- AU NBAC N145-598
- Item
- 1941-1945
Includes accounts in the names of Japanese people.
Includes accounts in the names of Japanese people.
MV Neptuna - Requisition voyage accounts
Burns Philp and Company Head Office deposit
All types of company records including minutes, correspondence, reports, legal and financial records, share records, shipping records, staff record cards and photographs. Includes records of head office, branches and subsidiaries.
Burns Philp and Company Limited
Burns Philp (New Guinea) Ltd Hotel Moresby Ltd - Annual financial returns
Includes balance sheets, profit & loss accounts, lists of stock, wages account incl. names of employees etc.
Burns Philp (New Guinea) Ltd BNG Trading Co Ltd
Annual financial accounts & reports.
Burns Philp (New Guinea) Ltd Sunshine Bakery Ltd
Memorandum and Articles of Association, Port Moresby
Burns Philp (New Guinea) Ltd NG staff allowances, discounts etc.
Copies from the Inspection Department
Burns Philp (New Guinea) Ltd - Burns Philp History
File No 110 (Alven Powell). Including - Typescripts of “Early History of PNG and BP (NG) Ltd; “Currency of British NG (Papua)" by W J Mira; Notes on the history of Macdhui and Marsina; BP fleet list; Alven Powell - Kris Klugman correspondence re BP history; interview with an old employee, Willie Tamarau (1928-1978); Ken Buckley’s report on visit to New Hebrides and PNG in 1978; BP (NG) Ltd press release, 1978; Company’s correspondence with Nancy Lutton, New Guinea Collection Librarian at the University of PNG, re archival records of BP (NG) Ltd, 1978; Extracts from The Black and White re BP (NG) and its businesses, 1960s; Research queries etc.
Burns Philp (New Guinea) Ltd - Minutes of general and board of directors meetings
Includes seal register for 1946-1961.
Haapai branch General Ledger 2
Haapai branch - Monthly Returns
Includes monthly balance account statements of assets & liabilities, operations & shipping reports.
Haapai Branch - monthly Returns
Includes monthly balance account statements of assets & liabilities, operations & shipping reports.
Haapai Branch - Staff Register No 1
dated by the earliest date of an employee joining the company
Spine marked as Venture & Consignment 1924-1925 Ledger 4.
includes balance statements
Staff salaries page 259. Binding says Africa.
Lists goods allocated to the company, licence numbers, quantities, country of procurement. Cover marked personal ledger No 2. Index
Includes names and occupations 1920-1922 of individuals in Suva.
Shipping and Stevedoring Ledger
includes individual vessels
possibly of a subsidiary or branch on Suva
Includes information on copra, trocas shell, coconut, natural gum, turtle shell, pearl shell ventures; also names of individuals and vessels.
Includes names of individuals and vessels
Burns Philp (South Sea) Co Ltd - Head Office (Suva) - General Manager, Fiji.
Taveuni Group: description and analysis of operations by W D Scott & Co Management Consultants
Burns Philp (South Sea) Co Ltd - Head Office (Suva) - General Manager
Review of Investment Plans for the Motor Division in Fiji by W D Scott & Co Management Consultants
Burns Philp (South Sea) Co Ltd - Head Office (Suva) - General Manager
A Report on the Best Way of Developing the Automotive Facilities in Fiji. A Return on Investment Report by W D Scott & co Management Consultant
Burns Philp (South Sea) Co Ltd - Head Office (Suva) - General Manager,
A Report on the Best Way of Developing the Automotive Facilities in Fiji. Appendices by W D Scott & co Management Consultants
Burns Philp (South Sea) Co Ltd - Head Office (Suva) - General Manager
A report on the best way of Developing the Automotive Facilities of Fiji, by W D Scott & Co Management Consultants (annotated)
Burns Philp (South Sea) Co Ltd - Head Office (Suva) - General Manager
Developing the Automotive Facilities of Fiji, working papers by W D Scott & Co Management Consultants (incl. letters to CTA Black)
Burns Philp (South Sea) Co Ltd - Head Office (Suva) - General Manager
A programme to Determine the Best Way of Developing the Automotive Facilities in Fiji by W D Scott & Co Management Consultants
Burns Philp (South Sea) Co Ltd - Head Office (Suva) - General Manager - Correspondence out
press copy letterbook (F. Caseley)
Private Reports by the Board of Directors on annual balances
Melbourne Branch copies No 22-29
Melbourne Branch - Correspondence of the Manager
In (R F Baker) -List of shareholders of Burns Philp & Co
Cairns Branch - Monthly Returns
Include shipping returns with information on ships names and movements.
