- Series423 - ANU Instructional Resources Unit Video Recordings
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- Item220 - Heron Island #1 (from VHS)
- Item221 - Heron Island #4 (from VHS)
- Item222 - CEPA - layback
- Item223 - Dalai Lama (Tape 1 of 3)
- Item224 - Dalai Lama (Tape 2 of 3)
- Item225 - Dalai Lama (Tape 3 of 3)
- Item226 - Voyager - Encounter with Neptune. Recorded from ABC program 'Quantum'.
- Item227 - Student Field Trips - Geology Practical, 4 Jun 1990; Colin Groves class, 5 Jun 1990; Classics Museum, Chemisrty Laboratory; Bundanoon; Forestry Practical
- Item228 - Bob Randell Corroboree, Union Square, ANU. Contents: Aboriginal dances; Vice-Chancellor; Dean of Students.
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