Showing 1685 results

authority records

Federated Rubber and Allied Workers' Union of Australia

  • Trade union
  • 1933 - 1988

Federated and registered in 1911 as the Rubber Workers' Union of Australia, this union immediately recognised the growing importance of motor transport within the Australian economy, particularly in terms of how it would affect the rubber industry. By 1916 the union had changed names to the Federated Rubber Workers of Australia. In 1923 its name changed again, this time to the Federated Rubber Workers' Union of Australia. Ten years later, in 1933, it became the Federated Rubber & Allied Workers' Union of Australia. In common with textile and clothing unions, the Rubber and Allied Worker's Union sought to deal with the problem of high labour turnover and with improving the position of migrant labour in Australian industry. After amalgamating with the Storemen and Packers' Union in 1988 to form the National Union of Storeworkers Packers Rubber & Allied Workers, it eventually became part of the National Union of Workers in 1991.

Ross, Robert Samuel

  • Person
  • 1873 - 1931

Robert Samuel Ross (1873-1931), socialist journalist and trade-union organizer, was born on 5 January 1873 in Sydney. Inspired by the writings of William Lane, who believed that a co-operative society could be constructed through trade-union organizations, Ross attempted to disseminate his principles among the unions. He worked energetically as a journalist, speaker and agitator and was a founder of the Queensland Socialist League in 1894 and Socialist Democratic Vanguard in 1900. Ross went to Broken Hill in January 1903 to become editor of the Barrier Truth, the 'voice' of the Broken Hill union movement. In May 1906 Ross launched the Flame, published by the Barrier Social Democratic Club of which he was chairman, writer and public speaker. One of his lifelong convictions, apparent in his association with the labour press, was that only through education and dissemination of propaganda would workers mobilize. As municipal librarian at Broken Hill in 1906-08, he introduced radical literature. In August 1908 Ross accepted an offer by the Victorian Socialist Party to become secretary and editor of its magazine, the Socialist. In 1911-13 he edited the Maoriland Worker in Wellington. Ross assisted in forming the Queensland Typographical Association, the Broken Hill branch of the Amalgamated Miners' Association and the Tailoresses' Union; he was a member of the Australian Workers' Union and the Melbourne Trades Hall Council delegate for the Federated Clerks' Union. He also edited several union publications. During the 1920s he was appointed publicity officer of Labor Papers Ltd and travelled extensively to gather funds to establish a labour daily newspaper. Self-educated himself and an omnivorous reader of socialist and rationalist literature, Ross contributed prolifically to labour journals. But his most notable literary achievement was the launching in 1915 of his own magazine, Ross's Monthly of Protest, Personality and Progress—an iconoclastic polemical journal which discussed cultural issues. It survived until 1924 when it was incorporated into Union Voice with Ross as editor. He was also a member of the Y-Club and ran Ross's Book Service which offered a wide variety of literature. Ross became council-member (1925) of the University of Melbourne and trustee (1928) of the Public Library, museums and National Gallery. In November 1930 he was appointed a commissioner of the State Savings Bank. Ross died on 24 September 1931 at Richmond.

Metal Trades Employers' Association

  • Industry association
  • 1873 - 1970

The Metal Trades Employers' Association dates its history to the formation of the Iron Trades Employers' Association in Sydney in December 1873, after a general strike in the iron trades over the 8-hour day. In 1901 the Association registered under the New South Wales Industrial Arbitration Act and in 1921 changed its name to the Metals Trades Employers' Association. In April 1970 it merged with the Metal Industries Association (Victoria) to form the Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia.

Australian National University Union

  • University association
  • 1965 - 2020

The Union was set up in 1965 to provide a meeting place for students, graduates and staff. The Union evolved from the Student’s Association. It concentrated on small scale activities such as debates, films, music, food and even art exhibitions. In 1965 the Union was established in the Pauline Griffin Building and in 1973 it moved to the former Union Building in Union Court (building 20). The Union was incorporated in 2009.

Prior to the Kambri development The Union was the hub for a majority of the food, beverage services and entertainment on the ANU campus. Due to the redevelopment of Union Court, the Union vacated its premises in August 2017. In March of 2019, the Union reopened in a new location at 3 Rimmer Street, ANU.

Grains Council of Australia

  • Industry association
  • c1940- 2010

The Grains Council of Australia was the peak body of the Australian grains industry until it closed in 2010. It supported research and development and was committed to promoting the uptake of technologies and practices to enhance environmental sustainability, benefit the economic interests of Australian Grain Growers and lead to the enrichment of Regional Australia.

The Grains Council was officially wound up on 30 June 2010. Grain Producers Australia (GPA) now represents Australia's broadacre, grain, pulse and oilseed producers at the national level.

Gordon-Kirkby, John William

  • Person
  • 1936 -

John Gordon-Kirkby was born in Gibraltar in 1936 to British parents living in Spain. John spent his early life in Spain and Morocco, attending primary schools in Tangier and boarding schools in England. In 1956 he commenced National Service training with the HM Royal Marines and in 1961 migrated to Australia as a ‘Ten Pound Pom’, arriving in Melbourne on 26 November 1961.

From 1964 – 1978, John Gordon-Kirkby was a Patrol Officer ('Kiap' or Field Officer) in Papua New Guinea. Patrol Officers, or Kiaps were trained at the Australian School of Pacific Administration, a tertiary institution established by the Australian Government to train administrators and school teachers to work in Papua New Guinea.

Following his training in Sydney, John Gordon-Kirkby was engaged as a Cadet Patrol Officer before becoming a full Patrol Officer, and finally, he became an Assistant District Officer.

