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Australian National University staff files

  • AU ANUA 19
  • Series
  • 1946 -

The staff files record staff appointments, promotion, travel, conditions of service and resignation/retirement. Only files of senior academic and administrative staff are retained. Files of Chancellors and Creative Arts Fellows are also included. It is an artificial series bringing together staff files from an earlier single number series, the multiple number Central Files (ANUA 53) and the annual single number Central Files (ANUA 239). An alphabetical list by surname indicates the box in which the file is located. File suffixes include A=Annex and C=Confidential.

Office of the Registrar

Correspondence files, multiple number series

  • AU ANUA 53
  • Series
  • 1930 - 2000

This was the main ANU correspondence file series from 1950 to 2000, usually known as ‘Central Files’. It contains some earlier material top-numbered from the first ANU file series (ANUA 18) as well as many files of the Canberra University College (ANUA 42) from 1930 to 1960. These files were incorporated in the series by the former Registrar of the Canberra University College Thomas Owen. The files were originally controlled by a card index and file register – the information contained in these was transferred to a computerised keyword index in 1975 and in 2006 to the current Central Records System. The multiple numbers consist of a primary subject often representing a Research School, Faculty or other organisational unit, a secondary number representing a function and then the next sequential number allocated to a particular file. The primary numbers (not all have extant files) are:

  1. Vice-Chancellor’s correspondence
  2. Legislation and policy
  3. Council and Committees
  4. Administrative matters (including staff organisation)
  5. Scholars and scholarships
  6. Research School of Pacific (and Asian) Studies
  7. John Curtin School of Medical Research
  8. Research School of Physical Sciences
  9. Research School of Social Sciences
  10. Visitors, visits, conferences and seminars
  11. Library
  12. Buildings
  13. Research School of Chemistry
  14. Other organisations (including Canberra University College 14.1.0)
  15. Staff activities
  16. University House
  17. Research students
  18. Ceremonies and historic occasions
  19. Joint ventures (Institute and School)
  20. School of General Studies (see also 30–44)
  21. Research School of Biological Sciences
  22. Research School of Earth Sciences
  23. Management Services Group
  24. Research School of Mechanical Sciences (proposed)
  25. Health research
  26. Centre for Resource and Environment Studies
  27. Humanities Research Centre
  28. Office for Research in Academic Methods
  29. Social Psychiatry Research Unit
  30. School of General Studies – scholarships
  31. School of General Studies – Faculty of Arts
  32. School of General Studies – proposed faculties
  33. School of General Studies – Faculty of Economics
  34. School of General Studies – Faculty of Asian Studies
  35. School of General Studies – Faculty of Law
  36. School of General Studies – student matters
  37. School of General Studies – business matters
  38. School of General Studies – halls of residence
  39. School of General Studies – committees and boards
  40. School of General Studies – research grants
  41. School of General Studies – curriculum
  42. School of General Studies – staffing
  43. School of General Studies – general
  44. School of General Studies – Faculty of Science
  45. Freedom of Information
  46. – 49. Not used
  47. Triennial planning
  48. Policy studies
  49. Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
  50. Institute of the Arts
  51. Faculty of Medicine (proposed)
    Many personnel files were raised in this series either under the general ‘4.2 Staff appointments’ or under the secondary ‘staff’ function of particular organisational units. These files are controlled in a separate series of staff files (ANUA 19) from several different series. This series was superseded by an annual single number series in 2000 (ANUA 239).

Office of the Registrar

Album of promotional photographs of the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 13
  • Series
  • 1945 - 1950

There are four copies of the album: one appears to be a file copy as it includes a list of photograph numbers in the back. Another is annotated to say that it was used in the London Office 1949-1952 (approx.). It is likely that the albums were compiled to show prospective staff members the facilities available at the University and in Canberra, as there are photographs of buildings, homes, churches, schools and recreational facilities. The 41 black and white photographs were taken by the Commonwealth Department of Information and are endorsed with a single number with L prefix so are closely related to a National Archives' series of photographs (CRS A1200).

Office of the Registrar

Examiners’ reports for higher degrees at ANU

  • AU ANUA 210
  • Series
  • 1954 - continuing

The binders contain reports from examiners of PhD theses and their recommendations for awarding a degree and for prizes.

Office of the Registrar

The ANU Reporter master set

  • AU ANUA 244
  • Series
  • 1970 - ?

