'No 3' notation may indicate Third Division. Includes entries for W.C. Peters and K.N. Cashman, both Federal Secretaries. Later entries dated 1970s but the extent of earlier entries may indicate creation from 1960s.
Most signed by Keith J. Lorimer.
Most signed by Keith J. Lorimer. Many contain information about the holder's duties.
Most signed by Keith J. Lorimer. Many contain information about the holder's duties and/or workplaces.
Most signed by W.C. Peters. Many contain information about the holder's duties and/or workplaces. Also includes a foreign clearance card from 1939.
Most signed by W.C. Peters. Many contain information about the holder's duties and/or workplaces.
Each card tracks an individual member's contributions. The stack consists of strata of years grouped together, and many are grouped by division and/or workplace.
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Liabilities, Payments, and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly
Federal dues record sheets and quarterly liabilities for assessment and arrears
Files organised by date. Lists of members organised by division. Also includes a single member's sheet of Liabilities, Payments and Arrears - Weekly and Quarterly from 1975.
These notifications are on a range of scraps of material and have been organised roughly by year.
These notifications are on a range of scraps of material and have been organised roughly by year. One is dated from 1919.
These notifications are on a range of scraps of material and have been organised roughly by year.
These notifications are on a range of scraps of material and have been organised roughly by year.
These notifications are on a range of scraps of material and have been organised roughly by year.
These notifications are on a range of scraps of material and are unable to dated.
Mostly relating to the May 1956 closure of R.C. Henderson's. Members' addresses largely within Sydney's Inner West.
Correspondence from Dunkerley Hat MIlls regarding apprenticeships
Several letters from Dunkerley Hat Mills notifying of new apprentices.
Correspondence from Chamber of Manufactures regarding the Felt Hatting Federal Award
Contains two copies of the draft Felt Hatting Award and the notification letter from F.H. Woodcock, senior industrial officer at the Chamber of Manufactuers.
Correspondence regarding Labour Day Procession 1958
Two copies of letters from Federal Secretary W.C. Peters to various firms requesting donations toward union float in the 1958 Labour Day Procession and a number of responses from manufacturers.
Correspondence regarding and Deed of Arrangement for J.L. Normoyle & Co. Pty. Ltd.
Notices from accounts Douglas Davison & Coy. Contains information on creditors and assets of J.L. Normoyle & Co. Pty. Ltd.
Correspondence regarding members
1957 doctors' and solicitors' reports and correspondence regarding a workers' compensation claim. 1959 correspondence regarding Labor Papers Limited shares. 1965 notification from Labor Council of NSW reporting the result in William Joseph Robinson v. Dunkerley Hat Mills Ltd.
Unemployment rules - No. 1 Division
Two copies of the unemployment rules for No 1 Diivision 'under Federal Rule 47'. One copy gives the adoption date of 4 Mar 1937; the other is undated and differs in significant details.
Membership contributions book - Dunkerley Hat Mills Finishing
Notation of 'No 1' may indicate the First Division.
Contributions to voluntary subscription on behalf of unemployed members
Consists of loose-leaf ledgers collected by workplaces and dated Feb-May as well as a booklet collating the same information.
Contributions in aid of Kevin Bryce MacKay
List of contributions by member in aid of Kevin Bryce MacKay, selected to represent Australia at the Empire Games (properly titled the British Empire and Commonwealth Games) in Canada.
Contributions for various appeals, mostly Christmas Cheer voluntary levy
Undated: Single sheet for Food for Britain appeal, Dunkerley Hat Mills Wet department.
Undated: Single sheet for payment to unemployed members.
1945: Single sheet of weekly levy to provide Christmas Cheer to unemployed members, Journeyman's Division.
1940s - 1950s: A number of sheets of voluntary Christmas Cheer levies.
Undated: Several lists of contributors in aid of Crown of Women's Hospital and Dalwood Children Homes, Journeyman's Division. Organised by workplace.
Share certificate - Labor Papers Ltd. - Journeymen
Allotment number 132. Share number 1031.Includes note from the secretary of Labor Papers addressed to the NSW Journeymen Felt Hatters and the original envelope.
Includes names of deceased members to funeral benefit fund and on funeral wreaths, typing employees' compensation, and campaign funding.
Stamps include "Trimmers & Binders"; "The Federated Felt Hatting Employees Union of Australasia New South Wales Branch Journeymans Division"; and "The Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trades Employees Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch"
Rough minutes of committee and general meetings (1939-1940, 1963-1981), Secretary's correspondence (W. Peters, K. Cashman, 1957-1980 with gaps), membership and financial records (1940s-1970s), including member cards, contributions books and contributions to various appeals. Also includes some rubber stamps.
Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trade Employees' Union of Australia