After leaving Papua New Guinea he followed a varied career in farming and administrative work, and in 1994 he retired to Mornington, Victoria where he is actively involved in community organisations. He is a museum volunteer, U3A teacher and member of the Mornington Historical Society.

University House Ladies' Drawing Room

  • University association
  • 1956 - 2018

The inaugural meeting of the Ladies' Drawing Room in 1956 is referred to as a meeting of the Wives of Members of University House. At that meeting it was decided that both wives of Members and women who were Members of University House in their own right would be allowed to use the Drawing Room for social functions. Committee members were initially elected to represent the four Research Schools of the University and the Administration based on their husbands' employment and the Steward was an ex officio member. Membership expanded as new Schools were established including the School of General Studies after the incorporation of the Canberra University College in 1960. Morning teas and luncheons including a speaker on topics of general interest were organised. In the 1980s a Play Reading Group also met. The group funded and gifted artwork to University House over a number of years. The Ladies' Drawing Room wound up in 2018.

McCausland, Sigrid Kristina

  • Person
  • 1953 - 2016

Sigrid McCausland's professional career as an archivist began in 1978 as a reference archivist at the National Archives of Australia (then the Australian Archives) in Canberra. She had graduated from the Australian National University with a Bachelor of Arts with honours in 1975. She also worked in the Manuscripts Section of the Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW (1984-86) and the Sydney City Council Archives (1988-91), and as University Archivist at the University of Technology Sydney (1991-97) and at the Australian National University (1998-2005). She was employed as the first Education Officer for the Australian Society of Archivists from 2006 to 2009. She held casual teaching positions in archives and records administration at the University of NSW and the University of Southern Queensland and was appointed as a Lecturer in the School of Information Studies at Charles Sturt University in 2009, becoming a Senior Lecturer in 2014. She had undertaken a postgraduate Diploma in Information Management - Archives Administration in 1983, was awarded a Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Technology Sydney in 1999, and completed a Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching at Charles Sturt University in 2011. Among many positions held, Sigrid served as Secretary to the Section on Archival Education of the International Council on Archives from 2012 to 2016, gave many conference presentations for the Australian Society of Archivists and the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, and published numerous articles and book chapters.

Department of PreHistory

  • University unit
  • 1969 -

The Department of Prehistory was established on 9 May 1969, in what was then known as Research School of Pacific Studies. Jack Golson was the Foundation Professor. The first graduate of the discipline was Jim Allen, who graduated in the department’s founding year, having started prior to its formation.

Rosenfeld, Andrée Jeanne

  • Person
  • 1934–2008

Andrée Rosenfeld was a rock art researcher and archaeologist. She completed her PhD at the UCL Institute of Archaeology in 1960. She taught at the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the ANU from 1973 to her retirement in 1997. Her publications include 'Palaeolithic Cave Art' (1967, co-authored by Peter Ucko), 'Rock Art Conservation in Australia' (1985) and 'Early Man in North Queensland: art and archaeology in the Laura area' (1981, with David Horton and John Winter). She was instrumental in the founding the Australian Rock Art Research Association in 1983, and contributed to the promotion of the subject as a serious topic of study.

Howlett, Diana Rosemary

  • Person
  • 1934 - 2018

Diana Howlett completed her PhD in Geography, Research School of Pacific Studies, at the Australian National University in 1959. She was Professor of Geography in the Department of Geography, at ANU from 1982 to 1996, and appointed to Chair before her retirement. She is author of studies on the geography of Papua New Guinea. The Diana Howlett Prize is awarded to the student with the most outstanding result in Honours in Geography.

Australia-Netherlands Research Collaboration

  • University unit

The Australia-Netherlands Research Collaboration (ANRC) commenced operations in late July 2007. The project supports Australia-Netherlands academic relations and brings together researchers from both countries to focus on Southeast Asia.

National Centre for Biography

  • University unit
  • 1957 -

The Australian Dictionary of Biography had its beginnings in 1957 when a conference in Canberra of representatives of university history departments throughout the country supported the concept of a large-scale biographical project. From this meeting there developed a national committee; an editorial board chaired successively by Professors Keith Hancock, John Andrew La Nauze and Kenneth Stanley Inglis, all from the Australian National University's Research School of Social Sciences, and later by Professor Jill Roe; State and specialist working parties; and a small central staff. Professor Douglas Pike was appointed founding general editor in 1962; in 1974, Mr Noel Bede Nairn was appointed to produce Volume 6, and next year he and Dr Geoff Serle were made joint general editors. Mr Nairn retired in 1984 and Dr Serle in 1987. Dr John Ritchie succeeded Serle as general editor in 1988 and retired in 2002. Dr Di Langmore took up the position of general editor in 2001 to 2008 and was succeeded by Professor Melanie Nolan as inaugural Director of the National Centre of Biography on 2 June 2008, which has produced the ADB since 2008.

Maritime Union of Australia

  • Trade union
  • 1993 -2018

The Maritime Union of Australia was formed in 1993 with the merging of several maritime unions, principally the Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia and the Seamen’s Union of Australia. For a brief time Joint General Secretaries controlled the Union and the representation and responsibilities of the former Waterside Workers’ Federation and the Seamen’s Union were differentiated. Following the waterfront dispute of 1997-1998, however, the Maritime Union of Australia became consolidated as a single entity.

Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia

  • Trade union
  • 1992 -2018

The Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia was formed in 1992 from the amalgamation of the Amalgamated Footwear & Textile Workers' Union of Australia with the Clothing & Allied Trades Union of Australia.

Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union

  • Trade union
  • 1992 -2018

The Constuction Forestry Mining and Energy Union is the result of a series of amalgamations during the early 1990s. Prior to amalgamation there were numerous unions spread across construction, forestry, mining and energy industries. Those unions amalgamated along industry lines to form each of the divisions of the CFMEU. Each division operates autonomously, with its own membership, executive, resources, industry policies and campaigns. These divisions date as far back as the mid-nineteenth century and include such notable unions as the Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation (the Miners' Federation), the Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia, the Australian Timber Workers' Union, the Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia, the Operative Plasterers' Federation of Australia, the Operative Painters' and Decorators' Union of Australia, and the Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association of Australasia.

Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union

  • Trade union
  • 2018 -

The Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU) was formed in 2018 throught he amalgamation of the Construction Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia and the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA).

Marr, David George

  • Person
  • 1937 -

Emeritus Professor Marr is a specialist in Vietnamese history, politics and culture. He served in the US Marine Corps between 1959 and 1964. He taught at Berkeley and Cornell, and headed the Indochina Resource Center in Washington, before coming to the ANU in 1975. He served as editor of Vietnam Today for the Australia-Vietnam Society 1978-1982. He was involved in projects relating to Vietnamese material library cataloguing and coding Vietnamese script in computers.

Significant publications include 'Vietnamese Tradition on Trial, 1920-1945', and 'Vietnam: State, War, and Revolution (1945–1946)'.

Qualifications: BA(Dartmouth), MA, PhD(Berkeley).

Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations

  • Peak council
  • 1985 -

The Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations was formed at the first AIDS Conference in Melbourne on 17 November 1985 by the state-based AIDS Councils. Other members of the federation are the National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA), the Australian IV League, the Anwernekenhe National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HIV/AIDS Alliance (ANA), and Scarlet Alliance, the Australian Sex Workers Association. The federation provides leadership, coordination and support to Australia's policy, advocacy and health promotion response to HIV/AIDS. It is also active in the Asia Pacific region.

Barcan, Alan Raphael

  • Person
  • 1921 - 2017

Dr Alan Barcan published books and articles on the history of education and left-wing politics. He studied at Sydney University and Sydney Teachers' College. In 1948 he held the position of Inaugural Secretary-Treasurer, Youth Council of the NSW ALP. Barcan was appointed to Newcastle Teachers’ College as lecturer in history and history method early in 1949 and held the position until 1967. In this time he also went on leave to England in 1958 and was at the Australian National University from 1959 to 1961. From 1968 he was Senior Lecturer (then Associate Professor) in education, University of Newcastle. In December 1986 Barcan retired, but acted in the position of Honorary Associate, School of Education, University of Newcastle and then as Conjoint Fellow.

New South Wales Typographical Association

  • Trade union
  • c. 1880 - c. 1917

The New South Wales Typographical Association was formed after a series of meetings held in early 1880 and registered under the New South Wales Trade Union Act, 1881, on the 15 June 1882. It had been known as the Sydney Typographical Association until changing its name on 1 January 1882. Prior to its formation in 1880 there had been several similar societies in Sydney, such as the Compositors' Society, the Sydney Typographical Society, and a different N.S.W. Typographical Association. In 1917-1918 the NSW Typographical Association was converted to the New South Wales branch of the Printing Industry Employees' Union of Australia.

Argyle, Anthony Arthur

  • Person
  • 1930 - 2018

Tony Argyle was employed as a technician in the John Curtin School of Medical Research in 1953 before his appointment as a Technical Officer in the Department of Zoology at the Canberra University College in 1959. The department became part of the Faculty of Science at the Australian National University in 1960. He retired in 1988 as the Technical Services Manager in the department.

Brown, Allen Stanley

  • Person
  • 1911 - 1999

Sir Allen Brown was a member of the ANU Council from 1949 to 1958 and of the Council of the Canberra University College from 1955 to 1958 while Secretary of the Prime Minister's Department. In both Council roles he was succeeded by Sir John Bunting, his successor as Secretary of the Prime Minister's Department.

Madgwick, Robert Bowden

  • Person
  • 1905 - 1979

Sir Robert Bowden Madgwick, educationist, was born on 10 May 1905 in North Sydney, second of three sons of native-born parents Richard Chalton Madgwick, an Anglican clergyman's son who became a tram driver, and his wife Annie Jane, née Elston. Robert attended Naremburn Public and North Sydney Boys' High schools. He entered the University of Sydney (B.Ec. Hons, 1927; M.Ec., 1932) on a Teachers' College scholarship, took some history subjects and shared the first university medal in economics with (Sir) Herman Black. While studying at Teachers' College, he partnered Black and (Sir) Ronald Walker in a successful debating team. Walker and Madgwick later wrote an economics textbook for schools, An Outline of Australian Economics (Sydney, 1931).

After teaching at Nowra (1927) and Parkes (1927-28) intermediate high schools, Madgwick was appointed (1929) temporary lecturer in the faculty of economics at the University of Sydney. He obtained a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship in 1933 and enrolled at Balliol College, Oxford (D.Phil., 1936); his thesis was published as Immigration into Eastern Australia 1788-1851 (London, 1937, Sydney, 1969). He took up a lectureship in economic history at the University of Sydney in 1936, where he helped to found the Sydney University Lecturers' Association. From 1938 he was secretary of the University Extension Board. After World War II broke out, he was involved in planning an army education scheme (known as the Australian Army Education Service from October 1943). He had wanted to serve abroad with the Australian Imperial Force, but on 1 March 1941 was mobilized as temporary lieutenant colonel and sent to Army Headquarters, Melbourne, to head the new service. In July 1943 he was promoted temporary colonel and given the title of director of army education. Madgwick played a major part in establishing the Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme. He also sat (1943-46) on two inter-departmental committees which set out the future role of the Commonwealth government in education. Transferring to the Reserve of Officers on 19 April 1946, he worked (from October) as secretary of the interim council of the Australian National University. He continued to champion the cause of adult education, but his claims for a Commonwealth-funded national system were thwarted by lack of support from either the Federal government or the Opposition.