This is a master set of copies of the ANU’s publication The ANU Reporter. Issues for 2000 are missing from the set. Format and numbering is variable. Early issues are bound, issues after 1999 are loose.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Albums of photographs of the ANU campus

  • AU ANUA 12
  • Series
  • 1948-1961

There are four albums of black and white photographs, and additional album pages of photographs in 11 folders, starting with the 1948 Easter Conference and showing the construction of early buildings on campus (such as University House, the Physics building, and the Menzies Library) and residential housing.

Office of the Registrar

ANU photographs (envelope series)

  • AU ANUA 15
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1974

The black and white photographs document the early development of the University: the Easter Conference of 1948, the laying of foundation stones in 1949, the opening of buildings, the conferring of degrees, and visits by dignatories. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s many staff and buildings were photographed as well as visitors, Creative Arts Fellows, exhibitions and other events. Most of the photographs were taken by the Commonwealth Department of Information, then the Commonwealth News and Information Bureau, and bear a number with a UN (University) prefix. The photographs were originally held in numbered manila envelopes and have now been placed in archival albums. Some envelopes were top-numbered into the later series, photographs of people and subjects (ANUA 225 and ANUA 226).

Office of the Registrar

Student files

  • AU ANUA 78
  • Series
  • 1960 -

The files of students who have attained prominence in later life or whose files document a precedent are retained: they include Prime Ministers and other politicians, judges, business leaders and writers.

Office of the Registrar

Aerial and non standard photographs of ANU

  • AU ANUA 16
  • Series
  • 1920 - 1980

The photographs are mostly of the Australian National University campus, including Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring. There are aerial photographs of the Acton site at different times, and photographs of events and portraits. Many are mounted on board for display purposes.

Office of the Registrar

Employee salary records

  • AU ANUA 344
  • Series
  • 1977 - 1985

Cards summarising some individual employees’ salary and leave. Contain employee name, address, date of birth, annual salary, reasons for salary changes and leave entitlements.

Office of the Registrar

File movement cards

  • AU ANUA 343
  • Series
  • 1960 - 1977

Cards documenting the receipt and movement of some staff and student records. Contain name, file number and date of action. These cards can also show the date at which a person was appointed to a position.

Central Records

Examiners' reports for Masters Degrees

  • AU ANUA 333
  • Series
  • 1975 - 2004

The binders contain reports from examiners of Masters degrees and their recommendations for awarding a degree and for prizes.

Office of the Registrar

File register

  • AU ANUA 32
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1951

The register records file numbers and titles for early files in ANUA 18, most of which were subsequently top-numbered or destroyed. There are two volumes: 1. maroon springback binder: 101/1/1 to 120/6/2 and 2. Black springback binder (replaced by archival folder): 121/1/1 to 163/3/1. A note in the front of the volume explains the abbreviations used: A=consigned to Archives, D=destroyed, *=pruned of worthless material or combined file, though some files are marked both A and D. Many entries are crossed out and noted as 'Cancelled' with a new four-part number given.

Office of the Registrar

'Basic Papers', reviews and reports

  • AU ANUA 31
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1995

This is an artificial series of significant papers relating to the development of the University. There are binders of 'Basic Papers', Interim Council records and the 1948 Conference papers, as well as later reviews of the School of General Studies and other reviews and reports.

Office of the Registrar

Official ANU correspondence files

  • AU ANUA 18
  • Series
  • 1946 – 1951

This is the earliest ANU series of official ANU correspondence files. The extant files include the correspondence of Vice-Chancellor Douglas Copland, papers of the Interim Council and Academic Advisory Committee, files about the Easter Conference in 1948 and about individual visitors and staff.

Office of the Registrar

Negatives and proof sheets of ANU

  • AU ANUA 14
  • Series
  • 1948 - 2002

The negatives of photographs from 1948 to 1969 are held in glassine bags with a similar-sized print (12 x 9 cm). From 1977, the negatives are held as strips in plastic sleeves, with proof sheets, in binders.

Office of the Registrar

Financial ledger from the Office of the Registrar

  • AU ANUA 9
  • Series
  • 1950 - 1967

The volume contains a number of accounts which are not consecutive but continue at other locations in the volume:
Cash receipts, Feb 1950-Mar 1954, pp. 1-129
Cash statements, 1954-1955, pp. 129-133
Trust fund receipts, Mar 1951-Oct 1963, pp. 201-259
Trust fund receipts, Oct 1963-Jun 1967, pp. 166-200 (in reverse)
Trust fund receipts, Jul 1967, p. 159
Prize funds accounts, Jun 1963-Jun 1964, p. 260
Prize funds accounts, Jul 1964-Jun 1967, pp. 160-164
Trust fund payments, Jun 1952-Jun 1963, pp. 261-279
Trust fund payments, Jul 1963-Jun 1967, pp. 134-151

There is a register of receipt books for 1949-1953 inside the front cover.

