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archival descriptions
Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia
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Synthetic mineral fibre

Copy of 'Work Hazards' no. 34 (November 1988): Synthetic Mineral Fibres; copies of NSW Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Health, Occupational Health and Safety Bulletic no. 081688/12 regarding synthetic mineral fibres; copy of Occupational Health and Safety Act 1983; copy of BWIU Code of Practice for Removal of Ceramic Fibre Materials (March 1990); collection of materials from Bradford Insulation regarding Synthetic mineral fibre health issue; papers from Farima (Fibreglass and Rockwool Insulations Manufacturers Association) regarding work practices; fax from NSW Workcover Authroity regarding synthetic fibre guidelines; papers from Occupational Health, Safety and Rehabilitation Council of NSW regarding draft code for synthetic mineral fibres.


Blank forms for 06-10 application for a power hoist driver's certificate; copies of correspondence; copies of minutes of various meetings; notices of complaints and other papers regarding framework; blank applications for power crane driver's certificate; blank application for rigger's, dogman's or crane chaser's certificate.

Power lines, cranes and pumps

Resignation of Dick Whitehead as state organiser; papers regarding modified tower crane tower sections; papers regarding mobile cranes and concrete boom pumps near power lines; papers regarding slings; copy of Panorama Ansett inflight magazine (February 1989); blank forms regarding inspection schedule for mobile cranes.

Log sheets

Notes regarding members claims against employers; papers regarding log sheets/log books in respect of machinery; blank checklists regarding loader/excavator, compressor/pump, oxy/acetylene, tower crane, scaffolding, concrete pump line, forklift truck, lifting gear; document regarding site safety and plant equipment.


Papers regarding FEDFA/BWIU amalgamation, press cuttings, leaflets, memos, print out list of delegates, hand written notes, copy of Unity special amalgamation issue, scheme of amalgamation of BWIU and FEDFA. Brought to the Archives contained in one filing cabinet hanging folder with other files.


W McNamara Pty Ltd monthly inspection check blank forms - 1500 Favco crane no. 624 (Radisson Victoria Hotel, Kings Cross), and papers regarding safety, correspondence, pre-operational safety checks. Brought to the Archives contained in one filing cabinet hanging folder with other files.


W McNamara Pty Ltd monthly inspection check multiple blank forms 1500 Favco crane no. 624; joint seminar BWIU/FEDFA full time officials and executive members NSW; circulars to organisers; financial papers; training policy; agenda for State Council meeting 14-15 December 1988; minutes for State Council meeting 14-15 December 1988; minutes of Committee of Management meeting 15 September 1988; press release from Bob Carr, Leader of the Opposition (6 March 1989); multiple copies of some papers.

FEDFA documents

FEDFA memos, handwritten letter regarding removal of Serge Zorino as Secretary, leaflets regarding BLF and other matters, papers regarding union elections, official conditions of employment, The National Building and Construction Industry Labourer's Award (1 July 1986), Building Worker (vol. 23, no. 11, May-June 1971), extract from The Operator (November 1955), notes for Refrigeration Plant Operators compiled by AR Darnley (1979).


Memos regarding demolition contractors, demolition disaster report, Constructional Division Committee leaflet, newspaper cuttings, Metal Worker (February 1988), Unity (October 1988), press release regarding new regulations for demolition, report on partial collapse in building E on Saturday 14 November 1987.