In February 1947 Madgwick accepted the wardenship of New England University College, Armidale, New South Wales. When the institution became the University of New England in 1954, he was appointed vice-chancellor. As chairman (1964-66) of the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, Madgwick successfully rebutted the conclusion of (Sir) Leslie Martin's committee on the future of tertiary education in Australia that the provision of 'distance education' was not a university function. Appointed O.B.E. in 1962, Madgwick was knighted in 1966, the year in which he retired. The Federal government sought his advice on grants to teachers' colleges in early 1967, and chose him to succeed (Sir) James Darling as chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Commission, a post he took up on 1 July 1967. He chaired the Australian Frontier Commission in 1974-76.

Association of Employers of Waterside Labour

  • Industry association
  • 1963 - 1995

The Association of Employers of Waterside Labour was an organisation of waterfront employers, comprising Australian shipping owners and the various stevedoring companies around Australia. They were responsible for supplying labour to ports and terminals and acted as the representative of employers in discussions with the Waterside Workers Federation. The AEWL became inactive as a registered organisation from 1995 when it underwent liquidation, being deregistered on 23 January 2006.

Review of the Discipline of Engineering at the ANU

  • University unit
  • 1986 - 1988

The Review of the Discipline of Engineering was commissioned by the Tertiary Education Commission to review the provision of professional engineering education and research in Australian engineering schools, and to report on future developments and recommendations in engineering education. Bruce Rodda Williams was Chairman of the Review of the Discipline of Engineering 1987-1988.

Australian Forestry School

  • Educational institution
  • 1926 - 1965

The Australian Forestry School was founded in 1925 by the Commonwealth government. The school commenced operation in 1926 in Adelaide with Norman Jolly as Principal before moving to the specially built premises in Yarralumla, ACT in 1927. The school was built at this location to take full advantage of the adjacent Westbourne Woods arboretum for teaching purposes. Charles Lane-Poole acted as Principal until the appointment of Dr Max Jacobs in 1944.

The school offered two-year diploma courses for students who had begun Bachelor of Science degrees at the state universities. Fieldwork and excursions were a large part of the school curriculum, with students travelling to all parts of the country to study various forests. A major part of the Australian Forestry School was the social life, the students having several sporting teams competing in competitions around Canberra.

There was a significant difference in enrolment before and after World War II. In 1936 the school took on no new students, with staff becoming part-time to teach continuing students only. Dr Max Jacobs, principal from 1945 to 1959, had the responsibility of steering the school in a period of high enrolments, peaking in 1950 with 41 students. In 1952 the inadequacy of the makeshift student accommodation was obvious and the residential college of Forestry House was completed.

The school made a substantial contribution to forestry within Australia and to the extended region with students from New Zealand and South East Asia. It operated until 1965 when the Australian National University assumed the responsibility of the school’s function under the new Department of Forestry in the School of General Studies.

Australasian Society of Engineers

  • Trade union
  • 1890 - 1991

The Australasian Society of Engineers was established in 1890, by members of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers dissatisfied with the British dominance of that union. The Australasian Society of Engineers was first federally registered as a trade union in 1910 at which time there were branches in New South Wales, Adelaide (1904), Western Australia and Broken Hill (1909). By January 1914 the union branches included Collie, Melbourne, Adelaide, SA State, Wallaroo, Newcastle, South Sydney, Bathurst, Sydney, Perth, Petersburg, Port Adelaide, Quorn, Granville, Broken Hill, and Prospect. The union became defunct in February 1938 but was re-registered in August 1938. In 1991 it amalgamated with the Federated Ironworkers' Association of Australia to form the Federation of Industrial Manufacturing and Engineering Employees. This union later amalgamated with the Australian Workers' Union to form the AWU-FIME Amalgamated Union in 1993, later known simply as the AWU.

Shand, Richard Tregurtha

  • Person
  • 1934 - 2014

Richard Shand achieved a BSc in Agriculture, 1955, a MSc in Agriculture in 1958 from the University of Sydney and in 1961 his PhD at Iowa State University. From 1966 to 1999 he held the following roles Senior Fellow, Fellow, Senior Research Fellow and Research Fellow at the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University. During this time he also held the following roles: Senior Specialist, East West Centre, University of Hawaii 1965; Visiting Economist, Indian Planning Commission, New Delhi, India, 1973-1975; Executive Director, Development Studies Centre, ANU 1977-1979; Visiting Professor, Department of Economics and Agribusiness, University of Pertanian, Serdang, Malaysia 1979-1982; Fellow, Australian-Asian Universities Cooperation Scheme, Malaysia 1979-1982; Research Associate with the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia 1979-1982; Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 1988-1991; Visiting Professor, Madras School of Economics, Chennai, India 1996-2000; Foundation Executive Director, Australia South Asia Research Centre, RSPAS/APSEM, ANU 1994-1999; Visiting Fellow, Division of Politics and International Relations, RSPAS, ANU 2000-2004

Sadka, Emily

  • Person
  • c. 1920 - 1968

Dr Emily Sadka studied at Oxford University graduating with first class honours in Modern History in 1941. She then taught at the University of Western Australia and the University of Malaya. She completed her PhD in 1960 at the Australian National University; her thesis was entitled 'The residential system in the protected Malay States, 1874-1895'.

Crouch, Harold

  • Person
  • 1940 -

Professor Harold Crouch is a scholar of Indonesian politics and founding director of the International Crisis Group office in Jakarta. Born in Melbourne, 1940, read political science at the University Melbourne before studying at the University of Bombay for Masters on Indian trade unions in the early 1960s. He was one of first Australians at an Asian university for higher degrees.