Office of the Registrar

Photographs of people at the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 225
  • Series
  • c1970 - c2000

This series contains mainly black and white photographs of people associated with the University: staff, students, Chancellors, Council members, Creative Fellows, and visitors. Some envelopes contain many photographs over a staff member’s career. The photographs are contained in envelopes, alphabetical by surname. The majority of the photographs were taken by staff photographers or by local photographers under contract, but there are also some press photographs.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Photographs of buildings and events at the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 226
  • Series
  • 1950 – 2005

This series contains mainly black and white photographs of events, buildings, places, official visits, conferences, artworks, Creative Arts Fellows, staff and students. Many of the photographs were taken by staff photographers for use in The ANU Reporter, and the issue in which a photograph was used is often noted on the reverse. The photographs are held in envelopes organised by subjects, though this is not consistent. For instance, all photographs used in issues of The ANU Reporter for 1996–2000 are held in envelopes labelled ‘ANU Reporter photographs’ rather than by individual subjects.

Office of the Registrar

Student record cards

  • AU ANUA 97
  • Series
  • 1932 - 1990

The cards relate to undergraduate students at the Canberra University College from 1932, and from 1960 to undergraduate and Masters degree students in the School of General Studies (from 1980, The Faculties) at the Australian National University. This summary indicates the relevant box numbers:

CUC student record cards, 1952–1960, 1–4
ANU ‘Non-Current’ Student Record Sheets, arranged by Faculty, students enrolled 1961–62 but course not completed, 5
ANU ‘Completed’ Student Record Sheets, 1962–1964, 5
ANU ‘Non current’ Student Record Sheets, arranged by Faculty, students enrolled 1962–63 but course not completed, 5–6
ANU ‘Higher Degree’ Record Sheets, two alphabetical runs for Masters’ degrees, completed and not-completed, 1960s, 6
CUC Matriculation Roll – lists of those who signed the roll, 1951–1957, 7
CUC Student record cards ‘1957 and previous years’ (blue), [1932]–1957, 7–8
ANU Course cards Arts A–Z (orange), 1960–1963, 9
ANU Discipline (white), 1960s, 9
CUC University Entrance for Adults – special English test (blue), 1950s, 9
ANU Masters of Arts/Economics/Science, 1961, 9
ANU Course cards Arts A–Z (blue), 1961–1963, 9–10
ANU Course cards Law A–Z (cream), 1961–1963, 10
ANU Course cards Science A–Z (green), 1961–1963, 10
ANU Course cards Economics A–Z (yellow), 1961–1963, 11
ANU Course cards Oriental Studies A–Z (pink), 1961–1963, 11
ANU Student Record Cards ‘non-current’ students who did not complete their course, 1960s to 1990s, 12–42
ANU ‘Graduates’ Student Record Cards, students who graduated 1960s to 1990s, 42–69

Canberra University College

Promotional material

  • AU ANUA 95
  • Series
  • c. 1980s

The set of posters for each Faculty and for 'student accommodation' with photographs of the campus provide an example of approaches to student recruitment.

Office of the Registrar

Papers relating to the ANU-CUC association

  • AU ANUA 46
  • Series
  • 1954 - 1960

This is an artificial compilation of records which relate to the amalgamation (formally known as the association) of the Australian National University and the Canberra University College. There are often several folders about the same committee combined into one file. Some papers are from the Registrar, some from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Dale Trendall, and some probably from Thomas Owen, Registrar of the Canberra University College.

Office of the Registrar

Binders of 'Archives'

  • AU ANUA 40
  • Series
  • 1946 - 1949

The two binders labelled '1st book Archives 1946-1948' and '2nd book Archives 1946-1948' contain roneoed typescript memos, minutes of meetings, reports and press releases. Each volume is divided into sections by subject, eg Library, Scholarships, and Letters to Vice-Chancellor. It appears to be a deliberate collection of important documents to form the 'archives' of the University in its early days.

