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AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific deposit
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AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific deposit

  • AU NBAC H17
  • Deposit
  • 1989 - 1992

Executive Committee correspondence, subject files and papers relating to the first four International Conferences on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.

AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific

Subject file: World Health Organisation Global Programme on AIDS reports, incomplete

Includes 'Report of the consultation on AIDS and Traditional Medicine: Prospects for involving traditional health practitioners' 1990, 'Global AIDS news' 1991, correspondence and outline of 'WHO international Training Course on Clinical Management of AIDS' held Sydney 1988, Progress report No. 5, report of the global commission on AIDS first meeting.

Subject file: World Health Organisation general

Includes list of WHO representatives, press release regarding heterosexual HIV transmission, information regarding partnership programme grants, list of AIDS cases by year in Western Pacific region 198216 August 1991, report on external review on global programme on AIDS and AIDS Health Promotion Exchange newsletter.

Subject file: USAID

Includes correspondence from David L Madden, Science attaché to the USA Embassy in India regarding attendees at congress and Indian newspaper articles about development of treatments, education campaigns and legislation.

Subject file: NonGovernment Organisations Australian & International

Includes correspondence regarding an Indian education film, material regarding the Hawaii AIDS Task Group, Dennis Altman report on International Council of AIDS Service Organisations, material regarding the AIDS Memorial Quilt project 'The Names Project', ASIN(association for Strengthening Integrated National Population and Health Development Activities in Thailand) material, 'Health for the Millions', Voluntary Health Association of India AIDS special edition. Correspondents include Professor S Chowdhury and Dr Donna Robinson.

Subject file: NonGovernment Organisations Australian & International

Includes material regarding congress delegates, AIDS policy, English flyer for the Japanese Foundation for AIDS Prevention, 'Pacific STD-AIDS Alert Monthly' May and June 1991, information regarding small grants from the South Pacific Commission, regulations of the Society on AIDS in Africa, Asian Solidarity Against AIDS, International AIDS Society, Prince of Songkhla University report on AIDS education among prostitutes, International Nursing Services Association, International Union against the Venereal Diseases and the Treponematoses (IUVDT) South East Asian and Western Pacific branch contact list, French list of NGOs in western Pacific and South East Asia.

Subject file: Sri Lanka

Includes report of Study tour on AIDS in Thailand from Sri Lankan MP Lalith Athulathmudali, paper on HIV-AIDS in Sri Lanka by Dr GN Jayakuru, AIDS information flyer for blood donors in Singhalese and English, paper on HIV Sentinel Surveillance, report on 1991 visit by Drs Frank Judson and John Gallwey, photocopies of newspaper articles, 1989 report on knowledge, attitudes and behaviour related to AIDS, Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka 19911992 annual report.

Subject file: Burma

Includes 'Fighting HIV Strategies Learnt from other Countries', 1992 BurmaIndia situation report, paper 'Should we help Myanmar fight its AIDS epidemic?' by John Dwyer, correspondence with Burmese officials including Police Colonel Hla Myint, 1991 statistics about HIV-AIDS in Burma, media articles about Burma, speeches about AIDS in Burma, report on Hong Kong, Bangladesh and ThaiBurmese border as refugee hotspots, funding for delegates, reports on the execution of trafficked Burmese HIV + women.

United Nations Development Program

Includes material regarding delegates & funding, planning meeting in New Delhi, workshop facilitators, government nominees, subregional seminar on the Social and Economic Implications of HIV-AIDS in Kunming China September 1992 provisional programme. Correspondents include Joyce Lyons, Dr Elizabeth Reid (USA), Kushan G Singh and Dr John Dwyer.

World Health Organisation

Includes material regarding application for funding support for workshop, contacts, funding, conference programme, list of people and organisations asked for support. Correspondents include Lars Kallings, Dr Dorothy Blake and Dr Michael Merson.


Includes list of those approached for support, information regarding 'Chariot of Dreams' fundraiser, Bobby Goldsmith fundraising newsletter, function information from the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Subject file: Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations, incl Delhi Conference request

Includes material regarding delegate attendance, division of content between Asia and Pacific, July 1992 AFAO Contact Registry for HIV-AIDS Agencies & Individuals in the Asia-Pacific region, AFAO study tour to Australia for Asia pacific for people from community based organisation (includes attendees list and program). Correspondents include Bill Bowtell, Tim Mackay and Dr P N Senegal.

International Health ministers & Government Organisations, correspondence

Includes correspondence with ministers from Western Samoa, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Naru, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Vietnam, Nigeria, Uganda, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Tanzania, Fiji, China, Taiwan, 'AIDS and Prostitution' Prevention and control programme 19911993 by Prof Le Dien Hong, contact list for Fiji, Western Samoa, Brunei, New Zealand, Guam, Philippines, Vanuatu, Singapore, Tonga, Hong Kong.

World Health Organisation

Includes material regarding workshop facilitators, AIDS numbers in the western pacific, minutes from the first planning committee meeting for the coordination meeting of donor countries and agencies involved in the prevention and control of AIDS in the South Pacific, "HIV infection in Asia and the Pacificminimising the impact" held 58 August 1990 conference committee lists. Includes material from Dr George Peterson.

Subject file: Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) Seminar papers

Includes list of participants from training session, AIDAB International Seminars Support Scheme guidelines, information regarding Malaysian "National seminar on AIDS Socioeconomic implications, prevention and control in Malaysia' held 35 December 1991, fact sheet, information regarding AIDAB course 'Project Planning, monitoring and Evaluation' held 18 May 25 June 1992, course report for AIDAB 'Planning for the Needs of Women in Development (Pacific region)' 5 August26 September 1991.