His PhD, written under Herbert Feith at Monash University and completed in 1975, was published in 1978 as The Army and Politics in Indonesia. It is regarded as a 'milestone' in the study of Indonesia’s New Order. While undertaking his PhD, he taught political science at the University of Indonesia 1968-1971.

After marrying Malaysian historian Khasnoor Johan in 1973, Crouch became Senior Lecturer at the National University of Malaysia, 1976–1985 and 1988-1990. He taught at the University of the Philippines 1983-1984.

In 1991, he joined the Australian National University as a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Political and Social Change in the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. He was appointed Professor in 2002 and retired in 2005.

Crouch founded the Jakarta office of the International Crisis Group in 2000-2001. Professor Crouch is an Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University.

His career has included a number of significant monographs in the study of Indonesia and Southeast Asia, including The Army and Politics in Indonesia (1978), Domestic Political Structures and Regional Economic Cooperation in Southeast Asia (1984), Government and Society in Malaysia (1996), and Political Reform in Indonesia after Soeharto (2010).

McQueen, Humphrey Dennis

  • Person
  • 1942 -

McQueen was born in Brisbane, 27 June 1942. He graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in 1965. His political activism began with campaigns against conscription and the Vietnam War. During the period 1966-1969, he worked as a teacher in Victoria before moving to Canberra, where he taught at the Australian National University from 1970 to 1974. He has published a number of works on Australian history, recently including 'Framework of Flesh: Builders' Labourers Battle for Health and Safety (2009) and 'We Built this Country: Builders' Labourers and their Unions, 1787 to the Future (2011).

Federated Felt Hatting Employees' Union of Australasia

  • Trade union
  • 1912 - 1950

Registered in 1912, the Federated Felt Hatting Employees' Union of Australasia and its predecessors flourished from the nineteenth century up until midway through the twentieth century in what was a protected domestic industry. It re-registered as the Federated Felt Hatting & Allied Trade Employees' Union of Australia in 1950. The industry, and consequently, the union began to wane before the multiple onslaught of mechanisation, imports, and fashion. In 1984 it amalgamated with the Australian Textile Workers' Union and in 1987 became the Amalgamated Footwear and Textile Workers' Union of Australia after another amalgamation, this time with the Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation. By 1992, this union had merged with the Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia to form the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia.

Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trade Employees' Union of Australia

  • Trade union
  • 1950 - 1984

The Federated Felt Hatting and Allied Trade Employees' Union of Australia re-registered in 1950. Its predecessor, the Federated Felt Hatting Employees' Union of Australasia, registered in 1912 and its predecessors flourished from the nineteenth century up until midway through the twentieth century in what was a protected domestic industry. After 1950 the industry, and consequently, the union began to wane before the multiple onslaught of mechanisation, imports, and fashion. In 1984, it amalgamated with the Australian Textile Workers' Union and in 1987 became the Amalgamated Footwear and Textile Workers' Union of Australia after another amalgamation, this time with the Australian Boot Trade Employees' Federation. By 1992 this union had merged with the Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia to form the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia.

Herbst, Peter

  • Person
  • 1919 - 2007

Peter Herbst was Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the Australian National University. Herbst was born in Heidelberg of Jewish parents, and had been sent to school in England. In 1940, he shipped out aboard the Dunera, to be interned in Australia. He found a way out of the internment camp in 1942 by enlisting in the Australian army. At the same time he studied philosophy at the University of Melbourne. After spending 1956–61 at the University College of the Gold Coast (now Ghana), where he had been promoted to professor, Herbst joined the ANU in 1962 as professor in philosophy. Herbst retired in 1984.

Plowman, Colin George

  • Person
  • 1926 - 2015

Born in Orange on 20 February 1926, Colin George Plowman worked in various clerical positions for the Bank of New South Wales in his late teens (1942 - 1946), as well as serving in the RAAF, and studied Economics at the University of Sydney (BA, 1947 - 1949). Upon graduation, Plowman worked at the Joint Coal Board (1950 - 1954), before joining the registrar's staff at the University of Sydney in 1955. In 1956 he took up the post of Assistant Registrar at the University of Western Australia and then applied for the post of Assistant Registrar at Canberra University College (CUC) in 1958. As the succesful applicant, he started there in 1959, becoming the Assistant Registrar of the School of General Studies, as CUC became when it was incorporated into ANU, in 1960. He went on to be the acting Registrar and then Academic Registrar in March 1968. Between 1974 and 1976 Plowman was Registrar at University of New South Wales, returning to ANU in 1976 as Assistant Vice-Chancellor. In 1977 he was appointed on to the Management Committee of the Edith and Joy London Foundation Kioloa Field Station. He retired in 1991. A range of issues were addressed by Plowman during his tenure, including student accommodation, ancillary activities, cultural and sporting activities, equal opportunities, parking and the ANU women's room. He returned as a visiting fellow to the Centre of Continuing Education in 1992 and was part of setting up the Emeritus Faculty at ANU in the late 1990s. Positions he held beyond his university service were joint convenor of the first Universities Administration Course (1968), President of the Graduate Careers Council of Australia (1973), consultant to Chair of the Australian Council (1974) and Chair of the Council for the College for Seniors (1975). He was also involved with the Australian Council of the Arts including a secondment to that Council for the first quarter of 1974.

Ovington, Lorraine

  • Person

Lorraine Ovington graduated from the University of Tasmania and was a campaigner for Aboriginal rights. She lived in New Caledonia and Vanuatu when her husband Michael Ovington became the first Australian High Commissioner to Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) after its independence.

