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CSR Limited Archives deposit 2
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Photographs of Pyrmont Refinery

Includes photographs of raw sugar store, cutting in station, sugar thrower, chimney stacks, vacuum pan, centrifuges for refining sugar and McCaffery sugar delivery trucks. Photograhers: Max Dupain and George S Hutton.

Project summaries

Projects include asbestos investigations, asbestos ore sorting, x-ray studies, calcium silicate hydrate studies, chemical gypsum, crocidolite gas-reactions, fibre reinforced glass, physics and chemistry of particle board and hardboard, caesium and BMD paint and adhesive formulations.

CSR Limited Archives deposit 2

  • AU NBAC N306
  • Deposit
  • 1880s - 1980s

The deposit consists of CSR Sydney Archives Section files containing correspondence, memoranda, extracts of minutes, legal documents, newspaper cuttings, press statements, reports, staff records, histories of the sugar industry, immigration and labour, publications, photographs, illustrations, and miscellaneous documents relating to CSR Limited and its officers. This includes records related to the Australian sugar industry and CSR’s operations in Australia in addition to the international sugar industry and CSR’s operations in Fiji and dealings with Japan and China. This deposit also includes records relating to Australian Estates Co Ltd.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

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