1 |
AU NBAC T58-1-1 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
27 Jul 1882 - 6 Aug 1885 |
None |
2 |
AU NBAC T58-1-2 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
14 Jan - 15 May 1884 |
None |
3 |
AU NBAC T58-1-3 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
13 Aug 1885 - 9 Jun 1887 |
None |
4 |
AU NBAC T58-1-4 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
16 Jun 1887 - 20 Sep 1888 |
None |
5 |
AU NBAC T58-1-5 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
21 Nov 1889 - 30 Oct 1890 |
None |
6 |
AU NBAC T58-1-6 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
1 Nov 1890 - 13 Nov 1891 |
None |
7 |
AU NBAC T58-1-7 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
25 Jan 1894 - 10 Oct 1895 |
None |
8 |
AU NBAC T58-1-8 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
17 Oct 1895 - 20 Aug 1896 |
None |
9 |
AU NBAC T58-1-9 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
27 Aug - 3 Dec 1896 |
None |
10 |
AU NBAC T58-1-10 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
23 Dec 1897 - 11 Aug 1898 |
None |
11 |
AU NBAC T58-1-11 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
22 Dec 1898 - 26 Jul 1900 |
None |
12 |
AU NBAC T58-1-12 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
2 Aug 1900 - 26 Sep 1901 |
None |
13 |
AU NBAC T58-1-13 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
3 Oct 1901 - 27 Aug 1903 |
None |
14 |
AU NBAC T58-1-14 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
3 Sep 1903 - 22 Feb 1906 |
None |
15 |
AU NBAC T58-1-15 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
1 Mar 1906 - 14 Nov 1907 |
None |
16 |
AU NBAC T58-1-16 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
21 Nov 1907 - 17 Dec 1908 |
None |
17 |
AU NBAC T58-1-17 |
Minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
7 Jan - 16 Sep 1909 |
None |
18 |
AU NBAC T58-1-18 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
30 Sep 1909 - 13 Apr 1911 |
None |
19 |
AU NBAC T58-1-19 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
27 Apr 1911 - 21 May 1912 |
None |
20 |
AU NBAC T58-1-20 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
28 May 1912 - 4 Aug 1914 |
None |
21 |
AU NBAC T58-1-21 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
18 Aug 1914 - 13 Mar 1917 |
None |
22 |
AU NBAC T58-1-22 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
27 Mar 1917 - 12 Aug 1919 |
None |
23 |
AU NBAC T58-1-23 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
26 Aug 1919 - 15 Nov 1921 |
None |
24 |
AU NBAC T58-1-24 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
29 Nov 1921 - 12 Oct 1926 |
None |
25 |
AU NBAC T58-1-25 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
26 Oct 1926 - 5 Dec 1938 |
None |
26 |
AU NBAC T58-1-26 |
Minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
10 Jan 1939 - 6 Dec 1946 |
None |
27 |
AU NBAC T58-2-1 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
30 Dec 1885 - 8 Apr 1886 |
None |
28 |
AU NBAC T58-2-2 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
1 Sep 1887 - 22 Nov 1888 |
None |
29 |
AU NBAC T58-2-3 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
20 Mar 1890 - 19 Feb 1891 |
None |
30 |
AU NBAC T58-2-4 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
10 Sep 1891 - 9 Apr 1892 |
None |
31 |
AU NBAC T58-2-5 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
6 Oct 1892 - 11 Jan 1894 |
None |
32 |
AU NBAC T58-2-6 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
3 Jun 1941 - 31 Aug 1942 |
None |
33 |
AU NBAC T58-2-7 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
1 Dec 1942 - 26 Mar 1944 |
None |
34 |
AU NBAC T58-2-8 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
27 Mar 1944 - 3 Aug 1945 |
None |
35 |
AU NBAC T58-2-9 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
7 Aug 1945 - 17 May 1946 |
None |
36 |
AU NBAC T58-2-10 |
Rough minutes of meetings of the Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victorian Branch |
7 Jun 1946 - 1 Aug 1947 |
None |
37 |
AU NBAC T58-3 |
Minutes of meetings of the Rules subcommittee |
30 Jul 1925 - 8 Feb 1928 |
None |
38 |
AU NBAC T58-4-1 |
Minutes of meetings of Federal Conferences and the Federal Council |
21 Feb 1909 - 19 Mar 1924 |
None |
39 |
AU NBAC T58-4-2 |
Minutes of meetings of Federal Conferences and the Federal Council |
9 Jun 1941 - 23 Nov 1944 |
None |
40 |