Subject file: AIDS-ASIA incl J. Dwyer paper the Challenge of Minimising the spread of AIDS in Asia

Includes Thai contact list, summary of Country reports from 1988 regional AIDS workshop held in Hong Kong, report on The Second international Congress on AIDS in Asia held 1989 Bangkok, draft program for 1990 'HIV-AIDS in Asia and the Pacific Acting now to minimise the impact', 'AIDS situation in Thailand1989', World AIDS Day 1989 media release from John Dwyer, 1988 media release from john Dwyer regarding AIDS in Asia.

Workshops, correspondence

Includes workshop abstracts and correspondence regarding workshop speakers and chairs. Correspondents include Susan Foster, T K K Iyer, Duncan Kila, David E Bloom, Dr Ofelia Monson, Clifford Chang, Emmanuel B Tukwasibwe, Jon Ungphakorn, Dennis Altmann, Jack Jagjit Singh and Diane Lloyd.

General correspondence

Includes articles about the spread of HIV, correspondence establishing networks, Family Health International 'AIDSTECH' information pack, newspaper article about AIDS in China, AIDS and Travel survey results, preliminary research proposal 'The Thai ConnectionAIDS and the Australian Tourist in Thailand', requests for information, information regarding the Australian Government's 'Targeted Institutional Links Program'. Correspondents include Dr John Dwyer, Khurshida Khanon, Dr Anand Malaviya, Kerrily Kitano, James W Dean.

Workshops, correspondence

Includes correspondence regarding workshop facilitators and some workshop applications. Correspondents include Dr John Dwyer, Dr Anand Malaviya, Shobha Sehgal, Z S Bharucha, Dr Susan Leong, Nandrani S De Zoysa, Prema Ramachandran, Sudhir Gupta, Elizabeth M O'Brien and Doris Seta Mugrditchian.

Conference Abstracts

Includes abstracts regarding male to male prostitution, conflict resolution and HIV infection, delegates list. Includes material from Garrett Prestage, Greg Tillett, Peter K Morley, Syafri Guricci, Imarn Lubis.

General correspondence

Includes correspondence building networks, information about the conference, letter from ACTUP NY regarding Bill Clinton's policies, contributors for special edition of 'AIDS Care' on the Asia Pacific, concerns about make up of attendees and speakers. Correspondents include Dr John Dwyer, Dr J John, Rev Margaret Reinfeld, Dr Jonathon Elford and Basil Donovan.

John Dwyer correspondence

Includes material drugs used for treating HIV, faxed handwritten correspondence discussing booth advertising 1993 Berlin international AIDS conference, budgets and hotel bookings, Indian government policies towards AIDS, notes regarding clinical advances in the treatment of HIV, list of plenary and workshop delegates, notes regarding Amsterdam HIV-AIDS conference, notes regarding HIV and vaccines.

Executive Committee Correspondence

Includes: list of committee members, material regarding the 2nd International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, material regarding The 1st International Indigenous Peoples of the Land Coming Together, HIV-AIDS conference held in Auckland in March 1992, correspondence from John M Dwyer to other committee members, material regarding changes to Thai laws regarding those with HIV-AIDS. The correspondence shows the difficulties of arranging meetings for internation organisations pre affordable video conferencing technology. Correspondents include Dr Takashi Kurimura, Peggy G Koopman Boyden, Hisham Hussein, Margaret Conley, Graeme Stewart, Dr Kong Yun Ro, Dr Roy Chan, Dr Francois Bach, Dr Ananad Malivaya, Dr Mechai Viravaidya, Dennis Altman, Dr Ofelia Monson, Dr I S Gilada.

Conference papers

Includes 2nd International Congress abstract book, 3rd International Symposium on AIDS held Manila 1991 call for abstracts, business cards, participants list for AIDS in Asia and the Pacific conference, John Dwyer's' report 'Repairing the Immune System of people with AIDS' Washington conference report, invitation to conferences, correspondence regarding the WHO-Department of Community Services and Health conference 'HIV-AIDS in Asia and the Pacific Acting now to minimise the impact' and the 4th National Conference on HIV-AIDS 'Australia Beyond the National Strategy, held consecutively. Includes correspondence with Anthony Adams, the then Australian Chief medical officer.

China Donation

Includes correspondence regarding a donation from the Chinese Ministry of health and Vincent E Gil's 1991 article 'An Ethnography of HIV-AIDS and Sexuality in The People's Republic of China' published 'The Journal of Sex Research' Vol. 28 no.4 pp. 521537.

Asian Pacific IADS Association

Includes: ASAP outline, first announcement for the Chulabhorn Research Institute International Congress on AIDS 'AIDS, a new global challenge: Impacts on developing countries' held in Bangkok December 1721 1990, CV's for membership of ASAP, paper 'Australia's international role in AIDS prevention and control with particular reference to assistance to South East Asia, the South Pacific and Indian Ocean', correspondence with Dr S K Hira of Zambia, paper by John Dwyer 'The challenge of minimising the spread of AIDS in Asia', paper on AIDS in India, correspondence with Brian Howe federal minister for Community Services and Health.

Australian Government, Correspondence

Includes material regarding funding from AIDAB, funding from various state & territory ministers and list of state & territory ministers. Correspondents include John Hannahford, NSW minister for health and community services, and Ken Hayward, QLD minister for health.

AIDS Society for Asia and the Pacific (ASAP) Publicity and Promotions

Includes correspondence regarding a John Dwyer interview for BBC program 'Development 92', press release regarding the 2nd International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, proposal for film about AIDS, advertisement and speaker list for the 2nd International congress, contact details, article about condom use in India, articles from India about AIDS, correspondence regarding placing advertisements in journals and magazines.