- Series52 - Urban Research Unit papers and publications
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- Item212 - Sanders, Will (URU, RSSS); Access to Income Maintenance for Aborigines and Migrants: A Thesis Proposal on the Administrative Allocation of Resources
- Item213 - Paris, Chris & Williams, Peter; The Impact of Market Rents: Residualising Public Housing
- Item214 - Self, Peter; Policy Making and Planning in Australian States
- Item215 - Paterson, John (President, Hunter District Water Board); Bureaucratic Reform by Cultural Revolution
- Item216 - Cocke, Elizabeth A.; Change, Conflict, and Power: Gentrification in Australia
- Item217 - Adrian, Colin (URU); Response to Post-War Suburbanisation: Sewerage Services in Sydney
- Item218 - Mullins, Patrick (Visiting Fellow, from Dept of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland); Hedonism and Real Estate: An Analysis of Resort Tourism and Gold Coast Development
- Item219 - Paris, Chris; What is the Private Rental Sector?
- Item220 - Evans, Alan W. (Visiting Melbourne University from Reading, England); Outer City Unemployment in Australia: Inside Out Down Under?
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