- Series653 - Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies photographs
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- Item656 - CDI (Centre for Democratic Institutions) East Timor Conference, Old Canberra House
- Item657 - Indonesia in Transition - Social Aspects of Reformasi and Crisis, eds. Dr Chris Manning and Dr Peter Van Dierman book launch by Indonesian Ambassador Arizal Effendi and RSPAS Director Professor James Fox, University Co-op Bookshop
- Item658 - Two International Visitors to the Law Department, RSSS
- Item659 - Autumn Conferring of Degrees - Medal winners
- Item660 - Indonesian Ambassador Wiryono giving his farewell talk, 'Indonesia and Australia', CLT, Coombs Building
- Item661 - Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Downer giving the Schumann Lecture, Great Hall
- Item662 - Images of cores for Stevenson
- Item663 - ACT Chief Minister Kate Carnell with visiting Chinese Social Security Group, Old Canberra House
- Item664 - Press Conference by Dr Alan Thorne on the dating of Aboriginal remains at Lake Mungo, Coombs Tea Room
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