- Series52 - Urban Research Unit papers and publications
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- Item248 - Troy, P. N.; Why a Water Board?
- Item249 - Sanders, Will (URU); Aborigines and the Social Security System: A Policy Studies Approach, a draft of introductory chapter for Sanders' PhD provisionally entitled 'Access, Administration and Politics: The Social Security System and Aborigines'
- Item250 - Orchard, Lionel (University of Adelaide); The American 'Great Society’ Debates and the Analysis of the Whitman Government's Urban Reforms
- Item251 - Short, John R.; Trouble in Utopia: Emerging Tensions in the UK's Silicone Valley
- Item252 - Daunton, Martin (University College, London); The City of London and British Society, 1850-1914: Some Hypothesis
- Item253 - Pearce, Barry (Land Economy, Cambridge); Drawing Back the Boundaries of Planning Control
- Item254 - Cocke, Elizabeth A.; Housing Renovation in Inner Sydney: 1961-1980
- Item255 - Faulbaum, Susan; Victoria
- Item256 - Adrian, Colin (Research Director, Australian Institute of Urban Studies); Public - Private Sector Joint Venturing: A Case Study of the Queen Victoria Building Restoration, Sydney (Draft chapter for a forthcoming edited book, Australian Property Markets: Trends, Policies and Development Case Studies, Australian Institute of Urban Studies, Publication No. 125)
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