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Bundure Station deposit
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Bundure Station deposit

  • AU NBAC N172
  • Deposit
  • 1877 - 1973

Station records including photographs and maps. Also includes photographs of other New Zealand and Australian Land Company properties - Marathon (Qld), Maxwelton (Qld), Canobie (Qld), Wurung (Qld), Eddington (Qld), Dalgonally (Qld), Beringarra (WA), Wingadee (NSW), Tootra (WA), Drompre (NSW), Yathroo (WA), Bangate (NSW), Midkin (NSW), Bogeralla (Qld), Goondoobluie (NSW), Boatman (Qld), Oakwood (Qld), Wellshot (Qld).
. N172/17 includes photographs of Aboriginal workers and their families at Bundure Station c. 1930s and Beringarra Station (WA) c. 1920s.

Bundure Station