Memorandum and articles of association of the Australian Mercantile, Land and Finance Company
- AU NBAC 132-1-1
- Item
- 1863 - 1884
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Memorandum and articles of association of the Australian Mercantile, Land and Finance Company
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Memorandum and articles of association of the Australian Mercantile, Land and Finance Company
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Memorandum and articles of association of the Australian Mercantile, Land and Finance Company
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Memorandum and articles of association of Las Cabezas Estancia Company
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Memorandum and articles of association of Australian Mercantile London
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Memorandum and articles of association of Bligh Development (Sydney)
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Folder of notes relating to alterations to memorandum and articles of association
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Audited balance sheets and supporting papers
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Financial papers and balance sheets sent by General Manager in Australia to London Office
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Financial papers and balance sheets sent by General Manager in Australia to London Office
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Financial papers and balance sheets sent by General Manager in Australia to London Office
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Relate to Angledool, Barratta, Boolcarrol, Caiwarro, Currawinya, Charlton, Collymongle, Irish Lords, Mossgiel, Maneroo, Summervale and Rippling Water Stations.
Financial papers and balance sheets sent by General Manager in Australia to London Office
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Relate to Cia Australiana, Mercantil, Tierras y Finanzas Ltda, Buenos Aires.
Financial papers and balance sheets sent by General Manager in Australia to London Office
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Relate to Brittains Pty Ltd.
Financial papers and balance sheets sent by General Manager in Australia to London Office
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Relate to J Manning Pty Ltd.
Rough financial papers and balance sheets
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Station records including comparative financial records
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Register of mortgages and charges
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Trust deeds between company and the Royal Bank of Scotland relating to issue of debenture stock
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Correspondence about loan capitalisation reorganisation
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Correspondence about debenture stock issue
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Correspondence about loan capitalisation reorganisation
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Register of Directors, Managers and Secretaries of the company
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Register of Directors' holdings and interests
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Record of shareholders' attendance at annual general meetings
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Register of transfer of new share certificates signed and sealed by the Board
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Register of probates, death duties and liens
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Rainfall records kept at the company's stations
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Volume containing printed material issued by the company
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Draft agreement and guarantee re purchase of R Gibbs and Company's business
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Annotated by JM Mackay.
Powers of attorney and revocations made by the company
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Leasehold agreements relating to 144 Leadenhall Street and 123 Bishopsgate Street, London
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Relate to Henry Jordans, William Clarke and Ronald McLachlan
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Copies of extracts from Sydney Board minutes
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Clients are Alexander McMaster, Thomas Russell, Walter Tully and Company, John Bell and Company, Joesph L McFarland, Willian Irving Winter and Aplin Brown and Company.
Brisbane Office application for loan by McLean and Beit of Westbrook, Darling Downs
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Fire insurance policy for office furniture at 132 Bishopsgate Street, London
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Memoranda and articles of association, with alterations (1863 - 1963), reports of the company's annual general meetings, with balance sheets and profit and loss accounts (1863-1969); financial papers (1946-1962); station records (1893-1969), registers, correspondence, maps, newspaper cuttings, deeds and papers relating to early history of the company (1863 onwards).
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company Limited
Maps of the company's stations as issued by the New South Wales Department of Lands
Part of Australian Mercantile Land and Finance London Office deposit 3
Maps are of Angledool, Charlton, Maneroo, Milroy, Retro and Tinnenburra /Tinenburra Stations.