- AU NBAC P114
- Deposit
- 1975 - 2000
Transcripts and audio recordings of oral history interviews donated to the Archives.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Transcripts and audio recordings of oral history interviews donated to the Archives.
Noel Butlin Archives Centre
Audio cassette recording of interview with Hal Alexander
Part of Oral history collection
Hal Alexander was interviewed in the Survivors series on 2SER Radio in November 2000. Alexander was a long time member of the Communist Party of Australia.
Transcript of interview with Mick Healy
Part of Oral history collection
Mick Healy was interviewed by B H Costar in May 1975. Healy came to Queensland from New Zealand in 1931, held a number of honorary executive positions in the Waterside Workers' Federation and from 1942 to 1951 was secretary of the Trades and Labour Council of Queensland.