- Deposit69 - Clarke and Barwood Lawyers deposit
- 8600 more...
- Item9938 - Mrs Alicia Whytcross (married woman) of Beeac to Mr Richard Breen (farmer) of Beeac - notice of change of ownership
- Item9939 - Mrs Beatrice Bessie Scott (married woman) of Elliminyt - regarding mortgage with Mr Scott
- Item9940 - Draft will of Mr Thomas William Johnstone (agent) of Colac
- Item9941 - Mr Victor Charles Cawood (farmer) of Apollo Bay to Mrs Annie Gladys Telford (married woman) of Apollo Bay - transfer of land
- Item9942 - Mr John Osborne (contractor and carpenter) of Colac - transfer of land
- Item9943 - Mr Francis Albert Close (farmer) of Forest to Mrs Emily Jane Caldow (married woman) of Geelong - mortgage of live stock
- Item9944 - The last will and testament of Mrs Fannie Wray (married woman) of Colac
- Item9945 - Mr Harry Arstall (farmer) of Geelong with Mr William Arstall (farmer) of Cressy - agreement for extension of mortgage
- Item9946 - Mrs Clara Jane Exell (married woman) of Colac to Mrs Catherine Margaret McLennan (widow) of Colac and others - mortgage
- 61 more...