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CSR Limited Goondi Mill deposit 1
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CSR Limited Goondi Mill deposit 1

  • AU NBAC N126
  • Deposit
  • 1884 - 1987

These records were created during the operation of the Goondi Mill from its commencement in 1884 to its closure in 1987. The deposit consists of general letters received 1890-1962, and sent to Head Office 1884-1963; staff and private letters received from Head Office 1890-1963, and sent by Goondi to Head Office 1891-1960; clippings of Technical Field correspondence sent by Head Office to Goondi 1936-1965, copies of Technical Field letters sent to Head Office 1932-1968; copies of cane variety trial reports 1939-1955; engineering notes 1885-1966; chemical inspection notes 1925-1964; manufacture inspection notes 1913-1940; Mill Inspectors notes 1901-1965; correspondence with the Water Quality Council of Queensland; tables showing crop yields 1898-1972; farm production register and farm ownership registers 1931-1987; miscellaneous records re employment of Kanaka labour, World War II war service land settlement scheme; photographs of the mill and staff.

Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited

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