AU NBAC T58-5-1 |
General correspondence |
Feb 1943 - Aug 1945 |
None |
41 |
AU NBAC T58-5-2 |
General correspondence (I to Z only) |
Aug 1945 - Feb 1948 |
None |
42 |
AU NBAC T58-6 |
General correspondence with Launceston, Hobart, Western Australia and Brisbane |
Jun 1941 - Jul 1954 |
None |
43 |
AU NBAC T58-7 |
Roneoed circulars, letters, accounts etc received from the Melbourne Trades Hall Council |
Feb 1947 - Jul 1954 |
None |
44 |
AU NBAC T58-8 |
Correspondence with the Ministry of Postwar Reconstruction and others regarding the general rehabilitation of ex-servicemen in the firnishing trade |
1944 - 1947 |
None |
45 |
AU NBAC T58-9 |
Minutes of meetings of the Furniture Trade Association of Australia and the Standards Association of Australia and correspondence dealing with Standards and Health (Bed and Upholstery) for all states except Tasmania |
1945 - 1952 |
None |
46 |
AU NBAC T58-10 |
Correspondence with the Furniture Guild, the Department of Labour, the Chamber of Manufacturers and the Young Labour Association |
1942 - 1954 |
None |
47 |
AU NBAC T58-11 |
Correspondence with and circulars received from the Australian Labor Party (also correspondence re baby carriages 1942 - 1946) |
1949 - 1954 |
None |
48 |
AU NBAC T58-12 |
Correspondence between Federal Council and Victorian, South Australian and NSW Branches |
1941 - 1954 |
None |
49 |
AU NBAC T58-13 |
Half-yearly and annual balance sheets and annual secretary's reports |
25 Feb 1892 - 31 Aug 1934 |
None |
50 |
AU NBAC T58-14 |
Contributions book of United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
Nov 1898 - Apr 1901 |
None |
51 |
AU NBAC T58-15-1 |
Record of receipts and expenditure |
1883 - 1910 |
None |
52 |
AU NBAC T58-15-2 |
Record of receipts and expenditure |
1910 - 1925 |
None |
53 |
AU NBAC T58-15-3 |
Record of receipts and expenditure |
?1926 - 1946 |
None |
54 |
AU NBAC T58-16 |
Consolidated income and expenditure records of the Federal Council |
1910 - 1925 |
None |
55 |
AU NBAC T58-17 |
Lists of names and addresses of members of Victorian Branch |
c. 1920s |
None |
56 |
AU NBAC T58-18-1 |
Roll of members of Victorian Branch showing membership in each shop |
Jan 1946 |
None |
57 |
AU NBAC T58-18-2 |
Roll of members of Victorian Branch showing membership in each shop |
Mar 1947 |
None |
58 |
AU NBAC T58-18-3 |
Roll of members of Victorian Branch showing membership in each shop |
May 1947 |
None |
59 |
AU NBAC T58-18-4 |
Roll of members of Victorian Branch showing membership in each shop |
Aug 1947 |
None |
60 |
AU NBAC T58-18-5 |
Roll of members of Victorian Branch showing membership in each shop |
Jan 1948 |
None |
61 |
AU NBAC T58-19-1 |
Record of new members enrolled |
1929 - 1941 |
None |
62 |
AU NBAC T58-19-2 |
Record of new members enrolled |
1941 - 1946 |
None |
63 |
AU NBAC T58-20-1 |
Correspondence relating to resignations, clearances, exemptions and transfers of members |
Jan 1943 - Nov 1946 |
None |
64 |
AU NBAC T58-20-2 |
Correspondence relating to resignations, clearances, exemptions and transfers of members |
Aug - Dec 1949 |
None |
65 |
AU NBAC T58-20-3 |
Correspondence relating to resignations, clearances, exemptions and transfers of members |
Jan - Jul 1950 |
None |
66 |
AU NBAC T58-20-4 |
Correspondence relating to resignations, clearances, exemptions and transfers of members |
Jul - Oct 1950 |
None |
67 |
AU NBAC T58-21 |
Bulletin of proceedings in the Commonwealth Arbitration Court |
1927 - 1929 |
None |
68 |
AU NBAC T58-22 |
Arbitration reports and related data |
1947 - 1954 |
None |
69 |
AU NBAC T58-23 |
Copies of awards and determinations mainly relating to furnishing industry |
1905 - 1947 |
None |
70 |
AU NBAC T58-25 |
Copies of Commonwealth and state legislation relating to factories and shops, workers' compensation with various explanatory booklets |
nd |
None |
71 |
AU NBAC T58-26 |
Reports of Royal Commissions etc on various subjects |
c. 1901 - 1904 |
None |
72 |
AU NBAC T58-27 |
Miscellaneous publications relating to apprenticeship, long service leave, wages etc |
c. 1920s - 1959 |
None |
73 |
AU NBAC T58-28 |
Schedules of tools of members insured against fire |
nd |
None |
74 |
AU NBAC T58-29 |
Correspondence relating to membership matters and union vehicles |
1917 - 1941 |
None |
75 |
AU NBAC T58-31 |
Indenture agreements entered into by members |
c. 1941 |
None |