Cairns Branch - Monthly Returns
Include shipping returns with information on ships names and movements.
Cairns Branch - Monthly Returns
Include shipping returns with information on ships names and movements.
Cairns Branch - Monthly Returns
Include shipping returns with information on ships names and movements.
Planning & Development Division - General - A to Z
(P J Ferris files)
Planning & Development Division - Sundry Investment Propositions - A to L
(PJ Ferris files)
Planning & Development Division - Sundry Investment Propositions - M to Z
(P J Ferris files)
South Sea - Freights and transfers book
Accounts of Apia, BP(SS) Co, Lautoka, Niue, Norfolk Is, Nuku'alofa, Pago Pago, Suva, Vavau, Vila.
Solomon Islands Development Co Ltd - Ledger
Solomon Islands Development Co Ltd - Ledger
Shortland Islands Plantations Ltd - Ledger
Robinson River Plantations Ltd - Ledger
New Ireland Plantations Ltd - Ledger 1
New Guinea Plantations Ltd - Ledger 1
New Britain Plantations Ltd - Ledger 1
Includes New Hanover Plantations Ltd
Includes journal, invoice debits, cash credits and debits.
Financial records of Pacific subsidiaries (Island Agencies Department) Accounts include wages of indigenous labourers, salaries of staff, recruitment, trade store, religious missions, hospitals etc.
Financial records of Pacific subsidiaries (Island Agencies Department) Accounts include wages of indigenous labourers, salaries of staff, recruitment, trade store, religious missions, hospitals etc.
Financial records of Pacific subsidiaries (Island Agencies Department) Accounts include wages of indigenous labourers, salaries of staff, recruitment, trade store, religious missions, hospitals etc.
Island Agencies Department - Solomon Islands Development Co Ltd
Annual reports and returns
Island Agencies Department - Shortland Islands Plantations Ltd
Annual reports and returns
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd - field and work details (seed)
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd - seed
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd - marketing
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd - factory
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd - Bungalows
Includes plans and drawings.
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd
Includes photographs of Nerada plantation [1970], info on machinery, factory, accounts.
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd
Includes minutes of shareholders meetings & financial info
Island Agencies Department Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd
Includes correspondence, rainfall figures in Innisfail in 1970, marketing, land applications
Island Agencies Department - Nerada Tea Estates Pty Ltd
Includes correspondence re factory, Steelworths Pty Ltd Calcutta, maps of the estate and plans of the factory, tea tasters.
Island Agencies Department - Choiseul Plantations (Holdings) Ltd
Annual reports and returns
Includes info on tea growing in Queensland in 1861.
Henderson & Macfarlane Ltd, Auckland, NZ
Minutes of meetings of directors.
Hotels - Queensland - Lowths Hotel Townsville opening
Includes menus, plans, photographs, guest list, clippings.
Includes Northern Territory government publications, correspondence re Pacific Islands Timber Holdings joint venture, waterfront disputes of 1963 & 1968, photographs of damages caused by rain, plans of proposed alterations to company premises etc.
Bruce Chenery file.
Papua New Guinea - Report of visit by Mr Evennett
Papua New Guinea - Report of visit by Mr Morrison of Island Department on MV Bulolo
Papua New Guinea - Report of J Virtue's visit
Anchorages, Drawings of Pacific islands in notebook of Captain A. Cole
Crew and passenger lists (Customs Department) Braeside, voyages 1-12
Includes identification card with photograph of Osman bin Bujang, 1953.
Crew and passenger lists (Customs Department) Burnside, voyages 1-61
Includes identification card with photograph of Intaz (Omar) Ali, SS Mangola
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) U-V
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) Y - Z
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) W
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) T
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) S
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) R
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) P
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) O
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) N
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) Mc
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) M
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) L
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) K
Staff record cards, Head Office (Sydney) J