Showing 197 results
archival descriptionsA B Pursell and Sons Proprietary Limited deposit
- AU NBAC 18
- Deposit
- 1889 - 1946
Correspondence, financial records, business and personal papers of A B Pursell, tourist booklets, material re World War I & II, newspapers and miscellaneous printed material. Includes papers concerning sales of land, insurance, Hordern's fire of 1901, 'The Review' Co, Whitstable Electric Co, Medway Syndicate, YMCA and Mosman Wesleyan Church.
A B Pursell and Sons Proprietary Limited
- AU NBAC 18-3-37
- Item
- 1928
Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company
- AU NBAC 18-3-36
- Item
- 1935
YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association)
- AU NBAC 18-3-35
- Item
- 1938 - 1942
Orange Producers' Rural Co-operative Society Ltd
- AU NBAC 18-3-34
- Item
- 1935
Griffith Producers' Co-operative Company Ltd
- AU NBAC 18-3-33
- Item
- 1935
Company registration of AB Pursell and Company
- AU NBAC 18-3-17
- Item
- 1903
Brisbane Office correspondence and ledger balances
- AU NBAC 18-3-26
- Item
- 1928 - 1932
Comparative tables of insurance companies' policies
- AU NBAC 18-3-32
- Item
- no date
- AU NBAC 18-3-31
- Item
- 1918 - 1919
Papers and notes relating to profits insurance
- AU NBAC 18-3-30
- Item
- 1918 - 1927
- AU NBAC 18-3-29
- Item
- 1932
Personal accounts mainly relating to life insurance
- AU NBAC 18-3-28
- Item
- 1897 - 1902
- AU NBAC 18-3-27
- Item
- 1911 - 1915
Correspondence between Brisbane and Sydney Offices including from sister Toffie
- AU NBAC 18-3-25
- Item
- 1897 - 1901
Personal accounts and bank records of AB Pursell
- AU NBAC 18-3-24
- Item
- 1891 - 1938
Domestic workers' compensation insurances
- AU NBAC 18-3-23
- Item
- 1929 - 1930
Workers' compensation list of lines due
- AU NBAC 18-3-22
- Item
- 1928
Out-letters relating to insurance policies, mainly 'E'
- AU NBAC 18-3-21
- Item
- 1929 - 1936
Endorsements and policy wordings for Anthony Hordern and Sons
- AU NBAC 18-3-19
- Item
- 1899 - 1901
Correspondence with Electric Meter Manufacturing Company
- AU NBAC 18-3-10
- Item
- 1938
Lapsed agreements with H Doherty, R Ward, N Meek, E Crane and George B Smith
- AU NBAC 18-3-20
- Item
- 1900 - 1914
Notes and correspondence about marine insurance
- AU NBAC 18-3-16
- Item
- 1893
Policies and premiums taken over from T Illidge
- AU NBAC 18-3-15
- Item
- 1906
Correspondence with clients re strike insurance
- AU NBAC 18-3-14
- Item
- 1916
Correspondence with David Jones and Company
- AU NBAC 18-3-13
- Item
- 1889 - 1896
Correspondence from Brisbane to Sydney Office
- AU NBAC 18-3-12
- Item
- 1907 - 1916
Correspondence about telephone installation
- AU NBAC 18-3-11
- Item
- 1913 - 1914
Papers and policies relating to Lloyd's of London
- AU NBAC 18-3-9
- Item
- 1924 - 1926
Overseas cables (some in code decoded)
- AU NBAC 18-3-7
- Item
- 1915 - 1927
Applications for jobs and copies of employees' references
- AU NBAC 18-3-6
- Item
- 1893 - 1912
Accounts relating to Herbert A Foster
- AU NBAC 18-3-5
- Item
- 1917
Fodder patents (treatment of forage and hydraulic press) and agreements with Thomas Henry Mapp
- AU NBAC 18-3-4
- Item
- 1905 - 1907
Correspondence with Horley and Horley re George Beattie and Sons
- AU NBAC 18-3-3
- Item
- 1930 - 1933
Elliotts and Australian Drug Company papers
- AU NBAC 18-3-2
- Item
- 1933 - 1934
- AU NBAC 18-3-1
- Item
- 1920 - 1922
Miscellaneous leaflets, posters, invitations and printed material
- AU NBAC 18-26
- Item
- no date
Insurance Year Book of Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne
- AU NBAC 18-24-51
- Item
- 1941 - 1943
Insurance Directory and Year Book, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-50
- Item
- 1942 - 1944
Seventh annual report, Winnipeg Industrial Bureau
- AU NBAC 18-24-49
- Item
- 1913
Twenty-sixth annual review of the frozen meat trade, W Weddel and Company Ltd, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-48
- Item
- 1913
Commonwealth and State Finance, by Hon. CG Wade, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-47
- Item
- 1908
Rules, Standard Steamship Owners' Protection and Indemnity Association Ltd, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-46
- Item
- 1926
Insurance Act 1916, Queensland Government
- AU NBAC 18-24-45
- Item
- 1916
National City Bank of New York 1812-1912
- AU NBAC 18-24-44
- Item
- 1914
The Lytton report and after, by Earl Lytton, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-43
- Item
- c. 1933
Constitution, Insurance Brokers' Exchange of San Francisco
- AU NBAC 18-24-42
- Item
- c. 1908
Memorandum and Articles of Association, Insurance Brokers' Association of New South Wales
- AU NBAC 18-24-41
- Item
- c. 1910
Articles of Association and By-Laws, Insurance Brokers' Association of the City of New York
- AU NBAC 18-24-40
- Item
- 1905