76 |
AU NBAC T58-32 |
Delegates' lists containing the amounts contributed to various appeals by named members |
1942 - 1945 |
None |
77 |
AU NBAC T58-33 |
Ballot returns and unopened ballot papers |
c. 1949 |
None |
78 |
AU NBAC T58-34 |
Names and addresses of various Victorian union organisations with their place, usual time and date of meeting |
c. 1910 |
None |
79 |
AU NBAC T58-35 |
Miscellaneous posters, leaflets, name stamps, rule books etc including a brass seal |
nd |
None |
80 |
AU NBAC T58-36-1 |
Two unidentified men |
1910 - 1920s |
None |
81 |
AU NBAC T58-36-2 |
Tom Mann |
1922 |
None |
82 |
AU NBAC T58-36-3 |
Unidentified man |
no date |
None |
83 |
AU NBAC T58-36-4 |
J O'Shea |
1898 |
None |
84 |
AU NBAC T58-36-5 |
Man, woman and child |
no date |
None |
85 |
AU NBAC T58-36-6 |
Unidentified man |
no date |
None |
86 |
AU NBAC T58-36-7 |
Australian Labor Party Conference |
1937 |
None |
87 |
AU NBAC T58-36-8 |
Trades Hall, Melbourne |
1922 |
None |
88 |
AU NBAC T58-36-9 |
Unidentified man |
no date |
None |
89 |
AU NBAC T58-36-10 |
John Hancock MLA |
no date |
None |
90 |
AU NBAC T58-36-11 |
New Zealand Federated Furniture and Related Trades Industrial Association of Workers, Wellington Conference |
1940 |
None |
91 |
AU NBAC T58-36-12 |
Unidentified couple dancing |
1910s |
None |
92 |
AU NBAC T58-36-13 |
Ben Tillett, English socialist |
no date |
None |
93 |
AU NBAC T58-36-14 |
Patrick Rogers |
1900s |
None |
94 |
AU NBAC T58-36-15 |
Furniture trade banner and float, Eight Hour Day parade, Melbourne |
1900 |
None |
95 |
AU NBAC T58-36-16 |
Trades Hall, Melbourne |
1920s |
None |
96 |
AU NBAC T58-36-17 |
Picnic Committee |
1906 |
None |
97 |
AU NBAC T58-36-18 |
Eight Hour Day Committee, Melbourne |
1921 |
None |
98 |
AU NBAC T58-36-19 |
Union Executive |
1920s |
None |
99 |
AU NBAC T58-36-20 |
Eight Hour Day Committee |
1920s |
None |
100 |
AU NBAC T58-36-21 |
Group of unionists |
no date |
None |
101 |
AU NBAC T58-36-22 |
Conference meeting |
1924 |
None |
102 |
AU NBAC T58-36-23 |
Eight Hour Day Committee |
1920s |
None |
103 |
AU NBAC T58-36-24 |
Australian Labor Party Conference |
1919 |
None |
104 |
AU NBAC T58-36-25 |
Conference photograph |
no date |
None |
105 |
AU NBAC T58-36-26 |
Group of unionists |
no date |
None |
106 |
AU NBAC T58-36-27 |
Conference photograph |
no date |
None |
107 |
AU NBAC T58-36-28 |
Trades Hall, Melbourne (enlargement of T58-36-16) |
1920s |
None |
108 |
AU NBAC T58-36-29 |
Lawrence Cohen (1874-1916), Assistant Secretary, Trades Hall Council; President, Political Labor Council, 1914-16 |
1910s |
None |
109 |
AU NBAC T58-36-30 |
Group of people at Eight Hour Day picnic |
1910s |
None |
110 |
AU NBAC T58-36-31 |
Andrew Baskerville (d. 1906), one of the founders of United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria, established Oct 1868 |
c. 1900 |
None |
111 |
AU NBAC T58-36-32 |
G Cracknell, late Treasurer, Jan 1891 - Mar 1912 |
c. 1912 |
None |
112 |
AU NBAC T58-36-33 |
Frederick Brigden, Senior Trustee for 18 years, NSW Branch |
no date |
None |
113 |
AU NBAC T58-36-34 |
Unidentified portrait |
no date |
None |
114 |
AU NBAC T58-36-35 |
Executive Committee, Victorian Branch |
1910 - 1911 |
None |
115 |
AU NBAC T58-36-36 |
Patrick Rogers, President, Victoria 1896 - 1898 |
1890s |
None |
116 |
AU NBAC T58-36-37 |
Samuel Noel, oldest member and first Secretary of the United Furniture Trade Society of Victoria |
1907 |
None |
117 |
AU NBAC T58-36-38 |
Charles O'Hara, Treasurer of Victorian Society, 1897-1911 and Assistant Treasurer 1911 |
1911 |
None |
118 |
AU NBAC T58-36-39 |
Victorian Picture Framers Union first Executive (labelled with members' names ) |
Jul 1907 |
None |
119 |
AU NBAC T58-37 |
Name banner of Federated Furnishing Trade Society, Victoria |
nd |
None |
120 |
AU NBAC T58-38-1 |
Certificate of registration of an association as an organisation of employees: Federated Furnishing Trade Society of Australasia in Victoria |
3 Sep 1909 |
None |
121 |
AU NBAC T58-38-2 |
Certificate 'In grateful recognition of financial assistance', Broken Hill Lock-out |
1909 |
None |
122 |
AU NBAC T58-38-3 |
Invitation to Jubilee of Eight Hours Movement |
10 Jul 1906 |
None |
123 |
AU NBAC T58-38-4 |
Cartoon depicting E W Cutler |
nd |
None |
124 |
AU NBAC T58-39 |
United Furniture Trade Society drawing by R Booth |
nd |
None |