Factory worker, Golden Cobb's works, Balmain
- AU NBAC N45-6-13-1
- Item
- circa 1940
Factory worker, Golden Cobb's works, Balmain
Packing bird seed, Golden Cobb's works, Balmain
Golden Cob Products Proprietary Limited deposit
Minutes, wages books, correspondence, company papers including memorandum and articles of association, newspaper cuttings and photographs, Victory Loan certificates, history of the company, and materials related to the company's sales and distribution of products to the Australian and American armed forces during World War II.
Golden Cob Products Proprietary Limited
Golden Cob Products Limited - records and history (material collected by David Denne)
David Richard Denne of Golden Cob Products Limited - David Denne's own personal file
Correspondence and other papers concerning the cultivation of sunflowers in Australia
Minutes of Golden Cob Products (Pty) Ltd (Chislet Ltd after 1971)