- Series339 - William Clarke research papers on land use in Papua New Guinea
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- Item37 - An album of black and white photographs relating to Clarke's time with the Bomagai-Angoiang people. Some of the photographs were used for the book `Remembering Papua'
- Item38 - An album of black and white photographs relating to Clarke's time with the Bomagai-Angoiang people. Some of the photographs were used for the book `Remembering Papua'
- Item39 - Negatives for Clarke's photographs of the Bomagai-Angoiang in Papua New Guinea
- Item40 - The earth's carrying capacity, presentation notes and overhead transparencies
- Item41 - Aerial photographs of Magin Run 3/4, CAJ 115 - 5122 - CAJ 115 - 5139 (9 photographs) taken at 25,000 ft
- Item42 - Unbound notes, Sipapi to Kompiai, 26 February - 2 March 1970; Kaironk 7 March 1970; Fundum 10 March 1970; Konambe 12 - 13 March 1970; Kompiai 14 - 17 March 1970
- Item43 - Carbon copy notebook, Mount Hagen to Atyembogai, 4 September - 11 October 1970
- Item44 - Carbon copy notebook, Mombil to Thio, 6 September - 31 October 1971
- Item45 - Journal, Timor and Indonesia, 14 December 1972 - 3 February 1973
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