- Deposit68 - Corona Station (Queensland) deposit
- Item1 - Album sheet: sheep ready for drafting and marking, shearing shed damaged by wind storm, road to Boulia and rocky outcrop and spinifex on road to Headingly
- Item2 - Album sheet: horses swimming in house dam back water
- Item3 - Album sheet: Qantas aeroplanes 'Pegasus' and 'Perseus' with passengers from Longreach to Corona, and Mr Gairdner windmill expert
- Item4 - Album sheet: Oolaburnie lamb marking camp, camp cook shifting camp on horse-drawn cart
- Item5 - Album sheet: visitors to Corona race meeting, interior of station garage and workshop
- Item6 - Album sheet: horses lining up for race at Corona, musterers ready for work
- Item7 - Album sheet: mustering and lamb marking camp
- Item8 - Album sheet: camp cook with pet emu, start of horse race, tabbie cat, Bob May, Alister, Joan with horses
- Item9 - Album sheet: sheep feeding from trough during drought, five thousand sheep leaving Corona for Bladensburg
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