Elder Smith and Company

Identity area

Type of entity

Corporate body

Authorized form of name

Elder Smith and Company

Parallel form(s) of name

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

Other form(s) of name

Identifiers for corporate bodies

Description area

Dates of existence

1840 - 1962


Alexander Elder founded a firm of trading and commission agents in Adelaide, South Australia, in 1840. In 1853 it became the partnership of Elder and Company and in 1855 Elder Stirling and Company. After 1863 the firm became Elder Smith and company. In 1882 Eldera Wool and Produce Company Ltd was established to acquire the auctioneering business of the firm but this was merged with the rest of the company to form Elder Smith and Company in 1888. In 1903 Elder Shenton and Company Ltd was formed in Perth, Western Australia, and this was merged with the main company in 1918. In 1910 Elders Trustee and Executor Co Ltd was formed as a subsidiary and remained a separate company until 1963 when it was merged with the parent company. In 1913 Elders Metal and Mercantile Pty Ltd was formed in conjunction with a number of associated companies to take over the metal section of the business and to carry on operations as general merchants. The parent company took it over in 1914.

In 1962 Goldsbrough Mort and Company merged with Elder Smith and Company Limited to become Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort Limited. This company continued until December 1981 when it merged with Henry Jones (IXL). The name of the new company changed to Elders IXL on 4 February 1982.


South Australia, Western Australia

Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

agricultural wholesaling; real estate; wool broking

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Related entity

Elder Smith Goldsbrough Mort and Company Limited (1962 - 1981)

Identifier of the related entity

Category of the relationship


Dates of the relationship

Description of relationship

Related entity

Goldsbrough Mort and Company (1848 - 1962)

Identifier of the related entity

Category of the relationship


Type of relationship

Goldsbrough Mort and Company

is the associate of

Elder Smith and Company

Dates of the relationship

Description of relationship

Access points area

Subject access points

Place access points


Control area

Authority record identifier

Institution identifier

Rules and/or conventions used


Level of detail

Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Created by Sarah Lethbridge on 21 June 2011.




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