Reid, Anthony

  • Person
  • 1939 -

Professor Anthony Reid is a New Zealand-born historian of Southeast Asia. He received a PhD from Cambridge University for research examining the power struggles in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, in the late 19th century and he extended this study into a book 'The Blood of the People' on the national and social revolutions in that region 1945-49. He is best known for his two volume book 'The Age of Commerce', developed during his time at the Australian National University in Canberra. His later work includes a return to Sumatra where he strongly advocated a historical basis for the separate identity of Aceh. Reid was Professor of Southeast Asia History at University of Malaya (1965–70), then Fellow (1970-74), Senior Fellow (1974-88) and Professor of Southeast Asian History (1989-99) at the Australian National University. He was the founding director of the Southeast Asia Center, University of California, Los Angeles, 1999–2002, and then founding director of the Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore 2002-07 and Professor of Southeast Asian History and Research Leader there 2007-09. He was the founding convenor of the Asian Studies Association of Australia 1975-76 and President 1996-98. Professor Reid is an Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University.

Eastburn, David R.

  • Person

Dr David Eastburn is a social-ecological systems geographer who has worked closely with rural communities in Australia and Papua New Guinea for almost five decades in the areas of education, communication, community capacity realization and social-ecological resilience.

Much of his career has involved working with communities during periods of change, including the transition of Papua New Guinea to political Independence (1969-1981); helping rural children to affirm identities and consider alternative futures (Commonwealth Schools Commission Country Areas Program 1982-1984) and the promotion of a government-community ‘partnership’ to manage the million square kilometre Murray-Darling Basin as an integrated social-ecological system (River Murray/ Murray-Darling Basin Commissions1984-1998). His career has also included an 18-year association with the water industry and river ecology such as the development of an agri-ecological land-use plan for the strategic lower Murrumbidgee floodplain bioregion (Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority 2006-2007). His current work involves cooperatively identifying under-recognised local natural/ecological, cultural, social and individual human assets and utilizing/celebrating them to assist rural communities to realize their capacities for more resilient futures.

He studied at the Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA) and was associated with Papua New Guinea from the late 1960s to the late 1980s. For a decade he worked as a high school teacher in the Southern Highlands and New Ireland. This included being responsible for establishing Koroba High School ‘from the ground up’, being a member of the national secondary Social Science syllabus review panel, and establishing a provincial museum at Mendi. He also pioneered trekking tours through isolated parts of the Southern Highlands, Hela, Western and Sandaun provinces and was involved in documentary film-making.

His photographs have been widely published in Papua New Guinea, and overseas. He was a regular contributor to Air Niugini’s in-flight magazine, Paradise. He produced booklets on the Foi, Hewa and Huli peoples for the National Cultural Council’s series People of Papua New Guinea, and also produced a photographic booklet on the Southern Highlands. His photographs have appeared on the covers of industry magazines, the PNG Philatelic Bureau’s annual stamp pack, on calendars and postcards, and in international art books.

Rockwell, Coralie Joy

  • Person
  • 1945 - 1991

Coralie Rockwell studied at the University of Sydney completing an Honours degree in music in 1966 and a Diploma of Education in 1967, then a Masters degree in ethnomusicology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her thesis was published in 1972 as 'Kagok: A traditional Korean vocal form'. She sang alto with the Leonine Consort, the Sydney University Renaissance Players and the ANU Choral Society (SCUNA) in the 1960s and 1970s. She taught at high schools and colleges in Sydney and in Canberra, then at the Canberra School of Music in 1989-1990 teaching the first non-Western music course offered there. She undertook research in Indonesia and South Korea, specialising in the kayagum (12-string zither) and undertook studies in both the Korean and Chinese languages (the latter at the Canberra College of Advanced Education with Michael Sawer). From 1988 to 1990 she undertook doctoral research under Dr Allan Marett at the University of Sydney on the reconstruction of ninth century musical scores from Dunhuang, Gansu Province in China. On her death in 1991, the Coralie Rockwell Foundation was formed and realised her wish to purchase an Indonesian gamelan orchestra for the Canberra School of Music.

ANU Faculty of Oriental Studies

  • University unit
  • 1961 - 1970

The Canberra University College (CUC) amalgamated with the Australian National University in 1960. In 1961 the former CUC School of Oriental Languages became the Faculty of Oriental Studies. This was renamed the Faculty of Asian Studies in 1970. In 2006, ANU abolished the former distinction between research schools and faculties, creating a college structure combining both elements. The Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (as it was re-named in 1994) joined the Faculty of Asian Studies in the new College of Asia and the Pacific.

ANU Faculty of Asian Studies

  • University unit
  • 1970 - 2006

The Canberra University College (CUC) amalgamated with the Australian National University in 1960. In 1961 the former CUC School of Oriental Languages became the Faculty of Oriental Studies. This was renamed the Faculty of Asian Studies in 1970. In 2006, ANU abolished the former distinction between research schools and faculties, creating a college structure combining both elements. The Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (as it was re-named in 1994) joined the Faculty of Asian Studies in the new College of Asia and the Pacific.

Grounds, Alfred Ernest

  • Person
  • 1985 - 1960

Alfred Ernest Grounds joined The Amalgamated Glass Bottle Makers' Union on 25 March 1911 and became the Union's General Secretary and Branch Secretary of the Amalgamated Glass Bottle Makers' Union, Sydney Branch. The union changed to the Australian Glass Workers' Union in 1918. He was Secretary and a shareholder of The Zetland Glass Bottle Works Ltd from 1919 until it amalgamated with Australian Glass Manufacturers Company in 1921. Alfred Grounds married Maud Grounds (nee Duffin) in 1907.

Grounds, Maud

  • Person
  • 1887 - circa 1980

Maud Grounds was a shareholder of The Zetland Glass Bottle Works Ltd in 1919 and Secretary of the Kensington Women's Branch of the United Australia Party circa 1934 - 1935. Maud Grounds (nee Duffin) married Alfred Ernest Grounds in 1907.

