Photograph of group of employees
- AU NBAC 90-84-7
- Item
- 1946
Photograph of group of employees
Photograph of group of employees including TS Barnfather
Photograph of group of employees including TS Barnfather
Photograph of cars, people and ruins of a building
Godfrey Hirst and Company deposit
Memorandum and articles of association, minute books, registration documents, directors' files, correspondence and papers including papers re national security regulations, financial records, legal documents and deeds, share register of constituent company Barwon Woollen Mill Company, framed cartoon, blueprints, plans, charts, photographs and printing plates. Also includes material (manuscripts, galley proofs and illustrations) re novel by Ivan Southall 'The Weaver from Meltham'.
Godfrey Hirst and Company Proprietary Limited
Photograph of Excelsior Mills mouth organ band
Photograph of Lewis Hirst and his two sons Cedric and Max
Photograph of Arthur Gliddon, foreman of weaving room and Mr Lewis Hirst
Photograph of group of employees
Pamphlet - The Patent 'Brake Centre Weft Stop Motion'
Pamphlet - instructions for fitting the patent 'Stop on Pick Notion' with centre weft fork
Papers and correspondence re the company's trade mark
Plan of oiling and fixing of reversing motion on bare cylinder grinder
Advertisement for yarn clearing apparatus 'Peralta'
Advertisement for yarn clearing apparatus 'Peralta'
Blueprint of automatic continuous blending system
Blueprint of arrangement of direct vision model shearing machine
Plan of knopping motion gearing and chain chart
Chart showing knopping motion data
Plan of knopping motion gearing and chain chart
Plan of knopping motion gearing and chain chart
Plan of knopping motion gearing and chain chart
Plan of knopping motion gearing and chain chart
Plan of knopping motion gearing and chain chart
Plan of condenser drive, stripper and doffer drive
Plan of wool conveyor equipment
Plan of 18 inch roller blowing machine
Instruction sheet for Horner brake mechanism
New Zealand Patents, Designs and Trade Marks amendments
Plan of 3 bay, 12 layer tentering machine
Plan of arrangement of 3 bay, 12 layer tentering machine
Specifications for additions to No. 2 mill
Plan of alterations to No. 1 mill
Plan of flood protection layout
Plan of flood protection layout
Plan of flood protection layout
Plan of flood protection layout
Plan of 3 bay, 12 layer tentering machine
Plan of new arrangement of No. 1 mill
Specifications for proposed woollen mill
Plans of the No. 1 and No. 2 mills
Sheets of tables in pounds (lbs) and yards
Plan of the No. 1 and No. 2 mills
Blank statutory declaration forms
Plan of the Excelsior No. 2 mill
Facsimile of Batman's Geelong deed
Statistics re company's manufacture of flannels, blankets and rugs
Framed cartoon of the Textile Trades Gold Tournament, by Ted Healey
Pamphlet re drills, grinders, buffer, Dane Taylor and Company Pty Ltd
Specifications for Green's Economiser
Quotation for Stirling Water Tube Boiler
Letters and blueprint re conversion of boiler plant, Commonwealth Oil Refineries
Blueprint of a boiler, Major Furnace and Combustion Engineers Pty Ltd
Blueprint of a scribbler, Marsh Mills, Cleckheaton
Photographs of motor re specifications of Kelly and Lewis, Melbourne
Specifications for wool carbonising plant, Critchley, Sharp and Tetlow Ltd
Letters re contract for generating set, Thompson and Company
Specifications for triple expansion engine, Thompson and Company
Specifications for electrical plant
Specifications for alternative electric equipment, Thompson and Company
Progress report re generating set, Thompson and Company
Letter re links for stoker, Thompson and Company
Invoice for XVA Steam Driver, Robinson Brothers, South Melbourne
Various invoices, Thompson and Company
Specifications for Green's Patent Fuel Economiser
Letter re stoker driving engine
Letter and invoice re generating set, Thompson and Company
Letter and invoice re electric generating set supplied by Thompson and Company
Quotation for condensing plant, Thompson and Company
Quotations for electrical plant, Thompson and Company
Quotations for electrical plant, Thompson and Company
Quotations for electrical plant, Thompson and Company
Quotations for electrical plant, Thompson and Company
Invoice for machinery supplied by Thompson and Company
Specifications of independent surface condensing and water circulating plant, Thompson and Company
Specifications of electrical apparatus, Thompson and Company (Castlemaine) Pty Ltd
Letter and blueprint re a carder and scribbler
Blueprints of unnamed item of machinery
Blueprint of neutralising machines
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the British Colour Council Ltd
Papers and correspondence re the Barwon River Industries League
Barwon Woollen Mill Company share register
Legal documents, deeds of mortgage, agreements, memorandum of association and letters patent
Workers' Compensation Act (Victoria)
By-Law 'Noxious or Offensive Matter' (Geelong)
Estate Duty Assessment Act (Commonwealth)