Free enterprise, Free Enterprise Committee, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-39
- Item
- 1944
Meat export trade of Australia, Commerce Act 1910, Melbourne
- AU NBAC 18-24-38
- Item
- 1910
Wild Cat Monthly, The Bulletin, vol. 2 no. 10, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-37
- Item
- Oct 1934
Walkabout, Australian National Travel Association, Melbourne
- AU NBAC 18-24-36
- Item
- Feb 1940
Voir et Lire, no. 33, Brussels
- AU NBAC 18-24-35
- Item
- Jun 1927
The Standard, Sydney Single Tax League, no. 44
- AU NBAC 18-24-34
- Item
- Jul 1909
The Insurance Spectator of London, vol. 9 no. 119
- AU NBAC 18-24-33
- Item
- Jul 1886
The Review, Institute of Incorporated Secretaries, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-32
- Item
- Apr 1914 - Feb 1928
Queensland Government Gazette, vol. 108 no. 48
- AU NBAC 18-24-31
- Item
- Feb 1917
Quarterly Review of the Licenses and General Insurance Company Ltd, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-30
- Item
- 1926 - 1930
- AU NBAC 18-24-29
- Item
- Jun 1938 - Sep 1939
Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor, vol. 101 no. 8, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-28
- Item
- Feb 1940
Popular Homecraft, vol.2 no.3, Chicago
- AU NBAC 18-24-27
- Item
- Sep 1931
The Policy Holder, vol. 46 no. 23, Manchester
- AU NBAC 18-24-26
- Item
- Jun 1928
The Pinion, Rotary Club of Australia, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-25
- Item
- Sep 1938 - May 1940
Physical Culture, vol. 41 no. 3, New York
- AU NBAC 18-24-24
- Item
- Mar 1919
National Message, official journal of the British-Israel World Federaion, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-23
- Item
- Dec 1937
Holiday Bulletin, National Fire Protection Association, Boston
- AU NBAC 18-24-22
- Item
- Dec 1910
Mutual Provident Messenger, Australian Mutual Provident Society, vol. 26 no.6, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-21
- Item
- Jun 1918
Millions, official organ of the Millions Club of New South Wales
- AU NBAC 18-24-20
- Item
- Feb 1923 - Feb 1940
The Landmark, English Speaking Union, vol. 5 no. 11, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-19
- Item
- Nov 1923
King and Empire, official journal of the King and Empire Alliance, vol. 1 no. 8, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-18
- Item
- Aug 1921
Journal of the Corporation of Insurance Bankers, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-17
- Item
- Jun 1925 - Aug 1939
Insurance Lines, Queensland State Government Insurance Office, vol. 21 no. 5
- AU NBAC 18-24-16
- Item
- Nov 1938
Insurance Agent and the Insurance Review, vol. 21 no. 250, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-15
- Item
- Nov 1886
Headway, vol. 19 no. 1, League of Nations Union, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-14
- Item
- Jan 1937
Fruit Culture and Small Farming, Fruitgrowers' Federation of New South Wales, vol. 9 no. 99
- AU NBAC 18-24-13
- Item
- Sep 1938
Current Notes on International Affairs, Department of External Affairs
- AU NBAC 18-24-12
- Item
- May 1947 - Oct 1949
Commerce, official organ of Sydney Chamber of Commerce
- AU NBAC 18-24-11
- Item
- Jun 1939 - Dec 1949
The Bystander, vol. 60 no. 782, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-10
- Item
- Nov 1918
Business Man, Business Man Efficiency League of New South Wales, vol. 1 no.1, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-9
- Item
- Jun 1923
British Monthly, vol. 3 no. 26, London
- AU NBAC 18-24-8
- Item
- Jan 1903
Banking and Insurance Review, The Review Company, Sydney (7 issues)
- AU NBAC 18-24-7
- Item
- Jun 1933 - Aug 1934
Australasian Photo-Review, vol. 22, Kodak, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-6
- Item
- Oct 1915
Australasian Pharmaceutical Notes and News, vol. 14 no. 11, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-24-5
- Item
- Apr 1918
Australasian Business Conditions Bulletin, vol. 17 no. 9, Melbourne
- AU NBAC 18-24-4
- Item
- Sep 1939
George Reid: The father of Federation supplement
- AU NBAC 18-24-3
- Item
- c. 1910s
- AU NBAC 18-24-2
- Item
- Mar 1932 - Dec 1936
- AU NBAC 18-24-1
- Item
- Jun 1939
- AU NBAC 18-23
- Item
- 1871 - 1949
- AU NBAC 18-22-14
- Item
- 1939
Annual report of War Veteran's Home, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-22-13
- Item
- 1940
Remnants from Randwick, Sydney
- AU NBAC 18-22-12
- Item
- 1919
True patriotism, by Mary Holyoak
- AU NBAC 18-22-11
- Item
- c. 1914
Great Britain and the European Crisis, House of Commons, London
- AU NBAC 18-22-10
- Item
- 1914
Evidence and documents laid before Committee on alleged German outrages, London
- AU NBAC 18-22-9
- Item
- 1915
Report of Committee on alleged German outrages, London
- AU NBAC 18-22-8
- Item
- 1915
Sir John French's despatches, London
- AU NBAC 18-22-7
- Item
- 1914