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Brian William Brogan papers relating to development programs
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Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research (IASER) papers

The debate on repatriation of squatters and vagrants from the North Solomons Province (1977-1978). Dec 1978

IASER Discussion Paper No. 29 - Aid from the recipient's viewpoint: Disturbing possibilities for Papua New Guinea. c. 1983, Feb 1986

IASER Discussion Paper No. 43- Analysis of effective exchange rates in Papua New Guinea. Oct 1982

Constitutional constraints in a quasi-federal system - The legal basis of provincial policy making in Papua New Guinea. 1983

Financial foundations of provincial policy making in Papua New Guinea. 1983

The economics of minimum urban wages in Papua New Guinea. 1978

Brian William Brogan papers relating to development programs

  • AU ANUA 310
  • Series
  • 1978 - 2008

Most of the papers are proposals and reports on particular development programs from Brogan’s role as Director of the Asia Program in the National Centre for Development Studies and the National Graduate School of Management. They relate to projects in Vietnam, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, India, East Timor and China, particularly under the China Australia Governance Program. There are also some photographs of course participants and training materials. Also contains research and government papers relating to the Papua New Guinea government and economy.

Brogan, Brian