- Series310 - Brian William Brogan papers relating to development programs
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- Item11 - China Capacity Building Program, Macro Policy Study and Training on the Aging of the Chinese Population, State Development Planning Commission - technical proposal
- Item12 - China Capacity Building Program, Macro Policy Study and Training on the Aging of the Chinese Population, State Development Planning Commission - financial proposal
- Item13 - China Capacity Building Program, Macro Policy Study and Training on the Aging of the Chinese Population, State Development Planning Commission (TN19) - activity completion report
- Item14 - Mongolian Public Administration Reform Training in Australia - program
- Item15 - China-Mongolia Capacity Building Program - Mongolian Public Sector and Financial Reform Study Tour - readings (2 volumes)
- Item16 - Ministry of Planning and Finance Study Tour for Government of Mozambique (TN28) - technical proposal
- Item17 - Ministry of Planning and Finance Study Tour for Government of Mozambique (TN28) - financial proposal
- Item18 - Papua New Guinea Forestry Human Resource Development Project, Applied Leadership in Management Course, Port Moresby - completion report
- Item19 - Training Workshop on Social Security and Social Welfare Management for Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Peoples' Republic of China - project completion report
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