- Series226 - Photographs of buildings and events at the Australian National University
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- Item381 - Office for Research in Academic Methods - Dr. Laurie McGrath, Dr. Martin Ward, Mr. Allen Miller, Mr. Malcolm Bilton, Dr. Barrie Gardiner, Ass. Prof. Bill Crow, Ms. Anita Mack, Ms. Bernice Anderson, Ms. Claire Atkinson, Dr. David Bennett
- Item382 - Communication and Study Skills Unit - Brendan Dalton, Mrs. Hawke, Michael Bell, Mrs. Joanna Buckingham, Mr. John Clanchy, Brigid Ballard
- Item383 - Health Service - Aerobics for Africa - Lindsay Sales, Ms. Maggie Dietze, Mr. Derek Hindmarch, Melody Kemp, Jenny Knobel, Dr. S. B. Furnass, Robyn Jenkins, Maureen Krascum, Dr. Bryan Ivenass, Trish Levick, Marcelle Kearney, Judy Leigh, Margaret Miller & others
- Item384 - Counselling Service
- Item385 - Counselling Centre - Mrs. Angela Sands, Mr. D. H. Judge, Mr. J. E. Gough, Mr. Ken Robinson, Mr. Geoff Mortimore, Mrs. Margaret Evans
- Item386 - Counselling Centre - Mr. Neil Adams, John Carr, Geoff Mortimore, Margaret Evans, Leila Bailey, Jennifer Fergus
- Item387 - Centre for Continuing Education - Kellogg Fellowship - Mr. Graham Gosewinckel, Mr. Harold White, Mr. Chris Deacon, Miss Asnee Vatanapradit, Mrs. Ros Engledow, Mrs. Fuiva Kavaliku, Mr. Lohsing Dashe, Mrs. Wendy Benson, Mrs. Josephine Angeles, Mrs. Phyllis Sunall, Mr. Martono Kadri, Mr. Mohammed Sudjiman, Mrs. Yohanni Johns, Mrs. Nunti Sudjiman, Mr. Gordon Bryant, Dr. Susan George, Mr. J. C. Asmani, Dr. Gavin Jones, Chris Duke, Elizabeth Semmerlad, Mr. Alistair Crombie, Mr. Alphy Levi George, Mr. Rodney Cole, Mr. Mea Nana, Mr. Alan Wells, Mr. N. A. Jayawardana, Ms. Anita Mathur, Theo Benet, George Stern, Stella Taber, Jane Salter, Bert Walker, Mr. Bob Missingham, Mr. John Fitzgerald, Dr. Pat Weller, Mr. Clem Lloyd, Dr. Chris Duke, Dr. Fred Emery
- Item388 - Centre for Continuing Education - East Kimberley development - Aboriginal Bush Meeting - Prof. Peter Karmel, Dr. David Brooks, Ms. Emialana Afeaki, John Clanchy, Gert Graversen, Dr. Geoff Caldwell, Dr. Alfred Pfeil, Dr. Volker Otto, Dr. Rudi Rohlmann, Dr. A. Crombie, Dr. Friedrich Baake, Mark Weidenmeyer, Bob Douglas, Carmelo Bonnano, Ben Selinger & others
- Item389 - Instructional Resources Unit - Mr. Sandy Gibney
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