Farrall, Frederick T

  • Person
  • 1897 - 1991

Fred Farrall was born in September 1897 at Cobram, Victoria. After serving in the First World War, he worked as a coach builder, joining the Communist Party in 1930. Active on unemployment struggles, he became the New South Wales Secretary of the Friends of the Soviet Union before moving to Melbourne where he was elected an official in the Federated Clerk's Union in the 1940s. Farrall remained the union organiser during the 1950s until the union came to be controlled by the National Civic Council/Industrial Groups (an anti-communist movement). He was also elected Mayor of Prahran from 1973-74. Fred Farrall died in 1991.

Resch's Limited

  • Corporate body
  • 1897 - 1929

Resch's Limited was established by Edmund Resch in 1897 when he purchased Allt's Brewery & Wine & Spirit Company. Installed by the company's creditors to manage Allt's, Resch decided to purchase Allt's Waverley Brewery (formerly the Adelaide Brewery). In 1900 Resch purchased the plant and stock of the New South Wales Lager Bier Brewing Company and his wife Caroline purchased a large property in Dowling Street, Waterloo. He closed the old Allt's Waverley Brewery in 1900. In January 1901 Resch centralised his brewing interest at the Dowling Street site and renamed it Waverley Brewery. The firm was incorporated in July 1906. Following Resch's death in 1923, his sons Edmund (Jnr) and Arnold continued to manage the company until it went into voluntary liquidation on 31 July 1929, selling their brewing interests to Tooth & Co. Tooth & Co purchased the Resch trademarks in 1930 and continued to produce "Resch's Beer". Brewing continued at the Dowling Street site until it was closed by Tooth & Co in the 1980s.

O'Dea, Raymond John

  • Person
  • 1927 - 1973

Raymond O'Dea was an industrial relations officer who enrolled as a PhD scholar at the Australian National University in June 1965. The title of his thesis was 'The negotiation and adjudication of secondary wages in Commonwealth Arbitration with case studies in non-manual groups'. One of the case studies was the Metropolitan Daily Newspapers Award case of 1966. O'Dea authored a number of books on arbitration and industrial relations including Industrial Relations in Australia (Sydney: West Publishing Corporation, 1965).

Campbell, Kenton Stewart Wall

  • Person
  • 1927 -2017

Professor Ken Campbell was born in Ipswich, Queensland in 1927. He joined the Australian National University as Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, Faculty of Science from 1 March 1962; and Reader from 1 July 1964. He was appointed Dean of Science in 1978, and became Professor in Geology in 1982. Campbell retired in 1993, and was appointed Emeritus Professor and Visiting Fellow (honorary) in the Department of Earth and Marine Sciences in the Faculty of Science.

Hazlehurst, George Henry

  • Person
  • 1918 -

George H Hazlehurst was born in Liverpool on 16 May 1918. He worked as a consultant with the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd and in radio as a director, producer and writer before migrating to Australia in July 1951. Hazlehurst worked as Assistant Publicity Manager (Advertising & Public Relations) with Trans-Australia Airlines from 1952-54); Group Account Executive (Marketing & Creative) with O'Brien Publicity Pty Ltd, Melbourne (1954-62); Senior Lecturer in Writing and Communication at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology since 1960; Creative Group Head and Copy Director with McCann Erickson International, Melbourne (1962-1965); Manager of the Industrial, Technical & Scientific Marketing Division of McCann Erickson (1965-1966); joined John Higgins Advertising Associates as an Associate Director and Creative Director in 1966. He was also a Fellow, Advertising Institute of Australia; Federal General Councillor, Advertising Institute of Australia; Chairman, Advertising Institute of Australia Examiner's Board.

Australian Society of Archivists Incorporated

  • Professional association
  • 1975 -

The Australian Society of Archivists was formed in 1975. Prior to the establishment of the ASA, an Archives Section of the Library Association of Australia had operated since 1951. From 1955 the activities of the Archives Section included the provision of the journal, Archives and Manuscripts. Attempts to establish an archives association included the formation of a Steering Committee in 1958 to investigate and promote an Australian association of archivists, and the Steering Committee formed in 1974 to investigate forming the ASA. At the inaugural meeting of the Society held at the Australian National University in April 1975, a constitution was adopted, provision was made for professional, associate and institutional members, and a council was elected.

Hewitt, Alison Hope

  • Person
  • 1915 - 2011

Hope Hewitt was appointed as a lecturer in the Department of English in 1958 at the Canberra University College. She had held temporary teaching positions in 1948 and 1956-57. She was promoted to Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University in 1965 (the College having amalgamated with the Australian National University in 1960). She specialised in teaching Elizabethan and Jacobean drama and the 18th and 19th-century English novel but also lectured on more recent works. She was also a book reviewer and theatre critic for the Canberra Times. She retired in 1981.

Te Rangi Hiroa Fund

  • University association
  • 1968 - 1984

The Te Rangi Hiroa Fund was established in 1968 during the first Waigani seminar. The Fund was named after Sir Peter Buck, the distinguished Maori ethno-historian, and was administered by Secretary of the Fund Reverend Dr Sione Latukefu, of the University of Papua New Guinea History Department. The Te Rangi Hiroa Essay Competition was an annual prize for:
(a) best essay on any aspect of Pacific history by an undergraduate student in any university in the South Pacific Islands;
(b) best essay on any aspect of Pacific history by an undergraduate student in any university outside the Pacific Islands.

The Paul Morawetz Award was a small scholarship available to assist Pacific Islanders with outstanding aptitude for historical work to pursue post-graduate studies in Pacific history.
The collection includes correspondence relating to the administration of the fund, the submission of essays and awarding of prizes; submitted competition essays; applications for the Paul Morawetz Award.

