- Series305 - Papers relating to the Methodist Church in Papua New Guinea and Rev Threlfall’s research on Papua New Guinea
- 56 more...
- Item57 - Parkinson, 30 years in the South Seas
- Item58 - Margaret Matches, Savage paradise
- Item59 - Stephen Winsor Reed, The making of modern New Guinea
- Item60 - Rowley, C D, Australians in German New Guinea - extracts
- Item61 - Bridges, L A E, Rabaul notes
- Item62 - Bridges, L A E Rabaul notes
- Item63 - Entertainment in Rabaul
- Item64 - Mrs Eric Wood and Pat Boys, Looking back [plantation life in the 1930s]
- Item65 - McNicoll, R R, Sir Walter McNicoll as Administrator of the Mandated Territory, for Waigani Seminar
- 218 more...