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Personal papers of George Whittaker
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Personal papers of George Whittaker

  • AU ANUA 567
  • Series

Notes, newspaper articles, personal correspondence, letters by Whittaker, diaries, photographs, letters and documents in relation to his business as an optometrist in Papua New Guinea, documents relating to Awilunga Plantation Limited, legal and financial records.

Whittaker, George

Material relating to cocoa plantation, Awilunga Plantations Limited (Lae) and other matters relating to the land clearing and agriculture.

Includes: Agreement between George Whittaker and Albert Arthur Bellhouse of Penrith, regarding business of cocoa growing, modifying an earlier agreement between George Whittaker, Bellhouse and John Genuzio dated 11 May 1940, ts. 6p ; Document, dated Aug 1951, headed Awilunga Limited Estimates of costs and capital requirements, prepared by C. Montague Orr in conjunction with J. C. Koefod and Geo. K. Whittaker, 24p. ts ; Document headed Territory of Papua and New Guinea New Guinea Land Titles Restoration Ordinance 1951-1955, FINAL ORDER, dated 26 Mar 1956, relating the piece of land called Abunaka; includes plan of Abunaka,Agricultural Lease document and Certificate of Title, 9p. cc ts ; Memos dated 26 June and 26 August 1958, from Secretary for Law to Whittaker re Survey Fee – Awilunga Plantation ; Correspondence, mostly addressed to ‘Dear Bert’, re operation of Awilunga, dated from 25 February 1948 to 31 December 1950, then 10 August 1950 ; Sundry letters about Awilunga Plantation finances, 15 April 1955 to 26 August 1958. The items under (e) above provide rather detailed information on the trials and tribulations of running Awilunga, where the partners appear to have begun operations [following the hiatus caused by the War?] in February 1947, thus the memo to Bert dated 28 February 1948 runs to 13 ts pages, that of 1 March 1949 runs to 15 ts pages.

Manila folder of personal expenses, receipts and letters.

Documents include: ‘G.K.W. personal expenses and receipts Pension etc’: Numerous letters and other documents dated 1956-60 and 1963-4, regarding supply, repair of glasses from various parts of PNG (including letter from Leo Arkfield, Vicar Apostolic of Wewak, who also invited the Whittakers to blessing of Wewak Cathedral) ; Letters dated 1957 - 1960, regarding Salamaua Private Hotel, Cremorne ; Correspondence with the Commonwealth of Australia Repatriation on Whittaker’s entitlements 1963 - 1964 ; plus other miscellaneous documents.

Four black & white photographic prints.

  1. Photograph of a steamer, entitled ‘A ship on which George Whittaker travelled to N.G’ (sepia, oval, 5.7cmx103cm).
  2. Military guard on memorial cross Photographs are entitled: ‘G. K. W. placing a wreath on …’ (12.5cm x 7.5cm), Photographer: A.C. Lumme, Island Arts
  3. Untitled photograph of children in PNG running towards a rest house[?], (sepia) 11.9cm x 15.5cm), Photograph No. MH 77104, supplied by Military History Section
  4. Large untitled photograph (sepia, 14.7x19.5cm) of a group of men in military uniform, perhaps NGVR (New Guinea Volunteer Regiment), on verso: 'Mother & Father, Merry Xmas 1940, Love Hugh'.

Correspondence about real estate matters.

Correspondence about mortgage dated 18 July 1957 (G. K. and J. E. E. Whittaker to Clive Herbert Selby, sale c.1961 of Whittaker’s Cremorne property to Sedgwick ; purchase of Unit No 22, Curraghbeena Gardens 1962 ; documents relating to assistance by Dr Vivian Whittaker to his parents in purchase of flat in Wallaroy Road, Double Bay, 1964.