- Series52 - Urban Research Unit papers and publications
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- Item223 - Flood, Joe (CSIRO, Division of Building Research); Market Subsidies for Housing and Housing Economics - True or False?
- Item224 - Ross, Helen (Dept of Aboriginal Affairs); 'Planning for the People: Aboriginal Views of Housing', Northern Territory Construction, July 1983, pp 16-18
- Item225 - Drake, Madeline; Understanding Homelessness in the UK
- Item226 - Field, Tim (Social Welfare Policy Secretariat); 'Pensioners Who Rent - Problems and Alternatives', Social Security Journal, June 1983, pp 23-37
- Item227 - Bethune, Graeme (South Australian Housing Trust); Public Housing, Welfare Housing or Both?: Recent Developments in South Australia and Prospects for the 1984 Housing Agreement
- Item228 - Mohl, Raymond A. (Dept of History, Florida Atlantic University); Miami Map and Population Tables, 1940-1980, Material prepared for Raymond A. Mohl, 'Miami: The Ethnic Cauldron' in R. M. Bernard & B. R. Rice (eds.), Sunbelt Cities: Politics and Growth Since World War Two, University of Texas Press, 1983
- Item229 - Pickvance, Chris (Visiting Fellow); Seminar Presentation: ‘The Politics of Inner City and Regional Policy: “Bottom-Up” Spatial Pressures’, Joint Seminar by the Human Geography Department and the Urban Research Unit. Attached Paper: , C.G. Pickvance, Spatial policy as territorial politics: the role of spatial coalitions in the articulation of 'spatial' interests and in the demand for spatial policy, Revised version of paper presented to the British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Cardiff, 5-8 April 1983
- Item230 - Neutze, Max (Director RSSS); Land Use Planning and Local Economic Development, Revised Version of a paper presented to the New South Wales Local Government Planners Association Conference, Macquarie University, 15 Feb 1984
- Item231 - Lambooy, Jan G. (University of Amsterdam); Seminar Presentation: ‘Dilemmas in Regional Policy’ Attached Paper: Lambooy, J. G., 'Regional economic policy: An institutional - economic approach', in A. Kuklinski & J. G. Lambooy, Dilemmas in Regional Policy, Mouton, Berlin, nd
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