John Curtin School of Medical Research

  • University unit
  • 1948 -

The John Curtin School of Medical Research was established in 1948 through the combined efforts of Howard Florey (Australian Nobel Laureate) and Prime Minister John Curtin. Florey was the Academic Advisor for medical research at ANU from 1947 to 1957 on the invitation of the Interim Council of the University. He established professorial appointments for four departments: Biochemistry in 1948 headed by Professor Hugh Ennor, Medical Chemistry in 1949 headed by Professor Adrian Albert, Microbiology in 1949 headed by Professor Frank Fenner and Physiology in 1951 headed by Professor John Eccles, followed by the Experimental Pathology Group in 1954 with Professor George Mackaness at its head. Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine were awarded to Sir John Eccles in 1963, and Peter Doherty and Rolf Zinkernagel in 1996 for work carried out at the JCSMR.

Research School of Biological Sciences

  • University unit
  • 1967 -

The Research School of Biological Sciences was established at the Australian National University in 1967. The School’s founding Director, Professor David Guthrie Catcheside, moved from the John Curtin School of Medical Research to his new appointment on 1 October 1967. The three foundation chairs in Biology were filled by Professor Denis John Carr (Developmental and cellular biology) on 1 January 1968, Dr Ralph Owen Slatyer (environmental and population biology) on 4 December 1967, Professor George Adrian Horridge (Behavioral biology) on 6 July 1969. By 1969 four departments existed within the School: Genetics, Developmental Biology, Environmental Biology and Behavioural Biology. Further expansion of the School took place with the creation of the Molecular Biology and Taxonomy Groups and two new departments were added, in Neurobiology and Population Biology. In 2010 the School became known as the Research School of Biology, within the ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment.

Dickinson, William R (Bill)

  • Person
  • 1931 - 2015

Born in Nashville, Tennessee in 1931, William (‘Bill’) Dickinson was an internationally renowned and decorated geoscientist from the University of Arizona and a prolific author. Prior to joining the University of Arizona, he was a professor at Stanford University where he had received a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering (1952), a master’s degree (1956) and a doctorate in geology (1958). He made significant contributions to both geoscience and archaeology of the South Pacific and worked collaboratively with archaeologists in tracing the migration path of people from island to island through the pottery they carried with them. The pots were made with clay combined with sand from where the pots were made. His research on the fragments of historic and prehistoric pottery, plate tectonics, sea-level changes and island geomorphologies contributed significantly to understanding the process of human migration in the Pacific. In a symposium honouring Bill Dickinson's five decades of interdisciplinary collaboration with Pacific archaeologists, it was said that "No other geologist has contributed more to Pacific Islands archaeology than William ‘Bill’ Dickinson" (An archaeologists geologist: A symposium in Honour of William R Dickinson, part of the Society for American Archaeology 2015 Conference).

William Dickinson’s contributions to geology were well recognised by the profession in terms of honours and awards; he received the Penrose medal and the L L Sloss Award from the Geological Society of America and the Twenhofel Medal from the Society of Economics Palaeontologists and Mineralogists. He was also a Guggenheim Fellow and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences. He died on 21 July 2015 while on a field expedition to Nuku’alofa, Tonga.

Bull, Marjorie

  • Person
  • 1914 - 2014

Marjorie Bull was the wife of Australian educator Charles Bull. Both became acquaintances of anthropologist Margaret Mead.

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

  • Trade union
  • 1890 - 1993

The first waterside workers' unions in Australia were formed in Port Adelaide, Sydney, and Sandridge (Port Melbourne) in 1872. By 1889 there were notable waterfront unions in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. Although the various unions federated in March 1890 the Waterside Workers' Federation was not established until 7 February 1902 with Mr William Morris Hughes (Prime Minister of Australia, 1915-1923) elected its first President. The Waterside Workers' Federation was registered under the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act on 1 July 1907 and the first comprehensive Commonwealth award for waterside workers dates from 13 December 1915. In January 1914 an office of the Waterside Workers’ Federation was established in Melbourne. After 1939 the Federation was located in Sydney. In order to manage the Waterside Workers' Federation Branches the Federal Executive, in 1902, established a Committee of Management (COM). The COM comprised delegates from the Executive of each Branch, and each Branch was entitled to one member for every 500 financial members. Furthermore, any of the COM’s resolutions that were approved by less than a 3/5 majority had to be submitted to at least 500 financial members of the rank and file for endorsement. Although designed to ease interstate rivalries this method of decision-making often exacerbated tension. The structure of the Waterside Workers' Federation remained largely unchanged until 1950 when it absorbed the Permanent and Casual Wharf Labourers' Union of Australia. In 1991 the Waterside Workers' Federation amalgamated with the Australian Foremen Stevedore Association but retained the name Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia. In 1993 the Waterside Workers' Federation of Australia joined with the Seamen's Union of Australia to form the Maritime Union of Australia.

Barton, Allan Douglas

  • Person
  • 3 Mar 1933 - 9 Jun 2012

Allan Barton was born in Murrumbeena, Victoria on 3 March 1933. He studied at Melbourne University 1951 – 1954, before undertaking his PhD in economics at Christ's College, Cambridge University 1956-59. Barton taught economics at the University of Adelaide in 1959, then moved to Macquarie University in 1967 as Foundation Professor of Accounting. Barton held a number of roles at the Australian National University including Head of the Department of Accounting and Public Finance 1975-80, Dean of the Faculty of Economics 1979-83, University Treasurer 1984-94, University Council member 1983-86, and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Finance and Development) 1992-96, and retiring in 1998. Barton passed away on 9 June 2012 in Canberra.

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