- Series52 - Urban Research Unit papers and publications
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- Item219 - Paris, Chris; What is the Private Rental Sector?
- Item220 - Evans, Alan W. (Visiting Melbourne University from Reading, England); Outer City Unemployment in Australia: Inside Out Down Under?
- Item221 - Neutze, Max; The Report of the NCDC Review Committee (A List of Recommendations put forward by the NCDC Review Committee)
- Item222 - Neutze, Max; Owner-Occupied and Rented Housing
- Item223 - Flood, Joe (CSIRO, Division of Building Research); Market Subsidies for Housing and Housing Economics - True or False?
- Item224 - Ross, Helen (Dept of Aboriginal Affairs); 'Planning for the People: Aboriginal Views of Housing', Northern Territory Construction, July 1983, pp 16-18
- Item225 - Drake, Madeline; Understanding Homelessness in the UK
- Item226 - Field, Tim (Social Welfare Policy Secretariat); 'Pensioners Who Rent - Problems and Alternatives', Social Security Journal, June 1983, pp 23-37
- Item227 - Bethune, Graeme (South Australian Housing Trust); Public Housing, Welfare Housing or Both?: Recent Developments in South Australia and Prospects for the 1984 Housing Agreement
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