Office of the Registrar

Degree register

  • AU ANUA 39
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1983

This suede-bound volume is a register of higher degrees including honorary degrees: Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts and Master of Science. It was signed by the recipient of the degree on the day it was conferred. The first few pages include signatures of notable people including politicians, senior public servants and writers. Most of the entries relate to Doctor of Philosophy degrees from 1954 to 1983 which include the person's full name and their signature.

Office of the Registrar

Promotional videos

  • AU ANUA 363
  • Series
  • 1990 - 1999

Most of the videos were produced to promote the ANU and its programs at events such as open days. Some are advertisements produced for television advertising in collaboration with other Canberra tertiary institutions.

Office of the Registrar

Citations and certificates for honorary degrees

  • AU ANUA 278
  • Series
  • 1967 - 2002

These are copies of citations and certificates for honorary degrees (and higher degrees earned by publication). They are often signed and sealed. They include Doctors of Laws, Letters and Science, and Masters of Arts and Science. There is also one ‘Distinguished Visitor’.

Office of the Registrar

Index cards to The ANU Reporter

  • AU ANUA 253
  • Series
  • 1970 - 2000

This is a subject index to the publication The ANU Reporter.

ANU Marketing and Communications Division

Greetings to other universities from the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 217
  • Series
  • 1981 - 2000

These are copies of printed greetings sent to Australian and overseas universities on special occasions such as inauguration, installation of Chancellors and anniversaries. Some examples include special messages and appoint a representative of the University to deliver the greetings in person.

Office of the Registrar

Index to envelope series of ANU photographs

  • AU ANUA 187
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1974

This is an alphabetical subject index to the envelope series of photographs maintained by University Information later known as the Public Affairs Division. There are alphabetical tabs but entries are not in alphabetical on the pages. Careful handling is recommended as some pages have been ripped and have been placed in protective sleeves.

Office of the Registrar

Record of former members of the Australian National University

  • AU ANUA 145
  • Series
  • 1948 - 1967

The forms headed ‘Record of former member of University’ record name, department, file number, ‘if married to another member of ANU, husband’s/wife’s name’, degree conferred, country of birth, country from which recruited, scholarships and posts at ANU, date left ANU and posts held subsequently. Most relate to students but also to students who became staff members. It appears that the forms were to be the basis of a research project using punch cards to analyse where students were recruited from, when they left (either 1948-57 or 1958-67) and their subsequent career. This appears to be an attempt to evaluate the success of recruitment and scholarship programs for ‘early scholars’. The data seems to go to 1960 when the ANU and Canberra University College amalgamated. There are three separate runs of forms with no apparent reason for this.

Office of the Registrar

ANU convocation register

  • AU ANUA 142
  • Series
  • 1951 - 1952

This suede-bound volume contains a handwritten Roll of Convocation, listing members 1 to 201 from 1951 to 1952. It is not clear why it was not maintained for later years. There are numerous corrections to the numbering, spelling of names and the order of entries. There is a typed ‘Convocation List’ in the front cover and many of the names on this list are not in the volume, so it may be that the formal list in the volume was abandoned when further errors were discovered.

Office of the Registrar

ANU Press releases

  • AU ANUA 105
  • Series
  • 1958 - 1981

This is a master set of press releases which were called ‘For the Press’, ‘Information for News Media’ and ‘Media Releases’ at various times. Most of the annual binders are indexed. The early press releases include a small amount of related correspondence, draft releases, press cuttings, the text of addresses given to special ceremonies and honour citations. Releases for 1999–2000 are not included and there are gaps for 2001–2002.

Office of the Registrar

Papers relating to the report on Lord Lindsay's complaints

  • AU ANUA 8
  • Series
  • 1955-1961

This collection of papers relates to Lord Lindsay of Birker's complaints against the University contained in the manuscript 'A Study of Academic Standards: International Relations at the Australian National University' which he sent to the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Leslie Melville, on 19 June 1961. It includes copies of the confidential report written by a Committee appointed by Council and the personal files of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Keith Hancock, Professor Roy Wright and Sir John Crawford relating to the report.

Office of the Registrar

Registers of scholarship holders

  • AU ANUA 61
  • Series
  • 1968 - 1977

The registers list students holding National Undergraduate Scholarships, Oriental Studies Scholarships (later Asian Studies), and Final Year Honours Scholarships and those who received payment as Undergraduate Assistants. The registers have been retained as a consolidated record of scholarship holders.

Office of the Registrar